
A Traditional Swim Ch. 02


The evening after our sex at the Y with Mindy watching was my first real “date” with Sara. We went across the River to an older place that had New Orleans jazz and Cajun food. Along with the great food and music, and a couple of glasses of wine, we had many laughs. I was thinking, and hoping, that something was developing between us beyond sex and nudity; although those are certainly both good things.

After dinner, I brought Sara back to my apartment Downtown. It was a little after 9:00 p.m., and dusk was turning into night. Since the weather had warmed and stayed warm, the building had opened the pool on the roof. I figured that there wouldn’t be anyone using the pool after 9:00 on a Friday night, and suggested to Sara that we have a light swim.

Sara gave me a sexy pout. “But, I didn’t bring a suit.”

“I know that you have one swimming outfit with you that looks fantastic,” I replied.

“You really like it?” she asked, smiling.

“I love it, and you wear it very well.”

Sara pretended to think about it a moment. Feigning hesitancy, she said “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to burn off a few of the calories from dinner; and if you like my new swim outfit that well . . . ok.”

We stripped down in my apartment. I pulled out a couple of bathrobes which we put on for the elevator ride. I grabbed my apartment keys, and we were out the door. Fortunately, I had guessed correctly that no one would be at the pool. My building is overlooked by several of the surrounding buildings. Most of those contain offices. Someone working late would have had a lovely view as Sara dropped her robe and dived nude into the pool. A much less lovely sight, I dropped my robe and followed her into the water.

My building’s pool was not designed for serious swimming, and you could cover any dimension in a few strokes. After a couple of half-hearted lengths, I stopped. I was standing in waist-deep water when Sara hugged me from behind. Pleasant as her bare breasts against my back were, my attention was re-focused when she reached down into the water. Her right hand quickly found my balls and she began gently stroking just behind them. It didn’t take a long time for her to get me very hard. I quickly turned around, encircled her, with my arms, and pulled her tightly to me. We both lowered our grips to each others’ buttocks and held each other very tight. During a very long, deep kiss, I was looking into her eyes. I saw light, joy, and, so help me, affection.

Sara finally broke the kiss. Leaning back slightly, she ran her finger lightly across the head of my dick, which was pointing straight up and resting against her belly. “Someone seems excited,” she said.

“Someone knows how to get me excited,” I replied.

“That is good, I would hate to bore you,” she came back in a slightly lower, throaty voice.

Then Sara broke away. As she lunged, I grabbed her around her hips, pulling us both underwater. Underwater, I kissed her and began fingering her. After a short moment, Sara stood up, took my hand, and led me to a side of the pool where the water was only waist deep. Sara pushed herself up onto the side of the pool, facing me. She pulled me very close, wrapped her legs around me, and gently eased herself on to me.

We set up a gentle rhythm, not rushing. Sara gets a truly wonderful look on her face during intercourse, which I was savoring. Then we heard the slam of the metal door between the pool and the elevator.

Looking to my left, I could see that a couple had come onto the pool deck in swimsuits. I saw them well enough to recognize them as a late 20s- early 30s couple who lived in the building. Their expressions made it clear that they were disappointed to find someone else using the pool.

In a chipper tone, Sara called out, “Don’t mind us. We’re just fucking in the pool.”

I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I heard the man mutter “That’s what we came up to do.”

After a few more minutes, Sara gently pushed me away and slid into the pool. Having not yet come, I was still very hard. Sara took my dick in hand and led me over to and up the steps out of the pool. The two of us walked over to a shower near the hot tub. We could see the other couple watching us, so we spent several minutes washing each other thoroughly and intimately. Then we toweled each other off. We walked over to the chair on which we had left our bathrobes. Sara smiled at me and shook her head “no.” We each slung our robe over our shoulder, and walked to the door to the elevator. As we passed close to the other couple, Sara very pleasantly said “I hope that you enjoy the pool.”

We kadikoykadin.com rode down the elevator nude, and walked down the hall from the elevator to my apartment. I was rather glad that we didn’t run into anyone because I was still very erect. Once the apartment door had closed, Sara threw her arms around me and said “That was so … hot!”

I very much needed to finish what we had started in the pool and started maneuvering to enter her there. Sara backed away a bit.

“Not here, only the balcony,” she said, and led me outside.

Sara lay back on the chaise with her legs spread and I mounted her. At that point, we were both too excited to give any thought to being seen; although I could hear traffic in the street below. We were also both too excited to last very long. Sara had a very loud orgasm that started just before I exploded inside her. Exhausted, we lay naked on the chaise looking at the lights in the apartments across the street.

Finally, Sara looked at me, smiled the smile to which I was swiftly becoming addicted, and said “You were right. Feeling exposed is a good feeling.”

The following week, I had lunch with my former colleague Sally. Sally and I had worked together at a large law firm several years ago and had become good friends. We had also worked together a few times since we each moved to smaller practices. Sally was a very intelligent and hardworking person, yet was extremely easy to deal with. She had a great, and occasionally bawdy, sense of humor. Sally had dark red hair, a voluptuous figure, and a lovely face. There had always been “something” between us, but she had been in a serious relationship, then I got married, then she got married, then I got divorced. As far as I knew, Sally was still married.

