All That Glitters – Ch 63
Children on trial. New family members.
The children’s trial threatens the Greater Community. New members for the family. More prophetic dreams.
© bigtddybr December 2023. This story ‘All That Glitters – Chapter Sixty-Three or the series ‘All That Glitters’, cannot be transferred in whole or in part to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and bigtddybr must be credited for this work.
Due to the number of abbreviations, ship listings, and list of characters, in this story, I include a glossary that is now in a stand-alone chapter called ‘All That Glitters: Notes v 13’. Any and all information that you want or need to know about the series is included in Notes. It will be updated frequently simply by re-issuing the chapter to Literotica as a new version.
There is little attempt to explain the back story, so it is necessary to read previous chapters to fully understand where we are.
As before, I claim sole responsibility for the story line. This story is a fantasy, with no basis in reality. Any similarity that you may perceive to current events, people, or situations real or imaginary is completely unintended. Look no further than the story line for its intent and purpose.
A big shout out to my editors, who wish to remain anonymous, for all the help they provide. If you find any errors still left in this chapter, they are mine, as I have ignored sage advise to make a silly point.
Please rate and comment. But keep your comments respectful. If you rant and rave or are disrespectful in your commentary, it will be deleted.
‘Nuff said…enjoy.
The Grand Palace, Capital City, Pod-Saar, The Sharanas System, 109 Light Years from Terra
For the second time in less than six months, the Pod-Drran saw a major fleet arriving in orbit. Unlike the first event, where the fleet was for the transportation of the injured from great earth tremor of the Maha-Rrin, this fleet consisted of the ruling elite of the Greater Community come to act as judges in a trial of members of the Kumar-Pair’s own family.
The ships consisted mostly of the personal yachts of the ruling families of the Interspecies Community, the first time that such yachts were being used for official reasons. There were also several large warships from Sector Fifty-Nine, acting as taxis for the elite of the Greater Community and those ruling families that had not yet received their yachts.
Only one Presidential Class ship arrived in orbit, as the other races did not yet have such a ship in their possessions. That told the Pod-Drran that the President of the Union was at Pod-Saar. The ship’s colours and the name on the hull, in Standard script, confirmed it.
The ships started arriving in the late morning Pod-Saar time, the smaller ships set down at the Palace Shuttle Port while the larger ships sent down their passenger shuttles. They kept arriving until late afternoon as the Palace set up for the guests. The last to arrive were the Sandekk, who came in on The Wanderer and were sent down to the planet in the newly renovated shuttles designed specifically for their large bodies.
“Hello, Shusshhttookkann, my friend. We hope your travel was comfortable?” Kumaraie Ne-Maj Se-Lam Pod-Raie greeted her friend and fellow ruler at the shuttle port.
“It was, Ne-Maj. The Wanderer is more than large enough for our people,” Shusshhttookkann replied. The Kumaraie noted that all of the Imperial Arl was their, as well as Annnarrrekk, and several younger members of the Sandekk that the Kumaraie did not recognize. Younger perhaps but most assuredly adults, which meant they had to be at least 150 cycles in age.
“Hello, Annnarrrekk, I did not expect to see you here,” the Kumaraie commented.
“Annnarrrekk is to be our ambassador to Liramor Twenty-Three, Ne-Maj,” Shusshhttookkann answered for the young adult. “We will bring her there after this trial.”
“Then let us hope that the trial will not take long and that the Greater Community is still welcome on Liramor Twenty-Three afterward.
“The children will be brought here tomorrow but there is much to prepare for this evening. Shall we gather with the other rulers?” the Kumaraie asked.
The strategy session went into the late evening. Everyone was ready for the next day, or so they thought.
Elsewhere in the capital, others were getting together for strategy sessions of their own. Those who were not pleased with recent actions by the Kumar-Pair were plotting how best to use this trial to make the ruling family look bad in the eyes of the people.
Some were members of once Great Houses that had been defeated in the last coup attempt against the Kumar-Pair. Others too, who had once been Great Houses but were now relegated due to the new principles of Great Houses set by the Kumar-Pair, requiring a certain percentage of their household to have achieved distinction. In order to be a Great House now, a House had Ataköy travesti to have a minimum of fifteen percent of their household holding levels of distinction, such as being a Kai-Rai/Ro, Sai-Rai/Ro, a Lin Tae/Ton, a Sin-Dae/Don, or a San-Dae/Don, etcetera. Most of the existing Great Houses were just shy of that mark meaning their status was lost. The individuals could stand in the Great Hall but the House could not stand there as a family. That angered many.
