This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time reading this.
Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don’t exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.
Gwen hurried from the mall after her purchase. She was fortunate to have been carrying enough cash to pay for the teddy and the robe; the Lady had stopped her as she had reached for her credit card with an angry reminder that the name on it would identify her as the deviant who had put on the lewd display in the dressing room. That poor, young, innocent clerk, she nattered. You probably scarred her for life.
She works in a lingerie shop and volunteered to take a look-see, the Slut countered. And if she’s so innocent, why is she putting on shows for her boyfriend? Gwen managed to push their bickering aside and enjoy the adrenaline rush of her dressing room escapades and purchase. She arrived home shortly before the first truck did, with just enough time to stash the bag in KD’s closet.
The trucks came back, were unloaded and the employees left. Gwen had dinner waiting for her husband, and they climbed the hill afterwards for a short soak in the hot tub. They had worn robes out into the cool evening air, more for comfort than modesty, and enjoyed the spa as they had come to use the pool—gloriously naked. The couple did not bother to dress again after they had returned to the house for a little TV, and fell asleep that night in each other’s arms.
The Slut chided her the next morning for not taking her bull by the balls the night before and getting the sexual relief she had desired. Tim had not shown any apparent interest in a romantic interlude, Gwen’s nudity in the spa and their bed not enough to get more than a twitch out of his flaccid length. He was tired, give the poor man a break from your sexual perversions, the Lady had advised, but the Slut was convinced that thing between his legs would have come to attention with just a few kisses.
Too late now, Gwen sighed as she sorted invoices. Maybe he won’t be so tired tonight.
Or maybe he’ll be exhausted, the Slut countered. Why take a chance? Take care of business now, and there’s nothing that says you have to close the bank if he wants to make a deposit later.
You’ve got work to do, the Lady warned even as Gwen rose from her desk and headed for the house. Maybe just a quick one, to hold me over until later, no different than a snack before dinner.
She was standing naked by the bed a few moments later, amused by how casual the act of grabbing the two large penises and putting them within easy reach had become. Gwen had come a long way since the first time she had gingerly removed that menacing rubber log from its packaging.
She lay down and let her hands travel up and down her body as sexual thoughts filled her mind. Images of men, naked men, came more easily to her without Tim watching her, and the now-familiar scenario of being on display for a group showing their appreciation played on in her imagination.
Gwen’s free hand made its way between her legs, a finger dipping into her opening to retrieve some moisture and spread it between her lips. She withdrew it and lightly caressed the skin below her opening, her rosebud so close. I never knew they even had toys designed for back there, she thought, taking a moment away from the show she was putting on for the collection of engorged penises in her fantasy. Dorothy had presented them so matter-of-factly. I guess some people must find it pleasurable…her finger pushed deeper, across the crinkled muscle. But I still don’t see how it could relax enough to put anything up there. Natalie’s finger was inside, the Slut reminded her, and it didn’t hurt at all. That’s true, Gwen agreed, remembering her shock at the invasion, but no pain or displeasure. Her finger did its best to center on the muscle in the hopes of testing its willingness to relax, but her weight against the mattress and the comforter below prevented easy access. Gwen raised her head from the pillow and looked about, instinctively checking for prying eyes. Satisfied, she rolled on to her stomach and got up on all fours, pointing her rear end towards the doorway and walking her knees away from each other. The naked woman reached a hand back between her spread legs and slid a finger up and across the skin now above her sex, into the widened gap between her buttocks and on to her rosebud. Gwen found the handstand she was doing annoying and gently lowered her shoulders until her head again lay nestled in the pillow. Her finger circled the muscle, teasing, tingling the nerve endings and erzurum escort daring the owner to push. Gwen accepted the challenge, trying to relax as she initially met resistance, then slid through up to her first knuckle. It felt much the same way Natalie’s had, only nastier, and she was surprised just how tightly the ring gripped her finger as the little muscle reflexively tightened.
This would be a very bad time for Tim to walk in right now, the Lady drily observed, to find his wife’s posterior high in the air with a finger in it. The Slut disagreed. I’d think he’d find that the ultimate invitation.
