
2020 Beach Rules


A submission for the 2020 Summer Lovin’ contest. This is purely a work of fantasy. All characters are fictional and are at or above the age of 18.


2020 Beach Rules

Wear a Mask, Dress Appropriately, Practice Social Distancing


Fawn stared out at her wiggling toes distractedly. The sun was brutal; even with the ocean breeze she could feel her makeup melting on her sweating face. Her porcelain skin gave away how infrequently she went to the beach. She’d always been more of an indoor cat, despite growing up about a mile from the beach. Her parents had been on her case for months about the fact that she was spending all day inside. Finally, she had relented.

Because of her inexperience, she was already finding that she wasn’t exactly well prepared for the day trip. For one, she had discovered that she’d completely forgotten to pack any water. It had only been a few minutes, but her throat was already starting to feel dry.

Unable to take it any longer, she pulled the bottom of her black cloth mask away from her chin and tried to use her tongue to push out the saliva that was collecting torturously in her mouth. To her embarrassment, it kind of dribbled down from her chin in a lengthening strand for a few seconds before it finally broke and landed on her flat belly. Her hands rubbed it around her skin quickly then wiped off her chin.

Wearing her ring gag under her mask had sounded like such a fun and kinky idea. She’d even tested it a few times in her bedroom over the week to make sure she could convincingly hide it. She had a small head and although her sandy blonde hair didn’t even reach her shoulders, it was long enough to hide the leather straps in the back. Fawn was quickly realizing that she hadn’t thoroughly tested or thought through wearing it for an extended period of time, though.

Like, that she was having to keep her chin up at all times so that she wasn’t constantly drooling on the fabric.

Really, she had only ever actually used it for a few minutes at a time during bedroom play. Long enough to know it forced her to hypersalivate and made her completely unable to swallow. Fawn hadn’t exactly thought that much about the logistics of that combination long term, under a face mask, and in public. It had just sounded, like, so hot!

The disposable flip phone on her beach towel vibrated against her thigh. She opened it and felt her cheeks flush. ‘That was charming.’ Her green eyes shot a fierce look at her actual phone, which was propped up in front of her on the picnic basket she’d brought with her. ‘Did anyone see u little slut?’ Fawn shook her head mutely no. ‘Well, since you’re being a good girl, I think you get a treat. You can have one of the candies I sent.’

She crawled over to her basket–making sure to position herself so that the modest cleavage between her bikini-clad mounds would be on display for the phone camera–and opened the package inside. She’d gotten it in the mail a few days before with instructions not to open it before she got to the beach. Of course, she’d been a good girl and obeyed.

The candy he was talking about was conveniently at the top. To her surprise, the bag was already opened and as she inspected the contents she found it had obviously been picked through. Only the yellow wrappers remained, though the packaging had green and red and so on pictured as well. She unwrapped out and popped the equally yellow square under her mask and between her forcibly-parted lips.

Panic spread from her tongue to the rest of her body as she immediately realized why he’d left only lemon candies. Her mouth was desperate to swallow the sickly sour flavor, but totally unable to. She couldn’t even pucker her face though she felt her lips trying on instinct. ‘Please may I spit it out, daddy?’ She texted, looking pleadingly at the camera.

‘You should see the look on your face… In fact…’ A moment later a picture appeared of a familiar erect cock in front of a computer screen. Her tiny, bikini-clad body filled the screen. Her hands were clutching the towel beneath her and her eyes seemed to be crossed in panic. Fawn hadn’t realized how ridiculous she’d looked. In public. It made anadoluyakasikadin.com her even more self conscious about how she looked now. She tried to swallow the mouthful of thick lemony spit again, but it was futile.

‘Birdcage’ She wrote when she felt like she was moments from gagging. Her hand lifted the bottom of her mask again–further this time and without much consideration for hiding what was underneath–and she drooped her head down. The remainder of the candy fell out first onto the crotch of her black bikini bottoms. The liquidy-melty-spity contents of her mouth came out like a thick rope that reminded her of the saliva she produced when she tried to take a cock in her throat.

She quickly attempted to control the mess with her hands, but that only seemed to make things worse.

Fawn wiped off her tongue and let out a few coughs to clear her throat before inspecting the damage. Unlike the previous spit, this was dyed an almost neon yellow and was clearly not going to be so easy to obscure by simply spreading it around her body. At the same time, her burner phone was buzzing, but she didn’t want to handle it with her sticky hands. She had no choice but to abandon her things for a minute or two to clean herself off in the water. Thankfully, the area around her was still deserted.

When she returned to her towel she waved at the camera to show she was fine and then wiped herself dry. Her torso was no longer streaked with the yellow muck, though the front of her bottoms were noticeably stained where the candy had landed and melted in the sun.

