Hi. I am writing this for my readers who really enjoyed my first story ( Ali’s First Modeling Experience.)
First of all, I would like to point out that I really do like guys. I especially like turning them on. I like to grab their cock and tease them. Girls how do you like feeling their passion growing in your hands? Guys, how do you feel having your cock given absolute attention? I know I get so turned on by grabbing his cock and slowly stroking him. I have recently learned how to absolutely tease him with feather light upward strokes and some pressure downward strokes. Ever so softly teasing him as his passion increases and I can feel him growing in my hands. Then I alternate with feather like downward strokes with more pressure upward strokes.
This teasing brings me more excitement as I increase this tempo ever so slowly. He becomes wanting more and I only tease him more! I continue ever so slowly teasing him and making him want more. Oh do I love this. In fact, I am getting turned on just telling about it. I continue with these feather light strokes. I can feel him getting bigger and harder in my hands. He wants me, but I only tease him more. He is needing release, but I only tease him more. I continue stroking him until he is getting wet with passion and I still continue with my teasing and stroking. My hands are getting wet and very slippery and yet I continue with my teasing and stroking. ( I am getting really wet just thinking about this.) Up and down, my stroking continues, but ever so lightly so he does not get to the point of coming. He wants release, he is begging me to finish him, yet I only continue with my teasing slowly up and down. My hands are getting wetter and very slippery, but my teasing continues.
As my teasing continues, he is in agony begging for release, but he is going to have to wait! I am not done with him. After I have him at the very peak of passion, then and only then, I start to lick him and take him in my mouth. He has become so wet and slippery from all my teasing that I can taste his passion in ways I have not experienced before. I am getting more turned on with his taste. He is begging for release, but I am still going to tease him, but with my tongue. I lick his head ever so slowly tasting him, teasing him more. Oh do I love this. He wants me to finish him off, but he is going to wait. Slowly, I start taking more of him in my mouth, tasting him and feeling his need. Then I start to slowly, ever so slowly, take in more of him. I am starting to increase my pace as I now start to slowly go up and down on him. I know he can not hold out much longer, so I increase my pace, yet I continue to stop and lick his head round and round my tongue goes to taste as much of him as I can.
Then I start increasing my strokes again as I can feel his passion coming. He is yelling I am cumming and grabs my head. I start to increase my strokes as I feel his release coming. He finally cums and cums. I have trouble keeping up with him, but I am going to. He keeps cumming and I keep licking until he is finally spent. I can feel him losing his hardness as he has become completely drained, yet I am still licking him. I am going to get every last drop of his passion. As his passion has become spent, his hardness is disappearing and I have tasted all there is to taste, I finally let him go. HE IS TOTALLY SPENT, BUT VERY HAPPY!
This was how I treated my new boyfriend after my first photo session.
Those of you who have read my first story ( Ali’s First Modeling Experience.) may have wondered what happened later ( I am relating true stories as they happen.). I admit I was very nervous going to his interview and even more nervous during my first photo session. Yet, what I learned, what I felt, and the extreme passion and pleasure I attained that first day of modeling was not going to be given up if I had a choice!
I now knew where his office was. I knew how to find him. I needed to learn more from him. I NEEDED MORE OF HIM!
I finally cornered him in his office. I knew I would have to go slow and easy as I wanted more, but knew it would not be easy. When I caught him in, I merely asked how my pictures came out. He said come back next Wednesday to see them. Well I came back and looked at these pictures. I could not believe what I saw. These could not be me, yet they were. Never have I seen photos with such detail and passion. They were sexy, they were eye catching, They were so very teasing. Then I saw the lingerie photos. I was so nervous at the time these pictures were being taken, but as I became more relaxed, the photos started showing a side of me I never imagined. I felt like a cover girl! These lingerie photos showed how truly sexy I could be, yet I never knew it myself! The later on in the session photos showed a side of me I had only dreamed of, yet they were really here. Photos that could easily be put in a magazine ( And maybe will from what I understand,). I showed passion and desire in these photos. I immediately umraniyekadin.com gained confidence like I never had before. I also knew I was going to get more involved in modeling and with this mysterious photographer!
