
Ch. 1 – Old Flames and New

Big Tits

They sent a harvester.

Of course they would! But it didn’t have to be Annalise! That was just their perversity; just the kind of sick, willful infliction of casual torture that they so desperately needed to mete out on a regular basis in order to insulate themselves from any examination of just how fragile their awesome power was at its core.

Fuck them. I didn’t care about them. I’d stopped caring about them parsecs ago.

They clearly hadn’t forgotten me.

“That’s far enough,” I tell her. I make no move towards any of the dozen or so weapons on my person or in easy reach. Annalise knows me well enough to know that I never say ‘stop’ twice.

She comes to a halt just a meter and a half away. I could have ended her at any point between there and where she touched down just a klick away. She knew that. She’d counted on me wanting to see her.

So had her masters.

I wasn’t sure that I did.

For one thing, I was just a bit put the fuck off by the cheesy chemical augments. Even at a distance, she reeked of the free, sexual, self-possessed woman she used to be before they cyborged the shit out of her. I didn’t even know if she still possessed any of the biological structures that had once made that heady cocktail of hormones, pheromones, and body scents. Even if the factories were still original, the fact that they’d been augmented with the intention of weaponizing them disgusted me.

It was a total turn off.

Only nobody sent that message to my midbrain. Or to my cock and balls. My thick little saber was dialed all the way the fuck up and straining at my breeches.

“What the actual…,” I start.

She cuts me off. “Aylen, you know why I’m here. Please…”

“Please what!? Please don’t make this difficult?! For me? For you? For us? What the actual star-trekking fuck, ‘Lise? You’re a Farce-damned Quadrant Praetor now. You can tell them to go fuck themselves! Send somebody else!”

She just looks at me.

“But you didn’t,” I observe superfluously.

“You’d have killed anyone else by now,” she notes dryly.

“No shit,” I retort.

“And then they’d have sent in my First Squad.”

“And I’d have…”

“You’d have killed some of them, Aylen. Maybe most of them. Even one of them would have hurt. Hurt me to lose. We’re… all close.”

I’m just about to work up some kind of a heartless ‘fuck all you Imperial Bitches’ response when she presses on.

“But! Before another moon dawned on this frakkng rock, they’d have ripped you off it and stuffed you in a pain box and dumped you in my fucking headquarters to deal with. I didn’t want that. That’s what I couldn’t frelling bear!”

When she gets really emotional her Galaxy Standard lapses back into the accents and vocabulary of her Sebac upbringing. Our upbringing.

I sit, immobile.

“Please,” she says again. The corners of her lips and eyes bent towards me, compelling, plaintive.

Frell! Frak! Fuck!

I extemporize, hoping to give my rage time to subside enough that I could get through what I’d decided to endure without doing anything stupid.

“What happened to the sample you already collected? What was it; three years ago now? The last time we…”

The last time I’d seen Annalise in all of her flesh and none – or, almost none – of… this.

“Aylen, I… We… used all of it.”

“I can’t imagine you had any yield problems. Seriously: How many brutally-indoctrinated crèche creeps does the empire fucking need!?”

“You’d be surprised,” she sighes in an unusually unguarded tone. Fuck! I only hope, in spite of myself, that she isn’t being monitored by a whole control room full of technothugs. Deep down I know there is nearly zero chance of that. I’m about to give a bunch of my semen to my now-cyborg ex-girlfriend in front of an audience of interplanetary dickheads.

“But it’s you,” she starts again, “your genetics…,” she corrects herself, then, “No. You! You’re special! You know you’re special!”

“To them,” I state flatly.

She hears the accusation all the same. She strides forward two unhesitating steps and leans in close, her eyes boring into mine, her face a sudden wash of tenderness that I could almost hope wasn’t the result of carefully rehearsed programming.

“To me!” Her hushed voice is insistent. “That’s never changed, Aylen! And it never will!” I could almost buy it. But since there is near zero chance that simple hushed intimate whispering will confound the censors, I know that it all has to be part of the program. Still, a part of me wants to believe… even if only to help get me through what I know has to come next.

“So you blew my whole wad in just three years,” I scoff. “Not for nothing, but it was a huge fucking wad! I still remember it,” I add, hoping that somehow I can reach some still-vulnerable part inside her and either soothe or hurt it. I almost really didn’t care which.

