
I Watched Her in the Mirror


We had been dating for a while. It was pretty sexual almost from the beginning, so its hard to say how long after the first date we officially considered ourselves to be “dating”, but that was all over a year ago. In the beginning, it was a lot of sweet, comforting sex. Diana hadn’t had a good relationship in years, and seemed to be so happy to have someone like me who actually cared for her. I hadn’t dated anyone in a long time, so, honestly, in the beginning I was just glad to be with anyone. But, it didn’t take long for me to truly appreciate how wonderful of a woman Diana was. And I just loved how she adored me. She would have done anything for me. I was so very happy.

So, there were a lot of candlelit dinners, soft, gentle loving making until the small hours of the morning, and great times spent together. As we got to know each other better, we began to expand our sexual tastes. I wouldn’t say it was ‘experimenting’, but more like becoming more and more open about our sexual desires and even a little bit about our fetishes.

We got to the point where we could enjoy just about any type of sex we had with each other. What was even more wonderful is how much we both enjoyed oral sex. We both loved giving and receiving. More than once I had pleased her to orgasm (which she had never been used to before) without expecting anything in return. Usually, I was so turned on that I ‘finished’ all on my own while grinding on the bed (or couch, or floor, or stairs, or kitchen table…) as she came to me.

She often happily returned the favor. One of the most memorable moments was in the middle of the night. I’ve never slept terribly well with someone in my bed, but I rarely slept poorly with Diana. I’m a light sleeper so most movements of Diana’s woke me up, if only for a few moments. So, this night she stirred, which awoke me. As I barely became aware that I was awake, I realized she was moving a bit like she wanted a little space. I rolled over onto my back and breathed deeply. I think the combination of her stirring and my movement and sigh woke her up a little, too.

Diana rolled back towards me, lying her head on my chest. I loved that feeling of her snuggled against my body, and wrapped my arms around her and embraced her. She started kissing my chest, but didn’t linger long, as she moved her lips and kisses down towards my pelvis. I knew where she was going and what she wanted, and so my body was instantly aroused. But my mind never really woke up.

Diana wrapped her mouth around my stiffening body and began slowly sucking back and forth along it. I very tiredly moaned out, and she continued her gentle massaging between my legs with her mouth. There is little better in the world than having a woman you care for that loves to please her man like this. I’m usually happy to return the favor, but I figured she wanted to have me like this. I moved one of my hands to her head to rub her and brush her hair. I moved the fingers of my other hand across the arm she was supporting herself with.

She slid her mouth along me, releasing me and then licking and kissing the full length of me. She took me back between her lips and slowly sucked me and stroked me with one hand. She was enjoying the closeness between us and she took her time.

I’m usually one to take some time to arrive during oral sex. However, being this tired and foggy-minded, the pleasure Diana was bestowing me and the feelings between us, I felt a tingling that meant I knew it wouldn’t be long.

“Ooooooh, Diana,” I quietly whispered. She knew that meant I was close. She didn’t increase her pace, but continued with her soft and tender kissing and suckling on me. She stroked me with her hand a tiny bit more intently, but her mouth was as smooth and comforting as I could ever imagine. I knew she wanted to taste all of me, and I wanted to let her have me. I felt a tingling pressure build in my stomach, and it quickly spread down between my legs. I began to tense my hips and recoil as pressure built deep inside of me.

“Honey, oh….Honey…” she felt the tension begin to release and she paused, holding me in her mouth, waiting for her reward.

I quivered and shook, and the pressure inside my body released. I let go of my first throe and felt the back of Diana’s throat contract as she swallowed me. I quivered again, feeling the next jet of my cum released into her throat, and again she swallowed. I pulsed several more times, with each one, Diana sucked and took all of me into her mouth. I could feel her swallow several more times, as she finished me. She kissed all around me, cleaning me up with her mouth, mindful of how sensitive my body was at that moment.

She kissed my stomach and chest and then kissed me full on the mouth. I could taste the remnants of myself in her mouth and on her tongue. It was incredible. We deeply kissed for some time.

“You don’t mind kissing me right afterwards?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

“Not in the least…actually, I like it,” I quietly replied.

