
Cock Ring of the Gods Ch. 06

Big Tits

Dear fans and student,

I have just returned from island of Timur to partake in a symposium in Vienna, which interestingly enough deals with the clitoris shape and impact on the world economy. While not my area of expertise, it has been become a hot topic in the academic community, given the massive public funds being thrown at it today by many governments.

Regardless, let us focus on our continuing story and its meaning in the context of the Prussian Theory. In the last chapter, our hero Rod made his public début and discovered his transformation had far greater impact than mere threesome with three lovely ladies. Under Purssian theory, there is a universal male concept conceived in adolescence that the phallus size correlates to dominance and power. It this fantasy, the pubescent male theorized that it is the lack of phallus size that prohibits him from acting out his sexual desires with females.

Our exploration of ultimate phallic power has lead Rod to slowly learn that his phallus power extends far beyond sex with desirable females and extends to the world at large. With this realization, the male ego of Rod is vastly enhanced, and he must balance his relationship with others in a reality where he is increasingly realizing that he is the center of everything.

Professor No Gratis

Cock Ring of the Gods

Of Harems and Temples

Ramses Harem was off the main strip of Bourbon tucked away on one of the side streets. As soon as we passed through the front doors, you realized the place was a top end establishment. The club itself was behind a second doorway which was guarded by a mean looking black guy. Kaley went up to counter and greeted a cute Asian girl working the register.

“Good evening, Ms. Dubois.” She cheerfully greeted Kaley. I laughed to myself realizing that my 10,000 year old guardian of the ring actually had a last name.

“Is the club closed as I instructed.” She asked.

“Everyone has been sent home, except your girls, just like you asked. And Mo has disappeared, I can’t reach him by his cell phone.” the Asian said.

“Good, I will deal with Mo later. You can go home tonight and lock up on the way out.” She said and then turned to the door man and dismissively said, “Dre, What are you still doing here?”

“I am just watching out for any trouble, making sure the ladies are taken care of.” He answered in a deep voice and actually looked right up at me.

The moment our eyes met my mouth filed with the sour taste of lemons and my mind opened up to Dre’s life. Dre was one disturbed and mean guy. His life read like a police rap sheet of petty violent crimes and physical intimidation of his victims. And at 6’4″ with a muscular body, he had the ability to carry out his threats. Dre was a deeply troubled individual driven by his own internal feelings of inadequacy who had the propensity to compensate with violence at the slightest provocation. Much of it driven by an insatiable racial hatred of anyone who did look like him. His internal anger was so strong it overwhelmed his natural submission to me and enabled him to effectively eye ball me.

I would have broken him right there and then, if it wasn’t so apparent to me that his challenging body language was driven purely out a defiance to his perception that I was white, despite the fact I no longer belonged to any racial group of mortals. More so, even before my transformation, I was not technically a Caucasian, if such thing really existed. My blood line was a mixed bag of ethnic backgrounds. Even now, as a physical perfect male, I guess one might view my face as remotely European, especially with blue eyes, even if they contained divine purple highlights. But my skin color was bronzed, and everything else about me could not really be identified as a particular race. But in Dre’s eyes, I was a white man and a tall physically imposing white man to boot. To him, I was his racial enemy, and his hatred filled my mouth with lemons.

Understanding his defiance, I thought back to how badly I behaved before outside the restaurant, and decided to fashion a more just remedy this time. I thought that I would not take away his mortal manhood, however I would not allow any male to think his was strong enough to look me directly in the eyes. Plus I sensed another act of hubris in Dre’s head, he had designs on one of the women waiting inside for me. When Dre said he was taking care of the ladies, he was hoping to care for one particular lady with his powerless 9′ inch black penis.

Turning to action, I swiftly stepped up to him placing my body about a foot and half from him, forcing him to stretch his neck upward to uncomfortably maintain his eyes contact with me. Instantly, the lemons in my mouth turned to strong acid taste, as Dre started to fear me.

“Boy, eyes down when I am talking to you.” I said, realizing how provocative the racial undertones would sound to him.

Dre humbled himself and looked down. The lemon taste was gone and the acid taste was quickly being replaced by the sweet tart flavor of submission.

“The ladies do not need you to take care of them, they need a real man to care for them. I am here Fındıkzade travesti for that, and you are nothing compare to me. Your only purpose is to do as the ladies tell you, like a weak little boy you are.” I told him.

