
Another Night on the Hill


The summer after my eighteenth birthday opened up exciting aspects of my sexuality. I didn’t think I was a nudist or exhibitionist, but I craved the exposure of being naked outdoors. I had devised a way to sneak out late at night and find my way to a secluded spot on a hill near my house. The thrill was doing it nude from start to finish. I had gotten to know a girl, Angie, with similar interests. Overcoming my risk-averse tendencies, I even set up a nude encounter on the hill with her for my first time having oral sex. (See “One Night on the Hill.”)

Later that summer, I tried to go out on a regular date with Angie. She didn’t seem to want that type of relationship but liked oral sex, especially receiving. I really had a crush and loved everything about her. At 18 years old, she stood about 5 ft 4 in tall and was nicely developed. Her body was well-proportioned, not athletic looking and not quite voluptuous. She possessed dark hair and darker than average skin that gave her an exotic allure. I adored her and found it hard to believe I was getting to spend time with her.

Until I met Angie that summer I tended to be shy around girls. Most girls knew me as that tall shy basketball player who was smart in class and sort of nerdy. But not Angie – we had just met each other earlier in the summer, though we found we had friends in common.

I was able to meet her at a coffee shop one afternoon before she had to go to work.

“So, Ron, what’ve you been up to? Any more nighttime walks to the hill?” Actually, I had, but I didn’t want to tell her just then.

“No, not really. I would love to do another one with you, if you’re still interested.”

“That’s why I wanted to see you today. This weekend, my friend Lynn Vaughn is sleeping over, and I want you to meet us for some fun.”

“I didn’t know you were friends with Lynn. I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

I had known Lynn since eighth grade, but hadn’t seen much of her in high school. Her parents had moved the family to southern California, and she was back visiting for part of the summer while staying with friends. Angie related that Lynn could not visit for long because she had a summer job and would be attending college in California. What I remembered about Lynn was that she was shy and had a girl-next-door attractiveness. We had gone to a boy-girl party together at a neighbor’s house. We didn’t make-out as did some of the other couples. I was not very brave to overcome my shyness, but was able to put my arm around her and kiss her goodnight later. I often dreamt about what might have happened if either of us had not been so timid in the dark of my neighbor’s basement at that party. Just feeling her close to me and kissing her stoked my imagination, and she was one of the girls I often pictured in my fantasies.

Angie added, “I told her about what you and I did that night on the hill and she is really interested.” My heart jumped and my cock stirred as I thought about Angie’s proposal. I thought about my night with Angie and started to lust for licking Lynn in a most intimate way.

“Ron, are you listening?”

I broke out of my thoughts and replied, “Sounds good. What did you have in mind?”

“I can’t get a car or a ride, so I want you to meet us in the woods behind my house.” She smiled mischievously and her dark eyes sparkled as she spoke. After a brief pause to let me consider, she continued, “From there, I think you could lead us up to the hill.”

Readily, I agreed. We arranged to meet after midnight on the upcoming Saturday night.

After my earlier nude walks at night, by myself and the one time I met Angie, I was hooked on nighttime nude excursions. I did not want to get caught or be seen, and to me it was too risky to try in the daytime. However, at night I was motivated by the thrill of wandering nude undetected. My cock was typically semi-hard to rock hard the entire time I was out on these adventures. Before returning home I would usually lie in the moist grass and jack off to a balls-draining orgasm while fantasizing. Now I would have the extra bonus of both Lynn and Angie taking part in what I hoped would result in some sexual thrills. Angie knew I adored her pussy and asshole, and I thought she would have told Lynn all about our night together.

I was sleeping that summer in the basement bedroom of my parent’s house. That Saturday night I went down to my room as usual for bed. I waited anxiously, lying there in the nude with the window open. The night air felt warm and I couldn’t wait to get out there. After having not seen each other in years, I wondered how Lynn would react to seeing me nude right off the bat. I remembered her as a pretty girl with brown hair and tan skin. In recalling her features, I tried to envision what she would look like naked. My recollection of her shapely developing figure and tanned skin in a bikini got me aroused.

