I have always had a strong connection to my feminine side. Even as a little boy my favorite characters were Cheetara, or Wonder Woman. Even when me and my friends were playing Ninja Turtles, I wanted to play as April, even if that meant being the damsel in distress…okay, especially when that meant being the damsel in distress.
It wasn’t long before we found out that was weird. Well my friends found out that was weird…I found out I was weird. And I knew I’d have to hide it from then on. And I did, locking that part away for years of my life. It was always there, just underneath the surface but I denied it, keeping it secret even from myself in many ways, for years.
It wasn’t as difficult as it sounds, I was definitely attracted to women. How could I not be? Women are gorgeous, in fact, I may have been a little too attracted to women. And I certainly was not attracted to men. But I was never comfortable pretending to be a tough guy, or trying to play the alpha male role.
It started to surface again when I discovered porn. I was entranced by the hot girls, their sexy outfits, watching them get fucked. I was so jealous…but not of the guys getting to fuck those girls. I was jealous of the girls.
They were so sexy. They got to dress sexy, and slutty. They could be feminine and submissive. I found myself wanting that so badly.
I didn’t understand it. I was ashamed of it. I continued to hide it as best I could. As I got older it became stronger.
It continued to grow the more autonomous and independent I became. I had a little stash of women’s clothes I would put on to watch porn in. Then, once I lived on my own I started to develop a small wardrobe of dresses, skirts and lingerie.
Before I knew it, I was spending most of my nights at home alone, dressed as a girl. Porn or not. I grew my hair out so I could style it, learned to do my makeup. I even started doing lots of yoga and a workout routine that was designed to shape out more feminine curves. I was starting to surprise myself even with how feminine I could look once I was dressed and made up.
It felt so right and became so comfortable! I loved being a woman…when I was by myself at home. I was a man all day at work, or any time I did anything social. I drew a hard line and my secret did not cross it on any level.
Which again wasn’t difficult. I liked being a woman but I still wasn’t exactly attracted to men, nor did I want to make any kind of transitions in my life. To be honest I liked my little secret and part of that was the secrecy of it.
One night while I was at home alone, there was a pounding on my door. I felt a little swell of panic. This never happened! I didn’t have spontaneous friends or acquaintances.
I glanced in the mirror and a pretty girl looked back. I was in a chill mood over all, so tonight it was just a pair of leggings and a T-shirt, bra and panties underneath of course, but I could strip that off quick enough. My chestnut hair was down, and slightly curled, my favorite way to style it. If I put it back though, probably wouldn’t be too noticeable. The problem was my face, caked in makeup the way I liked, definitely a little whorish and thoroughly concealing any of my masculine features. No way I could strip that off in any kind of timely matter.
Wait…what was I freaking out about. I’d just ignore it and pretend like I wasn’t there. Let whoever it was text me if they wanted to talk.
The pounding again, this time followed by a voice. “I know you’re in there man, open the door.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck. It was Andy. Of all the motherfuckers to interrupt me now.
“Come on man, I saw you come home…come to the door!”
Andy lived in the apartment building across the way from my own. We’d sort of grown up together, gone to the same schools from about fourth grade through graduation, if he had graduated. He thought we were friends, or at least friendly but the truth was I hated that son-of-a-bitch. He had bullied me, and plenty of other people, all through those years. I had told him off a couple times since high school, once I was old enough to not put up with people’s shit any more. Good, I didn’t even have to feel bad about ignoring him.
“Hey! I said I saw you come home!” he screamed. “Open up or I’ll kick it down.”
He might have been crazy enough to do it. Or drunk enough. He was a fucking mess. I stayed quiet, waiting, he had to leave soon…right?
Pounding again, hard enough I heard the hinges creak.
“Go away, Andy!” I yelled. “I’m not interested tonight.”
“Ah, quit being a bitch, just something I want to ask you!”
“Fuck off, I’m bussy.”
Suddenly I heard a key jingling and the lock begin to turn. What the fuck!? I jumped up and sprinted out of my bedroom to the door, bracing my shoulder against it just as it started to open.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I growled.
“Come on, man I just need to see if you got any beer.”
“Where genç porno did you get a key to my apartment?” I asked. “Get the fuck out of here or I’ll call the cops!”