“Yes, Sir” He answered overcome with submission.

“No boy, if you wish to continue to work at this establishment, you will show proper respect to my ladies by addressing them as Mistress or Goddess.”

“Yes Sir” He submissively answered again.

“And boy, you will call me by the name that my Goddess call me, Master.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good, now go home and jerk off that little black penis thinking about my Goddesses inside waiting to worship and share my one massive cock.” I commanded, knowing that he would playing with himself till he passed out later in the night.

“See you tomorrow at 7. Dre.” Kaley smiled while she stretched up to open mouth kiss me.

“Yes Mistress DuBois.” Dre said, as he hurried out the front door.

“Delicious my lord.” Kaley said hanging on to me sucking my mouth as Serinda and Roslyn pushed their bodies up against my back and rubbed my muscles. Kaley peeled back and said to me with a wicked smile, “You just wait here while I introduce you to your harem.”

While we waited in the lobby, Kaley strolled into the club to be greeted by eight breath taking strippers. The girls were still in their skimpy work clothes but had freshened up as Kaley instructed them. Kaley’s Octirue consisted of 5 blondes and 3 brunette, and they were lazy chatting up front near the main stage when Kaley excitedly entered.

“Well look what the cat dragged in. If it ain’t the charming Ms. DuBois.” A gorgeous blonde named, Shay, with a Texas drawl said, pointing to Kaley’s arrival.

Kaley wasted no time. She went up to the group and started her speech. “Sisters, I know that I have been hard on you. I have asked you to make many sacrifices over the last year. Each of you has taken vows to dismiss all men in favor of the coming of Ramses, and I have shown you all the rituals associated with him. I have prophesied that the time was near when one man would come worthy to ascend into godhood, rule over the world as the only real man. We have called this god man, Ramses, and I have told you he will sit in judgment of all beautiful women. He will not be like any mortal man that has ever walked the Earth, but he shall be a god possessing all the power that be in his very manhood. He will be so powerful, no women will be able to seduce him, manipulate him, or control what he does. Every women shall know that to be his, will be to have the world at her feet, and his power shall be the only thing woman shall ever need again.”

Kaley paused for dramatic effect, “Each of us have taken a vow to devote our existence to this supreme male god. I am here tonight to proclaim that Ramses has been born into flesh and has begun his domination of the world.”

“And where is he now, Kaley?” said another striking blonde named, Jenna. “What you commissioned another golden statue for us to kneel before?” She said dismissively.

“Don’t think that I don’t know you have broken you vows, Jenna, and went ahead and fucked Mo.” Kaley accused her.

“So what, he gives me what I ask for. You want to get rid of Mr. Hassin, so you attempt to brainwash his top performers by promising them some kind of sex god that can give them the world. Statues don’t pay my rent. All of us could have earned 10 times the amount of money, if we weren’t shackled by Kaley’s bullshit promises of some bullshit god.” Jenna retorted.

Jenna’s venom shook the other dancers.

“Who else dared break their vows to Ramses?” Kaley trembled in rage.

“This is bullshit. I going to tell Mo, this bullshit is hurting the club. And he is going to kick your ass on the streets.” Jenna barked out.

A brunette named Tina in a leopard print bathing suit interjected. “Kaley, all of us have kept our vows, except Jenna. But Jenna has a point, this is hard on us. You said so yourself that we sacrificed a lot. Let’s face it, all of us are I not going to keep our looks forever. I want Ramses and I will give him everything I am, but I don’t know how much longer we can wait. How many more years do we have to be good enough to share him.”

“I am glad that you said that. Ramses is real and he is just outside the club door.” She said and turned to Jenna, “And he will decided your fate.” Kaley then screamed back to me, “Ramses, my master and god, reveal yourself to your slaves.”

I actually jumped when Kaley called. I paused for a second actually feeling nervous meeting these strange gorgeous women. Even though they were intended to be my harem, I felt self doubt cause there were so many unbelievably hot women inside. To get a handle on the butterflies in my stomach, I opened my mind to know who they were. An instantly, there were no longer strangers to me. I was even able to get a handle on the defiant Jenna’s problem. Apparently, she gave herself to her first real boyfriend in high school, who used her like shit. Because of him, she became a self centered gold digger, whose only goal in life was Fındıkzade travestileri to use every man she could. As far as Kaley’s religion, she went along with it, however she never really believed in it. Kaley was just another rich and influential person in her eyes that she figured she could get something out of by joining the program.