“I do too,” she counters. “And it zara escort was! And…” she looks half at me and half through me. ” and I wanted… I asked them to let me keep it! A part of it anyway. A part of you.” She’s laying it on pretty thick.

“They said no,” I conclude for her. It wasn’t a question. Her expression confirms it, though. “We all make choices,” I nearly spit, and it registers; just a micro-expression of the felt sting. Or a manufactured bit of theater.

“You think…” she starts, then reconsiders. She regards me for a long moment, then leans back. She squats in front of me until she’s at eye level, as if sitting opposite me. Without a chair. Good exercise if you’re all natural. Nothing at all if you’ve got servos that can just lock out the right actuators. Not at all the right pose if she’s trying to appeal to me. But she keeps going, on a bit different track. “Aylen. I understand that it all looked like this sudden thing to you. I understand that that was traumatic.”

I bark a short. bitter laugh.

“I’m going to tell you something about trauma: Fast can be better than slow.”

“Zen wisdom from the inquisitors?”

She ignores my barb and regards me with seeming tenderness. She looks vulnerable. She looks like she really needs me to listen.

Fuck it. It works. I let my biology have its run and I relax, just listening.

She begins her confession with, “The last time… wasn’t the first time.”

I feel my blood rise. “You… Fuck! I… FUCK!” I get to my feet in an angry flash. She ststands up in front of me. My heart seeths and my breathing trembles.

“Here I thought,” I say as evenly as I could manage, “that you just sold out, cashed out, and ran! Are you telling me that you fucking farmed me!? For them!? For… how frelling long!?”

She takes a half step back. I follow her; whether to stay in her face or to make sure I can grapple her if she goes for a weapon I can’t say. Probably both.

“How. Fucking. Long?!”

“They came for me while you were away,” she blurts. An actual tear starts at the corner of one eye. “You we’re gone so long! Only not. I just thought it was so long because… I held out! Oh! How I fucking held out, hoping! It was no use!”

I know more than I ever wanted to know about Imperial methods. I… I just can’t bring myself to imagine Annalise undergoing the least of their procedures. And so I can’t let it be real for me. Yet. I can’t let go of my anger. And right now my anger runs deep and wide, covering the entire empire and Annalise with it. And some of myself, too.

“When,” I ask quietly, seething and teetering on the edge of a half dozen horribly irrevocable choices.

“The last time you went out with… your school chum.” She’s careful not to mention names or any more details then necessary. Curious.

I know she means Kavyn, my sometime contact in… let’s say unsanctioned ventures. But that was nearly four…

“A year!?” I husk, “A whole, fucking year?!” My mind floods with all the highlights of our last, idyllic year together. All the quiet, contented moments. Dinners. Walks. Holding hands. Every single time we’d made love…

Every single time we’d bounced together, for a whole fucking year, I was ejaculating into the fucking empire’s fucking elite troop breeding program.

Paartha shit!

I spin on my heel and stalk back through the garden to my back porch. Annalise followes me, her tread nearly silent for all of her new mass. I change course in the atrium and glide to the bar, pulling a bottle of Rylak malt off the top of the bar and pouring a full tumbler, straight.

“Aylen,” she starts softly. I thrust one hand up, preemptively silencing her as I chug a long, rough guzzle off of the top of the glass. It burnes all the way down and bracesd me, body and mind.

I set the glass down and drop my robe and underclothes. It isn’t meant as foreplay and I have no thought that she might mistake it as such. What I’m signaling is a lack of threat. I drop my weapons with the robe and the rest of my garments in a pile by the bar, then reclaim my tumbler of Rylak and walk further into my home.

No way am I gonna take her to my bedroom. I’d never get a good night’s sleep there again if I did. Instead, I lead her into the rec room and claim all of the day bed for myself. She glides silently in behind me and sits on the ottoman.

“So how does this even work now, I ask.

“I’m still in here,” she said. It won’t… it doesn’t have to be any different…”

I just glare at her.

“Except for the part where I lied to you for a year and now I’m back to essentially force you to have sex with me against your will…,” she admits.

“Yeah. Except for that. Tell me. Outside of the extractive services, what is our vaunted empire’s penalty for rape?!”

She regards me steadily for a few breaths, then sighs. “Tell me you don’t want to have sex with me and I’ll leave.” zeytinburnu escort She holds my gaze for a long moment while I take that in and weigh it. Then her eyes dart to my rebellious cock.

Damn it!