“I illegal bahis just love to take all of you into my mouth,” she whispered. “It feels so good holding my mouth and throat around when you pulse inside of me. I love the feeling of swallowing you, how it feels when your cum slides down my throat.”

I kissed her deeply, and we both were very tired again. But Diana still softly giggled and quietly said “That was awfully quick for you, though!”

I giggled back and hugged her, “That’s because you were awfully wonderful with that!”

It was one of the best I’d ever had. We were both back asleep within minutes.

* * *

Some months later, we went away for New Year’s. We left town early in the morning of New Year’s Eve. I was cranky for getting a speeding ticket on the drive there…I was one day away, Hell, ten hours away from making it a whole calendar year without a speeding ticket. I’m not the world’s most patient driver, and all the other drivers on the road seemed to be acting extra stupid to me as I rushed to get our getaway. Diana gets nervous, or maybe a little afraid when I’m angry, even though I hardly ever got angry with her. I had never yelled at her, and I think she knew in the back of her mind I never would. I did snap at her a few times, especially when she tried to lighten the mood by making fun of me for getting the ticket. That was her little way of trying not to show she was upset. But, she had had terrible experience with men with bad tempers, so she was understandably uneasy.

So, because of my impatience and the speeding ticket, we were already a little on edge with each other. I was happy to be away with her, but the weekend away hadn’t started off quite like I hoped. I feared that it was going to be one of those short trips where you try so hard to have a good time that you end up making everything feel forced, uncomfortable, and generally a blown opportunity to have a great weekend.

Checking into the hotel didn’t help. The hotel was gorgeous. It was just a short walk to a beautiful river walk of restaurants and bars. But the room that was available to us wasn’t the one I had reserved. I’m terrible at asking for what I want as a paying customer, but Diana was mad for me and pushed me into making more of a demand for what I had reserved.

I unwillingly became more forceful with the assistant and pulled the dreaded “May I speak with your manager?” line. Damn, I hated having to say that, and now I had raised the tension to the next level. Not only was I uncomfortable with creating such a scene (even though we were the only people at the desk at the time), but now I had increased the stakes.

I tried to remain calm and polite. I breathed in as the manager quickly came over, seeming eager to meet whatever request I had. I explained that I had reserved a non-smoking room with a king size bed, not a smoking, double. The manager showed some concern and smiled at me. That eased my nerves.

“I’m very sorry about that, Sir.” He looked down at the computer and hit a key in the middle of the keyboard a few times. “I think we have a room such as you requested, but unfortunately I don’t think the maid service will be completed with it for another hour or so.”

I was dismayed, but the manager was polite and looked like he wanted to say more, so I remained silent.

“How about this, I would like to extend our valet to park your vehicle and bring your luggage to that room. While its being prepared, I’d like you to have lunch in our restaurant with our complements. I’m sure that by the time you are finished, your room will be ready.”

Wow, this actually worked! I was still all tense, and Diana whispered to me, “I don’t think its a good idea for us to leave our luggage in a room we haven’t checked into yet.”

I replied to the manager, “Well, thank you. I think that will more than make up for it. But could you leave our baggage in my vehicle and have the valet retrieve it after we’re done with lunch and ready to check in?”

“Most certainly, Sir. I’m very sorry for the delay,” he said.

So, Diana and I went to the restaurant. But I could still feel the tension between us. We had an uncomfortably quiet lunch, and I had a knot in my stomach, fearing that the whole weekend was going to be like this.

I knew Diana was pensive, and I knew that I was the one who had been the cause of the tension. I decided to do my best to end this right now.

“Diana…I’m sorry. I really am. I’ve been a crank-ass almost since the moment we left. That speeding ticket really did set me off, and I’m in a pretty lousy mood because of it. Traffic and check-in didn’t help. But I’d like to get past that all and just have an enjoyable time with you this holiday. I mean, I don’t want to end one year or start another like this. I certainly don’t want to take it out on you. I apologize.”

Diana looked up at me and sighed out heavily. She still seemed upset, but I think apologizing made her feel casino siteleri better.

She was quiet as we were escorted to our room after lunch. I put my arm around her, trying to continue my apology. She kind of hugged me back with her head and shoulder, but I think it was mostly to be polite.