It’s not as unpleasant as I thought, Gwen reflected, feeling slightly ridiculous in her current pose but also feeling the stirrings of something else. On her back with her husband on top of her had always seemed like the proper way to make babies, but this sent a very different message. Presenting her bottom like this just seemed so primal, so…submissive. It was an unmistakable signal to her husband, or to any male, that she was ready and willing to be taken and used. She removed her finger and reached for the first dildo she could find. Big John, she guessed without looking as she grasped the cudgel, remembering what Dorothy had called it. It was gently placed between her lips and inserted with one slow push, her fantasy resuming with Tim behind her while the others enviously watched and stroked.
She left the giant penis lodged deeply inside her and fumbled for the rabbit, bringing it to life and up between her legs. Gwen meant to apply it to her clitoris, but her sense of sexual exploration was high, and instead it continued on until the length lay nestled between her upturned cheeks. Common sense told her it was way too big to fit “in there”, but the vibrations against the tight little ring certainly felt good, and the aroused woman found herself wishing she had taken the older woman’s efforts to sell her something for back there more seriously. Gwen’s free hand moved to the rabbit’s original destination, and her finger gently circled the hard nub of her clitoris.
The pose, the sense of submissive welcome for the cock inside her, the sensations on her clitoris and anus all combined to drive her to a powerful orgasm. She lay there on her side after, breathing heavily, the faux cock still lodged inside of her, the summoned guilt focused on her exceptionally perverted fascination with her anus.
Gwen’s sexual tension was only temporarily relieved by her session with her toys, and by Thursday night knew Tim definitely needed to be involved for something a bit more fulfilling even after they had finished making love in their more traditional manner. Their routine when they awoke the next morning was unchanged from so many others before, Gwen sending her husband on ahead to the shop, promising to follow as soon as she took care of some nagging housekeeping. He smiled at his wife’s need to leave no stone uncleaned and made his way across the yard still shrouded in the early morning gloom. She joined him twenty minutes later, Eric the only employee to have beaten her.
Gwen made the rounds to each of the crews, giving them their scheduled for the day and a list of items they would likely need to pull from the storeroom. She delivered Tim’s last. “Can you come up stairs and take a look at something before you leave?”
He smiled but didn’t look up as he arranged some PVC on the back of his truck. “Yes ma’am, be right up.” Mike did his best to hide his smile. Yes ma’am? Fuck was he pussywhipped.
She was standing near her desk, facing the landing, when Tim trudged up the last few steps. He looked at her and smiled. “Whattya got for me?”
Gwen didn’t answer, instead looking down and beginning to work the button closest to her nearly-closed collar. He looked on in amazement, instinctively glancing behind him to ensure no one else was climbing up behind him, turning back in time to see the smooth flesh of his wife’s upper chest revealed. She continued down, more skin appearing where her bra should have been, glances of something dark red in color peeking from behind the sides of her shirt as she reached her belly button. Gwen opened one side of the shirt, then the other, flashing the lacy garment barely concealing her breasts. He stepped towards her. “For me?”
“For you after work,” she said quietly, starting to re-button what she had just undone even as he reached for her.
“Aww, unfair,” he complained good-naturedly, watching her skin disappear beneath the denim.
“I thought you liked to be teased,” Gwen asked in a low voice as her fingers worked quickly, worried that she had somehow offended him.
“Well yeah, I do,” he replied with a grin, “doesn’t make it any easier when it’s happening.”
“You can have a better look when you get home. But right now we both have work to do.”
“Hope I can concentrate,” Tim replied taking her in his arms. “You gonna wear it all bodrum escort day?”
“As long as you want me to. Now shoo. Have a good day.”
He kissed her. “It just got better and longer. It’s like Christmas Eve.”