My big little guy is dialed all the way up! And now that I’ve noticed it too, I’m acutely tuned into the sweet, throbbing ache that is thrumming all through my cock and balls and reverberating through my belly and spine.

“What can I say,” I smile sheepishly, “you make quite an impression. Even with… all of that.” I nod at her ivory plasticine armor.

I think you’re gonna be pleasantly surprised,” she grins at me. Her mouth curles into a mischievous smile. “But first…” She slides onto her knees in front of me. “Aylen! I so want your cock in my mouth right now!”

“Yeah,” I ask, teasing.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she husks. She brings one hand to her mouth and pinches at the corners of her lips. When she pulls her fingers away, I can see the saliva-defined flicker and shimmer of a monofil mouth condom sliding from her lips.

Hmm. She could easily have…

“Give me your hot cock, Aylen! I want to taste you again! I want your hot cock in my mouth so fucking bad!”

Without thinking, I spread my legs wide for her and slide my hips forward so that my exposed groin is presented directly towards her hot, wet, hungry mouth. I brace my elbows to hold me up where I can watch. Annalise smiles and her eyes growl at me as she slowly moved towards me. Her lips part, her jaw stretches, and her tongue slides out across her bottom lip, eager to taste me.

Her mouth wide open, she takes my cockhead into her hot orifice, engulfing me without touching me at all. Her hot breath sighes moistly against me but that’s all. Her eyes are still locked on mine. She relishes this; watching me react, seeing my excitement and anticipation grow as she takes me in her hot mouth; waiting to catch sight of my joy at that magical moment when she will make first contact.

It’s just the tip of her tongue this time.


Oh! Fuck it feels so fucking good and so agonizing at the same time! Her slick tongue tip traces feathery patterns against the underside of my shaft. It sends shivers all through me that thrill me to my core at the same time that they stoke my primal yearning to have her close her hot mouth around me tight.

“Fuck! You’re such a fucking hot sexy fucking cocktease, ‘Lise!”

She waggles her head ever so slightly. No, she says with the gesture. Not a tease, but I am gonna tease the fucksauce out of you first. Her words ring in my head as if she’d spoken them aloud. She bobbs her mouth around me, moving it up and down my cock as if she were mouthfucking me, but still the only physical contact between us is the very tip of her long, acrobatic tongue and the underside of my aching shaft.

Fuck! I am so desperately fucking hard! “Damn you!” I groan and buck my hips at her, but she deftly draws back just far enough that I don’t spear the roof of her mouth with my taut, straining cockhead. The edges of her lips curl just a bit further and her eyes grin mischievously up at me for the space of three ragged breaths.

Then she wraps her mouth tightly around me and slides all of my cock into her mouth at once.

“Ohjebuzforcemefuckingshite!” Damn! Her tongue is everywhere! Her lips wrap the base of my cock in a pulsing grip. Her hot mouth presses against every square millimeter of my cock and her saliva drools out of the corners of her lips to slide down my balls. Fuck it feels so fucking good!

“Fuck your mouth feels so fucking good, ‘Lise!”

I think that if she moves a micron, I’m going to explode right there. But I don’t.

When she does move, I am distracted. Her tongue darts out, snaking underneath my balls. I am just about to groan in satisfaction when a notification flashes in my peripheral vision; five orange flashes repeated once:

— –.–.

— –.–.

Mike romeo; message received It was confirmation of successful transfer of a data dot. Annalise had just brush-passed a covert data dump to my balls! With her tongue!

“Huh,” I start to say, but Annalise quickly turns my surprised ejaculation it into a raptly groaning “Huh-Uuuuunggghaaafuck,” by swirling and pumping her magic mouth all over my cock. As she does, she waggles her head slightly but clearly from side to side. Don’t open the package. Not yet, she is saying.


As soon as she sees that I understand the admonition, Annalise turns the motion into a twisting, side to side mouth technique, playing her tongue all over the underside of my shaft as she ever-so-slowly withdraws her mouth from me.

Again: Fuck!

“Jodma’s furry dickgripping cuntears! That feels fucking amazing,” I moan. My cockhead exits her mouth with an audible schlop! as she continues to suck on me right up to the tip.

“Well,” Annalise remarks, zonguldak escort eyeing my rigid, throbbing cock with delight and anticipation sparkling in her eyes, “looks like you’re ready for action, Sport!” With that, she gets up and climbs astride me. She tugs the band from her hair and lets it fall, framing her face above me. She knows how hot that makes her look. Even against the hard, gleaming, white curves of her new armor, it still makes me gasp and stiffen to see her onyx tresses falling across her shoulders.

