I hated when my parents made me go into the south of the city with my little brother.
The only reason I ever had to go to that neighborhood in the first pace was to visit our grandfather, who lived in an assisted living facility now. He could still do fairly well on his own, and didn’t have a full-time nurse, but his mobility was a bit limited and some of the medications he was on affected his personality. They lowered his inhibitions and among other things, that made him curse a lot. Sometimes he even started taking off his clothes, saying he was too hot, but I would leave the room at that point.
It was always awkward to be around him now when I remembered him being a stiff, formal person when I was little. Mom and Dad said to act like I didn’t notice his strange behavior, but it was difficult when he would ask me about grad school and casually call me a fat cunt in the same sentence.
It was still easier to be around Grandfather than my little brother, though. Jules was just over a year younger than me and had always been clingy. When we were young it had just been annoying. It wasn’t until after I hit puberty that it really got bad.
Jules had always been tall for his age, and I had always been short. When I hit puberty I was already a chubby kid, and my breasts grew faster than I knew what to do with. For a while all my shirts were tight and I didn’t realize how low-cut even fairly modest necklines looked on me. Not until I realized that the reason Jules would always stand so close to me was to look down my shirt.
“Celia, how many stops away are we now?” he asked, stirring me from my thoughts. We were on the train to see Grandfather now. Even though it was the middle of the day, it was the weekend, which meant it had been too crowded to sit down when we’d boarded.
I shrugged, my t-shirt riding up on my stomach a little. I tried to reach forward to tug it down, but I couldn’t get the front of the hem without my arm rubbing against Jules’ stomach too. “I’m not sure, but we’re at least fifteen minutes out from the right stop.”
“Mmm,” Jules said, frowning. He scratched his chin, happening to brush his arm against my breast in the process. “You remembered to bring the box, right?”
I sighed. “Yes, I got it from the counter.” At least my brother was normal in this respect – all my friends said their brothers asked to put things in their purses when they went out. Jules had bought and wrapped something for Grandfather but wanted me to carry it, since I was the one with the bag.
He grinned. “Oh, good. I think he’s really going to like it.” The train slowed down, rocking me forward slightly. Jules’ eyes slid over me and he wet his lips.
I shifted uncomfortably. It was summer, which meant it was harder to cover up. I was old enough now that it wasn’t strange to wear low-cut things anymore, even with my breasts as large as they were, but Jules had never stopped his habit of paying too much attention to my body, so I tried to dress modestly around him. It didn’t always work – especially when our parents weren’t around.
Right now the train was so crowded that we were pressed up against the wall at the end of the car. I had on a light, semi-sheer scarf to cover up my neck and the tops of my breasts. I had my back to the wall and Jules was facing me, his eyes focused straight down.
When we were still young enough to play doctor, Jules used to eagerly insist on ‘examining’ me, and that was the look he had on his face right then. My cheeks turned pink and I turned my head to look out the window of the train over the tops of the heads of everyone lucky enough to have a seat.
It wasn’t that I was ashamed of my body. I was still chubby, or maybe even just fat, with thick thighs, a big belly, and round, generous breasts. My face was round and my arms big too. I used to be more self-conscious, especially of my fat ass, but I had worked hard to gain enough self-confidence not to be ashamed of my size. It was just hard to be around my brother. He tended to look at me like I was a piece of meat.
Our parents didn’t see it. No matter how many times I’d tried to explain it, they didn’t think Jules was anything but normally curious about a woman’s body. Eventually they’d convinced me that he was just too shy to have experience of his own and because of that he’d been too interested in my development. He’d never dated anyone, despite being fairly good-looking: tall, muscled from jogging every morning, tanned, with short blond hair and Escort bright blue eyes.
Now that we were both old enough to be in college, me in grad school and him in undergrad, he had cooled off to mostly staring. We definitely didn’t play doctor anymore. If I stayed at our parents’ house at the same time as him, sometimes a pair of my underwear would go missing from the laundry, though. And once a few months ago I had caught him looking at me in the shower.
But the only times he touched me anymore was to squeeze against me on crowded trains. Which my parents said couldn’t be helped, and so it was no big deal for us to visit Grandfather together at the same time.
One of the men sitting down caught my eye and smiled slowly. My blush deepened and I tried to lose his eyes, looking higher up through the window, but his eyes followed me. He looked like a typical businessman, but I rode public transit enough to know not to trust any strange man on a train or bus. He stretched casually and his foot brushed mine. I frowned and looked away from him, focusing on the logo on my brother’s t-shirt instead.
The train came to a complete stop and the momentum forced me to rock forward again. My breasts pressed against Jules’ chest for a brief moment before I could push back.
Except Jules leaned forward at the same time, subtly rubbing the inside of his arm against the curve of my breast. Both his hands were in his pockets, and I’m sure he just looked like he was crowding me a little. I bit the inside of my lip and tried not to squirm. I’d learned a long time ago that fidgeting, squirming, or trying to wriggle away from him just made him more aggressive with his touching.