It must have been my lucky day as this photographer was in a great mood. As he showed me the photos, I started kidding with him and put him in a better mood. For some reason I said Why don’t I run your office? He said Sure, Why not. and threw me the keys. I was in total shock and disbelief! I had wanted more photo sessions, but could never have imagined being PUT IN CHARGE OF THE PHOTO SESSIONS!
That one question has changed forever my outlook on life and my entire future!
He said come to the office every morning and answer phone messages and Email RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHY ONLY! That seemed strange, yet as I have said earlier, this was not only a photographer, but an author and SOMETHING ELSE MORE MYSTERIOUS? I was not to answer the phone, only the messages relating to photography!
I came to his office every morning and answered his Email and phone messages relating to his photography, yet the other messages were unique, mostly first name and call when ready. I was lucky to see him once a week! I told him of his messages and he said when he was ready he would call back. I asked him to get a cell phone so I could call him if there was an important message. He said “THERE ARE NO IMPORTANT MESSAGES!” As I said, he was a man of mystery and this turned me on even more!
One thing he did ask about was if I wanted another photo session and if I had a friend. I had been talking to my friend Bobbi and was trying to convince her to come. She was married and hesitant, but finally relented and we had a photo session. (Read Bobbi’s Day of Fantasy.). She really enjoyed that session and received the greatest passion and pleasure she ever had ever known THIS PHOTO SESSION ABSOLUTELY SAVED HER MARRIAGE!!
Back to the office. With each passing day, I hear these mysterious messages with names only. When this photographer does show up, he merely takes the number and calls later. I am getting more turned on by his mystery and his distance. After my first truly satisfying physical experience with him, I know I want more. He could have me in an instant, yet he does not even ask me out for dinner. I am aware that what I feel for him is probably a fantasy and he probably does not feel the same for me ( Read the ending of my first story.) I have a boyfriend whom I really care about. This photographer is different. This relationship is different. I go out with my boyfriend to parties, to movies and we do other things guys and girls our age do. With this photographer, there is mystery, there is intrigue and most of all THERE IS THE KNOWLEDGE THAT IF I GET HIM ALONE HE CAN PLEASE ME LIKE NO ONE ELSE CAN!
I am slowly gaining his confidence, but there is always this wall between us. I get the impression someone close to him hurt him deeply and now he keeps his distance from any kind of personal relationship. I may be wrong, but this also adds to my desire to be with him.
One morning he came into the office and asked if I wanted to go on a day trip with him. At last, a way to be alone with him. I jumped at the request. He said wear jeans and dress warm. He would meet me at the office at 8 am. He would not say where we were going, but that I would enjoy it.
Deep down, I was sure I would enjoy this trip as I had other plans!!
We drove for several hours and finally made a turn off the interstate. We were in another state and there was a state trooper road check. The state trooper politely asked for license and car registration. He said License, no problem. Registration, now that could be a problem! What! I was beginning to get concerned here! This guy was a mystery, yet I really did not know him. Now he tells this state trooper there is a problem with the registration! Is this a stolen car? Is he going to get arrested? What am I going to do? I do not even know where I am? All kinds of thoughts went through my head as the state trooper went back to his car to call in the license. I angrily asked him what the car registration problem was! He said he never gets his cars registered on time and he forgot to register this one. He merely changes plates and registers the cars eventually. Now this was beginning to tick me off! I said when did you buy the car? He said 3 or 4 months ago!
I am getting really afraid now. He is probably going to be arrested! What am I going to do?
What have I got myself into? As I look back, I see more and more state troopers coming. With every passing minute, I see another trooper pulling up and going to the first trooper car. They are still on the radio. By now there are a dozen troopers. What has he done? This must be serious!
Why so many troopers? There are only 2 of us and now at least a dozen troopers. Does he have drugs in the car? Does he have guns? There has to be a reason for all the troopers converging on us! My mind is racing with anxiety AND THIS PHOTOGRAPHER IS SMILING!?!
