Subject: Cinderfella 2: A New Life, Chapter 13 A New Alliance Story: Cinderfella 2: A New Life Chapter: 13 A New Alliance? Author: Eric McQueen (mcqueen.richarderic@) Mature Readers only due to sexual situations and graphic sexual content Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to fty/ or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime! A new alliance is needed from a former dreaded nemesis. A New Alliance? The next day we woke the boys, who didn’t appear surprised we were home in Royal Valley. They were delighted to be home. Getting them up Toby was signing, and Dennis was saying a word he knew well. “Juice!” Seth chuckled. “You’ll get juice, I promise.” He hugged Dennis kissing him on the cheek and neck. “We’ve got a lot of it here.” Coming down, Grace squealed when she saw us…and the boys in particular. She rushed grabbing Dennis and hugged him and then Toby. “My, how you’ve grown!” Grace said to Toby and then smiled at Dennis. “I bet you’re talking up a storm.” Dennis grinned. “Juice, please?” Grace just laughed at our son. “And polite!” She handed Dennis back. “There’s fresh juice in the winery, I’ll get some.” She hurried out to get the precious juice. “No coffee?” Seth growled with a smile. I rolled my eyes, “You can make it, Seth.” Seth shrugged. “Yeah, but I like it when Grace makes it.” He put Dennis in his highchair and went to make the coffee he needed. “I’m sending Sam the message by special courier.” Then he sighed. “It’ll be a week before we get a reply.” He held the long brass metal canister that held Christian’s message inside, secured with Christian’s ring was the impression to show it hadn’t been tampered with. “Do you think we’re safe here?” I asked. It was a concern. Seth shrugged. “I’ll ask for some of the men in town to watch us.” Then he scratched the back of his neck as he thought. “If I know Sam, he’ll send some men to do that.” I nodded. “I don’t understand why this group….fears about a country….or countries that get along. We are two separate kingdoms. Independently ruled.” “From what Anastasia said, they don’t like that we’re ruling. My family or yours.” Seth said as the water was heating for his coffee. “Our families rule because we are in line,” I reasoned. “I know Christian bends over backwards to be fair. I know King Alexander was fair.” I shrugged walking to the cabinet to find us something to fix for breakfast. “And I hate to point out the obvious, but education is just now being e common so most of the people in Blethos and A’Dore can barely read, but they will be able to soon. Things are improving, but we’ve a long way to go yet. You and I were lucky. We were taught.” Seth got his big mug for the coffee, “They think an elected person is better.” I nodded. “They had that in Italia. A democracy is fine, but there has to be someone to elect. There are learned people available, but…” Seth nodded as he saw the water was ready and added the coffee to let it seep. “It may be e logical in the future to elect leaders, but to threaten the lives of Christian, Sam, you, me….it doesn’t add up.” He frowned. “How is their approach to change going to be for the better if we’re killed to achieve that?” “It wouldn’t be better,” I looked at Seth. “There may be a threat to us. There might be a reason for change, but I don’t believe Anastasia was doing anything but getting revenge on Ella for the life she feels she was deserved and cheated from getting.” Seth shook his head, “That I don’t understand. How can anyone hate Ella?” “Well, Anastasia does.” I shrugged. “She, her mother and sisters were…quite good at getting what they want. I guess being cheated out of Prince Charming irritated her.” “But she was nasty before she even had a chance with Christian.” Seth objected. “Some people are just nasty.” Seth inhaled the aroma of his coffee as he poured his mug full. “It even smells better when Grace makes it.” He complained. I patted Seth on the arm and kissing him on the cheek. “It’s the love she adds.” I grinned. Seth nodded. “That must be it.” Things were difficult to get back in the running of our daily lives here in Royal Valley. Helen had been in charge of the Winery and did a good job, so I just backed away and left her to the job. I looked at the books and then left it alone. Seth went to town and had the message sent to Blethos’ capital with a letter from Seth stating the message was to be given to King Samuel and for his eyes only. Meaning the courier was to hand the message to Sam personally and wait for a reply. He could not hand it to some guy in the palace to give Sam and then Seth came back to check on the vineyard. Seth came in for lunch clean! He was never clean when he got home. Ever. He sighed sadly as he entered the house. “You’re not dirty!” I said surprised. He was always having to wash up before eating. Seth frowned as he sat in a chair. “I may need to find another job.” I grunted as I came over kissing him. “I know what you mean. Helen has things well under control. I feel like I’m not needed.” “Nonsense,” Grace said annoyed. “You’re both needed. Royal Valley! We have come one hundred and eighty degrees since you arrived. Most people here now can at least read and starting to do it e. They have jobs and they like living in Royal Valley. That’s a miracle.” She pulled something out of the oven that smelled amazing. A roasted chicken something. “After all those years under Thorne…” she shuddered at the mey. “This has become a very pleasant town to live in.” “I guess we’ll just have to find something else to do.” I grinned to Seth. Seth pouted. “I like getting my hands dirty.” He almost whined. I chuckled bumping our foreheads together gently. “It’s okay, baby. We’ll find you some dirt to play in.” We had been there two nights before I heard someone moving around in our house. Waking Seth to hear it too, we both got up, taking a lamp and I had my sword as we walked quietly through the upper floor. I heard noises from our boys’ room. Dennis was walking now, but never gets out of bed. Toby could, but it sounded too big to be him. Opening the door, I saw the large man leaning over Toby, stroking his hair, but I lowered my sword because I recognized his build in the shadowy moonlight coming through the window. “Demetrius!” I hissed a loud whisper, “I could have killed you!” Demetrius turned covered his lips and shushing us and pointed at Dennis. “You’ll wake him up.” Then he pushed us from the room as he came with us. “He can hear, you know?” I nodded. “We know.” Seth shook his head. “Erik could have run you through!” He stated louder, but still hushed in the silence of the night. Demetrius shook his head as his eyes rolled. “Could have, should have…” then he grinned, “But he didn’t!” Now that my pulse was resuming a normal beat, I grinned at the man. “Demetrius!” I smiled hugging him. “I missed you!” Which Demetrius returned. Seth was now smiling and hugged the man also. “I thought you weren’t coming back. You said you couldn’t.” Demetrius shook his head. “No.” He said as a parent would to a small child. “That’s not what I said. I said I couldn’t come if you called me. You didn’t call me. I came.” He said simply. “But I can’t use the magic for you personally.” I nodded. “But you can use the magic?” Demetrius looked surprised. “You can breathe, can’t you? Of