I resolved to not worry about her reaction. I would take the risk of making the trip completely in the nude with one exception – shoes – because of the rougher terrain on the way to Angie’s house. This time when I noticed the clock was at about 11:30, I çapa escort put on my sneakers. I quietly took down the screen and slipped out through the ground-level window, bringing only a blanket to lie on. I had already done this trip several times that summer in the nude and was well aware of the safest route to avoid detection. It was overcast but the night was warm, humid, and relatively calm. Perfect, I thought, as I cautiously made my way through several backyards to the edge of the cemetery property, my rigid cock pointing the way. Once there, I proceeded through a small grove of trees and crossed an open unmanicured field about 100 yards up the hill. This was the not yet developed back side of the cemetery. The leveled open area on the top of the hill was secluded from view of any roads or houses. I unfolded the blanket and laid it out in the moist grass. So far, all was as planned and foremost in my mind was meeting up with Angie and Lynn.

From there, I had not yet ventured in the nude to Angie’s house, but had a good idea of the best route. It was maybe 300 yards from my spot on the hill to the far side of the cemetery next to the main road. Crossing this road would be the riskiest segment, and the farthest I had been in the nude with no access to clothes or any way to cover up, since I was leaving the blanket at the clearing on the hill. I was extremely excited and motivated. Despite the increased risk, I felt I had to make it to my meeting with the girls. To cross the road from this side, there was a good view in either direction to see car headlights approaching; once across the road, there was a section of woods to slip into for cover. In my neighborhood, at this hour, it got extremely quiet so it was easy to hear any approaching vehicles.

I crouched down behind a small grouping of bushes and tried to get a sense of what was coming. I couldn’t see or hear anything in either direction. Then I stood and quickly crossed the road before heading into the woods.

These woods were on a large tract on the down slope of the hill. A path had been worn through where people had walked down the hill, eventually reaching the street where Angie lived. As I walked down the path, there were dense trees and brush on both sides offering no chance of me being seen from a side road that went down the hill on my right. When the path emerged from the wood, it continued along a stream to the bottom of the hill where the side road intersected with Angie’s street. The woods continued in a sparser section that extended to my left. A lesser path branched off toward Angie’s house. Her street ran along the base of the hill. The houses on this street had long backyards that sloped up the hill to the edge of the woods. Angie told me she would meet me at the woods in her backyard.

The woods provided me plenty of cover to get to Angie’s backyard. One house had a bright back porch light and some of the other houses were also not completely dark. I knew we would have to be quiet and careful. I followed the path until I reached Angie’s yard. At this point I had covered over half a mile, my longest nude venture to date. Angie’s house and the houses on either side looked completely dark at this late hour. I hid behind some small bushy weed trees at the edge of the wood and waited. The humidity and my exertion in making the quick hike to this point caused me to sweat profusely. Extremely excited and rock hard, I hoped that Angie and Lynn were also going to be as motivated. Fortunately, I did not have to wait long.

“Ron, where are you?” I heard Angie whisper out loud. Then I could make out the shape of her and Lynn walking up the slope of the yard toward me, almost to the edge of the woods.

“Over here, behind these trees,” I whispered. As they got closer I was able to focus and was a bit disappointed. They both had on tennis shoes, shorts and halter tops. But because they both looked cute and sexy in their summery outfits, my disappointment was mild.

“Don’t worry, Lynn knew you would be nude and she is okay with that. We didn’t want to take any chances ourselves. We’ll wait until we get to the cemetery.”

Angie found a gap in the trees, slipped into the woods and Lynn followed. It was darker within the trees and took a while for their eyes to adjust before they really saw me. By then I was waiting on the path and they moved to join me. “Ron, it’s great to see you again,” said Lynn as she gave me a quick hug causing my erect cock to briefly touch the bare skin of her belly. It had been years since we had seen each other, but suddenly we were together again in a very close way.

Lynn was slightly shorter than Angie, maybe about 5 ft 3 in. Well-proportioned for 18-year-olds, Lynn and Angie had similar, curvy builds. Angie had darker features while Lynn’s hair was somewhat lighter and longer, but in the darkness of the woods they looked like they could be sisters. As for me, I was the tall, athletic kid who was over a foot taller than either of them. Here I was with these two sexually ripe girls, ready for what might happen. My cock throbbed.

“Ron, I couldn’t believe Angie when yenibosna escort she told me you would do this.” Lynn seemed to be looking down, eyeing my cock. “It must feel so exciting! I wish I was so brave,” said Lynn.

