
Chauffeur The Ch. 03


“See it there? The dock? Look up the path and you can just see the red roof.”

With that the pilot banked the DHC Beaver float plane, circling the lake, checking for boats and the wind direction. He throttled the big Prat and Whitney radial engine back, lowered the nose and the flaps, and down we went.

We’d been up since before dawn, loading Mr Nash’s Lincoln Town Car. There were four of us. Mr. Nash, Reg, the quiet little blond boy, Davie, Arthur and myself. We drove north towards the rocks, trees and lakes of northern Ontario and Mr. Nash’s cottage on a lake accessible only by a long canoe paddle or a short float plane ride.

As we unloaded the plane a middle age couple came down the path. “She’s all ready for ya Mr. Nash. George and me’ll help hump all yer stuff up if Mike (the pilot) can wait.”

The three of them were soon airborne.

Reg told me we’d be roughing it at Reg’s ‘little cabin’ in the woods. I think we’ll survive. The little cabin was amazing. A ten meter wall of glass looked out at the wooden deck. Then down fifteen meters to the lake. That floor was all one big room. At it’s back, up three steps, was a balcony with a wooden railing and three bedrooms and a bathroom. The decor was very ‘woodsy modern. All natural wood, varnished. Some high gloss, like the railing, some satin finished. Framed nature prints on the walls. Propane cook stove and solar power for the lights. There was a free standing glass door high efficiency wood stove for heat, and the two ceiling fans had canoe paddles for blades.

“Davie, you and Thomas go put the clothes away while Art mixes Caesars and I put the food away.”

I’d wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be. Arthur and I had the bedroom at the right end, with a big soft bed. Davie and Reg had the one at the left end, with the other bedroom and the bathroom between.

“To the deck men!”

We trooped out with a big beer mug of the spicy red drink with a celery stalk sticking up.

Opening up had included putting pads on the seats of all the rustic cedar deck furniture. Reg and Davie took the long bench. Arthur and I the swinging couch.

“Here’s to a fun week!” Arthur held up his glass.

“Fishing, food and fucking!” cried Davie, who immediately blushed at having said it out loud. Reg pulled him under his arm and cuddled his boy toy. Guess by definition I’m Arthur and Didi’s boy toy. I reached for his free hand. He smiled at me and winked.

Across the lake the bush was dark green with a few splashes of red and yellow deciduous trees in the mix. It was late September. “There’s only three other cottages on the lake, so this time of year we’ll have it all to ourselves. Better put up the flag.” Reg went inside then returned with a Canadian flag which he raised on the flagpole on the corner of the deck. “All the pilots know who’s at their cottages. They look as they fly by. If there’s an emergency, we lower the flag to half mast, and they’ll stop. Never needed it myself, but a few years ago, lady up the lake fell and broke her ankle.”

“Was that before cell phones?”

“Sweetie, there’s no phone reception here.”

Davie bit his lip and looked deep in thought for a minute.

“Come on Thomas, bring your drink, i’ll show you the beach.”

Before we were even off the deck Davie was reaching for Reg’s fly.

“Yes, Reg and Davie have to be discreet around home. Bertha doesn’t approve of their relationship. Funny thing though, she doesn’t want to fire Davie, he’s too good a chef.”

The beach was small. Of course sand. Arthur stroked my cheek. “Didi tells me the fucking and things you two’re doing when I phone home. I’ve got some catching up to do.”

“We got all week. Glad to help boss.” We both laughed, then kissed. We finished our drinks.

There was a path along the water around to the dock the beaver set us down at. Just before we went back inside Arthur pushed me against the wall of the cottage and we had a long slow kiss.

“That’s not quite as good as Didi’s, but OK.”

“I aught to fire you for that young man.”

“Are you going to give me a hard time?”

“I’m seriously considering it.”

We laughed, kissed again, then went in.

It smelled delicious. Since breakfast all we’d had to eat were sandwiches and coffee in the Maltepe Escort car.

