Author’s note: Thank you for reading and here’s hoping this chapter gets uploaded fast! Exluke1, Rusty’s behavior will only turn riskier and riskier, and not in just one way! Anon, I upload one chapter per week, I hope we get into a rhythm with them. Princera, thanks a lot, it means so much to know people enjoy my stories.
And now enjoy the aftermath of the locker room episode!
Chapter Twelve — Making The Right Choice
Well, things weren’t supposed to turn so emotional, but Matty couldn’t stop himself after blowing Rusty exactly like in one of his fantasies. All that stuff about first times had to be real, because he was living it himself, right now. As he squeezed his eyes tightly shut, he struggled to focus on each aspect in particular, the way Rusty’s skin smelled, how solid his body felt in Matty’s arms, and that lingering taste on his tongue, to crown it all. Yet, his struggles proved fruitless, as his mind was shattered from experiencing a kind of pleasure he hadn’t encountered before. His own cock was straining his jeans and the fabric strength alone kept it contained, but he knew just as well to ignore it, because it wasn’t about that.
Was this really the right moment to realize he was no longer just crushing on Rusty Parker, but that he was deeply, seriously in love with him? It might have all started as a little bit of a joke, but the joke was now on him.
And back to more pressing matters, how long was Rusty going to let him hang onto him like that, without a smidge of wanting him to let go? It had already started getting weird a couple of minutes ago, but Matty couldn’t bring himself to act like a normal person and unwrap his arms from around Rusty.
What made it quite impossible to let go was how Rusty kept running his fingers through his hair, making him shudder in too much pleasure. It was like all that was understandable, explainable. Reluctantly, Matty removed his arms from around his crush of the last three years and moved away.
“Did it match your locker room fantasy or was it just meh?”
The question brought him back to real life and all that was truly Rusty. He buried his face in his hands to hide his laughter.
“Are you laughing at me, Matty boy? I’m going to punish you with my schlong.” The threat was followed by prompt action. The half limp member slapped him playfully over the side of his head.
“Eww, Rusty, you’re gross,” Matty protested and moved away, only to be followed and promptly smacked again.
“Oh, yeah? It wasn’t gross when you were gobbling it down like it was your favorite type of sausage.”
“I don’t have a favorite type of sausage. Cut it out.”
“You do now.”
“Aren’t you full of yourself?”
Matty escaped the sloppy attacks and turned the tables, dragging Rusty down and making him stumble and end up sprawled on top of him on the long bench. That might not have been the wisest move because now, the naughty green eyes could easily inspect him from up close, and, without a doubt, his face had to be red with embarrassment.
“You sucked your first dick,” Rusty teased him with a grin.
Way to go, ruining a perfect, magical moment. No, that wasn’t right, actually. Matty had always crushed on Rusty Parker because of how out of the ordinary he was. That line was all him, and Matty intended to cherish it forever, like a good memory.
“Hey, I had my mouth on your dick last night,” he reminded his partner in crime and locker room fantasies.
“That doesn’t really count. You just licked a bit of ice cream then.”
“And I thought we were doing a cum taste test. Go figure.”
They snickered like school boys. How the hell could they be so in synch, a straight guy with dozens of female admirers and a still somewhat virgin gay boy?
“How does it feel?”
“You mean, a dick in my mouth? Your dick?”
“I didn’t mean mine, in particular, but okay, since you mentioned it.”
Matty took a moment to come up with something worthy of the legendary kinkster. His mind was, however, blank. Rusty was still lying on top of him, making it tough to concentrate.
“You know,” Rusty started, “people say that you never forget your first.”
“The first dick you sucked, you mean?”
“Smartass,” Rusty praised him. He pushed himself up, and Matty straightened.
Now that Rusty’s heavy body no longer kept him down, he felt weightless, just short of floating away.
“What did you think about the game?”
The change of tack was welcome. “I’m no basketball afficionado, but you looked great out there. You’re so going to win on Saturday.”
Surprisingly enough, his praise didn’t have the expected effect. Rusty grimaced slightly. “Way to put more pressure on the man.”
“Really? Would you rather have me telling you that you suck or something?” Matty observed the other carefully. What was he missing?
The frown lines, so not at home on Rusty’s face, smoothed out and made room for a playful grin. “No, you suck.”