“Well, we can be a little bit bolder, can’t we?” asked Angie as she reached behind her neck and untied her halter top. She let it fall to her waist, still tied around her back, exposing her breasts. She tucked the strings into her waist. Lynn followed suit and did likewise. While Angie naturally had darker skin, Lynn’s skin was lighter. The tan lines around her white breasts were faintly visible in the dark.

“We need to be as quiet as we can, and get going,” I said. “Here, this way.” Angie took my hand, and Lynn hers, and the three of us made our way through the woods.

We went up the hill on the path that I had followed down, and in a short time, the path opened wider where the woods ended at the main road. What I hadn’t counted on was that from this spot, unlike the cemetery side, I did not have a good view of the road in either direction. Even though it was late at night, this was a main road and a car might come through at any time. We heard a car approaching and stayed hidden in the trees for a moment until it passed. I figured I would have to quickly get out in the open, look for headlights, and dash back for cover if a car was coming. If it was clear, I would run across to a small group of bushes in the cemetery. This was a distance of about 100 ft from the edge of the woods, across the road, to the cover of the bushes. There was little chance of being observed, except for a passing car, as the nearest house on this main road was quite a ways up to the left and was completely dark. In the other direction were only the church and its empty parking lot.

“This will be easy, but you’ve got to let me get across first so I can see when it is clear for you. Wait here until I signal you.” Then I stepped out, still sweaty from the hike through the woods and still hard with my cock swinging as I walked up to the road, checking both ways as I did. All was clear so I walked quickly up to the bushes.

“Ron, we can’t see you. Is it OK to go now?”

I could now see headlights off in the distance approaching from my right. “No, let this car pass!”

I waited for things to quiet down after the car was gone. “OK, now!” The girls walked up to the road, across into the cemetery and up to the bushes as fast as they could.

They, too, were obviously excited. On this humid night, I could tell they were starting to perspire from the sheen of sweat on their skin. Their erect nipples looked gorgeous. As they approached, I said “Quick, get behind these bushes, I hear a car coming!” I moved over, crouched down, and they did likewise next to me. I could feel Lynn’s warm skin as she bumped into me before getting settled. It was one car coming from the far right, then another came up past the church to the left. The cars had no direct view of us from the main road, but the second car turned right onto the side road that abutted the top of the cemetery. This was a risk as the driver could look out the side window and might see us from that direction. “Get down, get flat!” I whispered loudly as I stretched out. The grass felt tingly on my cock, balls, stomach and chest. The girls did not react as quickly and could have been seen, but the car never slowed down and disappeared down the hill on the other side of the cemetery. “Now that was close!”

As I was getting up Lynn spoke first. “What a rush! You didn’t tell me we could be seen from over here.”

“Let’s not dawdle and get going,” said Angie. “Lead the way, Ron.”

We made our way across the cemetery quietly with the girls following me. Shortly, we were in the section approaching the clearing where I had laid out my blanket. Over to the right was a grouping of bushes. Again, Angie had that mischievous look as she said, “Ron, you go ahead, we’ll meet you at the blanket. Be ready for us! We have something planned for you.” Then she led Lynn over behind the bushes.

I took off my sneakers, placed them in the grass, and then lay out on my back on the blanket, figuring this worked well the first time we had met here. I was revved up from the quick walk up the hill and thoughts of what was to come. This gave me a chance to calm myself down a bit, but my cock remained straight up in the night air. The air was still and humid, and there were few sounds around me – just some crickets in the night and the sound of a far-off car moving on the road. I wasn’t worried about anyone finding us here – after all, it was the middle of the night in a cemetery. But I couldn’t calm down too much, given my built up anticipation.

Soon they were back, and in the partial light I could see the pleasant shapes of their breasts. My eyes were drawn to the girls’ lower regions. They still had on their panties, but their hips and legs looked luscious. They placed their shoes and the rest of their clothes in a pile next to my blanket.

Angie spoke first. “OK, I told you we had a plan. We’re going to play a game. topkapı escort Ron, you get to have a sample of both of us for one minute each, with our panties on. You can lick, touch and taste. Then comes the real test. We will do it again with you blindfolded, and you have to identify us only using your face – no hands touching or looking. Are you up for it?”

Lynn giggled. Looking at my cock, she said, “I can see you are.”

“I definitely am. But if it’s a game, what do I get if I guess right?”