Composing myself, I pushed opened the door into Ramses’ Harem. They all gasped not really expecting someone to come through. Serinda and Roslyn trailed alongside me in my arms, as the dancers had looks of shock on their face. Kaley dropped to her knees and theatrically gestured at me like a stage magician. “Behold, Ramses, the cuckolder of mankind, and all powerful supreme male and deity.” She announced.

All of the dancers prostrated themselves, except Jenna, each solemnly saying, “You are the only real man, please accept me as your humble property.”

Jenna might have been shocked that I walked through the door, but she smirked at me and scowled, “Oh, come on. Don’t you see this is a sham. This is not some kind of god.”

All of the girls struggled to look at me. I was immediately struck that they recognized my appearance with astonishing familiarity. “But he looks exactly like Ramses in the flesh.” One of the girls plead, and the others murmured agreement.

“How stupid can you all be. He just another man that paid Kaley to brainwash us to keep us in line. She had a statue made to look like him.” Jenna said to the others.

“You arrogant cunt. Do you dare to think that our god is a man. Look with your eyes, he is divine male perfection. Where do you think I can find a gorgeous seven foot male, perfect in every way, with a two foot all powerful cock.” Kaley yelled back.

“Please, Kaley. I grant you he is tall and good looking, but perfect. Yeah right, and there is no way he has a fucking two feet long cock. It doesn’t exist, just like Ramses doesn’t exist. Kaley just smiled looked at me and said, “All powerful master, please humble this slut…. humble all your sluts, show them your divine power.” Serinda and Roslyn began to fall to their knees to kiss my feet, when we were all interrupted by screaming coming from outside.

“Why are we closed?” a man with a distinct middle east accent yelled followed by the whimpering of the counter girl’s response which we could not make out.

“Kaley is a crazy bitch! Where is she now?” He roared and then yelled “I going to punch her in her fucking cunt.”

Kaley jumped to her feat. For the first time, I saw concern on her face bordering on fear. She turned to me and then one of the dancers and said, “Shay, take our god and his two slaves up to the temple. I need to handle dickhead first.” Then turning to Jenna, “you go with them, I don’t want your traitorous cunt fucking things up.”

Shay grabbed my hand and tugged me quickly through back stage door and down a long hallway, which lead to another door. This door led to an old stairway. While the club was very modern, the building itself must have been 150 years old at least. The five of us, including Shay, Serinda, Roslyn, and Jenna, went up two narrow flights of stairs until with came to another door, which we went through into a dark hallway, which led to a ornate look drape blocking a room beyond it. Shay reached out and pushed it aside and led us in to the third floor of the building. Serinda, Roslyn, and I stopped dead in our tracks at the sight we saw. The entire third floor had been converted in to atrium enclosed by a glass ceiling.

Shay flicked a light switch, and we saw a real life temple out of Greek mythology. A dozen marble column lined the entire floor, and the walls where painted white and blue forming a cloud patterns. There was chase longue chairs on the edge of the room, but the epic center of the room was in the far back. In the back on a pedestal was a genuine throne chair raised about two steps off the temple floor. In front the throne was what could only describe as an alter.

The whole room was like a studio set for throne room on Mt. Olympus. “What happened to Ramses?” Jenna asked Shay and Shay told her that Kaley moved it downstairs to the dance stage. As she said this, an image appeared in my mind. In the spot where my throne was, there was a life sized statue of myself surrounded by eight female statues on their knees. The mystery of how the strippers recognized me before was solved. Somehow, a year before I even met Kaley, she was able to commission a gold plated statue of my new divine form.

The statute portrayed every aspect of my hyper masculine body. With one hand, the statute was pushing aside an ankle length loin cloth to reveal my flaccid arm sized cock hanging to my knees, while the other hand was rested on my hip. My divine face was looking dominantly down at the eight naked women all chained to me around their necks, which was all attached to one collar firmly attached to the base of the massive cock.

The eight women were in different repose, but all of them were caught in an act of worship. Three were kneel starring upward with arms open to the statute in pray. Two remained full prostrate Travesti fındıkzade gently kissing the statute feet. From behind the statue, two woman firmly presses their faces against each of the statue’s ass checks, while another knelt upright in the middle of his legs placing her delicate hands upright directly under the grapefruit sized testicles that hung between the legs of the golden idol.