He wasn’t ashamed to touch me like this when no one we knew was around. It didn’t help that we didn’t look alike. Aside from just having different builds, our coloring was much different, too. I didn’t tan as well as him and my hair was a very dark brown, as were my eyes. No one ever thought we were related. I know Jules knew it, and I’m sure that’s why he felt very comfortable inching even closer to me when more people pressed onto the train.
My ass pressed flat against the wall behind me and I felt my breasts flattening against my brother’s chest. It was so hard not to squirm. Even with the air conditioning blasting, I felt hot all over. There was definitely sweat starting to drip between my shoulder blades.
The doors beeped as they closed. A big group of baseball fans had just boarded and their conversation drowned out all the other talking around us. I cringed as Jules leaned down and put his mouth next to my ear. I glanced out the window again so I wouldn’t have to stare right at his throat. His scent flooded my nose and my blush started to creep down past my neck. Jules smelled wholly masculine, like pine from his deodorant, and a little like sweat, but not entirely unpleasant – if he’d been anyone but my little brother.
“Are you excited to see Grandfather?” he whispered in my ear. “I can feel your nipples poking through your shirt. Or are you just happy to be with me?”
“I just want to get off this train soon,” I said, flatly. “It’s too cold in here.”
Jules smiled and slowly pulled one hand from his pocket. He curled it around my hip and slid it backwards, casually grabbing a handful of my ass and squeezing. I couldn’t help but squirm even though it just made my breasts roll against him. I hated when my brother touched me, let alone was brazen enough to grope me in public, on a train, where anyone could see us.
The businessman was definitely watching, or at least not ignoring us. He probably thought we were girlfriend and boyfriend. Well, anyone would. No one would ever look at us and think that they were seeing a brother squeeze his older sister’s ass or grind his hips into his sister’s stomach.
Jules didn’t let go of me for the rest of the train ride. He let the train rock us against each other and I felt his cock stiffening in his jeans, pressing against my stomach. He managed to move his hand over on my ass so he could rub two fingers over my ass crack, pressing his fingers into my flesh through the fabric of my skirt.
“I wish you wouldn’t do this,” I said at one stop, when the noise of some people pushing through the crowd to get off the train covered up my words from anyone who might hear me.
It was so humiliating to be groped like this in public. Our parents had chastised me enough for making a big deal out of the way Jules treated Escort Bayan me – I don’t think they ever really believed me when I told them how he took advantage of our trips on public transit to get close to me. Dad at least had turned red and told me to stop slandering Jules the only time I’d tried to tell them about his fondness for grinding on me on our trips to see Grandfather. They were convinced I was making it up, and I was convinced that no one else would ever believe me, either.
Jules brushed his lips over my cheek and I shut my eyes. “I just haven’t seen you in so long,” he said, softly. He pushed one finger deep into my ass crack and I utterly failed not to wriggle in response. “I’ve missed you.”
I swallowed and managed to glare at him. “You can’t have missed me this much.”
He just smiled, as innocent as could be. “Of course I did. I love you, Celia.”
That ‘love’ extended to picking up the speed of his grinding as we neared our stop. His breath was coming a little faster and he was definitely completely hard. The stop we were getting off at was near the end of the line and one of the most popular, so I knew that the crowd wouldn’t ease until we were there. I was trapped in the train, pressed against my little brother, and I wasn’t sure what he would do if he was still hard when our stop came.
That had only happened once before, and that time, he hadn’t let me off the train, keeping me there until the end of the line and it turned around, fondling my ass until he’d come in his pants.
I flushed at the memory. A bead of sweat rolled over my breast, over my nipple, and Jules pressed his face into my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt hot and clammy at the same time, but his insistent attention to my ass was starting to heat me up. My pussy began to feel damp as he pursed his lips against my throat. Jules had no shame, and it was so crowded now that no one was facing us anymore, anyway.
“We’re only two stops away,” I whispered, while he devolved into full-on kissing my throat. My heart was hammering and I felt like gasping for air, but I couldn’t work up the will to do so. Jules hadn’t been this aggressive in a long time. But we hadn’t gone to see Grandfather in over a month, either. “Jules, we’re only two stops away,” I repeated, starting to panic.
He nipped my neck and I reflexively arched, my hips angling up into his. “Then help me,” he said, his voice a little ragged.
My heart was beating so fast that I could feel my pulse all over my body. I didn’t know what to do. The doors of the train were closing again, which meant there was now only one stop left before ours. Jules seemed so determined that I knew he wasn’t going to let me off the train if he was still hard. And if he kept up after the crowd dissipated at that point, anyone would see us. Except all they would see was a slutty girl practically fucking her boyfriend in public. They’d sneer at me and might even try to complain, but no one would see a sister being forced to grind against her brother, they’d just see a cock-hungry slut.
I’d never ‘helped’ Jules before, but I knew that I would die of shame if anyone really caught us together like this. I had to end this before our stop came, and I only had a few minutes left.