As I sat down across the table from Sally in a Downtown faux Scottish pub, she asked, “How’s the single life?”

“I’m managing all right.”

“Well, I’ll be finding out,” she said.


“Yes, Bob and I filed for dissolution several months ago. We signed the property division agreement last week, and we have our final hearing in three weeks,” Sally elaborated.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. We had moved in different directions. These days, Bob’s afraid to do anything that he hasn’t done a hundred times before. There are still a lot of new things I want to try in life.” Sally then smiled, tilted her head slightly, and asked, “So, are you in a relationship these days?”

I nodded me head affirmatively.


“I hope so, I think.”

Sally bowed her head slightly for a second, then straightened, looked at me, and said, “The timing has never worked for us, has it? Well, that may take care of what I wanted to ask you.”

Our server arrived to take our lunch orders. After we each ordered our fish & chips, I said, “Well, we won’t know until you ask me and I answer, will we?”

Sally sighed, “It won’t work the way I had hoped. Ok, I have a friend who does catering and event planning. Some of the younger ‘movers and shakers’ in town have approached her about a big ticket charity event at a private mansion in Shawnee Hill [a very affluent and exclusive suburb of our city]. It will be drinks and hors d’oeuvre, then a sit-down dinner, then entertainment. Except, that the youthful heavy hitters want to do something very risqué that the traditional power-people would never do, so my friend needs three couples to work as servers for the cocktail hour and the dinner, in the nude. They don’t want strippers or hookers, and there just aren’t many legitimate servers in this town willing to work in their birthday suits.”

“So you wanted to ask me if I’d work as a nude waiter for an evening?”

Sally nodded her head, “Yeah, I thought we could do it together. We’ve never seen each other naked, and I thought it would be a fun way for me to re-enter single life.”

“I’m flattered that you thought of me; but I really couldn’t do something like that without Sara. But, Sara might be willing to do it. Can you find someone to pair with you? We could still do it.”

Sally was a bit dismissive: “Yeah, I could find a guy willing to get naked with me for an evening; but there is a bit more: the after-dinner entertainment. Our rich young hipsters want one of the couples to have sex in front of them. I thought we could do that too. I don’t suppose your Sara would be interested in that. Oh, and you can’t be paid. That would constitute prostitution.”

“I don’t know. Sara is pretty adventurous. I don’t know what she’d say, but I’m sure she wouldn’t be angry for me asking.”

Sally looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Really. I think I’d like to meet your Sara.”

Sara and I were sitting nude of the sofa in her living room that night when I told her about my conversation with Sally. Sara looked at me for a moment when I finished.

“So, the idea is that we’d spend two or three hours waiting on some wealthy young egoists bare-assed. After we clear off the dessert plates, we’d go to the front of the room and fuck for their viewing pleasure. Is that the idea?”

I nodded. “That’s basically it. Don’t forget that we’d do this on a strictly uncompensated, volunteer basis; throw in the risk that one or more of the guests may recognize one of us, and you have it.”

Sara sat silent for several beats. Then she smiled broadly, and leaned forward and kissed me. “It actually sounds like a lot of fun. Are you willing to do it?”

I thought for a moment, looked into Sara’s eyes, and then I smiled. “Yeah, if you’re serious.”

Sara asked, “Will your friend Sally be doing it too? I’d like to meet her.”

“She’s in if we are. She’ll find someone to partner her. But, the live sex act is ours alone.”

Sara took my penis in her hand. Looking straight into my eyes, she said very firmly, “Good. I don’t want to do this if someone else is doing the sex show.”

I called Sally the next morning to say that we were in. “Even the sex?,” she asked.

“Yes, we’ll do the sex.”

“Your Sara sounds like quite a person. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

Sally and Sara did meet a week later when we met with Sally’s caterer friend to go over what we were to do. Sally was there with a much younger man named Eric. Eric was, obviously, a bodybuilder and seemed very egocentric. When he talked, his sentences all started with “I” and ended with “me.” He was not whom I’d have expected Sally to hook up with, and she shot me a seemingly apologetic glance each time he spoke. Of course, we later learned that he was hung like a horse, which may explain a few things. The third couple we younger: Amanda and her boyfriend Steve. Amanda worked part-time for the caterer. She was a petite girl, and seemed rather plain sitting in our meeting in jeans and a t-shirt. However, she and Steve were the most vocally enthusiastic about being a nude waitress and waiter.

Since none of us were professional servers, most of the meeting focused on basics: how to put plates and glasses before the guests, how to remove used china and silverware, how to respond to common requests. We also covered things like where the event was, what time to get there, and the like. While largely unmentioned, the fact that we would all be working nude was one elephant in the room. The bigger elephant, at least for Sara and I, was not even mentioned.

The event started at 6:00 p.m. the following Saturday. We needed to be there by 5:00. By 4:40, Sara and I were driving through the leafy, and exclusive, enclave of Shawnee Hill. The address we’d been given put us in front of a locked gate. Beyond, we could see a driveway winding up a hill. After identifying ourselves over an intercom, we were buzzed in, and drove what seemed like a couple of miles up a hillside. At the top was a genuine mansion set in the trees, with a working fountain in front. The driveway forked and we were met by a private security guy. After identifying ourselves and explaining who we were working for, we were directed to park around behind the mansion.