‘Are you alright?’ She nodded and gave a thumbs up at her phone. Before continuing, though, she deposited her fresh spit more prudently into the sand. ‘I’m glad to hear it. Hadn’t expected that to make such a big show. You should be more discrete. Do you think anyone saw?’ Fawn shook her head. ‘Well, I have a nice screen recording of it. If no one saw u in person, I think some amateur forums might love to see what a messy slut u are.’

‘No daddy, pleeeeeeease!’

Her heart raced even though she knew it was only part of the roleplay; that it wasn’t a real threat. Well, the recording part was, but they had agreed on that. They’d been recording all of their virtual play sessions since they couldn’t visit each other in person over the summer given the current circumstances. Even when they were together, Fawn loved getting filmed or photographed during sex. It gave so much power to her partner and made her feel like a slutty pornstar.

‘What’re u going to do to convince me not to?’

Coyly, Fawn approached her phone. She glanced around nervously out of frame then pulled the crotch of her stained bikini out of the way of her hairless lips. Her labia, normally small and closed, were visibly puffy with arousal. She didn’t even notice that, though. Her mind was whirling with the fact that she had never, ever exposed herself in public before. Out in the open. It was a recurring fantasy for her, certainly–generally a part of daydreams that otherwise involved dubiously consensual encounters with strangers–but before that moment, never a reality.

‘There’s a new plug and lube in your package.’

‘Okay, daddy.’ She responded. He didn’t have to tell her what to do with them. Anyway, a butt plug under her bikini seemed like an easy task after the lemon drop challenge. She’d had plugs under her clothes at school countless times. They both enjoyed the naughtiness of that. He would always lean over to her when they were together in public and whisper taunts into her ear about what a filthy anal bitch she was being for him. He’d describe what he’d do to her back-cunt as soon as they were alone again, even though in reality they rarely actually engaged in full-on anal intercourse. More often, she would stuff her rear with a dildo as he used her pussy.

The package containing the black silicone butt plug took up most of the box he’d sent her. It was definitely bigger than the largest plug in the set she trained with. The label said it had about five inches of insertable length and a two-and-a-half inch maximum width. Fawn wasn’t entirely sure she was going to get the plug in as she looked at it through the transparent packaging. The novelty lube beside the box didn’t boost her confidence either. It described itself as cum lube on the front and she could see why as she examined the thick white contents. She squeezed a small amount onto her thumb and watched as sticky strings formed when she tapped her index finger in and out of the lube.

Fawn lubed up the brand new plug and applied some more to her sphincter. So it would be a little less obvious that she was trying to put a big plug up her butt, she tried to lower herself onto the toy while holding it under her with a hand. As she felt the tip against her hole, she rubbed herself around it to tease and relax the opening. Her clit tingled as she slipped the tip in and out, preparing her body with the initial girth of the toy. She tried to ease it in slowly but after an inch or two she balked at the size and pulled it out.

After giving the camera an embarrassed look, the girl lubed the toy again and without much effort plunged two slick fingers knuckle deep inside her as to prepare herself internally. She swirled the tips around the soft walls to lubricate and stretch them. The next attempt with the dildo, she made about a minute later on her side.

Just as she began to ease the tip back in, her eyes caught a small group of guys approaching. With a sudden sense of urgency she pushed hard. She pushed and pushed until she felt that she was about to tear, then to her relief the intense girth began to taper. With a deep breath she tapped the back of the long, thin base between her round cheeks. Her eyes blinked out a tear or two either from the initial shock of the entry or the burning fullness stretching her cavity. Fawn also realized she was breathing heavily through her gag into her mask and soaking the cotton.

Meanwhile, the four guys were setting up maybe fifty feet away from her towel. Fawn pulled her bikini bottoms back in place and covertly emptied the contents of her mouth into the sand again, then texted the man watching her to inform him of the new people near her. As she leaned back on her arms and let her body adjust to the plug, she noticed a girl in a bikini scouting out a place to put her towel.

It was the mid-afternoon on a weekday, so either these people were as unemployed as her, or they were taking off work early to enjoy the day. With the steady stream of people joining her on the beach, she realized she wouldn’t even be able to take her plug out with any amount of discretion until she was back in her car.

‘I dare u to put some of that lube on ur stomach.’ The idea made her body shiver. ‘Make it look like I just came all over u and left u like that for anyone to see.’

Fawn tried to look like she was applying sunblock as she followed the instructions. It was a bit too goopy and conspicuous on her stomach, so she spread it around a little with her fingers so that it could conceivably be mistaken for sunblock lines.

When she was finished, she realized that she’d actually inadvertently made it look a lot more like real cum on her skin. The sight triggered some very naughty thoughts.

The fact that she couldn’t bring herself to rub her pussy out in the open was becoming more torturous by the minute.

‘Do u feel nice and marked?’

