I literally kicked this one out in like two hours, with one edit. It’s likely going to have some errors, but I got so many requests to pursue this, I started feeling guilty about it. I’m thinking, if you like it and wish for me to continue, I can probably unfold this world in short chapters like this. I’ll need to start diving into character development more, but the world building is fun. It isn’t too hardcore yet, but it still has a “free use sex” theme, so be warned.
For those who haven’t read Part One, this will make no sense. Start there, please.
Rebecca Stoles was already working on playing the role of someone who is comfortable being naked at all times, while she sat next to Brad on the bus. She was sitting up straighter, allowing her breasts to jut out more, regardless of all the creeping her friend seemed to do on them. After thinking it over, she figured it was pretty much involuntary on Brad’s part. He was a dweeb, utterly unfamiliar with being in the presence of a real naked girl, much less his apartment neighbor. Rebecca knew Brad crushed on her a bit, too, which only made it more awkward.
But here she was, in another dimension, just as Brad had described. While it was strange, and a touch humiliating being naked, Rebecca was excited to see what the two would discover. She could grin and bare the discomfort of nudity for the time being.
“How long before the portal is ready again?” she asked.
“Solar charge takes a couple days, but we’re going back tomorrow to charge the phone. I figure we spend a day here first. We’ll have an idea of where to come back with the camera after scoping out the place, too.”
“Have you considered the library?” asked Rebecca. She noticed the automated bus began to pass buildings. Glancing out the window, she saw a few people outside. One woman, a rather heavy one, was standing alone stark naked like there was nothing to it.
‘Okay,’ thought Rebecca. ‘The more I see it, the more I can handle this.’
Brad responded, “Last time I was here I tried going to the library, but arrived late. Didn’t get much time there. I agree with you, though. We’ll go there soon and see if we can’t read up on the history of this place.”
Brad kept perving on Rebecca’s tits while they talked and she wondered if he’d ever look her in the eye again while they were visiting this dimension. The bus came to a stop at what appeared to be an uptown square. Shops and restaurants lined the streets, with their signs and street boards decorating the background. The theme was modern, yet it seemed out of place, Rebecca thought. Small business seemed to thrive here, rather than being suffocated by big box stores. People were going in and out of shops, talking, laughing, going about their day. All would have appeared normal except for half of the people were butt naked, all women.
“Come on, door’s open, we better go,” said Brad.
The two stepped off the bus, with the doors instantly closing behind. Brad knew the bus wasn’t powered by gas or diesel as it quietly drove away. About ten feet from the curb was an old man selling ice cream. Two women in their mid thirties were speaking with them, one of them giggling. Her pineapple sized cans jiggled as she engaged with the old man, when he suddenly reached out and pinched one of her nipples, but not before pulling on it, making the breast point towards him, and spring back when he let go. He smiled and performed the exercise on the other breast before handing the woman her strange-colored cone, a deep purple and green.
“Have a good day, ma’am. You?” he asked to the other woman, who shook her head in response.
Rebecca thought she would decline the frozen treat, too, if she had to have her breasts grope to get tayland porno it, but without warning he reached out and squeezed the woman’s tits, palpating her small mounds and twisting on her nipples. Finally, he let go and she joined her friend, walking back toward an office building.
“Huh, you think maybe they work there? Secretaries? Maybe they are the bosses?” It was Brad asking. Rebecca looked at him like he was an idiot and retorted, “Brad, that man just molested those women, and you’re worried about where they work?”
Then the old man spotted them and raised his hand high in the air, insisting they come to him. Brad looked and Rebecca and shrugged.
“I guess we better…”
“You, sir,” said the man. “How about an ice cream on such a hot day.”
“Well, that uh.. would be nice.”
“That will be four dollars. Chocolate, Vanilla or Blasherberry.”
Brad had no idea what Blasherberry was, but it didn’t matter. He had no currency on him and said so, apologizing. “I think I left my wallet at home, I am so sorry.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” said the old man, scratching his beard. “Maybe your girlfriend will share.”
“Oh, she’s not my girlfriend… and she doesn’t have any money , either.”
The old man practically snapped his neck reeling at Brad. “What’s wrong with you, boy?” The man stepped closer to Rebecca. “Well, would you like one, ma’am? Blasherberry perhaps? Share with your… brother, maybe, if he isn’t your boyfriend? Whoever he is?” The man was eyeing Brad skeptically as he spoke.