As soon as I had tipped the door man and he left, I closed the door and walked in. Wow, it was a nice room. Large and open, nice furniture, and a window looking out into the city. There was a large, dressing mirror next to the bed. I thought that would be nice for when we get ready to go out tonight. The bathroom was bright and spacious. As we walked around the room, we started to feel better. I think we realized that everything was ok and that this trip would be entirely fun if we just ‘started over’ at that moment.

I walked over to Diana and hugged her, kissed her forehead and looked down at her. Her soft, green eyes and smooth brow showed a bit of waning tension. I kissed her gently on the forehead again, and then over her eye and on her nose. Then I wiggled my nose against hers and scrunched up my face.

I leaned my head against her and put my lips to her ears. “I love you, Diana. You think we can still have a good weekend together? Just kinda pretend its starting right now, instead of a few hours ago?” I whispered.

She hugged me back and held me close as she breathed out deeply. “I love you, too.”

We kissed and held each other for some time. The tension melted away.

As we kissed, Diana pushed her hips to mine. I responded by dragging one hand down her spine to the small of her back and pulled her against me as I pressed towards her. We moved our hips against each other and kissed deeper. Her tongue danced along the top of my mouth, and we breathed through each other. I withdrew my tongue from her mouth and pulled my lips slightly away from hers. I retracted my tongue to just within my lips, and Diana’s slowly followed, and touched her tip to mine. We gently flicked the ends of each other’s tongues before kissing deeply again.

With the bed behind Diana, I began to sit her down. I stood at the edge of the bed as she sat there and wrapped her arms around my waist. She gave me a long hug around the waist before I laid down on the bed next to her. I rolled onto my back and Diana moved over me. We kissed deeply. She kissed along my cheek to the side of my neck, and up to my ear. She softly blew into my ear, before touching her tongue to it. She sucked on my lobe, and then dragged her tongue down the side of my neck to my collar bone. She locked her lips there and sucked on my skin.

I reached up to pull her shirt up. She sat up on me and helped. Her beautiful chest was held up by a simple, soft white satin bra. She helped me remove my shirt, along with my undershirt. She leaned back down and resumed kissing and sucking the skin of my chest. She lingered around my nipples, showing them a bit of attention. Her kisses moved southward, and her soft lips caressed my stomach as she undid my belt buckle. She unbuttoned my pants and opened the zipper, then spread the waist of the pants, exposing the firmness underneath my boxer briefs.

“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned as she pressed her lips to bulge in my underwear. She kept her face close between my legs as she began to stroke me through my last layer of clothing. It wasn’t long before she began to tug at the waist of my pants. I raised my hips and she pulled my pants down, stood up at the edge of the bed, and removed them. She pulled my shoes and socks off, and began kissing up the inner seam of my leg.

I laid my head back and relaxed, enjoying her kissing and stroking of me. She teased me by reaching up the leg of my boxer briefs and gently rubbing her fingertips on my inner thigh and my balls. At the same time she was kissing all around me through my underwear.

Again, she tugged at the waist of my clothing, and I raised my hips as she pulled my underwear off. Her lips resumed their kissing on my hips and around me, but now against my naked skin. Her warm hand finally touched me. She ran her fingers up and down the length of me, looking closely at me, and then up to my face. I was still laying with my head back, but I could feel her looking towards me, so I looked down at her.

I looked deeply into her eyes as she began stroking me. Right next to her face, I could see her hand wrap fully around me and begin stroking up and down. Diana looked direcly into my eyes, slowly opened her mouth, extended her tongue and touched it to me. She slid her tongue down the full length of me and back up to my corona. Without breaking eye contact she opened her mouth wider and pulled me into her mouth. She blinked slowly and sexy and closed her mouth around me as I watched. She pulled my member to her and sank it fully into her mouth.

She moaned out again, “Mmmmmmmmm…” Diana looked down at my hips as she began to slide me in and out of her mouth. Damn, she was good at this. I poker siteleri arched my hips upward to her as she reached the base of me, and leaned my head back. I felt her throat muscles contract around me. I rolled my head to the side, and saw me staring back at myself with half-closed eyes.