The vision shifted slightly to another moment in the past. This time Shay was lying on her back on top of the alter. Two brunettes stood holding her legs widely spread in an outstretched V. Between her legs, Kaley knelt sucking on her clit, while a blonde gently lifted her head forcing her to directly stare at the golden statue revealing its massive cock to eight worshipping female statues.

“Hey Ramses, what your real name?” Jenna asked with amusement trying to past time.

“Rod Mastiff” I answered honestly not feeling the need to lie.

“So did Kaley put you up to this, or was all this your idea?” Jenna asked.

“Shut your mouth, you apostate cunt.” Shay said with a look of anger.

“No, No. It is all right.” I said pointing to Shay. “Every women I have dealt with today has accepted my godhood too easily. The whole thing is so improbable that it is almost funny. Jenna you are the first sane women, I have met today. I think.”

“So did she put you up to this?” She asked again.

“If you mean is this a con or a trick, then no. Truthfully, I am still have trouble believing this is real, but so far it is all true and then some.”

“So, your are a god with a twenty four inch cock that can give me anything I want?” She chuckled.

” According to Kaley, I am a god. Honestly, I don’t know what I am. But I do have a twenty four inch cock and it’s has incredible power. I am talking power like it controls everything, dominates people, masters them. It transformed me into a seven foot image of male perfection, so I guess it probably can control matter and energy too. Kaley says it the most powerful thing in the universe.” I added.

Jenna walked towards me provocatively. I was not sure if she believed any of this, but my presence was sexually arousing her. “Ok, so your cock can give me a million dollars?”

Mindful of what Kaley expected of me in terms of my relationship with my women, I said, “I only share my godhood with the pussy that I own and then only if they prove themselves worthy of it. Now, Serinda, Roslyn and Shay are worthy to be my bitches. You however are do not deserve what I am. ” Turning to Serinda and Roslyn, I said “Come to your god?” Serinda and Roslyn gasped in pleasure and ran to kneel alongside me. Beautiful blonde Shay seeing this, followed suit by full prostrating herself.

“I want to see it?” Jenna boldly asked watching the impressive display of feminine submission to me.

“No she is not allowed!” barked Shay from below me.

“And why is that?” I asked bemused.

“Kaley says that only in a state of submissive grace can a slut be blessed by the presence of Ramses’ divine power. Jenna has forsaken you by fucking Mo, the guy downstairs.

I turned to Jenna, and asked already knowing the answer, “Is this true slut?” Jenna lost composure for a second, experiencing a mini orgasm, from me calling her a slut, but quickly regained composure and started to fight back. “Whatever” she said nonchalantly. “If you can’t prove Kaley’s fantastic story of being a god with the all powerful cock of power, then I think your both full of shit.” She laughed at me.

I wanted to whip it right there and tame this hot bitch, but decided against it. Kaley’s craziness had been right so far, and if Shay said Kaley prohibited Jenna for looking at my godmuscle, I figured I would play along for now.

Thinking quickly, I said, “Alright you want proof, I will give you proof.”

“Shay Pherson, come before your master.” Shay eyes lit up as her body surged in sexual pleasure and wondered how I knew her full name. Shay never got up, instead she literally crawled on her hands and knees to me. She did it with grace and eroticism, fully aware of the display she was giving me. My mouth filled up with the taste of tangy pussy from her, knowing that she was truly grateful to have been given the opportunity to crawl to me.

When she got to my feet, I commanded, “Look at your owner, slut?” Shay demurely raised herself upright with her hand on her knees and looked all way up at my face. She smiled sexily at me with a look of an expectant pet, joyous to kneel before her lord. I felt was a wave of total adoration, and an obsessive need to obey me.

“Shay, I am power. I need not bend or concern myself with anything for everything I know is inferior and below me. But for the privileged few whom I am destine to own, I am nothing less than a supreme real man. I ask for total humility and obedience, but in exchange I offer total fulfillment and happiness to my women. I am absolute male strength, have boundless love, and you will be cared for and treated beyond the aspiration of mortal women. For I am the supreme alpha male of all women’s fantasy. To be with me is to experience a life beyond mortal expectations, it is to experience the best of best, to have your every desire fulfilled, endless luxuries, to know sexual pleasure and emotional fulfillment that has no equal and renders everything else meaningless. For my power is so great, and to share it with a woman will raise you above the entire world.”

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