Content Warning: Huge cock, Unrealistic anatomy, Incest, Bisexual ladies, Harem
Disclaimer: All characters are 18 or older
Chapter 9: Daddy’s Favorite
The black velvet veil of sleep slowly lifted from his mind as he was gently pulled back to wakefulness by a familiar sensation, a warm, wet suction, engulfing his groin. He groaned with pleasure, his voice deep with sleep as he stirred, blinking bleary eyes as he looked down to see a head-sized bulge bobbing under the sheets between his legs. He let his head fall back, groaning again, as his mind sputtered to life like an old engine trying to find its timing. As he lay there, savoring the sensation of a particularly talented pair of lips and a teasing tongue, his thoughts turned to the night before.
It was… hazy. He remembered dinner pretty clearly, but after that, his memories were scattered, fragments of images and sensations. The soft warmth of skin pressed against his. The mingled scents of sweat, womanly nectar, and cum. The taste of cherry lip gloss. The sound of a girl moaning and begging for more. A flash of a luscious female form, writhing beneath him. He let out another deep groan under the talented tongue flicking over his shaft as the memories crystallized, his mind fitting the chaotic jumble of pieces together into something that made sense.
Rich’s baritone voice called out, deep and loud, the call resonating through the house to fill every room and grab the attention of everyone who heard it.
He grinned, pulling on his oven mitts and turning to the stove. A wall of intense heat washed over his face as the oven door opened, making his squint as he reached into it. His hands found his prize, swiftly pulling a casserole dish out of the heat and kicking the door shut, spinning on his heel to carry the bubbling baking dish to the table. He had to admit, it was much more fun to cook for the whole gang like he used to, rather than just for himself and Sam. The day had been unusual from the very start, to say the least, but it seemed like the simple act of cooking everyone dinner seemed to give a sense of normalcy back to the day. He set the dish down carefully on a hot pad, and pulled the tinfoil covers off the other serving dishes, letting the scent of food flood the room just as the girls began to arrive.
Sam rounded the corner, wearing nothing but black-and-purple striped stockings and an oversized black band t-shirt that came down low enough to just barely hide her ass. She had a whole drawer full of them, and often wore them as pajamas, a habit that had been rather troublesome until very, very recently. Her eyes widened at the spread laid out on the table. “Wow! You really went all-out, huh?” She exclaimed, looking over the buffet before her with a hungry look. The casserole dish still bubbled slowly, filled to almost overflowing with Rich’s fancy four-cheese macaroni, the thick, creamy sauce baked to a delicious golden brown on the surface, finely-chopped bacon bits sprinkled over the top and stirred into the sauce. On the serving platter lay a half-dozen steaks, dark grill lines criss-crossing the thick, meaty slabs, liberally dusted with pepper and spices before being seared to a perfect medium rare. The serving bowl beside it overflowed with rich emerald green broccoli crowns, stir-fried with plentiful butter and garlic until they were just tender.
Anna followed swiftly on Sam’s heels, still wearing her impossibly overfilled parody of a schoolgirl uniform, her epic, heaving, basketball-sized freckled tits straining against the top as she drew in a deep breath. “Damn, that smells fantastic!” She commented as she let the breath out in a sigh, breasts wobbling with momentum as she opened her eyes.
The two girls quickly found themselves a pair of seats, Sam settling in next to her father’s seat at the head of the table, grinning broadly. “I know, right?” She agreed, licking her black-painted lips. “It feels like it’s been a year since breakfast!” She added, eyes flicking from dish to dish like she wasn’t sure where to start.
Rosa didn’t seem to have the same hesitance as she walked around the table in her bikini, almost casually sticking a fork into one of the steaks as she passed and carrying it to her place as she sat down. No time for indecisiveness among her siblings, you had to get what you wanted before all the good stuff was gone. “This all looks so delicious…” She commented, pulling in her chair as she reached for the serving spoon to help herself to the macaroni.
As Anna and Rosa momentarily squabbled over the serving spoon, one could have almost missed Aiko’s arrival. The tiny Japanese teen was quiet as a ghost as she made her way to her seat, a borrowed pajama shirt of Sam’s hanging off her slender frame like a shroud. While she didn’t say anything, her eagerness was clear on her face as she slid into place, helping herself to the uncontested garlic broccoli while Sam laid claim to the largest slab of steak and deposited it on Rich’s plate.
Diamond Muğla Escort arrived last, only the barest trace of a hitch in her stride as she walked toward the table. She too was wearing a borrowed pajama top from Sam, her own top ruined when he tore it off in the heat of the moment, but while the oversized shirt had engulfed Aiko’s tiny frame, it hardly seemed able to contain the amazon, draped over the shelf of her full breasts, the hem stopping just above the waistband of her tight short-shorts. She leaned over the table, bending at the waist, offering Rich a view down the stretched collar of the shirt into the deep valley of her mahogany cleavage as she grabbed herself a steak. “Doesn’t look half-bad, Dick.” She commented, a begrudging acceptance punctuated with the nickname he so disliked. “You know, I always forget you can actually cook.” she added, casually.