Then he says LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!
WHAT! He has a dozen state troopers behind us and HE WANTS TO PLAY GAMES!
He says for me to get out of the car and watch. He opens his door and heads to the state troopers. I decide to get out and at least see what happens. I am sure he is going to be arrested!
Then he yells to the state troopers What is this? The Gestapo! Do you always have road checks and ask to see your papers? Sounds familiar to me!
Oh no! I cant believe this! He just insinuated these polite state troopers were like the dreaded Gestapo of Nazi Germany! I now knew he was going to be arrested.
What happened next shocked me even more. Instead of arresting him, they merely stated they were not that bad yet. Only doing their job. He said he understood. They politely gave him back his license and waved goodbye! A dozen state troopers had just waved and wished him a safe trip in such a polite manner as I have never seen.
Who was this unusual photographer? He definitely was much more than the ordinary person whose flyer I had cautiously picked up only a few short months ago. This mystery turned me on even more. I had to ask.
What was with the state troopers?
My license is red flagged. Guess I have friends in high places. Comes in handy though.
That was all he said on the subject. I knew there was a lot more to this stranger than I was seeing!
Well, back to our trip. We drove another hour, then into some back woods. He stopped the car and said we walk from here. After 10 minutes, we came onto the most beautiful waterfall. It was only 20 feet high, but very breathtaking. It was around 11-12 and the sun was shining. What a romantic setting. Then he took me downstream to more waterfalls and streams. I have never seen such natural beauty, but then he is constantly showing places of great beauty on his photos, so why not show me.
As I said before I went on this trip. I KNEW WHAT I REALLY WANTED! For those of you who have read my first story relating to how I met this mysterious photographer, I knew what I wanted, but was not sure how to get it. GIRLS YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I was once again in this similar sitituation. I knew what I really wanted! How do I get it? Now he was my boss!
As we sat on a large rock, I went up to him and whispered in his ear I WANT YOU!
He merely smiled and I knew what I had to do, He laid back against a tree and I quickly went to his zipper. I slowly pulled down his zipper, unbuckled his pants and slid them off. He was not wearing any underwear. This did not really surprise me, AS I WASNT EITHER!
I took his cock in my hand and ever so slowly started stroking it. As I could feel him growing larger in my hands, I used the feather light stroking technique. Feather light strokes going up and some pressure coming down. He taught me this trick and I learned it well.! His theory was tease and tease until you could take it no more. I was going to tease him until he could take it no more! Slowly up I went with my hand, just barely touching his head, then down with a little pressure. He was getting bigger by the second! My teasing was definitely working. Slowly up and slowly down. Feather light strokes at his head. Bigger and bigger he was becoming as I teased him more. He just laid back and enjoyed. As I slowly applied these feather like strokes, always alternating slowly up, then slowly down, he was starting to become wet from passion. I continued this teasing and stroking spreading his wetness all over my hands and his cock. What a picture. His entire cock was glistening in the sunlight. So large, so wet and so ready! After I had him this worked up, I then started licking him. I liked him all over. Slowly up his shaft and down to his balls, yet never his head. I was saving that for later. Right now I wanted to show I could tease him as much as he did to me. After I felt I could tease him no longer this way, I went for his head. Again I slowly licked his head. I licked all around like a popsicle. I then took him in my mouth and licked him some more
Around his head, at the tip and anywhere else there was a space, I made sure I did not miss a spot. He was getting near the brink, so then I started, ever so slowly to bring him into my mouth. I went up and down on him always slow and deliberately applying a little more pressure with each stroke. I took him all the way in ( Which was not an easy thing to do.) then out to the very tip where I licked and sucked his head some more. Then I took him all the way in again.
It did not take long of doing this that he said Are you ready?
Believe me, I was ready! He soon started to cum and cum and cum. With this much teasing, a guy can build up a lot cum! I was swallowing as quickly as I could until he was totally drained. As before, I sucked and licked him totally clean until he became soft with spent passion. I knew it would be awhile before he was ready again. I also knew, he was not going to leave me hanging!