Reg was sitting on a stool at the island that divided the kitchen area off. “You two need refill’s.” He reached for the pitcher and poured.

“Hey, I thought this was a guy’s fishing trip?” We laughed.

Davie had changed. He was wearing pink stiletto heels, a little pink dress with white hearts, and a frilly pink gingham apron. He’d put on makeup, pearl earrings and a pearl choker necklace.

“This is my bitch, Debbie. Say hello to the gentlemen Debbie.”

Giggle. “Hello gentlemen.” Giggle.

Lots of innuendos and off colour jokes as we watched Debbie do magic in the kitchen. Talk about Arthur’s car collection and Reg’s bikes.

“Thomas, will you do the honours?” He/she handed me a corkscrew and a bottle of Merlot.

“Sure, and since you cooked, i’ll do the dishes.”

“You wash, i’ll dry. I know where everything goes.”

Davie took a night school chef course and was hired by Mrs. Nash. One day she caught him and Reg enjoying each other’s company a bit too much. Said if word of their perversion ever leaked out she’s fire Davie and have the meanest divorce lawyer in the country attack Reg. So they pretend to have a ‘normal’ marriage and everything is fine.

By the time we finished cleaning up the sun had set and we found Arthur and Reg out on the deck talking sports and politics.

We all sat on the long bench. With no background lights the stars were spectacular. Arthur pointed out the constellations and a few planets. We listened to the night sounds.

“You look ready for bed, dear.”

“Ya. Been a long day.”

But not too long to lay side by side and have a nice slow sixty nine bedtime treat.

It was nice waking up in the night with a warm body beside me. It was another thing finding the bathroom in the total blackness of the northern woods. Luckily there was a dim night light in the bathroom.

Debbie had a big pot of coffee going. She wore a colourful sarong and a ‘just been fucked’ smile. Reg joined us just as I poured me first coffee.

“You boys go catch some fish. I’ll wait here for my men to return.”

Reg, Arthur and I caught four trout by noon, then drifted around the lake and enjoyed the lunch Debbie packed for us before returning.

Debbie was reading on the couch. She’s changed into a little yellow bikini. I noticed quite a bulge in the bottoms.

We all had another beer.

“Thomas, grab a couple of beach towels and i’ll pack some beers.”

We went out the back door and turned away from the dock. We followed the path up through the bush, then down to a little cove with a white sand beach. The water was ‘take your breath away cold’ when we first got in. Refreshing.

After drying off we spread out the towels. No need to dress as we drank our beer.

I looked at Arthur’s package. “Shrinkage? Let me help.”

Soon his cock was growing in my mouth. Everything was so exotic. The clear blue sky, the birds songs, the smell of the pines and cedars, a loon calling across the lake, and Arthur.

He pushed me back and rolled me over. My cheek and elbows were on the towel. My butt was in the air. Arthur plowed me. Mm, long slow strokes. Mm, mm, mm.

“Stroke yourself baby. Let’s cum together.”

God I missed Arthur’s cock. His strong grip on my shoulders. He picked up the pace. Hard deep thrusts.

“Now Thomas. Now!”


We lay there on our backs looking up at the trees and the blue sky and white fluffy clouds.

Arthur must have missed me too. His hand soon slid down to my stuff. I began to grow. He slid down.

“Mm, boss!”

“Ghh, ghh, ghh.”

“Mm.” I came again.

We shared a gooey kiss and then headed back.

“Reggie is asleep. You boys want a drink? Or anything?” Not too subtle.

“How about a glass of white wine?”

“Good choice. I always like a little wine to wash the taste of cum out of my mouth too.” She poked her tongue to the inside of her cheek and giggled as she sashayed to the ‘fridge.

Supper was the trout barbecued in foil and a rice and bean salad.

“Leave the dishes. I’ll do them in the morning when my men are out fishing. Reg, will you show me the beach?” Debbie picked Kartal Escort one of the towels drying over the railing and pulled Reg’s hand.

Arthur pulled the leather loop from my belt buckle. “Why not take off your shorts?”