“Don’t be a bitch, man!” he grunted and shouldered the door with enough force to knock me back on my ass. “I just need to borrow-“
He stepped inside and I froze right where I was. My cheeks flushed white hot, and the room lurched around me so suddenly, I thought I might faint. I stared at the floor, unable to move, exposed for the first time in my life. Andy stood before me and I could feel his eyes on me.
Of all the people who could have found me out, this had to be a worst case scenario. Any had tormented me most of my life, belittled me, beat me up once or twice, humiliated me on a regular basis…and now he was looking at me, seeing my deepest secret… my hair styled cutely, my face caked with makeup, seeing me as the woman I’d always wanted to be but never wanted anyone to see.
“Well, well,” he said, shutting the door. “I just came over to borrow a couple brews…”
“Get out!” I snarled, still not looking up at him.
He chuckled and didn’t move. “I always knew you were a pussy, but I never imagined…you were such a…pretty…little…pussy.”
“How the hell did you get in here?” I gasped. “Get out before I call the cops!”
“Oh yeah, I’m the new super around here so they gave me a master key,” he said.
I scrambled to my feet, still not quite able to look at him. I walked to my fridge, opened the door so he could see firsthand I didn’t have any beer. “I don’t have any ‘brews’ see…now get out!”
His eyes slithered over me. My tshirt was a soft beige, and my leggings were printed with a girly blue design. There was no way to play this off, even if I could think of some way to explain the hair and makeup…who am I kidding, there was just no way to out.
“Don’t worry man,” he grinned. “I’m not that surprised… you were always a little bitch.” He started walking towards me. “But if I’d known you were such a PRETTY little bitch, I’d’ve put you out on the corner years ago!”
I backed away as he got closer. Andy’s a big guy, but right then it felt like he was towering over me. I shrank back against my sink as he shut the refrigerator door
“Just get out of here asshole!” I spit, finally forcing myself to look up at him.
He was looking at me with a smug, half smirk on his stupid face. It’s a squarish face, with a day and half stubble, a wide crooked nose and dark brown eyes. I’d spent a lot of time fearing those eyes during my life, and this moment took me right back. Glaring at me, looking straight through me, making me feel small and powerless. A flood of humiliation rushed through me under that gaze, now seeing me dressed up like a pretty little woman.
“Don’t be rude now,” he laughed. “Or I wont let you suck my cock later!”
“As if you piece of shit!” I wasn’t going to take this, not from him of all people! What I do in my house was my own business!
I clenched my fist, cocked back and lunged forward, all those years of pent up rage powering this punch. Andy stepped back, caught my wrist and twisted my arm behind my back. It all happened so fast, before I knew what was happening my back was pinned against his chest. He had my arm hammer-locked behind me with one hand, and his other arm wrapped across my front.
My cheeks burned a little hotter as my humiliation deepened. I twisted to pull away but he wrenched my arm, forcing me to stay in place. I was shocked at how much stronger he was than me. I bucked and thrashed, but he held me in place easily.
“Calm down!” he growled, wrenching my arm again making me squeal in pain. “Ha! Listen to that…” He twisted a little further, making me whimper, and even I was surprised how girly that noise came out.
I withered in his grasp, feeling humiliated tears welling up. I fought them back desperately, this was humiliating enough with out crying in front of him.
“There’s my good little bitch,” he groaned as I calmed.
“Let me go and get out,” I whined, barely holding back the tears.
Then the hand across my front shifted slightly. I felt his big hand grabbing my chest, squeezing and groping where I’d always wished to have breasts. I could feel my bra moving under his hand and I know he felt it too.
“Nice, perky little tits,” he groaned. “You know big boobies sag when bitches get older…”
“What are you doing?” I gasped.
“I’m feeling up my pretty little bitch!”
He continued groping me, making me squirm uncomfortably. The friction made my nipple harden and all of a sudden, hot tingles were dancing through my chest every time he touched or rubbed over it. Was this actually happening?
“Stop it, get off me,” I whimpered.
I tried to pull away again, but a twist of my arm sent a lightning bolt through my shoulder. I gasped in pain but I also felt full hd porno that charge rush down my torso, igniting heat in my crotch.