As Rebecca answered, the dirty old man was already reaching up to grope her tits. ‘Stay the part, stay the part!’ she cried in her head to herself. The man had groped the other women like it was everyday, normal behavior and as he tugged and squeezed on her nipples now, she knew she had to allow the same. “Yes, sir. I would like a Blasherberry.”
“I thought you might,” smiled the man, who stopped molesting Rebecca to retrieve the treat. “Here you go. And hey, between you and me, your friend could use some sleep or something. Something’s not right about him.”
Brad quickly grabbed Rebecca’s hand and nodded. “Maybe you’re right, sir. Thank you for the ice cream.”
Brad hustled Rebecca across the street, away from the man. “I am so sorry about that, Rebecca. I had no idea it worked quite like that… if I had been here with a woman last time I visited, maybe I would have known more.”
Rebecca, holding the strange colored ice cream, but not yet eating it, pulled Brad back. “Hey, I know this is all fucked up, but if anything, maybe you need to blend in better.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” asked Brad.
“I dunno. I don’t know the rules here, either. So women get stuff for free if they get molested?” Rebecca pointed at her cone. “Well, wait. That one woman still got groped even though she didn’t get a cone.”
“I don’t know, either,” said Brad. “Why don’t we park it over there and people-watch a few minutes before we go to the library.” Brad was pointing at an empty bench near a fountain in the city square. Other passers by were seated at other benches nearby or on the ring of the fountain. It was active, but not overly busy.
“Oh yeah, the library,” said Rebecca. “I’d almost forgotten already.”
They strolled to the bench, sitting down, when Rebecca finally bit into her cold treat. “Oh my god,” said Rebecca. “This is fucking amazing. What is this?”
“The ice cream?” asked Brad. He wasn’t looking at his friend (or her tits) at the moment. Instead, Brad’s attention was focused on the couple on the bench next to theirs. The man was reading a book while the woman leaned back. He was slowly massaging her sizeable tits as if it was an everyday tecavüz porno thing. The woman noticed Brad looking and smiled to acknowledge him. When he didn’t wave or nod back, she seemed to scowl a bit. Finally, Brad turned to Rebecca.
“You have to try this, Brad,” said Rebecca, excitedly. She didn’t care one whit she was naked at the moment. This was a brand new discovery. A new THING. “Just taste it.”
Rebecca handed the treat to Brad who bit in. It was like a rich vanilla, with a sweet, earthy truffle undertone. It felt as if the sugars and cream just melted into the tongue. Brad was impressed. “That is good,” he said, giving it back.
“Yeah, the rest is mine. Especially if I have to go naked the whole time and you don’t. I should get some kind of perk.” Rebecca winked at Brad. This was perhaps the first time she really felt like she enjoyed it… or at least she didn’t mind it… being seen naked by her dweeb friend.
Just then, an officer and a stark naked woman who was built rock hard with small, perky breasts, walked up to the unknown foreigners. The officer spoke, “Everything okay over here?” he asked. The girl stepped forward looking at Rebecca. “Ma’am, are you okay.”
Rebecca was biting into the last of her ice cream, her eyes darting side to side. “Uh, yeah. Everything’s fine, thank you. I was just enjoying my treat.”
The male officer began squeezing the naked girl’s right butt cheek firmly with his left hand. The naked girl didn’t take much notice to it, instead taking a moment to eye Brad before addressing Rebecca again. “Ma’am, I’m Officer Darlene Woods and this is my partner, Officer Thomas Hinkley.”
“So you do have jobs…” whispered Brad. It immediately caught the attention of both officers.
“What’s that?” asked Hinkley to Brad. “You smarting off?” He put his right hand to his baton while he continued to molest his partner’s tight ass with his other.
Suddenly, Rebecca leaned into Brad, whispering as softly into his ear as possible. “Just shut the fuck up and start rubbing my tits.” Brad’s eyes instantly went wide. “I mean it. NOW!” Rebecca whispered-screamed, before turning back to the two officers and smiling. “I was just finishing up, I was so hungry, that’s all.”
The two officers stood fully upright, breathing in. They appeared skeptical in their body language. Brad, getting the courage to follow through on Rebecca’s instruction, awkwardly reached over with his left hand and began pushing and pinching on Rebecca’s right tit. It certainly felt like Brad had never touched a tit before, thought Rebecca, but the act seemed to placate the two authority figures.