course, I can use the magic; any time I want to.” Then he walked with us downstairs pushing us ahead of him slightly. “I am not visiting you as a godparent, I’m visiting friends, but I’m still godfather to those two little boys.” Seth and I both nodded as we followed him to my office. Of course, he didn’t ask to take the liquor, but he did as he began pouring himself a glass of bourbon. He threw the glass of liquid back and winced as he swallowed. “So why are you here?” Seth frowned. “Just to visit? You can do that in the day time. Why leave us the message about the threat in Christian and Ella’s past?” Demetrius turned shaking his head. “I left that message for Toby.” He grinned. “Come on, Demetrius,” I frowned. “Toby’s smart, but he can’t read yet, not that well. That was for us.” Seth walked closer to Demetrius, “This isn’t fun and games!” Demetrius shook his head and glared at Seth, “Do you think I don’t know that?” He said a little heated. “This is most definitely not a game!” I touched Seth’s arm as I knew Seth was getting angry. “They’ve done a lot for us, Seth. If it weren’t for him and Dara, we might not have met. Nor would we have our boys.” Seth nodded. “Yes.” But he walked even closer to Demetrius. “But I can’t forget that they were the ones that gave Arthur the means to kill my mother and took twenty years from me as I lived in Hell in Thorne Valley. It was fun, Lukus said so.” Demetrius shook his head again. “He said it was exciting.” “That makes it better?” Seth asked. “Christian was almost killed!” “Which they did everything they could to stop it by giving me a means to cure and get there in time.” I reminded Seth. “Because of that, Christian’s alive.” “This time.” Seth nodded to me. “What about next time? What if it’s you next time, Erik? I will die if anything happens to you!” Then he turned back to Demetrius. “And our boys. Christian said, they are the key between our two kingdoms. Erik and me, we’re the connection between the two kingdoms. We have two sons. They are of Blethos and A’Dore!” Then it hit me. I said as I thought about another possibility. “We may be wrong about this group. What if they’re not trying to prevent the uniting of Blethos and A’Dore, but making it happen?” I said incredibly leaning forward in a chair. “They almost got Christian, but because Ella had cold, she didn’t get it and it wasn’t passed to the children. They could have wiped them away and I would be next for the throne. I’d have to take it.” Seth nodded understanding my line of thought “And if they attack Sam and Terry the same way, they could do the same thing to Blethos, and I would be next in line for the throne.” Seth’s eyes widened. “And our sons…” It hit me even harder. “They are legally our sons! We declared it publicly and it is a matter of record. Putting them in the line of both thrones!” I slapped my forehead for my stupidity for not seeing it sooner. “Both A’Dore’s and Blethos’ law is clear, our sons could become the king of both Blethos and A’Dore!” Seth nodded. “They are our heirs. They are in line for both thrones!” Then he shook his head. “Even if only one family is affected, one of us has to take the throne. If both are killed, we both will have to take the thrones!” I nodded. “And they will inherit both!” I looked at Demetrius. “Tell me I’m crazy!” Demetrius shook his head and sat down, again, as he has many times, the chair slid over to be beneath him. “You’re not crazy.” He said softly. Then he looked fiercely at both Seth and me. “But I’m saying as their godfather; nothing will happen to those boys. No harm will ever befall them, not like this. I’ll protect them like I did you, Erik with that evil man that tried to attack you, putting the boys and Seth in danger to do so.” He looked at Seth. “I know it’s not fair. I would have helped you back when the attack on your home, which killed your mother…but I became your godfather because of Erik.” He pleaded for Seth to understand. “I was his godfather, then yours because of Erik. Understand?” Seth shook his head. “Not really, but the threat to us is real. I’ve got to protect my family!” He walked over right in front of Demetrius. “Who has this planned?” Then Demetrius looked a little uncomfortable. “I don’t know.” “What!?” I asked. “Why not?” Demetrius frowned. “Because….there is another of us involved.” “Another of you?” Seth asked. “Meaning someone capable of using magic?” Demetrius shrugged. “That’s what we believe.” He held his hand out. “Remember you asked me if there were any of us that weren’t that nice? Evil?” I nodded. “There are.” Demetrius sighed. “Just a few, but these people are pretty evil. And there is one…” he shuddered. “She’s very evil.” “She?” Seth questioned. I nodded. “I just told Christian recently, women aren’t the gentler gender. They can be deadly. The lion kills, but the lioness hunts. She is the real danger.” I moved forward in my seat. “Can we fight her?” “You can try.” Demetrius chuckled. “The reason I bring it up, is because I can’t feel her. Not that she’s not there, but I feel nothing. Just like I did with Sam at first.” He said to Seth. Then he smiled. “Who by the way, is on his way here and is only a day away.” Seth’s eyes grew. “Sam? He’s coming here?” Demetrius nodded. “He read the message and wants to talk to you two.” Then he shrugged. “And he’s bringing about ten guards! Eight of which is staying here.” I hate to admit it, hearing that I felt much better. “Great. Oh, wait! Who is this woman? What could she want?” “Her name is Len Na,” Demetrius said sadly. “Leena?” Seth asked. “No,” Demetrius shook his head. “Len Na!” he repeated emphasizing the NA. “She’s older than Lukus, about seven hundred years old and very powerful.” Seth shook his head. “I don’t get it! Why has God not stopped her?” He nearly shouted. “Because he won’t!” Demetrius shouted back, “Any e than he would prevent any human from killing another. Cain and Abel. Arthur and your mother!” He sighed as he said this. I got up bringing Seth to sit down. “But you’re here.” Demetrius nodded. “I am.” “Why?” Seth asked. “Are you going to help us with Len Na?” Demetrius sighed again. “With her? Yes. She’s one of us. We would have to. With the others that are man, you’re already doing a fine job now.” “Do you know who the others are?” I asked. He shook his head. “That’s how we know there is one of us involved. I can’t sense anything about anyone involved.” Then he smiled. “You’re making good reasoning. You found a way to see those little creatures. You’ve come up with a plan to deal with them.” I rubbed Seth’s back. “Seth figured out how to see them. The palace physician found a way to do it better.” Demetrius nodded. “When we…those of my kind are gone, you will have only yourselves to rely on. And you’re doing well.” He smiled. Seth nodded. “Great.” He said without conviction. “Will it be enough?” “It will have to be.” Demetrius shrugged. “I am not your godparent now. Either of yours. I chose you, Erik in the past. I wanted to be your godfather because I saw in you the ability to bring mankind into another kind of magic, science. I was right. And you are the two best parents for my godchildren. That’s why I gave them to you.” “I hope we can be good parents for Toby and Dennis.” I said sadly. “It seems bursa escort there is going to be a battle ahead. I