The trucks left soon after, Gwen hurrying up to the barn to complete her morning chores there. The teddy quickly proved itself too restrictive for strenuous activities like mucking, feeding and laying down fresh bedding. Despite her promise to Tim, she considered making the trip down to the house to change into more comfortable undergarments for the day, at least until her husband was due to return. The barn coat hanging on a peg in the tack room caught her eye and suggested another possibility
Gwen quickly stripped down, carefully hanging her work clothes and lingerie in place of the jacket. Ears ever alert to the sound of vehicles in the driveway, she worked in the chill morning air wearing nothing but the old coat and a pair of muck boots, the jacket being removed as well as she began to warm from the physical labor.
She returned to her slacks and shirt after finishing her chores and carried the teddy back to the office, knowing the morning parts deliveries would be arriving soon. Her lack of underwear and the idea of the cute young driver’s reaction had he been let in on the secret made Gwen smile to herself as she signed for the packages. His truck was out of the driveway and she had called Alison before stripping down to nothing for the rest of the day. Her hand seemed to find its own way between her legs as she absentmindedly flipped through paperwork, and she only dressed shortly before the first truck returned.
Tim returned home on time, business-like as usual with the crews while Gwen collected paperwork, said her goodnights, and made her way back to the house to start dinner. He followed along shortly after, even as Cliff was pulling out of the driveway.
“How’s dinner coming?” he asked, hugging her from behind and kissing her neck.
“Just pulling things together now. “
His hand cupped her breast as his head again bent to her throat. “We’re going to bed early tonight, right?”
Gwen smiled and tilted her head to allow him better access to her neck as she concentrated on the frying pan. “It certainly feels like we are. But would you like dinner first?”
“I gotta unwrap it before I eat it,” he replied, running his hand down her midsection. “But I need a shower. I stink.”
“I like the smell of hard work. Go ahead, I’ll get dinner ready so we can spend more time relaxing after.”
She heard the sound of his steps in the hall a short time later. “Smells good, but it -“he turned the corner and stopped. Gwen was still at the counter, chopping yellow squash, but her shirt and slacks were gone and only the lacy maroon teddy remained. “Wow. Every man’s dream. A beautiful woman in sexy underwear cooking dinner. Just need a beer to make this a Super Bowl commercial.”
Gwen did not look up from her cutting board as she reached to her right, grabbed an open bottle, and handed it back to him. Her husband chuckled, moved behind her, and wrapped his free arm around her ribcage. “You’ve become full of surprises.”
She smiled and held the knife steady. “Dinner?”
“Later.” The beer was placed back on the counter and he began to kiss her neck. One hand rested on her hip while the other, still cold from the bottle it had been holding, slid over the bare skin exposed between the two sides of the teddy and up to her lace-covered breast. His kisses moved lower, down her spine, making her shiver. “I’ve been wondering what you had on all day long,” Tim murmured as he sank lower and kissed his way to where the sides of the garment joined to cover the cleft of her buttocks. He groaned a bit as he dropped to his knees, the kisses moving lower, to the exposed skin of first her right cheek, then her left. His lips moved lower, to where the curve of her bottom flowed into her firm thigh. The direction he was moving made Gwen put the knife down and hold the counter to steady herself as she spread her legs in anticipation of his expected route.
His tongue snaked over the strip of skin between her leg and the lacy fabric running through her sex. The kisses reversed their course, Tim slowly rising as they traveled back up her spine.
“It’s beautiful,” he murmured, his hardness pressed between her ass cheeks, only her teddy and his shorts between them. His index fingers gently hooked the straps of the negligee and pulled it off her shoulders, sliding the lace down until it met the flare of her hips. He cupped her now-exposed breasts while his lips returned to her neck. Callused palms grated deliciously over her erect nipples, then continued down her body, down to where the nightie lay bunched about her waist. The tight fabric offered some resistance to being lowered further, but Tim was persistent, working it until it slid free and dropped to her ankles. eskişehir escort
“Beautiful,” he again murmured into her neck as a hand was planted on her mons and a finger began to push down through her valley. “Bedroom. Now.”