“You ass,” Matty protested. “Just so you know, it takes real courage Cebeci travesti to suck a dick. What do you do? Run to and fro, passing a ball? That so doesn’t compare.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” The lopsided smirk told Matty that he might not have the necessary mental equipment to answer that and be sure that he was telling the truth.
“Totally,” he offered with the utmost confidence.
“Hmm,” Rusty purred and stared at him with half-lidded eyes. “You pack a punch for a small guy, don’t you?”
“Psh, I’m not that small, what are you saying?”
“Nah, you’re not. I’ve seen it.” Rusty smiled ear to ear now.
“You’re so dick-obsessed for a straight dude.”
“You kept on flaunting it, right in my face.”
“Seriously? You pushed me to it.”
“Because you’re in grave danger of dying a virgin, and my mission is to prevent that.”
“Your mission, really?” Matty was enjoying their banter, all the more because Rusty was undressing and gesturing for him to follow him to the showers.
“Yeah,” came the confirmation. “I’m like a superhero. But I’m not fighting crime. I’m fighting the plight of virginity.”
“Oh, my, what a worthy cause. Have you had many virgins, then?”
Rusty stepped under the shower and groaned in pleasure as the warm water hit his back. Matty had a mind to ask if that back washing offer was still on the table, but he was in the business of not pushing his luck, or so he kept telling himself.
“Now that I think about it, no. Girls tend to come to me because they’re past that and know what they want.” Rusty turned to wink at him and began washing his hair.
Matty crossed his arms and admired the view, hoping that his ogling wasn’t too much.
“You’d be my first,” Rusty added.
Funny thing, his voice no longer sounded playful. It had become suddenly deep and low, and Matty couldn’t help the strange sensation traveling over him from head to toes. He shook his head to shake it away. “I am so not giving you my V-card,” he said, to play it cool.
“Why?” Rusty looked puzzled while soaping his chest.
“What do you mean, why? It’s supposed to be with someone special and all that.”
“I’m totally special.” That came with the signature smirk. Matty fell in love another inch. One more thing to keep to himself.
“You know what I mean. Hey, didn’t you need me to wash your back?” At times, it was better to deflect.
“I can do that.” Rusty made a demonstration at how far he could bend his arm for the operation. “And you’re dressed. It would be hard to explain if we were to march across campus with you sopping wet.”
“Now, I know you’re special. How considerate of you.” That came out as dry as sandpaper.
“And what’s that guy supposed to be like? Drive a Lexus? Have an Ivy League degree under his belt, which he keeps next to his dick?”
“Ugh, stop it. I told you, I don’t have a list.” Matty observed all the details carefully, while Rusty continued to wash himself and was now turning his back for a final rinse.
That was a great ass. Matty hoped his body wasn’t leaning forward of its own accord. He barely had any self-restraint around this guy as things were. But what an ass, though.
“I’ll let you grope it.”
Rusty was looking at him over his shoulder and winked at him, when Matty lifted his eyes. “I wasn’t staring.”
“You totally were. And I can see that tent you’re pitching.”
“It’s hardly the right time to go camping. It’ll go away,” Matty promised.
Rusty turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. And then, he promptly grabbed the front of Matty’s jeans.
“Hey there,” Rusty teased him and smiled.
That had been the only protest he managed. The next thing, Rusty had both hands inside his jeans, playing with his cock and balls. Matty closed his eyes to rein in the sensation that was threatening to be too much, but that left him wide open because right away, he felt Rusty moving closer and firm lips taking his mouth, with the clear intention of conquering it.
His defenses were just for show, and he quickly handed over the keys to the city, opening his mouth and letting Rusty kiss him. As firm as the first attack had been, what followed could only be described as a leisurely walk. Rusty was taking his time, tasting him slowly, moving his tongue in small, provocative circles and pulling back to tease his bottom lip, only to dive back in again.
Matty had no idea what made his mind swirl more, the kiss, or how Rusty was dealing with his hard cock. He steadied himself by resting his hands on the other’s biceps.
What was the record for the longest kiss in history? Matty liked to believe that he and Rusty could sign up for the competition. He kissed back, while Rusty’s hand moved up and down at a steady pace.
Then, suddenly, his partner decided to turn him, plastering his back against his chest. Matty’s breath grew labored as he looked down. He could see that strong hand pumping him good. Rusty was now Cebeci travestileri licking the side of his neck and one ear. “Let me see how you shoot for me.”
It was done and done, almost.
“Fuck, that looks nice,” Rusty continued to tease his ear with both his voice and tongue.