He was soon kneeling on a seat cushion he’d dropped at my feet. I leaned back in the Adirondack chair. “When did you start shaving?”

“Didi thought it would be kinky, and did I trust her.”

“You let her near your stuff with scissors and a razor?”

“That’s not the kinky part. She and Jen tied me down spread eagle on the table in the cottage and did the deed.”

“Mm.” Arthur sucked my balls into his mouth..

“I’m surprised she never told you.”

He licked up my shaft. “She did say there was a surprise waiting for me just before we left.” He kissed my knob then swallowed.

I relaxed and was in the moment. Nothing to think about as he ate me. So good.

After he got his treat and I got milked dry we went to bed and snuggled to sleep. I think I heard Debbie’s giggle when they came back in.

Jesus! How many outfits does Debbie/Davie have? This morning she was wearing a tiny thong under an ankle length black chiffon puff sleeve robe, and her most extreme black spike heels. They were a weave of shiny black leather straps with satin bows over the toes and on the outside of the ankles. She had big gold hoop earrings and bright red lipstick.

Reg, in shorts and a ‘Jays’ T was pouring coffee when we came down. “You boys sleep well?”

We said “Mm.” in unison.

We got skunked on the water. Reg caught the only fish, and it was so small we weren’t sure if it took the bait, or the bait caught it.

Davie/Debbie wore a long slinky turquoise gown and made martinis and smoked oyster with cream cheese on a cracker canapes. He/she let Reg barbecue the steaks.

After supper we had a campfire on the beach. A sliver of new moon showed itself just after sunset. First time since we arrived Davie wore jeans and a ‘t’ shirt. Arthur and Reg told stories about their travels.

The morning was grey and drizzly. The far side of the lake just a suggestion in the mist. There was a pile of old magazines and some paperbacks in the center bedroom closet. We sat around reading. Arthur couldn’t interest anyone in chess. By noon it was really raining and Reg lit a fire to take off the damp. By two I thought it must be beer o’clock. By five the rain had quit.

Soon Davie had the cottage smelling good. He created a spicy Thai curry chicken dish. Has she finally run out of clothes? She changed into her slinky turquoise gown for supper.

We were all pretty loose, between the beer, wine with supper, and rye and ginger after.

“Debbie’s too shy to ask, but do you know what her fantasy is?”

“No!” She blushed and snuggled closer to Reg. “Don’t tell!” But she didn’t sound too convincing.

“Baby, this might be your only chance for a long time.”

Giggle blush.

“Why don’t you go up and fix your face and get ready in the center bedroom?”

“What’s this about?”

Debbie headed upstairs.

“Debbie has quite an imagination. She likes to tell me her fantasies.. She told me she dreams about a rape fantasy. Two lumberjacks raping her in a very specific way when I’m not around the cabin to protect her.” He went on to tell us what Davie wanted to happen to her.

“And you’re OK with this? Knowing we’ve, er. I mean?”

“Oh ya. Actually, she’s fucking me to death here.” He laughed. “maybe she’ll be too sore, and will just want to cuddle tonight. I’m feeling my age here, you know.”

“What do you say Thomas?”

“If you’re up to it, sure.”

“Oo! What do you two men want?”

Davie/Debbie’s gown, bra and panties were over the chair. All she wore were her heels and very slutty makeup.

“Shh slut.” I cupped my hand over her mouth. “Reg is outside. We don’t want him to hear anything. Do we? If I take me hand away, you’ll keep quiet if you know what’s good for you.”

As I was saying this Arthur was taking off his pants.


“Good.” I took my hands away and dropped my shorts to the floor.

“You know what to do with this, bitch.” Arthur handed Davie a foil package.

Oh my! I’d heard about people who could put Anadolu Yakası Escort a safe on a cock with their mouth.

“Please don’t hurt me sir.”

“Shut up bitch.”

“It’ll be a good hurt, slut.”