Sara grinned at me: “the servants’ entrance.”

We parked next to the caterer’s van, and got out of the car. We had dressed lightly since we’d be taking everything off shortly anyway. As instructed, Sara wore light make-up. We went inside and were greeted by the caterer. We quickly joined Amanda and Steve in setting out chin and silverware on the twenty tables in a large hall on the first floor. Sara and I could not help noticing that the tables were set up in concentric half-circles.

At what would have been the center if the tables had formed a full circle was something that looked like a small daybed draped in a red cloth. The caterer came up to us. She pointed to the daybed and, with seeming embarrassment, said “um . . . , well . . ., that is for your act.”

Sally and Eric arrived as we were finishing the place settings. The caterer called us together. “The cocktails will start on the back patio in twenty minutes. Amanda and Steve will bartend. Sally, Sara, Eric, Harry, you will pick up hors d’oeuvre trays at this kitchen entrance. When your tray is empty, bring it back here and get a full one. Guys, keep your dicks out of the food. Right. I think you should all get undressed now.”

With that, the six of us took all of our clothes off. The caterer gave us a quick inspection and pronounced herself satisfied. Sara, who is a beautiful lady clothed, looks absolutely stunning naked. Nude also flattered Sally’s fuller, curvy figure. Amanda immediately became less plain, revealing a butt so lovely that she should be required to bare it at all times. I’ve already mentioned Eric’s most notable feature. Steve and I just looked like average naked guys.

At first, it was strange and exciting to be walking naked among people wearing tuxes and evening gowns. However, the thrill quickly passed as we coped with the task of serving the guests. From the patio cocktails, the guests moved into the dining hall and we managed to serve a several course meal. It was, frankly, tiring. Most of the time, we forgot we were nude. Although, I would get the occasional reminder when one of the guests, fortunately only female guests, “accidentally” brushed my penis. Sara told me later that she had a number of hands on her ass and a few nipple grabs.

Finally, we had cleared away the desert dishes. The six of us stood near the kitchen entrance as an older man in a tux, the host I assume, stood and addressed the guests. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending this evening and thank you for your generosity. I trust that you all enjoyed the splendid meal and the special attire of our servers. I promised you a unique after-dinner entertainment, which we will do in this room. I know that I can trust you all, but please remember that what occurs tonight is not to be discussed with anyone not in this room. Also, please, no picture-taking. If the staff will proceed.”

That was our cue. I looked at Sara and she smiled at me. She was already breathing faster, as was I, and her nipples were erect. She took my hand, and we walked through the tables full of guests towards the daybed. All of the guests were turned, looking at us. While we had almost forgotten our nudity while serving, I was very conscious of being nude as Sara and I walked through the tables hand-in-hand. It was actually a good feeling. I started to feel a bit proud. We were the ones with no clothes on, not them.

We stopped in the center of the room, in front of the daybed. Sara smiled at me, and her eyes were twinkling. We kissed. Then, Sara knelt down and took my penis in her mouth. Sara gives an excellent blowjob, and this one was special; but her purpose right now was only to get me very hard. She stopped after a few moments. I led her to the daybed, which was end on towards the guests’ tables. Sara lay down on her back with her feet towards the guests. Then she spread her legs wide, exposing her pussy to the guests. I waited a few moments to make sure that everyone had a good look, and then began to go down on Sara.

I stopped once I was sure that Sara was fully aroused. Sara got up, and then got down on the daybed again; this time on her hands and knees facing the guests. I walked behind her, knelt on the daybed, and entered doggy-style. Although not our favorite position, we had chosen this one so that the guests could see our faces and so that we could make eye-contact. Eye-contact was quickly forgotten as I slid into my very wet lover. Sara clenched her muscles around my penis, and we started a gentle rhythm.

We had been told to make the sex last as long as possible. However, being there, naked and humping in front of a room of elegantly dressed people was way too stimulating. Soon, Sara began to moan. I felt her body start to convulse. As I felt myself nearing an explosion, I heard Sara let out a scream.

I must have actually blacked out for a second, because the next thing I remember is Sara and I lying together on the daybed, sweaty and panting. As I remembered the situation, I looked into her eyes, a bit fearful of what I might see there. What I saw was warmth and, I think, love. Sara smiled and kissed me. Somewhat shaky, we helped each other stand up from the daybed.

As we stood up, energetic applause broke out. What could we do? Sara took my left hand, and we stood, naked and sweaty, facing the guests. We nodded our heads to acknowledge the applause.

It may sound humiliating. But, I actually felt wonderful. At that moment, I was very happy that all of these strangers had just watched me make love to an incredible lady. I was proud that we were standing there naked, just us in our skin, holding hands.

We walked back through the tables towards the kitchen holding hands. As we reached the kitchen entrance, Sally said “Jesus, I wish that had been me.”

Quiet Amanda echoed her, “I wish that had been me too.”

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