He got up and slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I did not wear a bra as it was his
rule in modeling- no bra. I was not sure what today would bring, but came prepared for anything, meaning NO BRA.
Oh did I ever need him after what I did to him. I was still coming down from the excitement of pleasing him and with the state troopers. As he slowly and teasingly removed my blouse, I was burning with passion. He could see my breasts were anxiously waiting for him. He took one nipple and slowly sucked on it. It was standing straight out waiting and calling for him. He licked and nibbled and sucked and teased until I could not stand it anymore. Then he went to the other one and did the same. He knew how to tease and tease. I learned that from my first photo session. Here he was teasing me again like he did before. With all this teasing I was getting extremely turned on and yes, very very wet between my legs.
He then had me lay down against this tree where he slowly unbuckled my pants. I was in a hurry and he was going slow. I have never had a guy take so long to get what I knew he most wanted. I did know this was part of his TEASING TECHNIQUE!
As he slowly peeled off my jeans, he could see I did not wear any panties. Again, when I modeled the lingerie
rule was NO PANTIES! I again figured I would be ready for anything.
He could see I was soaking wet from passion, but he still took his fingers up and down my cunt. He ever so slowly rubbed his fingers up and down my cunt, occasionally putting a finger inside me and teasing me more. Then he started to rub my clit. With all the pent up passion I had, I had a tremendous orgasm right on his hand. Only with him have I climaxed with this intensity. After I started to relax, he started to lick my cunt. I was just coming down from a peak and here he was starting me over again. He was tasting my sweetness.. He knew how to tease and please. With his licking, I was getting excited again. He knew, like no other guy I have known, where to please. Believe me- HE KNEW! Within 5 minutes, I was climaxing again like I had before. My juices were flowing and he was licking them up with passion.
As I was coming down for the second, or was it the third or fourth time my mind forgets with all this pleasure, I heard some voices coming. OH NO, NOT NOW! I NEEDED MORE!
We quickly grabbed our clothes and went into the bushes.
It was a young couple, probably senior high school kids.
They stopped right where we had been only a few short minutes ago. Why here? Why now?
I was not done. I was exhausted, but I still wanted more! I NEEDED MORE!
I could quickly see what they had on their minds. It was not that long ago I was just like them.
He started kissing her and she him. This started to become exciting on it’s own. Maybe I would not mind them here after all.
He started to kiss his way down to her neck and further. His hands slowly went for her buttons on her blouse. He was to anxious. She was passively agreeing with his mood. As he fumbled with her buttons, her blouse finally came off. Then he tried to unbuckle her bra. Oh the bra routine. How many times I have been there. The guy wants you and can not get the hooks apart. You want him, but are not going to help the sitituation. All us girls know the feeling well. I am sure all you guys have been just as frustrated by those nasty bra hooks. REASON WHY I DID NOT WEAR ONE TODAY!
Finally he got the straps off and her breasts came into view. She was young,but had very firm breasts and deeply tanned, probably from tanning booth. He was too anxious. He was definitely inexperienced, but she was going along with him, for him. I could see she was getting some pleasure, but not really being satisfied. After a very brief encounter with her breasts, he started to unbuckle her jeans. She then laid down exactly where I was only a few short minutes before and let him pull off her jeans. Then her panties. He was fumbling, he was inexperienced, but he was persistent.
Now remember, we had just jumped into the bushes out of site. I still had my clothes in my hand. Then this photographer said, Put the clothes on the ground and get on your knees. I was very turned on by my previous encounter and now these kids were unknowingly putting on a show for us. I did not realize how turned on I was getting. This photographer knew!
I put my clothes on the ground to protect my hands and knees and got on all fours. The position I was in, I could still see the kids. I did not know if she could see me as I could see her. Her friend had his back to us and was beyond caring anyway. As I watch this kid trying to please his girl friend, I felt something from behind. It was large, very wet and warm.
He was going to fuck me in front of these kids! This was getting exciting. He was going to fuck me while I was watching two high school kids trying to satisfy themselves. I knew I had to be quiet so they would not know we were watching.