“Nice and quiet, bitch. On your hands and knees. Middle of the bed. Good. Knees further apart. Thomas, hand me the lube.”

“No, no please. Not there.”

“Put something in the slut’s mouth.”

I knelt in front of Davie and pressed my knob to her lips. Oh, eager. She swallowed all the way.

“Ha! That shut her up.”

“Mgh!” Arthur pushed his index finger into Davie’s rectum.

“Like that? You’ll love this.”

He sank his cock all the way into the balls.


“I think the slut likes her spit roasting, don’t you?”

“Oh ya. Slut needs it. Is her ass cunt nice and tight?”

With every in stroke Davie grunted. “Gh, gh, gh.”

“Sure is. How’s her cock sucking?”

“Talented little faggot.”

“Enjoying it , bitch?”

“Gh, gh, gh.”

“I’m cumming!”

“Me too.”

Arthur gave Davie a slap on the ass, tossed the used safe on the bed, and said, “Remember bitch. Not a word.”


Reg and Debbie were at the table when I came down. Reg looked well rested. Debbie hopped up and went to the perk on the stove. “Sit. I know how you like your coffee.” She was wearing her black heels, long black robe, and bulging yellow bikini bottom. She set the steaming mug in front of me and kissed my cheek.

“Thanks for last night.”

She did the same for Arthur when he came down.

Davie changed to a pink ‘t; that said ‘San Francisco Gay Pride 2007’, and snug short shorts. “I’m coming fishing too. Just let me finish packing our lunches.”

No big surprise, Davie had never been fishing before.

The boat was just big enough for all of us. Happily Davie caught a fish big enough to keep. It was mid afternoon before we had supper caught, but a beautiful day to be on the water.

Caesars and snacks on the deck. We hadn’t run out of things to talk about. Davie went inside to start supper.

“Davie said her spit roasting rape was everything she dreamed it would be. Thanks for doing that.”

“Our pleasure.”

“Your first threesome Arthur?”

“Oh ya. Yours?”

“Yup. Reg?”

“Once, long time ago in high school.”

We sipped our drinks. Each in his thoughts.

Debbie had changed for supper. A white shoulder-less peasant’s blouse and a flowing mid calf length pale blue and dove grey patterned skirt, with block heel sandals. Big gold hoop earrings and bright red lips.

After supper we played poker until we were all yawning.

Arthur and I lay on our sides and had a lazy sixty nine bedtime treat, then talked a bit until we faded away.

When I came back after my pee, the rising sun was back lighting the trees through the bedroom window with a pinkish yellow glow. Arthur was lying on his stomach, the sheet around his waist, and the blanket crumpled on the floor.

“Boss man, ready for a good morning fuck?”

“Mm. Ya.”

“Going to be my bitch?”

“Mm, sure.”

“Spread those legs bitch.”

I lubed a finger on my left hand with ‘condom safe ‘lube. I held him down with my right hand between his shoulder blades and worked my finger into his ass.


The slippery latex helped slide my cock balls deep. Slowly, slowly until I was all the way in.


“Good bitch.”

I pulled all the way out.

“Should I stop?”

“No, no.”

“What does bitch say?”


“Good bitch.”

I pushed back in. With one hand pushing down each shoulder blade I began stroking. Arthur was face down on the pillow as I drilled.

“Ug, ug ug.” He grunted as I pounded faster and harder. “Ug, ug, ug.” I knew he was loving it as much as I was. “Ug, ug, ug.”

I came and after half a minute, just laying on top, still deep in, I rolled off.

Arthur rolled over and finished himself by hand.

We shared a shower, then I started the coffee.

Davie, wearing her long black chiffon robe over black lace bra and panties was surprised I had the coffee perking when she came down. Reg, as usual was dressed to start the day when he came down a short time later.

“Our pick up time is ten, so we’ve lots of time for a slow breakfast and packing up. Betty and George will come and close up, so we can just leave everything else.

I drove the Lincoln, with Arthur in the front seat too, so Reg and Davie could have a few more hours together without fear of being caught.

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