What they didn’t realize was that the Kumar-Pair had implemented this policy to push Houses to work at improving the lot of their members, something that most Houses did not do so well. The Kumaraie had gotten the inspiration from the House of Ur, all of whose members now held distinction and most of whose members had helped to prevent the war between the humans and the Pod-Drran.
The Kumar-Pair were very much aware that the Pod-Drran would have been devastated in such a war. Despite the Pod-Drran being a warrior race, it would be many years before they could stand on par with Humans where battle was concerned, if ever.
This group made their own plans for the next day and pushed forward several of their own as potential Prosecutors. Eventually, one name was settled on. They worked long into the night to prepare her for the next day…
The Grand Market, Capital City, Pod-Saar, The Saramas System
Later that evening, Astalla was walking along the wide roads of the market place looking in the windows of the various shops. Despite the lateness, the market place was vibrant with life. She unexpectedly spotted someone she knew.
“Caäno,” she called out happily. “Come to see the show?” she asked as he approached her in response to his name.
“I was interested in it simply because it involves prophecy,” Caäno admitted. “Are you still hold up in the Castada?” (Castada ne Mylatin – the Grand House of Mylatin, the name of the Grand Palace of the Byandi people).
“I am. Mylatrin Adriné is loath to let me go. She claims to need a Halitez (named prophet) in the Castada,” Astalla laughed.
Suddenly, a large shadow fell over the pair. The pair looked up…and up…and up, at two of the largest creatures they had ever seen accompanied by a somewhat smaller version of the pair.
“Good evening, Elder Shusshhttookkann, Ambassador Annnarrrekk. May I introduce you to my friend and fellow Halitez, Caäno?” Astalla greeted the pair.
“Well met, Caäno, Astalla. It is always a pleasure to meet those who ply the same trade as we,” Shusshhttookkann stated as her translator caught up to the conversation. “I will introduce you in turn to my friend and fellow Elder, Shassshgallann. He will be by my side during the trial.”
Caäno swallowed his surprise and nodded to the three Sandekk. He had never met a Sandekk before and was surprised at just how BIG they were.
Caäno was of average height for a Byandi (around 160cm) and he had to look way up to see the faces of the two Elders when they raised their necks up. At the moment, those monstrous heads were lowered down to look at the pair of Byandi. That was even more frightening as far as Caäno was concerned as those great heads were as long as a Byandi was tall and their mouths were full of very sharp looking teeth. Even the smaller of the three was of an imposing size.
“Stop gawking, Caäno,” Astalla snarled quietly. “It is unbecoming.”
“I’m sorry for staring, however, you are far more than what I was expecting,” Caäno admitted. That brought laughter from the trio of Sandekk.
“So, you will be on the floor for the trial?” Annnarrrekk asked.
“Aye. Unlike Astalla here, I am not so fortunate to be considered among the elite of our people,” Caäno replied to a snort of amusement from Astalla.
“Do not let him fool you, he is one of the foremost Halitez of our people,” Astalla interrupted.
“Did you manage to find something to eat in the marketplace?” Caäno asked, intrigued.
“They gave us several bails of green hay at the palace earlier. I’m sure that they thought of us as some kind of farm animals until we thanked the helpers for the food. We must have scared them out of five years of their lives when we spoke,” Shassshgallann told them with a giggle.
Caäno was surprised to hear something so large actually giggle. He thought about that situation and found it rather surprising. He couldn’t help but giggle himself though the sound was much more expected from someone of his and Astalla’s sizes.
“What do you think will happen?” Astalla asked of the others.
“Hard to say, my sight is unexpectantly closed over this situation,” Elder Shassshgallann informed them. The others agreed with that assessment as none of them could see past the trial and that worried them. “I cannot even say for certain who this prophecy pertains to and that bothers me greatly.”
“There is a turning point coming. One that will not only affect the children but possibly the Greater Community itself,” Annnarrrekk commented.
“We all feel the same. That is why so many of the Ataköy travestileri Greater Community’s Halitez are here for this trial,” Astalla concluded.
Palace Shuttle Port, Capital City, Pod-Saar, The Sharanas System
The Trine arrived early the next morning and was directed to set down in a secured area at the shuttle port near to the walkway that led up to the Palace.