‘Yes daddy.’ Glancing at the men, Fawn lifted the lube bottle and squeezed another ‘load’ between her tits. Then she added a thin line down her left thigh, starting from the leg of her bikini. There was no plausible deniability now, not that she could explain anything anyway with the gag in her mouth. She looked like she’d just been publicly gangbanged. ‘After you left, some guys found me sunbathing in your cum, tho.’

‘Really?’ Daddy responded.

‘I told them my daddy would be back any minute but they… used me anyway.’

‘I bet those men pulled your bikini top off your tits too.’

Fawn nodded, pulling the thin fabric off her hard nipples to flash the phone for a moment before covering herself again. In case anyone else was watching, she tried to play it off as a momentary wardrobe malfunction.

An attractive couple walking down the beach caught the attention of her desperate mind. They were probably only about a decade older than her, maybe in their early 30s. Fawn tightened her muscles around the neck of the butt plug to get what stimulation she could as she fantasized about them turning towards her. The tatted-up redhead would nod at her partner knowingly and he would pull the crotch of Fawn’s bikini into the strand of cool cum running down her thigh and push himself inside her cock-craving cunt without any hesitation. Out in the open where anyone could see.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend would, of course, pull Fawn’s face mask down and discover her little secret. The ring gag would surprise her, but wouldn’t stop her from sitting on Fawn’s wide open mouth. The poor girl would have no choice but to sexually service the domineering woman above her as she was fucked hard. She touched her tongue to the damp cotton covering her mouth and imagined it was a pussy, though she’d never actually been with another girl before.

Despite her inexperience, Fawn would quickly make the older woman fill the back of her mouth with her squirt. She’d have to keep it in her mouth as the man continued to fuck her. His girlfriend would steal Fawn’s bikini top off her small but perky tits and taunt her that she was going to be walking back to her car without it. And that she’d be making the trip with her mouth still full of a cocktail of squirt and jizz. That’s when the man would pull out and pump his load onto her defenseless tongue.

She opened her eyes and saw that the couple had long-since passed her. Her smartphone was buzzing, which she knew meant the agreed upon half hour was up. A moment later, the flip phone beside her began to vibrate as well.

‘Fuck, you made me cum so much.’ The message made her feel even more agitated by her lack of satisfaction. Her entire body felt unbearably teased, but it would be another half hour at least until she was back in her own bedroom and able to do anything about it. Even if she tried to get off in her car, it would still be solo. She knew that would feel more than a little empty after such an intensely kinky session. The entire summer had been so frustratingly unfulfilling in that regard.

Fawn ended the call and wrapped herself up in her towel. At least the trip back to the car would still be more than a little exciting. She’d have to walk across the beach with a big plug in her ass, hidden under nothing but the thin material of her bikini bottoms. Then, once she reached the boardwalk, she could finally get a bottle of water. That could be a thrillingly risky interaction if the cashier tried to start a casual conversation.

As she prepared herself to go, she realized that one of the men from the group down the shore was walking straight towards her. He was already close enough to see clearly when she shielded her eyes from the sun with one hand. There was a bottle in his hand and his face was uncovered. As was his toned torso, that would’ve probably made Fawn drool if she wasn’t already salivating from the gag. Strangely, there was something familiar about him.

“Wait a minute. Hol’up. Feeona, right?” He grinned down at her. Her heart pumped painfully in her chest. The guy knew her by name. Her real name. And given what he might have seen… Fuck. She urgently tried to put a name to the hot body standing before her. “I think we were a couple years ahead of you. Shit, I mean, how’re you?”

Fawn nodded mutely, trying to express recognition with just her eyes. That did sound right.

“I saw you out here alone looking a little hot, and I thought you could use a cold one. Didn’t even realize we knew you.” The man opened the bottle with his sturdy-looking forearm then held it out for her. It was certainly a bit of a ‘flex.’ Fawn took the bottle despite the fact that she couldn’t drink it. The refreshing coldness of the glass felt amazing in her hand. She kind of wanted to rub it everywhere.

She found her thoughts wandering to the fact that his cock was really just inches from her face since she was still seated and at eye-level with his crotch. Was it as nice as the rest of him? After five months without dick–with a gag in her mouth and a plug up her ass–it was a hard thing to keep out of her thoughts.

Anyway, she’d already let them use her like a public cum rag. Their ‘jizz’ was still on her skin under her towel. Admittedly, that had just been a fantasy and in that fantasy the encounter had been a bit more anonymous.

“I bet the boys’d love to see you and catch up. Come join us. We brought way too many drinks for just us. You can sit six feet away if you want, but we’ve all just been tested and cleared to go back to campus next week.”

Fawn looked up and nodded, feeling a drop of saliva slip out over her lower lip and dribble towards her chin.

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