Andy dropped his hand, reaching up under my shirt to continue fondling me. His hand slid over my lacey bra, grabbing and squeezing, then slipped inside the cup rubbing over my stiff sensitive nipple. My breath caught in my throat, I swallowed another gasp, but I couldn’t stop a rush of tingles that made my body shiver as a result of his direct contact.
“See?” he said directly into my ear. “My little bitch likes it.”
I wanted to cuss at him, scream at him to get the fuck out…but I was afraid of what would come out if I opened my mouth.
His rough, warm fingers went to work in my bra, they gripped my hard little nub, squeezing and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. Occasionally he would rub and grope the whole breast again, but quickly return to teasing my nipple. Every touch and flick sent a reflexive quake through my body.
“Please stop,” I whimpered.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it!”
He gave my arm a hard twist, making me yelp! But then he released my arm! I was so shocked, I didn’t realize what he was doing until my shirt came off! I looked down at the lacey white bra wrapped around my torso in horror. Before I could react, Andy’s arms encircled me, pinning me to his chest once more. He pushed my bra up, leaving it bunched around my sternum, and grabbed my breasts! My other nipple rose to meet him immediately, as if it’d been jealous and waiting. He seized them both, his big rough fingers stroking the hard little nubs and making me tremble.
Shame boiled inside me. I felt utterly powerless. This man had humiliated and abused me my most of my life, and now here I was being molested by him…and getting turned on!? Heat was spreading through my hips, and I could feel my dick swelling against the lace of my panties. His meaty arms held me tight, letting me feel his strength and know that I was helpless against him.
His big fingers continued toying with my hard, sensitive nipples until I couldn’t take it anymore, and let out a shrill girly moan.
“Good girl,” he groaned.
His grip tightened, pinching, twisting, wringing moan after moan from my red glossed lips, and working my nipples till they ached.
“Do you know what’s happening now?” he growled, after drinking in one of my pathetic girly whimpers.
I only shook my head, trembling against his bulky, masculine chest.
“You’re finally learning your place,” he explained. “You’ve always been a little bitch, waiting, begging for an alpha to make you his! You always thought I was being a bully, I was trying to help you!”
He made me sick! Was he being serious? Did he believe that?
He dropped one hand between my legs, grabbing my crotch over the leggings. Feeling his big mitt close around my package, my stomach tightened around a pit of almost unbearable shame. I never thought I was huge, or even big, but…god, my penis felt so small in his hand. He squeezed, making tremble all over, and I felt laughter shake his chest.
“You think this is a dick?” he asked. “This isn’t a dick, this is a clit.” He was squeezing and rubbing, the way he would with a woman’s pussy. My hips jumped and squirmed frantically, as my di- my clit swelled and throbbed in his hand. “A pretty little clitty on my pretty little bitch!”
He squeezed tightly, making me moan loudly and turning my legs to jello. I wanted to scream, run, anything to get away from him but I was frozen. He didn’t even have me physically trapped anymore, but I felt just as helpless as when he’d had my arm twisted and locked. Somehow this motherfucker had me utterly dominated.
“Deep down you’ve always just wanted an alpha like me to make you his,” he grabbed the waistband of my leggings and jerked them down, just past my hips.
I was wearing a pair of pink, lace cheekies. I was hyperaware of the way they cut diagonally across my ass cheeks, but even more so of my swollen little clit straining the front. He grabbed me again, squeezing so tight I couldn’t hold back a gasping moan. He began kneading and I could feel the lace of my panties rubbing against the sensitive skin of my clit.
I melted against his chest, letting my mouth fall open as I was no longer able to hold back my moans. They came out in a high register, sounding feminine and breathy. If Andy wanted to make me his little bitch and I was absolutely powerless to stop him. I so ashamed, so humiliated, so turned on, it was overwhelming.
“That’s right, stop fighting it,” he groaned. “Are you ready to be my good little bitch?”
“Yes.” I whispered so softly it was barely audible.
Suddenly he stopped molesting me, and showed me his strength again. I resisted reflexively for a moment, but he overpowered me easily and forced me onto my knees. Terror crawled through my chest as I knelt before my gangbang porno childhood bully, with a bra bunched around my chest, a pair of women’s leggings half off, displaying the pretty girly panties I was wearing.