just pray we’re ready for it.” Demetrius smiled again. “You will be.” He said with confidence I didn’t share. Seth and I were waiting as Sam and the guards arrived. They rode up to see us waiting. Sam quickly dismounted and hugged Seth, then me quickly. “I got Christian’s message and came immediately.” Sam said as we walked in the house. “We heard what happened in A’Dore, but I sent a message when I heard, but they said you’d gone to A’Dore…now Christian said we have a new threat?” Seth nodded. “And e news about that threat.” Then he hugged his brother again. “It’s good to see you, Sam.” Then he looked at the guards. “Grace is inside, you’re tired and hungry. She’s fixing lunch for you now. There is also Doris and her daughter. So go in and relax a little.” Sam smiled as we came into the room I used as an office. “You knew I was coming?” I grinned. “We were told.” Sam nodded. “Demetrius?” “That’s who told us,” Seth nodded. “But he’s not our godfather now.” “Why not?” Sam asked. We told him about the bargain and how I had taken a cure for Christian if we agreed we couldn’t ask Demetrius for his help magically. We told Sam about the little creatures used to try to kill Christian and Ella. We told about the Seers and how we found them. Then we told him about this unknown group and Len Na. “Okay,” Sam said rising and began to pace as he thought. “One of these beings…like Demetrius, and others like him, is doing…something to manipulate the thrones of both Blethos and A’Dore.” “We think so,” Seth nodded. “It makes the most sense.” “But you can’t ask Demetrius for help now.” Sam was reasoning. “He offered to help,” I said. “He wasn’t asked to by us.” Sam shook his head in frustration, “I wish I could talk to Christian!” Seth looked at me and then softly said, “You can.” Sam frowned looking at his brother. “He’s a thousand miles away, even with a hard ride…” then his eyes widened. “I wondered…” he pulled the metal container out of his belt. “This document is dated. It is only a week and a half old! You went to Christian with a cure and got there in time. How?” I rose, standing next to Sam, “It must remain as secret as possible, but we have a way of traveling the distance instantly. You can not only speak with Christian but see and even touch him.” “When?” Sam asked. Seth shrugged. “Now, if you like.” Sam was not really sure about this, it sounded impossible, “Right now?” “We’ll show you.” Seth grinned taking his brother pushing him forward by the shoulder toward the stairs. Once upstairs in the attic, I made sure the door to the attic was shut and locked. The mirror was covered by a cloth now to keep it not only clean but hidden even e. I pulled the cloth down and touched the one crystal to hear and speak. “Ella? Christian?” I called. I waited, but since it was daylight out, they were probably doing…things. I hit the other crystal and the image shimmered and I now saw Christian’s and Ella’s bedroom which was vacant at the moment. Sam’s eyes widened as he saw the image change. I turned to Sam. “Please be calm.” I tapped the glass. “Right now, it’s solid.” I touched the other crystals. I put my hand through the image. “Now, we simply walk through.” I grinned as I stepped through and back in A’Dore. Now Sam’s eyes were wide eyed even e! “It’s perfectly safe. Seth and I have done it and our boys. We’re all fine.” Seth grinned shoving his brother forward, “Don’t be a coward.” Sam stepped through followed by Seth. Sam looked around and back at the mirror as I hit a crystal again and it changed to a mirror. “I’m in A’Dore?” I nodded. “You are. In the palace.” I went to the door to the corridor, “We left here a week ago. I need to be careful.” I looked. Fortunately, I saw a servant come that I trusted. I motioned to her. “Can you get Ella, please? Tell no one else I’m here.” The woman bowed as her eyes widened. “Of course, Sire.” She hurried off down the corridor. We only had to wait a few moments before Ella came in the room. “Erik! Seth!” She greeted and looked at Sam. “King Samuel.” She bowed and curtsied. “It’s an honor to see you again.” Sam chuckled. “It’s a shock to see you again!” He shook his head. “This is incredible!” “Sam wants to speak to Christian. Is he at the palace?” Seth asked. Ella nodded. “I’ll go get him!” She took off out the door. Now Sam was looking at the mirror closer. “How does this work?” He looked at Seth and me. “Can we get e?” I shook my head. “We were told these were the only two doorways.” It was a few minutes before Christian entered with Ella. “King Samuel!” Christian grinned. “And my brothers!” He smiled hugging both of us. Sam nodded and produced the letter Christian had written. “I had thought you had…sort of lost it when I saw the date on the letter. Now, I understand.” Christian frowned and then looked sheepish for a simple mistake. “The date, I do it so often I don’t think about it now. Sorry.” “No, but the situation has gotten e..plicated,” Sam said looking at me. “You need to tell him about what Demetrius said, if you haven’t already.” I shrugged. “We only found out about this yesterday from Demetrius.” “I thought he was gone,” Christian stated puzzled. “Gone!?” A voice said incredulously. “I most certainly am not gone.” He walked again out of a wall. None us that knew him was surprised by this anye. And we all knew and met him. “I’m always around, but I was in the neighborhood and when I sensed the doorway was being used, I peeked in.” I grinned. “Hi, Demetrius.” “Hello, Ex-godsons!” He grinned at Seth and me. “You’re here to talk about Len Na and this new threat.” “Yes,” Sam nodded. “This Len Na, if those of you only have a few hundred years left, what is Len Na hope to accomplish with A’Dore and Blethos becoming one?” Demetrius shook his head, smiling sadly. “She thinks it will all fall apart. She might be right. Then again, she might be just seeking revenge.” “Revenge?” Ella gasped. “For what?” Demetrius sighed and sat again and again a chair slid over under him as he came to a rest. “She always complained that men, descended from Adam and Eve got of us thrown out of the Garden.” Seth and I were the only ones that ever saw his chair trick, the others were surprised, but didn’t move. I shook my head. “Woe!” I said sitting in a chair I brought over. “We may have been thrown out of the garden, but wasn’t it Lilith that got herself thrown out?” I argued. “No, she wasn’t thrown out, she left!” Demetrius nodded. “According to legend, yes, but she left because Adam wanted her to submit to him. Which she didn’t feel she should as she was created the same as Adam from the earth and breathed to life by God. Eve was made from Adam.” He shrugged. “In Len Na’s mind you all were cursed.” Christian thought a moment. “I’m not as up to legends as my brother, apparently, but what is Len Na trying to do?” “I’m not sure,” Demetrius admitted. “Wait.” Sam said. “Lilith, Adam’s first wife? Eve? The Garden, as in the Garden of Eden? Are you saying they were real!?” Demetrius grinned at Sam. “Are you saying they weren’t real?” Sam threw his hands up in frustration, “I’m saying I never even considered the story of Adam and Eve as history! The Garden of Eden? Any of it. Are you telling me it happened? It was a story, right?” “Demetrius says that he…and the others like him are the children of Adam