Hesitantly, I moved one of my hands around to squeeze between us. Jules inhaled sharply as I curled my palm over his hardened cock. It felt hot even through his jeans. He moved his other hand around to squeeze my ass and press against my ass crack, so he was gripping me with both hands. I tried not to panic as I tightened my grip on the front of his pants and moved my hand up and down. It felt like my heart was about to come out of my throat and the dampness in my pussy was definitely hot now. I flushed all over, too ashamed to look away when Jules met my eyes.
“Just like that, Celia,” he said, his pupils dilated. I wanted to look away but was frozen in embarrassment. I couldn’t believe how far he’d pushed me. I was jerking off my own little brother in public just to ensure that no one would see us when the crowds thinned.
The train came to another stop and I started to really panic. I sped up my hand, determined to get him to cum before we got to our stop. Jules took another deep breath and put his mouth back to my ear.
“Unzip me,” he murmured. I squeaked in protest and he pressed harder into my hand. “If you really want to finish me off before our stop, unzip me,” he said again. It was definitely a command, but Bayan Escort his voice was heated and eager.
My fingers trembled, but I only had two minutes left, max. I hurriedly undid his zipper and didn’t make a sound when he pulled his hands forward to pull my skirt up near my hips. His cock, slick with precum and sweat, pushed against my fat thighs. We were so close that I couldn’t see it, but it felt huge, and I found myself thrusting back against him as he fucked my thighs.
His eyes were locked on mine as he made short, hard thrusts between my legs. I felt myself rock onto my toes and my lips parted. I was beyond panic now. If someone sitting down did glimpse us through all the people standing up, there’d be no mistaking what we were doing. I was letting Jules fuck me, letting my little brother’s cock rub against my thighs. And it was making me wet.
“Jules,” I said, my voice tight. “Jules, hurry-“
Just then, he grunted, and I felt hot cum splash over my skin. I tried not to gasp and looked away, towards someone’s shoulder. Jules thrust once or twice more as he emptied his cum over me. My pussy was so hot that I thought I was about to cum, too, and I just stood there trembling as he rushed to zip himself back up. When my skirt fell back down to my knees there was no evidence left of what we’d just done, except the cum smeared over my skin, hidden from view.
He grabbed my wrist when the train doors opened and pulled me through the station in a daze. It wasn’t until we stopped that I realized he’d been guiding me towards the public restrooms. Still flushed, my pussy hot and my nipples hard, I didn’t understand at first.
Jules tugged my wrist again. “Go clean yourself off,” he said. He smirked when I blinked at him, confused. “You can’t see Grandfather like this,” he explained.
A drop of cum started rolling down my leg and I understood. I pushed into the women’s restroom and hurried into an empty stall.
I grabbed toilet paper and started wiping myself off, rushing to catch all of my brother’s cum before any more of it dripped down my legs where I might miss a spot. My wrist inadvertently brushed my clit and I bit my lip, touching my head to the wall of the bathroom stall. I was still worked up, but I didn’t want to cum here. I didn’t want to cum because my little brother had just fucked my fat thighs in public.
I got clean and stood there for a minute, breathing hard, waiting for the tension in my pussy to subside. It didn’t, and didn’t, and I finally realized it wasn’t going to. The front of my panties were soaked and I couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of my brother’s big cock on my thighs. For a fleeting moment I wished he had finished me off of the train, just so I wouldn’t be squirming here in the bathroom now.
Hesitantly, I slid my panties down and brushed a finger against my clit. It was swollen and sensitive and the touch felt so good that I eagerly moved my hand down to slide two fingers inside of me. I was so wet that it was easy enough to add a third, and I had to cover my mouth to muffle the sound of my groan as I started finger-fucking myself.
I was so ashamed to be brought this low by my brother, but I couldn’t stop it. It was like he’d set off a tidal wave and I was being swept under. I told myself anyone would react that way to the stimulation on the train and frantically finger-fucked myself, waiting to climax so I could finish cleaning up and leave.
I shut my eyes and tried to picture anyone else fucking me to orgasm. My last ex. The guy I had a crush on in one of my classes. Even my older professor, who was my graduate thesis advisor. None of them could help. I desperately pictured myself bent over my professor’s desk, his cock pushing deep into my pussy, but it wasn’t until I flashed back on Jules’ fingers digging into my ass that my pussy clamped around my fingers. I groaned and shook, my orgasm rocking through me, and cum dripping down over my hand. All I could imagine was myself cumming on my brother’s thick cock, and everyone on the train watching.
It was a good minute or two before my orgasm tapered off, and then I had to wait even longer before I wasn’t too sensitive to wipe my cum off my pussy. When I was satisfied I wouldn’t be dripping, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands in the hot water until it felt like my skin was scalding. Only when I felt clean did I have the courage to leave the bathroom and face my brother.
He didn’t look me up and down or stare at my breasts as I emerged from the bathroom. He just put his phone away and smiled. “Let’s go see Grandfather, sis.”
We walked towards the stairs and I tried not to stare at his ass when he stepped in front of me. I felt like I was losing my mind.