Matty moaned helplessly.
“Just for the record,” Rusty whispered making his skin turn to goosebumps everywhere, “for your first time, you sucked a mean dick, Matty.”
It was weird praise, but Matty was willing to take it. Heck, he was willing to take everything Rusty wanted to give him.
“Oh, man, look at it go,” Rusty said with admiration while Matty’s cock began to shoot.
His entire body was trembling, and he could not help it. It took him a moment or so to realize that he was making all kinds of shameless sounds. Rusty released him gently and kissed the crown of his head. Matty staggered for a moment as he got his balance back. He could tell Rusty was toweling off, whistling a happy tune.
He pushed his spent cock back in his jeans and pondered whether to make a run for it or just stay. With Rusty, he knew that the latter would more likely seem normal.
“Ready?” Rusty asked and threw one arm over Matty’s shoulders. “Ha, you look properly fucked. If that’s what a handjob does to you, I wonder.”
“You wonder what?”
Rusty nuzzled his cheek. “How you look when you are actually properly fucked.”
That sounded like a promise. Matty didn’t quite dare to hope. Wait, how did they even get to that point?
At first, the point was supposed to be to tease Matty and see how he looked with his cage rattled, because that was such fun to watch. Rusty could blame it on not having had his dick sucked for a while for saying all those things. He could, but he wouldn’t. After all, sex was sex. A hole was a hole.
Matty’s hole, though. He had seen it, from quite up close. It was pink and pretty. Quite a shame to penetrate such a cute little thing.
Rusty kept in a snort. He had finally let Matty off the hook and was now heading toward the house, his mind full of fuck, but not in the wrong way. Supposedly, as the teacher, he should consider teasing Matty with butt plugs and whatnot. Somewhere, along the way, his own dick had popped up like a weed, asking to be considered a worthy candidate.
Bah, he was thinking about it too much. Matty had been firm about not wanting to hand him his V-card. V-card, really. Rusty shook his head. Although, it was true that he didn’t have one of those in his trophy case of achievements.
On his way back to the house, a bunch of girls shouted and waved to him, and he waved back. One of these days, he would have to get properly laid because thinking of stealing Matty’s V-card was a bit too much, even for him, renowned for his sexual adventures.
Yeah, with all the regret that it came with, he would have to let Matty keep his precious V-card and hand it over to some special guy. What had Matty said that one time, during the quiz? Rusty narrowed his eyes. His mind had been trying to find ways to get Matty to consider fooling around with a cat boy, so he hadn’t really paid attention to what the guy had been saying. What was his favorite eye color? Blue? Probably. A lot of people liked blue eyes.
Rusty shrugged. It didn’t matter anyway. Those had been just control questions, to lull the questioned into dropping the guard and reply truthfully.
And Matty had admitted to liking alley cats. Now, that was something to consider. The nerdy preppy boy liked guys from the wrong side of the tracks, it seemed. Well, at least that was Rusty’s interpretation for now. More questioning was needed for Matty to disclose what made the perfect guy for him.
As a generous, conscientious teacher of sex, he would also help Matty find that dude. But who would be perfect for someone as cute as that?
Great. Now, he would have to start checking dudes out. He pushed the door open, only to find Maddox and Jonathan making out on the sofa. Hmm, they would make perfect subjects for a bit of quizzing.
In all truth, they must have been making out until the sound of the door opening, because they were now pretending to be engrossed in some textbook spread on the small table in front of them. That only meant that they were getting hot and heavy, or otherwise Maddox wouldn’t have pulled away from his boyfriend like that.
Even better, they were perfectly ripe for some questioning.
“Hi, Rusty,” Jonathan said.
“Hi, my dudes,” Rusty said and did his secret handshake with Maddox. “How was the first time you two did it in the butt?”
Jonathan snickered and looked away. Maddox groaned and let his head fall back to pray at the ceiling. Rusty pushed away the table and sat on top of it, legs crossed and examined them closely.
“Isn’t it a bit early in the day to talk anal sex?” Maddox asked instead of replying like a good boy.
“You two are early. You were supposed to come back tonight. It’s still light outside,” Travesti cebeci Rusty pointed out. “Come on, don’t be shy. It’s just Uncle Rusty asking.”
“Uncle Rusty? The other day you wanted us to adopt you,” Maddox reminded him.
“That ship sailed. Now call me uncle.”
“I totally won’t,” Maddox warned him.