and Lilith, not Adam and Eve as we are. That’s how they can access magic. Because Lilith did,” I explained. “And there’s no evidence I can give you to tell you it’s true or false,” Demetrius added. “We’re here. We can access magic. So, is it true? You tell me.” Christian nodded. “And when I was sick, Erik was given a liquid that was supposed to be from the juice of the Forbidden Fruit to cure me.” “Mixed with my blood,” I said grinning at Christian. Christian’s eyes widened and then he shrugged. “Well, I can’t argue with the results.” “So it’s all true.” Sam shook his head. Now he was sitting down. Seth was listening and shaking his head. “You learned all this, Erik?” I chuckled. “I had Professor Bryson, yeah, I had to learn it.” Christian smiled. “I escaped him. He came after I even got married, but it seems it’s paying off.” “But why have us unite, what would come of that?” I asked. “Chaos?” Demetrius shrugged. “There are some of us….very few….who think our birth problems are a result of the Children of Eve. If eliminating the Children of Eve, we might be able to give birth again. There are those that think the balance was thrown off.” He threw his hands up. “I don’t know! I can’t offer proof of any of this. What I know is what I’ve been told for four hundred years. The fruit juice I gave Erik was supposed to be from the Forbidden Fruit. Is it? I don’t know. Did Lilith exist? I can’t prove she did or didn’t, but we can access magic like she was able…” “Can there be a mating of the two?” Ella asked. “Can a Child of Lilith marry a Child of Eve and have a child?” Demetrius shook his head. “We tried that. Not the marriage thing, but just the mating. Children of Eve and Children of Lilith can’t give birth. Now, the Children of Lilith can’t either.” We all just looked at each other a while, each deep in thought. “We can’t battle Len Na,” I said the obvious. Demetrius nodded. “It would be almost impossible. That’s why I came back. I was allowed to come back.” “Can’t you ask God for help? He gives you rules. Does He have nothing to say about this?” Seth asked. Demetrius grinned. “Getting messages, rules or instructions, it’s not like we’re having a conversation now in words. We get these feelings.” He turned to me. “Like when I said I couldn’t come with that Deena woman.” Then he turned to Ella. “A truly evil woman.” Ella smiled and nodded. “So, I heard.” “Anyway,” Demetrius turned back to Seth. “It’s not like He says anything in words. I just…know.” Christian nodded. “Fine.” Sam frowned. “I hear some interesting stories, but whether they’re true or not, what should we do now? Someone nearly killed Christian. They may try again. They might attack me or my family. Seth and Erik!” Demetrius nodded. “Seth and Erik have started that ball rolling. They’ve taken this threat seriously and come up with a way to see these little creatures.” He looked at me. “You have shown him your Seer, Erik?” “I haven’t had time!” I said helplessly. “Oh,” Demetrius said. “Hang on a second, I’ll be right back.” And then he just vanished. Sam’s eyes grew, he still wasn’t used to it, “He’s sort of….flaky.” I looked at Seth who shared a smile. “Yeah, he is,” I nodded. “He grows on you.” It was just a second like Demetrius said it would be when he reappeared holding a Seer. It was one of those new ones encased in metal. He held a lantern. “Here you go.” He put the Seer down and touched the lantern which lit up from Demetrius’ touch alone. “What’s that?” Sam asked pointing at the Seer. “There’s a scraping from a man that caught ill from sex,” Demetrius said simply. He pointed to the glass. “It’s right there.” I walked to Sam. “Look down through the glass.” Sam looked doubtful again, but walked over and looked through the glass, then did as everyone else does, looked at the source then back again. “What are those little things?” “Those are some little creatures, not like the ones that attacked Christian. The world is made up of all kinds of little creatures.” Seth explained. “Only now we can see them.” Demetrius nodded. “Because Seth figured out how.” Sam grinned. “He did?” “I simply said something about magnifying a magnification. Erik came up with the mechanics.” Seth was nearly blushing. “It was a joint effort.” I said putting my arm around Seth, “Combined smarts.” Sam nodded. “I can see that.” “The point is, we have some knowledge of finding these things, but how do we fight them?” Christian asked. Demetrius shook his head. “You’ll have to discover that, but there is a way. I don’t know what it is.” “God won’t tell you?” Ella asked. “You’re not an angel you said.” Demetrius chuckled. “Heaven’s no. I’ve never seen one.” Then he laughed. “Of course, in my youth I some I could swear were. Beautiful women…and a couple of men.” Then his eyebrows waggled. “One I swear looked a lot like that statue of David in Florencia, Italia.” Then he looked at me. “Though the man I met wasn’t…” he pointed toward the floor, “…so small, if you know what I mean.” “Demetrius.” I shook my head. “Well, if I were David, I’d be mad at the sculptor! Offended if he hammered out all those muscles but didn’t make my manhood bigger! Was it really that small!?” Sam, Seth, and I started laughing. “Demetrius!!” Christian shouted and pointed to Ella. “Oh,” Demetrius smiled. “Sorry, but at least you don’t have to worry with Christian.” “Demetrius!!” Christian was turning red as he did when we spoke of him nursing from Ella. Ella was holding her hand over her mouth to hide her amusement. “What?” Demetrius truly didn’t seem to understand. “No man in here was shortchanged like that poor David was imtalized!” “Stop, Demetrius.” I chuckled coming to Demetrius. “The Children of Eve aren’t always that open about…some things.” Demetrius shook his head, “We all know what we’ve got. I’ve got one…” “Just stop,” I said again. “We understand.” I grinned as I turned to Sam. “It seems they have a long life but forget things like modesty and proper discussion topics. He appeared to me when I was in the bath….” “And on us when we were naked,” Seth added coming up behind me. “If Erik had told him not to come while we were intimate, he probably would have.” Then he frowned, “but he would have had to know we were or weren’t….” he looked at Demetrius. “You could see, couldn’t you?” To which Demetrius simply nodded. “Dara had to be reminded, too.” I said to Ella. Now Sam was laughing even harder. “I take it back, he’s not flaky, he’s crazy!” Then he held his hand up. “And I mean a delightful kind of crazy.” Demetrius looked at the amused looks on everyone. “Thanks?” He asked uncertain. Then he was off again. “The thing is, you’re preparing. We’ll be ready to deal with Len Na, but the men of Eve she uses; you’ll have to deal with. You were given a means to communicate faster, use it. But know, both families need to be cautious. I think Len Na is going to use some biological something…those little creatures…I don’t know what. If it’s very dangerous, which it will be. I’ll see you have what is needed to defeat her.” “We need to move forward with finding a way to do that faster,” Christian said. “We can now communicate in a week back and forth we’ll start escort bayan assembling the horse message posts.” “We’ll begin on Blethos’ side.” Sam nodded then looked at Seth and me. “I believe as Christian