“You get to do with us whatever you want, but no fucking. We will do whatever you want except that,” said Angie. “I don’t think any of us brought any protection, and we’re not on birth control.”

“But what if I guess wrong? What do you win from me?”

“Well… then we get to do whatever we want to you!” I couldn’t see the down side to that, given that they were nearly naked and I was hard and ready.

“But how do I know you are being fair if I’m blindfolded? Whichever way I guess, you could say I lose.”

They thought for a minute. Lynn offered, “How about this? During the blindfold part, one of us goes first. After she finishes her turn, she moves away. Then for the next turn, whoever that is, she does not move away but stays in contact with you until you make your guess. That way, we can’t ‘bait and switch’ and you can check as soon as you take off the blindfold.”

“You have to guess right away. Obviously, we can’t talk or it would give us away. Ron, what do you think? Sound fair?” asked Angie.

I was fine with that and said so. “All right, then let’s go. Who first?” I asked Angie.

“Me!” Lynn moved over me, stood with one foot on either side of my hips then said, “Sit up and come here.” I did as she asked and she pulled my head into her crotch. She had on thin, satiny panties. I could tell from the aroma that she was already aroused. I scooted my butt forward to get a better angle on her pussy and stuck my nose in and nuzzled her. As I did that, she gathered her panties and pulled them into the crack of her ass and the folds of her pussy. Now her labia were exposed but not her slit, and I could see her sexy tan lines in the semi-dark. I licked and mouthed her all over her crotch, and found she was smooth. My head was in a buzz and I was having trouble concentrating. I couldn’t believe she had a shaved pussy.

Then Lynn said “That’s right Ron, I shaved off all my hair. That’s the way I like it for the summer bikini season. I even talked Angie into it, and we shaved her last night.” I caressed her lush ass cheeks and pushed my lips and tongue deeper into her crotch.

I wanted to go on, but Angie said, “Time’s up, my turn!” Lynn pushed my head back gently, stepped away and Angie took her place. As if to one-up Lynn, Angie pulled her white cotton panties completely to the side, exposing her freshly-shaven pussy. I went in with my nose, lips, and tongue all at once. She was very moist, and the odor was divine. From our first encounter on the hill, I knew she had dark pubic hair, but now she was bare. Angie’s pussy felt so different from my previous time with her, and the taste and smell were better than I remembered. But how would I be able to tell her from Lynn? Concentrate, I told myself. But my head was in even more of a dream-like buzz, in awe of her shaved pussy.

I put my hands on her ass and pulled my face into her, working my tongue deep to get a better taste. Suddenly Lynn said “Time’s up,” and Angie reluctantly stepped away. She was really aroused.

After a moment, Lynn said, “Now the blindfold. Just sit there, Ron, and hold still.” Lynn took her halter top from the pile of clothes, and folded it up into a band. She wrapped it around my face, over my eyes, and tied it behind me, checking to make sure it covered my eyes completely without covering my nose.

“There, you’re set. Now lie back down on your back, put your arms down by your sides, and wait for us. We aren’t going to say anything more until after we finish this.” Her voice was coming from behind me.

When I laid back I couldn’t see anything. I was still in a mental haze from the first phase of the game and my cock was fired up and ready. I tried to relax, taking a couple deep breaths, and waited. I heard vague sounds behind me. I imagined the girls were slipping off their panties and trying to decide who would go first.

After what seemed like forever, I sensed movement along my sides and felt skin against both my shoulders. Then I felt hands clamp down on my wrists. I opened my lips in anticipation and soon smelled, then felt, warm pussy in my face. I quickly went to work, first making long licks up and down then pressing in with my nose while I kissed and licked her juicy inner lips. At this angle, I could feel the nub of her clit. I sensed she was on her knees, basically sitting on my mouth while facing my legs and continuing to lean and clamp down on my wrists. She was really moist. I teased her clit a bit then went in deep with my tongue to get a good taste. ‘Which one is this?’ I thought. I couldn’t tell. I hadn’t gotten a good taste of Lynn’s slit and I wasn’t sure if this was Angie. I tried to shift my face up between her cheeks to taste her there, but she shifted with me and kept pressing her pussy on my mouth. Then I felt her hands pushing off me as she raised herself and moved away. ‘OK, that was taste number one,’ I thought – and I think it is Angie. Now for number two.

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