Gwen turned off the stove and moved the pan to a cool burner as the finger between her legs worked itself deeper. She was a little surprised he was suggesting—no, ordering, the Slut preferred to believe—a move to a more private spot. The naked woman had been expecting and looking forward to being bent over the counter and taken right there, next to where the vegetables were still simmering. Being lain back on the kitchen table and spread wide had its possibilities, too…Gwen didn’t move right away, enjoying the feel of the body being pressed into her.
“Bedroom,” Tim said again, this time with a gentle thrust of his hips into her rear. She led the way, just knowing her husband’s eyes were on her swinging buttocks, the perverse pride in being the center of his sexual attention swelling in her.
Gwen crawled onto the bed and lay back, watching Tim hurriedly strip down. She smiled as in his lust-fueled haste his erection got caught in the waistband of his shorts, levering it down like the arm on a slot machine until it broke free with an audible slap against the skin below his belly button. That part of the male anatomy certainly seemed better able to take some rough handling better than what hung beneath…
She began to roll to her side in expectation of him lying beside her as he put his knee on the edge of the bed. Tim wouldn’t allow it, reaching out and grabbing her ankles to stop her motion and spread her open. He smiled and began to kiss his way up her calf, up her thigh, and she closed her eyes waiting for him to get to where she knew he was going. She was not disappointed, and the drag of his tongue against the soft folds of her flesh was electrifying. Despite the anticipation of his advance, her hips twitched at the first soft swirl around her clitoris.
The contact was broken, and Gwen opened her eyes in surprise and worry. Was something wrong? She looked down between her legs, Tim grinning back at her. “You wouldn’t believe how many nasty things went through my head today, knowin’ you were struttin’ around the office, wearin’ that.”
I was wearing less, Gwen was tempted to respond. “Like what?”
He hesitated a moment, deciding whether to pair action with confession. His stiff cock settled the debate. “Told ya I like to unwrap my food before I eat it.” Tim rose to all fours and reversed direction, Gwen’s face suddenly shaded by a thigh being brought over it, a pair of heavy testicles hanging just above her lips while her thighs were pulled even wider and stubbled cheeks nuzzled between them. His oral technique was coarser and less practiced than Natalie’s, the tip of his nose rubbing against the skin between her two openings as he enthusiastically licked her, and she loved every moment of it.
Gwen looked up at the novel view above her before delicately raising her head up enough to kiss the dangling sac and run her tongue over it. She could feel his testicles move beneath her probing. Male musk was beginning to work its way through the scent of the soap from his shower, and her cheeks warmed from the heat being generated between his legs. Her hand reached for the length poised above her throat and began to lightly scratch and stroke.
The body above her rose slightly, taking the loose sac out of the reach of her tongue. Gwen wondered if it was a sign her efforts were not being well received. The twitch of his hips made her think that perhaps he was asking for something else, something the Slut said most definitely yes to, and she levered the staff she was holding down towards her lips. His penis seemed spring-loaded, resisting the more she brought it perpendicular to his body, and she was afraid of perhaps pulling it to too far, of breaking it, but the owner didn’t seem to be complaining and his body again dropped a bit at the first hint of her pursed lips welcoming him in.
Her own orgasm was building, the result of a full day of gentle self-teasing followed by the demonstration of her husband’s obvious desire for her. The ravishing of her sex, and the position her husband was in to deliver it, only sped up the inevitable. Gwen did her best to not clamp down on the cock held in mid-stroke between her lips as the first waves broke.
Her thighs clamped around the head between them, just as they had done to Natalie, as she rocked back and forth against the probing tongue. Natalie had just seemed to know what spots to hit during Gwen’s orgasm; Tim was guessing, and to Gwen it was mildly frustrating and excruciatingly wonderful to be left guessing as well. She could teach him, she thought as her senses returned; that might be fun, if she could give ever bring herself to give those kinds of directions.
The penis in her mouth began to slowly thrust again, and Gwen thought she could detect the stronger taste of his semen. She’d finish him like this, if that’s what he wanted, and wondered if it would somehow be different in this position, with the sensitive underside of his tip pressed against the roof of her mouth.