said, Dennis and Toby will be caught in the middle if they succeed. Uniting Blethos and A’Dore under one king.” He turned to Christian. “Not that I would mind being one kingdom, but it’s hard enough now with two!” Christian nodded understanding, “I know what you mean. Having a kingdom both our sizes is hard. I do my best to hire the right people to be me in the remote areas.” “As do I,” Sam agreed. “But I feel better having spoken with you.” Sam said shaking Christian’s hand. “I look forward to doing it often. I think I’d enjoy your company.” “I enjoyed seeing you, even under the circumstances. We’ll talk again, I’m sure.” Christian said. Sam walked over to Ella taking her hand and kissing it gallantly. “I see the story isn’t all true.” He smiled. “The story says you’re pretty. You are a beautiful woman Ella. And intelligent. I can understand why they say women are the real power behind the throne. My Terry is like you. She’s my rock and sanity sometimes.” Ella smiled and curtsied, “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Sam grinned chuckling. “I think we can dispense with that; may I call you Ella?” “Certainly,” Ella nodded. “Then I am always Sam to you.” I jabbed Seth whispering, “Oh, he’s good.” Seth chuckled. “He always was.” “Now,” Sam turned. “How do I get back home?” We stepped back into our home in Royal Valley. Sam looked back as I touched a crystal, and the doorway was a mirror again. Seth smiled at his brother, “We don’t have to remind you to tell no one, do we?” Sam was still staring at the mirror and then looked at Seth. “And what do I say? I’ve been to A’Dore and back the same day? Who’d believe me!?” He shook his head. “I did it and I don’t believe it yet. If I tell Terry, even she will think I’m crazy!” “But you know you’re not.” I smiled. “We will have to have some better means of communicating with you at the palace in Blethos’ capital than we have. Perhaps we should consider those homing pigeons.” “But for now…” Seth put his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Let’s eat. I’m starved!” Sam stayed the night and then left the next ning he headed back to the capital. Now we had guards at our door twenty-four hours a day. They made rounds circling the house. I explained to Sam how the Seers were made and gave instructions on their construction. After putting the boys to bed, I went in Seth’s and my bedroom where I took Seth’s hand leading him toward our bed. “Are you tired?” Seth grinned as I pulled my shirt off. “A little.” I admitted but took his hand and placed it on my pants covered manhood and then his. “I want you right now. I want my husband to make love to me.” Putting my hands on his chest and pushed his shirt open as my fingers relished the tickle of hairs they crossed. “Make love to me, Seth. I like our connection and I want to connect a little e with you.” “We do every night,” Seth kissed me gently. “I’d love to.” Then his kiss became e intense and consuming. His hands brought me closer as they unfastened my pants, sliding them off. “Slow this time, please?” I asked. “I want e than sex. I want you.” “You have me. However, you want me.” Seth wiggled out of his shirt and slid his pants down and off and then laid us both down as he stretched over me. My arms encircled him and pulled him even closer. I didn’t get the sensations that Seth did when I was the one being made love to like he did when I made love to him. I’m not complaining, it felt really nice, and I loved having him close and the feelings were like a wave over me. Not the explosion he got. After all these years, our favorite way was face to face. To look in his eyes as he was building to release his seed in me. “I love you, Erik,” Seth said softly kissing me again as I felt his release, once, twice and three times! “I adore you.” This was the greatest gift we’d gotten. To join with another human being like this. God or nature itself had given this means to us to connect with another person and who was to say it was just for a man and woman? It worked with Seth and me. I felt connected with Seth again. We were one. “I love you, Seth.” Seth smiled as his lips traced my jaw. “I know you do.” The next day was…well…it was routine. We got up, got the boys up and went down to breakfast. Only now there were four new guests at the table. All guards. One stood as we came in. “Forgive us, Your Highness.” The man smiled. “We’ll be leaving shortly.” Seth and I weren’t prepared for this. “That’s just Seth to you,” Seth corrected. “I am…” then he grinned at me. “…we are the king’s brothers, but I was only a prince a little while and a king a very short while.” He put his arm around me, “But Erik has been a prince all his life…” “But prefers Erik.” I said putting Dennis in his highchair who was now just making sounds. I smiled at the guard who was in his thirties with dark brown hair. “And you all are?” “I’m Quaid,” The man nodded with a slight bow. “This is Darrin.” He introduced the blond man to his right. “There’s Clive and Owen.” He pointed to two dark haired men across the table. He thumbed outside. “There is two e outside that will be going off duty in a few minutes. Clive and Owen are taking their places. Darrin and zzzi are doing the patrol of the area.” Seth nodded. “We hate to bother you with this, but there is a threat right now.” Then he pointed to Quaid’s chair. “Sit, finish your breakfast.” Quaid nodded sitting again, “Your brother told us before he left.” “I know protocol is very important,” I said. “But know, Seth and I are a lot e casual about things here. No need to jump up when we come in the room and we would prefer if we were friendly, if not just plain friends.” Seth nodded, “And really, Erik was trained…and very well I might add…at being a swordsman. He is deadly, but the protection needed is really for them.” He hefted Toby up. “This is Toby. He’ll be three soon, but know, he’s deaf.” Quaid nodded. “We were told that as well. Don’t worry, Your…” he was about to be formal again and smiled. “….habit, sorry. Don’t worry, Seth. No one will get past us.” We caught Owen’s attention. “So, he can’t hear at all?” He pointed at Toby. I shook my head. “As far as I know, not a thing. He got a fever when he was very young, and it damaged the part of his mind he hears with, but he’s very smart.” I grinned as Toby was signing. “See? He loves grape juice and is signing to have some now.” Owen nodded as he witnessed Toby signing. “He has a sign for everything?” Seth sat with our sons before getting his precious coffee. “He does.” Then he chuckled. “Of course, there are signs he makes up, but we understand him.” He gave Toby a sloppy kiss on Toby’s neck making Toby squeal in delight as it tickled. “He’ll be running this vineyard and winery one day.” “Huh,” Owen watched and then he shook his head. “My sister has a little boy. He’s…well…quiet. He never makes a sound except to grunt or just scream. He’s about to be five.” I looked at Owen, “Do you think he’s deaf?” Owen shrugged. “I don’t know, but I remember when there was a loud crash and everyone jumped, but Tommy. That’s when I thought maybe he didn’t hear it.” I frowned. “We’re not experts.” Owen shook his head. “Oh, but you are. You have a son that doesn’t hear, but you tell me he’s smart and is asking for juice. I’d say that makes you an expert.” “I can