Twelve of the Kumir-Rai were waiting for them at the beginning of the walkway, Kaldar drawn and held over their shoulders. The children were walking just in front of their three parents who were trailed by the remainder of the Piscium household. They smiled toward the Kumir-Rai, all of whom they knew. However, no answering smiles were returned. They children knew then they had a problem but they did not know how to fix it.
Zarreniya took Ikekiya’s hand. ^It is just like in your dream, Ikeki,^ she thought to here sister.
^I know, Zarry. This not good. The dream say we leave Godmother’s family. We need stay and help Prakeshya,^ Ikekiya replied.
^How we do that?^ Zarreniya asked.
^I think it not for us to do,^ Ikekiya told her sister truthfully. ^This dream not ours.^
^I no like this dream,^ Zarreniya told her sister, who she felt agreed with her. The dream about Raymond had been scarry, but they could do something about that and had. It was much scarier when your fate was decided by someone else. The rest of the trip up was silent for the pair but they did not let loose of each other’s hands.
The guard brought the children into a Grand Hall filled to the brim with Pod-Drran, Maha-Rrin, and many guests from the Greater Community. The family was placed in front of the grand stairs leading up to the Kumar-Pair and all the other rulers of the Greater Community, who sat dispassionately on their various thrones or in the case of the Sandekk, on great plates of stone that allowed them to lay down so that their forelimbs could be used as hands.
The Kumar-Pair were in the center of the group, their brood on small versions of backless thrones at their feet. A few other children of the ruling families were there, Martte Varren was there, as were Martte Garnal, Mylat Alafka, and Grace Holloway, who all sat with her parents.
The rulers stretched out on either side of the Kumar-Pair with the two largest species, the Djinaëte and the Sandekk on either side. Junelliya recognized the same senior Sisters that had been to the Second Denders Summit last summer sitting in for the rulers of the Djinaëte people.
The presence of all the rulers was intimidating but it was not meant to intimidate the children. However, the Pod-Drran, the intendent recipients of this intimidation, were a warrior race and it took more than a few high-ranking people to browbeat such.
Below the rulers, on the grand stairs leading to the throne level, where the various senior ministers of the different races. On the floor around the family were many of the curious of the various races. Some were important figures to their governments though of lesser positions than the ministers; some were simply curious and had used connections to be here. By virtue of the fact that they were on Pod-Saar, the predominant group were the Pod-Drran though more than a few Maha-Rrin were present. These were mostly people on Pod-Saar who were waiting their time at the hospital for limb regeneration surgery or going through the later stages of those procedures.
Those who had completed the process were now attending school on Pod-Saar.
The Piscium adults were looking at the rulers on their thrones. They had known of this trial ahead of time but they were still surprised at what they saw. It was evident that the rulers were in ‘ruler’ mode, that is to say they were closed to everything but the judgement that was being sought. There were no smiling faces or welcoming looks.
Hanalei understood this. She had to be the adult on more than one occasion to scold her children. She could not let her feelings get in the way when there was a need to enforce discipline or morals, not with children as powerful as her’s were. She noted that while the rulers were being closed about what they might have to do, she could clearly see that they were not happy to have this burden imposed on their persons.
With a few exceptions, most of the rulers were present, those not there in person, were there via ICS link, their faces on the monitors, their places on the thrones filled by their ambassadors.
The Palace Speaker stamped his Rod of Office and all conversation ceased. He turned and bowed to the Kumar-Pair. The Kumaraie rose to speak.
“Ikekiya Soona-Patak Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Dosri Piscium, and Zarreniya Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Latti Piscium, you have been brought before this court because of the actions you took in the recent incident on Liramor Twenty-Three. Questions of whether you have broken or overstepped the law have been raised and need to be answered.
“Who will stand with this brood as their Defender or Defenders Travesti Ataköy in this action?” the Kumaraie asked.
Immediately, Tempa-Harn Kai-Rai stepped forward. “I will act as their Defender, My Kumaraie,” she answered, giving a low bow. She looked down at and briefly smiled to the two children, giving them a nod of encouragement.
“You, Tempa-Harn? Were you not one of the most outspoken of those opposing Ikekia’s prophecy?” the Kumaroe asked.
“Death is very effective at allowing one to change one’s ways, My Kumaroe,” Tempa replied with a grin and a formal bow.