“What are you curious about, Rusty?” Jonathan intervened.
“Was it like, really painful?” Of course, Jonathan must have been the first to take it, so he was the one to ask.
Jonathan frowned slightly, while he seemed to think about something. “Not so much, if you’re patient and there’s enough preparation involved. But you must know these things.”
He did because he fucked plenty in the butt. The thing was, the ones on the receiving end had been only girls, and now he needed to offer Matty some good advice. Maybe not everything he already knew applied, and there were hidden gay things he had to be aware of.
“Yeah, I know very well you’re a butt-fucker,” Maddox said with conviction. “Wait, Rusty, my man, do you want to take it in the butt?”
“Ha-ha, Maddie, let’s be serious,” Rusty countered. “There’s no way–I mean, I’ve already tried some things. But this isn’t about me,” he added quickly.
Yeah, he had tried a couple of times. He had even put a girl up to exploring his butt, and, to be honest, it had made him a little bit hot all over and ready to lose his head. That was never the plan. When it came to sex, Rusty Parker was on top of things and in control.
What about Matty? A little voice whispered in his ear. With that preppie cute guy, everything became a tumble, like the blowjob from earlier. Rusty had wondered how long Matty would allow him to hold him like that after the deed. Apparently, the answer had been: as long as needed.
That was just a side effect of not getting laid, for sure. Rusty Parker had gotten enough head in this life already to last him about three more, and it had been Matty’s first bj, so–
“Rusty, are you still with us?” Maddox was waving a hand in front of him. “Who is this about?”
“Hmm, you know what? We can have this conversation later, over dinner.”
“I’m not going to talk to you about anal sex over dinner,” Maddox said sternly. “Come on, spit it out. What’s with the curiosity?”
“You,” Rusty turned toward Jonathan, “having been a virgin and all when Maddox put it in, did you feel like crying afterward or something?”
Jonathan stared at him nonplussed for a moment, then he smiled. “No, nobody cried.”
“Good. So, I don’t have to worry about sentimentalisms and stuff.”
“You intend to…” Maddox seemed to be catching on. “Hang on. Rusty, my man, there are limits.”
“What are you talking about?” Rusty need to dash up the stairs, lock himself in his room, and strategize for the future.
“Even if you fool around with Matthew, trying to turn him into a gay overlord and whatnot, that’s not a good idea.” Maddox was holding him prisoner with nothing but his eyes.
Rusty felt like he was glued in place. He tried to play it casually. “Don’t make so much out of sex, Maddie. And Matty’s totally cool. We could play hide-the-salami.”
Maddox pursed his lips and looked at him like he was disappointed. Rusty didn’t like that look.
“I’m with Maddox, Rusty,” Jonathan said. “As much as I’ve never believed I’d ever say these words, please don’t play hide-the-salami with Matthew. He might misunderstand.”
“What could he misunderstand if we talk about it beforehand?”
“You shouldn’t worry about Matty crying on you,” Jonathan said. “It’s the matter of attachment that should worry you.”
Ah well, Jonathan was right. Rusty hadn’t had any intention of turning this into a serious conversation, but there they were. “Good point, Hamilton,” he said and pushed himself up.
“And don’t you forget that,” Maddox warned him.
Rusty waved. Yeah, yeah, annoying but they were totally right. Except for one thing. He didn’t worry much about Matty’s attachment to him, since the guy knew what was what.
He worried about his own.
Whenever he didn’t know what to do, Rusty fell back on things that were the hardest to consider. So, while thinking of the righteousness of Jonathan’s recommendation to avoid possible attachments by playing too close to the fire, he took out the card Francine had gifted him from its secret hiding place and began playing with it. As usual, he started by dragging his finger over each letter, reconstructing it through invisible lines. Maybe after college? After the need to play basketball as part of the deal? Rusty had a feeling that he would have enjoyed playing more if his dad hadn’t wanted him to be a jock in the first place.
He held the card close to his chest and closed his palm over it. What was that thing they said, about visualizing things if you wanted them really bad? As much as he kept his eyes closed and tried to do that, he just couldn’t see it. That was a different world, as much as Francine Hamilton had pestered him that he had a knack for it, a natural talent. Maybe she hadn’t said it in those particular words, but that’s why he liked Jonathan’s awesome mom. She was stern but fair. And she wouldn’t have given him that chance to study with a real vocal coach if she didn’t think he had it in him.