give you a copy of what we have.” I told him. “What the signs mean and how to use them.” I frowned. “You don’t communicate at all with Tommy?” “His mother can to a point. I haven’t been able to,” Owen said shaking his head. Seth got Toby his juice and gave him the cup. “Toby also reads lips. When you speak with Tommy, are you looking directly at him?” “I don’t think anyone does. Delta does. That’s my sister.” Owen shook his head. He smiled at Toby who was offering some of his juice to Owen who smiled at Toby. “Thank you.” He took the cup of juice and held it to his lips, but didn’t drink, but looked like he drank. Toby signed back. I chuckled. “He said, you’re welcome.” That made Owen sit back a little in surprise. “He did?” Seth chuckled. “He sure did.” He showed Toby gesturing from his chest, out and down to his midsection. “That’s you’re welcome.” Owen grinned. “Okay, how do I say thank you to him?” Seth had Toby look at him. “Show our new friend Owen how you say thank you.” Toby nodded and gestured from his chin down quickly. Owen grinned and did what Toby showed him. “Thank you.” He signed. Then Toby smiled back and did his sign for you’re welcome. “Now you’ve had your first conversation in sign language,” I smiled at Owen. Owen grinned even bigger. “I did! When we go back in a week, I’d like to bring those…things that show the signs and what they mean.” “Are you coming back?” Seth asked. Owen nodded. “A week here, a week going home and a week there, but yes.” “Does your sister work?” I asked. “Not with taking care of Tommy.” Owen shook his head sadly. “I’ve been supporting them since her husband left.” “Can Delta bring him here?” I asked. “Here to live? She’ll need a job,” Owen said. “And what are we here?” Seth asked smiling. “We own the vineyard and winery, she needs a job, we’ll find her one. Bring her here and Tommy.” “Most all of the employees here can speak some sign language and many of the villagers,” I explained. “Grace and Doris can and others. They can teach your sister and Tommy.” Owen smiled nodding as he considered it. “I’ll tell her. Encourage her to do that.” Then he looked up smiling at us e. “I may have to move here, too, then.” I lowered my eyes. “If I can ask, where is Tommy’s father?” Owen gave a shrugging nod. “He left shortly after conceiving Tommy. We don’t know where he is.” Seth nodded. “Just get her here and we’ll go from there.” It was later when Seth came in from the vineyard I sat with him at the table as we ate lunch. Seth was thrilled to be back out in the vineyard working in the dirt again and I was happy to doing all the paperwork. “You know, Seth,” I began slowly. “Why hadn’t we thought of it before? I’m sure Toby isn’t the only child in Blethos that’s deaf. They need help!” “The deaf?” Seth asked. “We’ve been kind of busy.” He chuckled, “What with someone trying to kill your brother, going to…” “I know, I was there, but they need a school for the deaf,” I said logically. “And a school for blind if not for both. Would Terry help with that in Blethos?” Seth chuckled. “I’m sure she would. It sounds like a crusade for her.” I nodded. “I’ll tell Ella tonight. That’s her sort of crusade, too.” He kissed me. “You love having that doorway.” I nodded grinning. “Absolutely I do. I can see Christian, Ella, and the kids e often. I wish we had one for Blethos. I just hope it never breaks.” Seth shook his head. “I’m sure it’s sturdy and it only takes a couple of days to get to Blethos. It takes two weeks to get to A’Dore. It’s fair.” Then he frowned. “So, where are we putting these students? Who will teach them?” I shrugged. “We’ll find somewhere.” I waved at the house. “We didn’t pay a thing for this house. If we need to, we can build a school.” I grinned. “It would be great to have one here, that way when Toby’s ready to go to school, he can go there.” Seth frowned. “He’s being taught fine here.” I nodded. “He is, but he needs to have friends. He needs to learn he’s not the only one that’s deaf. As far as who teaches, well, we’ll hire someone. Teach them sign language and they can teach others.” Seth nodded. “Okay.” He kissed me. “You’re an amazing man, Erik.” He stood up. “I’ll write Sam a letter and send it back by Owen.” That evening I went up to the attic and touched the first crystal. It was later and I knew no one should be in Christian’s and Ella’s room doing anything right then and I didn’t want to see in their room without knowing if someone was there undressed. “Is everyone descent?” I asked quietly. There was my brother’s chuckle. “I think I’m pretty descent. I’m getting undressed for bed but come on.” “I had to be sure.” I touched the other three and stepped over into A’Dore. I grinned as I saw my brother pulling his shirt off and then grinned at me adding. “I’m in Ella’s and my room, I’m undressing, but you’ve seen everything…you are my brother.” Christian shrugged. I walked up and hugged my brother, “It’s great I can come and go like this!” Then I looked seriously at him. “I have to be careful if it’s Ella not to come and the wrong time.” Christian chuckled, “And I thank you for that.” He nodded. “I like having a way to see and touch you if necessary without traveling for weeks.” The door to their room opened and Ella stepped in. “Erik!” She smiled delighted. “It’s wonderful you can come and go like this!” She said hugging me. “I just told Seth the same thing,” I nodded. “It is you I wanted to speak with.” I said to Ella. I produced the papers that Demetrius and Dara had given us for the signs. “We’re opening a school in Royal Valley for deaf children and maybe blind children.” Ella smiled when she heard that, “That’s wonderful!” I turned to Christian. “If I could ask, can you have an artist duplicate these? We’ll need them for the school.” Christian nodded. “Absolutely. I’ll have it done by the end of the week.” He took the papers. “I was wondering…” I said to Ella. “You’re promoting education in A’Dore, would you consider a school for the deaf in A’Dore? Maybe even a school for blind children?” Ella nodded. “You’re right! I’m sure there are hundreds of children in need of help in A’Dore.” She turned to Christian. “And I know where to open one. The orphanage in what was my home isn’t doing well. The Church runs most of the orphanages, but I don’t recall them doing that much for deaf or blind children. The old home would be perfect for one.” Christian shrugged. “You are the Queen.” He grinned kissing her. “And it’s your house. Do it.” Seth was back in the vineyard, and I was dividing my time between paperwork and our growing boys. I found I liked that the winery was doing great under the control of Helen. Not having to worry about the inventory now made my time free e. So, I began teaching e. Dennis was catching on quickly and Toby was a sponge soaking everything in. Toby already knew how to spell most simple things. And Dennis was always watching as I showed Toby and he was learning, too. Christian and I decided for a time when we’d start the doorway. It was a little less than a week when he handed back the original pages I’d given to be copied to the signs. During bursa escort these times Christian kept me up on what Dr. Warren had found and theorized. “But he told me…” Christian said. “There’s something new in my blood.” “New?” I asked, listening e intently. “A