“Let the records show that Tempa-Harn Kai-Rai has stepped forward to act on this brood’s behalf,” the Palace Senechal stated.
“Who then will stand in opposition, as prosecutor or prosecutors in this action?” the Kumaraie asked. A brief moment passed before someone stepped forward.
“I will act as prosecutor in this trial, My Kumaraie.” Takka-Larn Kai-Rai stepped forward.
Yes, thought the Kumaraie, she would be one of those to step forward.
While Takka-Larn’s family had fought to defend the Kumar-Pair during the last coup attempt, they had lost their status as a Great House, along with most other Great Houses, because so few members of the House of Larn now had distinction of their own. The House of Larn, along with many of the former Great Houses, were not pleased to have lost their status in the Great Hall.
“Let the records show that Takka-Larn Kai-Rai has stepped forward to act as Prosecutor for this trial,” the Palace Senechal stated.
“Because of the age of these two and the fact that they are named in prophecy by so many different races, no one single person can sit in judgement of you so we, the rulers of all of the fourteen races, are here to judge your actions and your guilt or innocence,” the Kumaraie stated, looking directly at the children.
“We need to appoint a Trial Director who understands the role that prophecy has played in this incident. Who among us can fill that role?” the Kumaraie asked.
Several members of the other races stepped forward to provide their status and be acknowledged as prophets with the necessary credentials to allow them to act as the Director of the Trial.
However, Takka-Larn opposed their participation as Director.
“My Kumaraie, such foreign expertise would not be acceptable to the people as a Trial Director. Such a person would understand the responsibility that prophecy plays in this incident but would not understand the nuances of Pod-Drran law.”
“Only one person of the Pod-Drran understands prophecy and understands Pod-Drran customs and criminal law. That would be my daughter Prakeshya Se-Lam-Raie,” the Kumaraie stated.
“That cannot be allowed, My Kumaraie!” called out Gend-Hurl Ro, the perennial thorn in the side of the Kumar-Pair.
“WHO DARES SPEAK AGAINST THE ADMONITION OF THE SPEAKER!” the speaker roared at the interruption from the floor as he stamped his Rod of Office.
“Speaker, Gend-Hurl Ro has permission to speak,” the Kumaraie admonished. “We value his insight and have given him status in the Great Hall because of that.”
“Gend-Hurl Ro, you are aware of the caution placed on you against your speaking in this hall?” the Kumaroe demanded (this was in reference to his being required to provide an alternative to the decision(s) being opposed by him and not to oppose a decision just for the sake of opposing it).
“I am aware, My Kumaroe and I have a solution,” Gen-Hurl replied. “Prakeshya is not of age and thus cannot stand as the Trial Director. The authenticity for any other Pod-Drran or Maha-Rrin to speak on prophecy would not be permitted as no other Pod-Drran or Maha-Rrin prophet exists today.
“That means there is only one authority who we could ask to be Trial Director who would be acceptable to the people. I would advocate for the Goddess Poda-La to be appointed Trial Director, My Kumar-Pair.”
“Gend-Hurl, Poda-La is not a living person. The people may not allow her to act as Director,” the Kumaraie interjected.
“We should ask Poda-La if she can uphold the position of Director, Ne-Maj,” the Asoc suggested.
The Kumaraie turned to look at her mate and the Pemipinae for a brief moment. They gave her a single nod of their heads. The Kumar-Pair stood, then took a knee in front of their thrones. Immediately, all of the Pod-Drran and many of the guests in the Great Hall did the same, even some of the rulers knelt to acknowledge the authority of Poda-La.
“We call upon the one named Poda-La, titled Mada-La-Ail – the People’s Guide – to manifest here in the Great Hall of the People and give us her wisdom,” the Kumaraie called out.
Earlier, the Senechal had placed one of the emitters from the original Resestess in the Great Hall. They had intended to use Poda-La as a witness on the rules of prophecy. The emitter now received the signal from the Resestess and beamed an image of a small ball of flame near to where the children stood. Those around the ball of flame swiftly stepped back from it as it enlarged to such a size that Poda-La herself, her Chlaerge on her shoulder, stepped from within the flames and stood in front of the people in the Great Hall, the flames dying behind her. The image was dressed in the ancient formal dress of former royalty. The image turned to the Kumar-Pair and gave a bow.