“Right about now is when you usually grab my tits,” she smiles a naughty smile and darts an inviting glance down at her cleavage.

“I like the way they used to hang,” I complain.

“Go on, then,” she urges me.

Hesitantly, I bring both hands up beside the mounds in her hard plasmet cuirass. I hesitate a moment. Annalise holds still, inviting my touch with her eyes, just as she’s done hundreds of times before. Expecting the cold, hard feel of plasmet, I grip both of her armored boobs at once and feel… cold, hard plasmet.

But only for an instant.

Her armor vanishes in front of my eyes like a CGI skin that just got switched off. I see Annalise – my ‘Lise – naked above me from head to toes. And I feel the warm, full weight of her breasts in my hands, just as soft and firm and sensitive as I remember them. I rub both of my thumbs across her crinkly nipples and feel and see them respond, thickening under my caresses. She sighs deep in her throat and presses her hot furry mons against my solid shaft. I feel the moist, warm tickle of her bush against my shaft and the heat of her lips radiating across my balls.


Annalise cups my cheek in one hand and bends down until her lips are inches from mine. “Direct Sensory Induction,” she murmurs. “Works both ways. I can see and feel all of us together when we touch. Wherever we touch.” She snakes her other hand down between us and wraps my cock in her firm grip.

“Holy fuck! This is so frakking awesome! We can frelling market this!”

“Right!?” Her grin looks completely hers as she closes the distance between us and docks her mouth with mine. Her tongue breaches my lips and teeth and glides warm and delicious against mine. Her mouth tastes like hibiscus and savory sausage and lust. I just want to swallow her long, thick, muscular tongue!

As she fucks my mouth with her fantastic tongue, ‘Lise grips me firmly and slips my cockhead through her greasy cuntlips and into her vestibule.

I feel her exhaling into my mouth and I inhale, switching to the buddy-breathing mode of kissing that she’d taught me for such moments of transgression. The mild hypoxia heightens the thrill as she slowly presses her hips down and enfolds all of my cock in the tight, wet, superhot folds of her vaginal walls.

Fuck! She feels incredible! Just as I’ve remembered, imagined, dreamt about, and masturbated to in vain for three fucking years now! Kesjen years. That’s 1203 days! 26,444 hours! Fuck, I can barely do simple arithmetic right now. I couldn’t solve a multivariate right now if my life were on the line.

Fuck! She feels so fucking good!

She forces a deep breath into me and sucks it out. Once. Twice. Third time, she keeps blowing her breath into my lungs. My vision is blurring at the edges even though my eyes are screwed shut with intense pleasure. Her lungs must be huge! I’m hyperinflated and she’s still pushing air into my mouth. A little cough at the end and she holds me until an orange blip flashes in the blurry part of my peripheral vision…

— –.–.

. — — —

Message received. Eyes only.

I open my eyes and she’s staring straight into me. Expectantly. She just blew a data dot into my bronchus. I need to read this.

I flick my eyes twice in the direction of the alert and the text scrolls out. It’s an old code, but it checks out:

Play along.

No matter what.

Nothing is going to happen here today that I haven’t planned.

I love you! So much!

Please! Keep being who I’ve always loved you – so much – for being!


Even down to the twice-repeated “so much” no-duress code. What’s going on here?

“Huí shi…,” I gasp as she pulls her mouth from mine and begins to roll her hips, massaging my cockhead against the roof of her hot, tight cunt.

“Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnxíng lìng rén xīngfèn dì xìng’ài,” she gushes as she starts to fuck my cock, bouncing her hips and ass to stroke me deep and hard with her tight, wet pussy.

True. We’re having what promises to be mind-blowing sex. But that’s not an answer. Only it is. That’s what needs to be happening right now. Just that. Only that. Just me pumping my cock into my cyborg ex-girlfriend with her superhot VR5x augments. No messages. No clandestine data drops. Just her farming my balls and me enjoying the living fuck out of it.

Okay then.

I let her tits fall against my chest and run my hands through her hair as I scroll through my onboard SRDB menu with flicks of my eyes and short pulses of both thumbs working in unison.

I lock gazes with her and sigh, “Oh! Fuck! Annalise! I’ve missed this! I’ve missed you so fucking much!”

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