new little creature?” Christian shrugged. “I don’t know.” He pulled a drawing of the “new” thing in Christian’s blood. “Of course, all my old blood is gone bad from air and time, but this is what he said wasn’t in there before I was struck by Jean Claude. Only now Dr. Warren says there a lot e.” That alarmed me. “More? They’re multiplying? Are they harming you?” Christian shook his head. “I don’t think so. According to Dr. Warren, they attack whatever gets in my blood. They’re like my little warriors now.” “They are?” Christian nodded. “He’s introduced several other little creatures into a little of my blood which the new little warriors attack. Getting rid of them. They eat them.” I smiled. “They did? What sort of creatures did he give to your blood?” Christian chuckled and leaned in to say quietly. “Now, it was my blood, not me, understand? But he have me things like colds, the pox and even a strain of those little creatures that got the man sick after having sex that made him ill afterwards.” I nodded smiling when he said that, “Have you even caught a cold since I gave you this fruit juice?” Christian thought but shook his head. “It wasn’t that long ago. I just assume I’ve not gotten near someone that had a cold.” “But you have, my boy!” We heard Demetrius said cheerfully as he stepped out of a wall again. “Hi, Demetrius!” I almost shouted, jumping up and hugged the man. “Hello, former godson!” Demetrius greeted back returning the hug. “And my former godson’s brother!” Christian rolled his eyes at the greeting but smiled. “Good to see you, Demetrius,” Then he frowned. “So, I can’t catch a cold?” Demetrius shook his head. “Not for a while. The juice of the fruit will have destroyed any and all attackers in your body, Christian. Erik’s blood gave the sample to follow as you two have the same blood kind, but it will breakdown in time, but still be active a while. Ten or twenty years.” “Years!?” I gaped. “He’s not catching a cold or anything for ten or twenty years?” Demetrius smiled. “He won’t.” “And there is no e of this juice?” I asked. “No.” But he grinned. “You have it right there.” He pointed to Christian. “They are in his blood.” “Natural immunity is done by exposure,” I stated. “If these little warriors do all the work, won’t that cause us to lose any natural immunity?” “It is natural immunity!” Demetrius stated. “Christian’s immunities were impowered to defeat those other little creatures. Those little warriors just gave what he has naturally work harder and win!” “Okay,” I shook my head. “But it’s in his blood. How do we get these things out?” Christian wondered, too. “Besides, Dr. Warren said that my blood and another man got in fight….whatever. My blood didn’t like his or his didn’t like mine.” Christian said. Demetrius nodded. “Because you two had blood of different kinds.” He sighed sitting with us. “How many different kinds of blood do you think there are?” Christian looked at me questioning, but I had no answers. “I have no idea.” I admitted. “Well, you have kind 1, since yours was the first identified. There are others that have kind 2. There are some that have both 1 and 2. And there is kind 3. And in kinds 1, 2 and 3, including 1 and 2. There those that will be different. Some have things that attack. Some don’t. There are other kinds, but…” he shook his head. “That’s a little ahead of why I’m here. There are other men that have knowledge that could help you.” “Who?” Christian and I asked at the same time. Demetrius gave a doubtful look. “Well, he’s sort of north of you, Erik.” “North?” I asked. “There are only a few towns north of us.” Demetrius nodded. “That are parts of Blethos, yes. This man isn’t in any of those. He’s a Creid.” Christian’s mouth dropped open in shock and I was sure mine was. “A Creid!?” I balked. “They’re savages, barbarians! You’re saying they have e medical knowledge than we do?” Demetrius nodded. “On this point? Yes.” Then he frowned. “And who told you they were savages? The only ones you’ve seen were with King Mordor. You’re going to base your opinion solely on what you saw that one time?” I had to stop and think. I remember King Mordor. This huge bear of a man…then shuddered…naked. Not something I care to do again, in spite of my preferring the male form. “I guess I’ve just always been told and I believed it.” He was male, but he was heavy and a bit too hairy. Christian shook his head. “We had them for dinner once in A’Dore…” he said grimacing. “Mom and Dad had them many years ago. I remember Mom saying Mordor disgusted her. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve and slurping…” “So, because he uses his sleeve or even the back of his hand makes the difference?” Demetrius asked. He shrugged. “When it comes down to it, if Len Na strikes and you aren’t ready…” Demetrius shook his head again. “So, he’s got bad manners, but there is a knowledge you need there.” I nodded. “I get it.” Then shrugged. “We’ll just have to go to the Creid capital. I’ll talk to Mordor.” I frowned. “I hope I can forget what I saw.” “Just be happy if he bathes.” Demetrius grinned remembering the visit well. “But it isn’t Mordor the one you need. Ryan is.” I grinned. “Ryan? He’s a doctor?” Demetrius shrugged a nod. “Sort of…his father was. Ryan is learning how to do it, but his father showed him what you need to know.” “How old is he?” Christian asked. Demetrius shrugged. “Late twenties?” I shrugged. “About Seth’s and my age!” I smiled. Demetrius grinned. “And you should get along famously.” “How do I tell Seth?” I grimaced at the idea. “No.” Christian shook his head standing. “No, you don’t go without me!” He stood next to me. “No way in hell.” I chuckled. “Oh really?” I folded my arms over my chest. “And how are you going to do that? You’re supposed to be a thousand miles away! And you are!” “Well, you can’t go alone!” Christian stated simply. “I don’t care what Demetrius said. They earned their reputations as savages and barbarians for a thousand years. You have an escort,” He emphasized each word in the last of his sentence with his finger jabbing me on the chest, “or you don’t go!” I grinned and hugged him. “I love you, too, Christian.” I patted him on the chest. “Don’t worry, we have guards at the house now thanks to Sam. I’ll ask Quaid. He and another man can go with me.” Christian nodded. “See that you do. Speak to me before you leave and whenever you get back!” He told me sternly. “I promise,” I said grinning. Christian nodded, but still not happy. “I love you, too, Erik. I’m not losing you. I won’t!” He hugged me hard and then he turned to Demetrius. “Wait a minute. You know they have knowledge. You even know what it is, I’ll bet. Why not just tell us?” Demetrius frowned. “So, I do all the work. You do nothing, but reap the reward?” Demetrius shook his head. “How are you going to survive when we’re gone?” He sighed sadly. “Men are nothing but little boys. They fight. Why? If they never try to work out differences, there will be no peace. You have got to get along.” He looked at Christian and me. “If you don’t learn to get along…I’m not saying you have to like them; but work with them. Stop seeing with your eyes. Don’t judge because of bad manners or even how they appear. A man is a man. Inside, you are all the same. Until you see that, you won’t have a chance at a future