As a newly single girl, I am trying to get out more, but not necessarily enjoying it. Goodness knows how I ended up being persuaded to go on holiday for a week with my friend Amber and a crowd of her mates. So far it has been pretty dismal, and most of her friends have bored me rigid. We are staying in a beachside apartment, and so the only bonus really is the fact that we are near the beach as I love swimming. This is what I have been doing mostly, plus lying for short periods in the sun.
Over the days, we have all got to know at least by sight a number of other holiday makers in nearby apartments. One of Amber’s friends has even found a little ‘action’ and Amber herself is getting to know an American guy. None of them interest me however. This particular group of men seem quite brash and ‘full of themselves’ which I find irritating.
Two days ago, I spied the most interesting man. I couldn’t tell what age he is, and hadn’t really seen his face properly, but he was tall and broody-looking with dark closely cropped hair. He would just sit and quietly read whilst his mates flirted with Amber and the rest of the group. Perhaps was feeling sad or a little bored perhaps? I wanted to know his story. Of course, his total lack of interest in his surroundings made him to me even more attractive…
Yesterday I plucked-up the courage to ask Amber’s American guy what the mystery man’s name was. Apparently he is called Sam. I was not offered any further information and was too proud to ask any more. Shame.
I am going to write and tell you what happened today as it was marvellous, exciting and unexpected.
I was lying stretched out on the beach in a tiny bikini after a long lunch with my eyes shut. I had been finding the company tedious, and found feigning a doze the most practical solution to avoid inane drivel. I had donned the bikini because I really didn’t give almanbahis adres a shit about what anyone else thought. After all, the mystery man had shown zero interest in anyone, let alone me and I wanted a tan.
I vaguely overheard conversation about a walk to a different part of the beach where swimming was supposed to be better for some reason. The group were apparently going to go off and leave me in peace, (hooray)! There was some discussion about who would stay and look after the bags and valuables. Clearly my ‘sleeping’ status ruled me out.
I think I did actually doze for a short time because the next snatch of conversation overheard was the group saying goodbye, and the sound of many feet padding away through the sand accompanied by giggles. I peered a little with my eyes still nearly closed and watched the group depart. To my joy, Sam was sitting nearby having clearly been put on bag-duty!
I wondered what to do? If I were to suddenly ‘wake up’ he might bugger off and leave me on bag-duty and return to his book. I decided that it was clearly better to stay ‘sleeping’. Hmm…not going to be much conversation then. I decided more subtle tactics were going to be needed…
I yawned loudly and stretched out my body ‘in my sleep’ to what I hoped was a more pleasing angle, parting my legs slightly in my tiny bikini bottoms. I then resumed my quiet ‘snooze’. After a few minutes, I peered carefully with my eyes nearly closed again. Result! Sam was looking directly at my crotch and the front of his shorts perhaps appeared a little bigger than I had noticed before. I gave it a few more minutes, muttered ‘in my sleep’, adjusted my angles again and bent one leg at the knee up towards my body as if making myself more comfortable, stretching the small gusset of my bikini to the maximum and hiding very little. I then lay in silence.
Whilst almanbahis adresi I was again ‘sleeping’, I considered my current situation and had to engage utter willpower to not burst out laughing and blow my cover. I pictured myself as a crocodile, floating in the water with its eyes shut, pretending to be a floating log whilst waiting for its prey to innocently swim past, before flicking its eyes open and pouncing! Pouncing for me however was probably not going to be an option, so I regained my composure.
I tensed…I could hear Sam moving towards me and sitting down…
“Are you asleep?” he asked.
I didn’t reply, but made a sleepy sort of moan and stretched a little again. This was the first time I had heard him speak.
“You look very beautiful,” he whispered softly.” I want to touch you.”
I didn’t move a muscle, but my whole groin suddenly appeared to wake with utter desire and longing. It had been a long time since a man had touched me intimately. I hoped again I would not blow my cover, but this time due to the possibility of soaking through my bikini bottoms!
I nearly screamed out in delight as I felt his hand slowly touch me knee and slowly and lazily run up my thigh, just stopping at the edge of my bikini! I couldn’t help but let out a little sigh, but kept my eyes shut. There was a pause. I didn’t dare peek, but sensed he was looking at me, wondering whether to make the next move…
After a minute or so, I felt a gentle touch near my left hip, and realised that he was undoing one of the bows that held my bikini bottoms up. Then he did the same on the right. Another pause… I remained silent, though I wanted to leap on him and devour him. I then felt him lift the material of my undone bikini away from my body. I suddenly felt worried. My ‘sleeping position’ would do nothing to conceal the fact that I was very, almanbahis adres very wet indeed! Would he know I was awake?
I lay still, but took a quick peek before quickly closing my eyes again. He was looking at my wet cunt with a look of utter desire on his face. By this time, I pretty much had a steady pulse of desire and lust beating between my legs.
I don’t know how I managed to keep still and quiet when I felt his lips on my left thigh, kissing and gently licking, slowly, slowly making progress Northward, then to my dismay stopping just before reaching my desired destination. Then his lips on my right thigh, gently, slowly doing the same…
“You like this,” he whispered. “You look very, very wet.”
There was another delay during which I could sense he was looking at me. I lay still. Then I sensed him moving and, oh joy felt his tongue very softly just flick once over my clit! I managed not to scream, but let out another sleepy sigh. I wanted more! This man was torturing me! I felt his tongue once more, and this time could not help letting out a groan of pleasure!
“You are now awake,” he said with apparent amusement. “Pity the beach party is returning!”
I opened my eyes, saw Sam smiling at me, and to my horror saw that the rest of the group were near. I quickly covered myself, did up the bows once more, and sat up. To my dismay, Sam had got up to greet the others, perhaps to provide a brief distraction whilst I made myself decent? Why, oh why did they have to return at this particular moment? I could have wept!
I am sitting indoors writing this now. I had to attend to my own needs furtively earlier on in the bathroom as I was so wound-up! I made an excuse to go and have a second shower. My pussy was swollen with longing, slippery, and it took me less than a minute to stroke myself to climax! I cried out, and had to quickly pretend I was sneezing to conceal what I was doing in case anyone was listening! There has been no further opportunity today to speak to Sam without other people being around. I do hope I get some time alone with him again during this holiday. I really, really do. There are four days left…