“Well, okay then,” said the naked one, Darlene. She pinched her nipples and looked at Brad. “You folks stay out of trouble.”
Rebecca and Brad watched the two walk away, far from earshot, before Rebecca said anything. Brad was still groping, getting erect, and fearing what his friend might say to him. “Brad, take a close look around us.”
Brad put his hands down and began scoping the scene. Brad was not a natural people watcher, or one who socialized. He was more introspective and more concerned with how THINGS work, rather than people. Perhaps it was the reason he had missed so much the first time he visited, and why he had suggested doing it this time around.
“Brad, don’t stop rubbing my tits. I mean it. And look around you!” Rebecca grabbed Brad’s hand and put it back on her bosom. “Keep fondling me and pay attention. Every woman out here is stark naked, and if they aren’t moving from point A to point B, they are being molested. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing.”
Brad saw it clearly now. From the couple next to him, to the young man on the far side of the fountain. tombul porno He was surrounded by three girls his age while he casually pinched, prodded, pulled and groped on their various body parts. Not one of the ladies seemed to give a care in the world about it. The man even reached down and stroked on the tall girl’s clit. She smiled, looking into the man’s eyes, while he did so, but otherwise seemed quite indifferent to the experience. Perhaps pleasantly surprised.
On the other side of the park were more women and men. If the women were stationary and around someone, they were getting physically assaulted. At least, that’s the way Rebecca would have viewed it anywhere else, but here, while Brad was flicking on her thick nipple, she was just astounded… maybe perplexed.
“Come on, let’s get to the library,” said Rebecca. Brad was glad to finally have the pressure off him. His cock was hard and he felt out of place being so forward with his friend. Yet even she was beginning to show signs that she could get comfortable with this behavior. Brad would never understand people, he thought.
“Library’s this way… several blocks.” Brad took Rebecca’s hand this time, instead of her tit, anyway. He began walking her east at a brisk pace. As they passed people, the two still noticed unusual stares.
“Brad, let go of my hand.”
He immediately did so, but turned to question her. He was distracted by her breasts again, as they tended to bounce heavily at this pace. Rebecca didn’t mind so much him staring.
“Notice there are no genuine public displays of affection here,” said Rebecca.
“What? Women are getting their breasts rubbed and asses handled. What do you mean?”
“I mean, look… no one holds hands… or hugs, or kisses. i mean, you can tell some people are officially couples, but the men just fondle and molest their partners while in public. No public affection outside of that. I wonder if they behave differently in private.”
Brad was shaking his head. “So holding hands is personal, but rubbing ass cheeks isn’t?”
“Yes, Brad, believe it or not, there can be more intimacy in holding hands than even getting fucked by a giant cock.” Rebecca was surprised she was so blunt with her friend. The words came out like nothing. She began having thoughts like, ‘Why couldn’t Brad just grope her tits like she saw other men on the street doing?’ Some of them put some real effort into it.
Rebecca had to admit, though. that even though Brad wasn’t experienced, it was fun to get away with this act. To be in a place where it was apparently mandatory to get molested, and to be naked at all times… well, it was kind of exhilarating for her.
Rebecca pointed out an observation to Brad. “Maybe if I saw someone forced… or some girl raped… I wouldn’t find this acceptable in any way, but this is just the culture here. Being naked, getting groped. It doesn’t make sense, and it should be repulsive, but it’s… I don;t know… okay, I guess?”
Brad was a bit surprised to hear his friend’s confession. “You’re okay with it?”
Rebecca almost stopped, but picked up the pace again. “How much further?”
“That big building there,” said Brad, pointing again. “Two blocks.”
“I guess I am okay with it here, Brad. We have to do it to blend in, anyway.” Rebecca looked up at Brad to get his attention, but he was too busy staring at her tits. She just smiled and shook her head. “So look, anytime, okay?”
“Anytime?” asked Brad. “Anytime what?”
“That’s it is appropriate to fondle me, you better do it. I mean it. Start acting like the locals here, Brad, or it’s YOU that are going to give us away.”
Rebecca was secretly mortified she had just asked Brad to molest her… and to do a better job at it! She never would have seen herself asking for such a thing, even yesterday. But she couldn’t wait. Rebecca loved the idea of it. Certainly, when they made it to the library, Brad was going to have to keep up the charade. Maybe, just maybe, she could convince him to rub her pussy…