and Len Na wins.” I nodded. “He’s right.” I said to Christian. “We have to be the ones to breech the gap.” I took a deep breath and then blew it out resolutely. “I will be the one. I’m from A’Dore but married a man from Blethos and now from Blethos. Who better than me?” Christian hugged me again, only this time he didn’t let go. He was really worried about how I’d be received. “Just be careful, please.” I smiled at my brother. The concern was clear in his eyes. “I will be. I promise, but we need whatever they know to defeat Len Na.” Putting my face next to Christian’s. “I dearly love you, Christian.” Christian nodded patting my cheek, “As much as I do you. You saved my life, but now I can’t even protect you. I feel helpless.” I nodded. “Now imagine how Seth is going to react.” I chuckled, but not looking forward to telling him and then I brightened. “I’ll do it in the bath tonight.” Christian chuckled. “Spare me details, but when he’s the most relaxed. That’s when you should tell him.” Back through the doorway, I went downstairs to find Seth rocking Dennis and singing softly to our son. Toby was asleep in bed. I put my arm around my husband. “This is a nice image.” I whispered to Seth who looked at me smiling. “How’d it go with Christian?” Seth asked in a whisper getting up and putting Dennis down in his own bed and covering him up. Dennis had a busy day. “Well, they are starting the school for the deaf and blind in A’Dore. I got the extra copies to use and to send with Owen.” I said taking Seth’s hand and we left our sons’ room leaving the door cracked in case of “monsters.” We had a few Seth and I had to chase away. “But I’ll tell you later about some other things. Right now, I want you. Then we take a nice hot bath.” Seth frowned and stopped sensing what I was up to. “You’re starting something I won’t like. I know you.” I nodded. “I am, but for right now, it’s just us.” I said kissing him deeply, consuming running my hands over his arms and sides. “Let’s make love.” Seth chuckled. “We always do.” “I’ll light the hot water heater.” We did make love a couple of times and then we went in the steamy water I looked at Seth. He was e handsome now than when I first saw him. His hard work had chiseled his body to near perfection to me, but now he was seasoning e. I felt the urges in me renew and we’d made love a few minutes ago! “So, what is it?” Seth asked sourly from the other side of the tub. “I am going to see King Mordor of the Creid.” Now Seth sat up instantly alarmed. “No! They will kill you!” I held my hand up. “I don’t think so.” I shook my head. “I’m told they know something we can use to defeat these little creatures Len Na will send us. Only, now they are in Christian’s blood and multiplying. They know how to get them out. These new things in Christian’s blood can save us. They know how to get them out.” “They only thing the Creid know about blood is how to spill it. They’re savages!” Seth’s voice was raised. “Who told you they could?” “Demetrius.” Now Seth sat back fuming as he nodded. “Demetrius said.” He looked at me angrily. “Those beings…whatever they are….Demetrius, Dara, Lukus and now Len Na…have been nothing but trouble.” I knew he’d see the bad. “Not all of them, Seth.” I shook my head and crossed the distance to him. “We are together because of them, Ella and Christian, we have this house and boys…” Seth nodded still angry. “And I lost my mother due to what they told Arthur! We’re like playthings, used by them to amuse themselves!” He spat. I grimaced a little. “Honey, I had a problem when Demetrius told us to go to the Creid, but he’s right. They are men just like we are.” “They are not a thing like us!” Seth shouted in defiance. “How many have you met, Seth?” I asked firmly. “None, thank god.” “So, how do you know?” I asked. “I only know because of one, that’s King Mordor. And we never really met. We’re basing our opinion on what we’ve been told.” I sighed putting my head against Seth’s. “Please, baby, I’ve got to do this. If we’re going to have peace, we have got to reach out to them.” Seth nodded, “Then I go with you!” I chuckled bumping my head gently to his, “I’d love for you to, but we have two little boys. You’ve got to stay here.” “There’s Grace and Doris!” Seth said. “We can leave them with Ella!” I sighed again. “We’ll have to tell Grace and Doris where they are? Where I went and why and if they stay with Ella and Christian, how? No, I go with Quaid and maybe one or two of the other guards.” Seth frowned but was seeing the logic. “This really stinks.” He muttered. “Yeah, it does,” I shrugged. “This may be a good thing, you don’t know.” Seth pulled me closer. “I really hate this.” “I’ll be alright,” I assured again pulling his face toward me kissing him tenderly and lovingly. “I love you. I promise I’ll be careful.” I grinned. “King Mordor won’t dare hurt me. He’d have all Blethos’ and A’Dore’s troops at his throat!” Seth nodded. “After I get through with him, maybe there won’t be a need for the other troops.” The next ning, we saw the usual four guards at breakfast. They greeted us friendly as Seth and I got our boys ready for their breakfast. Dennis picked up the spoon he used and began banging it on the table. I sat at the table and began. “Quaid, since you’re in charge. I have a request.” Quaid nodded. “Certainly.” He said readily. Seth growled fixing Toby to get ready for his breakfast. “Wait until you hear it first.” I smiled at Seth but looked at Quaid. “We need to speak to someone about help with a problem.” I explained about the little creatures and what dangers we as humans were facing. “And I was told we can use the help of a man named Ryan.” Then I paused. “He’s a Creid.” There were forks dropped, men sat back as a couple of chairs scrapped the floor as not one of them was believing what I’d said. “That’s crazy!” Darrin said instantly. “They’re savages!” Quaid said as everyone else had. “You can’t be serious.” Owen gapped. I held my hand up. “Guys! I’m going,” I said firmly. “Now, I know how to get there, but my husband insists I take some of you with me. This is very, very important, gentlemen. I’ve got to go.” Quaid was almost speechless, but then he nodded. “Then, I’m going with you. No question.” “And me, too!” Darrin said. “Count me in.” Owen said. I smiled at them, “Thank you, but this isn’t a war party, so I’ll need just a couple of men, so you decide. We’re not looking for a fight, but we need to see them…one man in particular. We go at the end of the week. Someone has to stay here and protect the house.” I said touching the head of Dennis. “And our boys.” Quaid nodded as they all stood, “Count on us, Sire.” Then they all pounded their chests over their hearts and saluted with their right hands extended out pledging their hearts and loyalty. I grinned as he used that title on purpose and the salute to show loyalty. “Thanks.” Dennis looked up at me, smiled that angelic smile and said. “Juice!” I smiled kissing Dennis on the head and bowed. “I serve and obey.” I turned to get his juice as Dennis laughed. “Dad funny.” Dennis said to Seth. Seth frowned. “I intend for him to stay that way.” He said seriously. I touched Seth on the shoulder, “I’ll be okay.” I assured taking his hand, letting our hands part reluctantly before I went to get the juice. “I promise.” 44