The full-length dressing mirror was only a few feet from the side of the bed. As I looked at my own reflection, I saw Diana’s head down into my lap, and her short, blonde hair covering her face. She began to withdraw her mouth from me. Her hair fell slightly from her face.

A beautiful image took shape in the mirror. I could see her eyes were closed, but her face was partially hidden by her hair. She paused, holding me about half-way in her mouth. I had an amazing picture of her soft lips puckered around my stiff body, and through her hair, I could see her eyes closed and a look of happiness on her face.

I wasn’t sure if she noticed or not, but I watched her in the mirror as she pleasured me. I could see the expressions of enjoyment on her face and I could see myself slide into her mouth when she took me deeply. I could see her chest expand with deep breaths. I saw her wrap her hand around me and begin to stroke me with her wetness. She sucked on me and stroked me and I watched it all happening. It was like watching the scene on film. The moans and suckling noises, accented by my own elations brought sound to the images. The warmth and wetness and sensation Diana was providing me with added a new dimension never before experienced. I had never imagined such a perspective, and it was more erotic than anything I had ever known.

Diana seemed to continue on intently with her eyes closed, sometimes clamping them hard shut. I watched the whole sequence of our own love-making play out right in front of me. She sucked on me more hungrily, and stroked me more rapidly. She seemed like she wanted to draw all out of me and take it into her palate. It turned her on having me moving in her mouth, and she wanted to finish me. She became more intent. In the mirror, I could see it in her face. I watched her head bobbing up and down between my legs. I watched my Diana take me fully in and out of her mouth.

I felt my knees tremble and tension rise up from them. At the same time, tingling in my stomach raced down. The sensations met deep between my hips and began to race forward, up to my beautiful lover’s mouth. I fought the impulse to clamp my eyes shut. I watched my hips flex in the mirror, and then thrust slightly upwards. I felt myself release to her, and I watched her tilt her head back to open her throat. I was amazed when I saw her throat move as I felt her swallow my first pulse. My second was even more intense, and I saw her throat flex again. And again. Again. My throes tapered, but I watched Diana’s throat cycle up and down as she continued to milk my fluids from me.

Diana continued to suckle and caress me with her mouth. I reached down to her and gently rubbed head and ran my fingers through her hair as she removed her mouth from me and continued stroking with her hand.

She laid her head on my hip and looked up to me. She looked content, but I knew that what she had just done for me would not go unrewarded.

I reached for her and helped her snuggle up to my chest. As she laid with her head on my chest, I whispered to her.

“Honey, that was unbelievable…………….Did you watch?”

She looked up at me, wrinkled her face, and said, “Watch?”

I motioned to the mirror and her eyes opened wide. “Did you?” she asked in a tone that I couldn’t tell was excitement or horror.

I froze. I feared she was mortified, as if I were ‘spying’ on her. Trying to reassure her, I whispered, “Diana, you were astounding. You looked so beautiful and so sexy as you took me…”

She was quiet for a short moment, then said, “Yeah? Did you like it?”

“Oh, more than I can describe.” If Diana was appalled, the feeling seemed to dissipate quickly. I continued, “I could see all your movements and watched your every expression. It turned me on fiercely.”

It appeared that she was becoming aroused by the thought of me watching her. She asked me to continue to describe the scene to her. As I miticulously portrayed what I had seen, she began stroking me again. It wasn’t long before she slid her opposite hand down the front of her own pants.

I loved the thought and sight of her touching herself. My description of her pleasuring me aroused her. That caused her to stroke me more intently, which also made her want to press her fingertips more firmly against and inside of her own body. It was a perpetuating cycle. The more vividly I described what I had seen, the more it aroused her. The more it aroused her, the more intense she became with touching both of us. The combination of her excitement and touching both of us aroused me.

Diana sat up on the bed and looked at me. She leaned closely to me and said in a deep, quiet voice, “I want you to fuck me.” She paused, but then spoke rapidly, “I want to watch you fuck me. I want to see it and hear it and feel it just like you did. I want to see you sliding back and forth inside of my body. I want to see you pressing full inside of me and feel the pressure deep inside of me at the same instant.”

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