Andy didn’t say anything else, he didn’t have to. He took out his cock, and let bob right before my face. It was big and thick, dwarfing my dainty little clit. I trembled, intimidated at the mere sight of a real man’s cock! When I hesitated too long, Andy grabbed a handful of hair and yanked my head back, forcing my mouth open so he could slide his cock in!
I closed my lips around his shaft and began to suck. I couldn’t believe I was sucking a dick. I couldn’t believe I was sucking Andy’s dick. He was hard and hot between my lips, sliding to the back of my throat and making me gag, then pulling back and doing it again. I pressed my tongue against his manhood, feeling the ridges and veins slide over it, and I was suddenly swept with a sense of femininity. It was the same feeling I got from dressing as a woman, magnified by about a thousand. I sank into that feeling letting his cock make me feel more girly than I ever had.
“Oh fuck yes,” Andy moaned above me. “I think we both knew this would happen one day…my good little bitch!”
Feeling his cock plunge to the back of my throat, as I sucked at him needily, something about what he said struck a chord of truth. Had he been prepping me for this since we were kids? Even as an adult, even when I’d told him off, I’d never really been able to shake that feeling of inferiority to him, of powerlessness. His masculine aggression had always dominated me so easily, physically and mentally.
Bobbing, licking and sucking his cock, I finally accepted the truth. I had always been a beta, just like Andy had always been an Alpha. Submission was part of my nature, and so I did. I began to suck so eagerly, Andy groaned and his knees wobbled. I licked every inch of his powerful cock, hungrily, and then wrapped my lips around the shaft and wordlessly begged for his cum!
He gave it to me in moments. Groaning loudly his cock burst in my mouth, spraying hot giz down my throat. I gulped down all I could, feeling it slid down my tight little throat. My nipples ached and my clit was throbbing in my panties. I’d never felt so soft and weak, totally owned by an Alpha…it felt so right. I liked my lips, noticing my lips stick smeared along the shaft of Any’s cock, then I looked up at him with big doe eyes.
“Fuck you’re a good little bitch!” he moaned. “Get up here!”
Andy grabbed me by the shoulders, and lifted me back to my feet. He pushed me against the sink and grabbed my clit again. He looked me in the eye as he began to squeeze and rub, and I whithered before him.
“I think I like you this way,” he said as his hand kneaded my hot sex. I opened my mouth to speak but he squeezed tightly, turning anything I might into a desperate moan. “No no, don’t speak little bitch.” Feeling the lace scraping and rubbing my clit, so thin and insubstantial between me and his finger, turned me to mush. “From now on, you’re going to be my little bitch any time I want got it?”
Even in that moment I couldn’t think of anything worse. As turned on as I was, as submissive as I felt, I still hated this motherfucker…I might have hated him now more than ever.
As if sensing that niggling thread of defiance, Andy again squeezed my clit so tightly I felt like my brain was melting. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked, arching my back and making me mewl in absolute submission. Feeling his strength and power, I understood that I could never stop or resist him. I was just a powerless beta subject to the whims of this Alpha. I nodded, whimpering pathetically as his grip continued to work my clit.
“Good,” he said.
He grabbed my panties, and pulled tugged on them. Then I felt his thick hot cock sliding in rubbing against my little clit. Every remaining vestige of masculinity drained out of me, and I moaned as lust swept through me. His hot, rock-hard cock pressed against my dainty, little clit completely overpowering it. His manhood was so big and powerful I realized immediately I had never been a real man, just a little bitch with a pretty little clit.
It took about three thrusts, sliding his rigid shaft against my hot swollen clit and I was cumming. I squealed and mewled, my entire body shaking. Andy continued to pump me through the orgasm, prolonging it and keeping on edge until I was sure I’d be able to stand. My clit gushed hotly, soaking the lacey panties and letting my hot juice run down my leg.
Andy stepped away, and I crumpled to the floor still trembling. I pulled my legs into my chest as the shame of it all came rushed back in the wake my climax.
Andy stuffed himself back into his pants. I couldn’t look at him again. This man had terrorized me for years, and now just when I thought I was free of that kind of thing, he shows up and just the wrong time and to dominate me sexually. Alpha or not, I would never forgive him, I hated him!
“Obviously, this’ll stay between us,” he said confidently. “Unless you want your little secret to get out.” He walked to the door. “I’ll be seeing you soon, little bitch.”