Sam smirked, looking at Diamond. “Well, I suppose the early years made a pretty strong impression. Every meal at home was either burned, frozen, or prepackaged.” She recalled as she filled out her plate, turning to her father. “I seem to remember you managed all three at once a few times.” She reminded, teasingly.
He shook his head, scooping up a heaping helping of macaroni. “Well, seems like the teasing has started, so I guess it’s officially dinner now.” He commented with a subtle smirk. “In my defense, I started getting better after retirement.” He added, then shook his head again. “This does bring back memories, though. It’s almost like one of those sleepovers you guys had for all those years. Just a normal evening with my little girl and her best friends…” He sighed, smiling softly as he reminisced.
Anna smirked at him. “I don’t know about ‘normal’. For one thing, I’m definitely looking forward to Tonight’s after-dinner entertainment more than some movie.” She commented. “Things are definitely changing…” She added, words tapering off as she closed her lips around a spoonful of macaroni, grinning around the spoon.
Rosa paused in mid-grace, looking thoughtful. “Well… does this really change all that much?” She wondered aloud. She glanced around the table. “I mean, we all liked him before today, right? That’s not changed. We’ll probably be spending more time here, but other than that… Instead of watching movies and gossiping about boys, we’ll just… you know.” Rosa muttered, gesturing for the sentence to be completed.
“Fuck” Diamond finished, firmly. “That’s the word you were looking for, right?” She added, after swallowing her mouthful of steak. “The fact that you can’t say it normally kinda proves that something’s changed.” She commented, pointing around the table. “That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sex always changes a relationship, and this is a lot of relationships changing all at once. Plus, we’re gonna have to get used to keeping this a secret. Which is going to be extra hard if Dick’s gotten us all knocked up.” She finished with a brief glare across the table.
Sam frowned. “Hey, that’s not exactly fair. It takes two, you know, and he was pretty clear when he warned you. If you couldn’t keep off him, it’s on you.” She huffed. “And he offered to get the pill if anyone wanted it. If it’s that much or a problem for you, I’m sure we can get a morning after pill.” she added in her father’s defense.
Aiko fidgeted quietly, shuffling a noodle around on her plate with her fork, her face flushed. “I… I wouldn’t mind. If… you know, if I got… pregnant.” She muttered softly, her eyes looking distant. “His children… I’m sure they would be strong… And beautiful…” She added, then looked back down to her plate, half-whispering a final comment. “And I know… I know he’d like it…”
Anna looked momentarily thoughtful. “He did see awfully eager to cum inside me and Sam…” She admitted, looking to Rich with a knowing smirk, then turning to the rest of the girls conspiratorially. “Hey, did he do the ‘Master’ thing with any of you?” She asked. Aiko’s blushed darkened a few shades.
Rosa blinked. “The ‘master thing’?” She inquired.
Sam smirked, joining the redhead as she leaned forward over the table. “Oh, yeah. Seems Daddy’s a little kinky. We heard him making Aiko call him Master while he fucked her.” She volunteered.
Diamond shook her head with a sigh. “Not surprising. If he’d tried that on me I’d have broken his nose and called the cops.” She stated firmly.
Anna smirked, pulling out her phone and tapping a button. The speaker came to life. “Ohh, GOD, fucking BREED ME GOOD!” It echoed. Diamond’s eyes shifted away, her lips tightening. It was hard to tell if she was blushing…
Rosa turned her attention to Rich, eyeing him up and down as he chewed, having given up any semblance of control in this particular conversation. “I dunno… I think it might be hot. Giving him total control, being forced to serve…” She purred, smirking. Then all at once her attention turned back to Aiko. “I’m impressed, though. I didn’t think you had a kinky bone in your body.” She added, giving the petite girl a playful Muğla Escort Bayan nudge.
Aiko’s face was as red as a stop sign at this point. “…He started it…” she murmured weakly in her own defense.
Anna’s eternal smirk widened. “Of course he started it. He’s just a randy old goat. Who else would sleep with a gaggle of teenagers all in the same day?” She asked, teasingly. “I’d be more annoyed by all the infidelity if he hadn’t spent most of the afternoon fucking my brains out. But then, I suppose you just have to deal with that kind of thing when you’re the favorite…” She finished, grinning triumphantly as she leaned back in her chair.
Rosa arched an eyebrow. “You’re the favorite?” She asked, shaking her head “Sorry, but even if that’s true, you won’t be for long. I’m obviously the better choice for a favorite.” She replied, laying a hand on her chest. “I’m sure time will prove that I’m the most devoted one here.”
Sam frowned again. “Excuse me? You’re both wrong. I’m obviously the favorite here. I’m his daughter, I did him first, I share a bed with him, and I got as much attention as you did, Anna, PLUS all last night AND this morning!” She listed on her fingers, building her case.
Diamond rolled her eyes, huffing an exasperated sigh as she listened to the rest of them bicker.
Aiko looked toward Rich, eyes shimmering. “…Master?” She asked, a soft tremor of concern in her voice.
Rich sighed, putting down his fork and holding up his hands for silence. “Girls! Come on, girls, just calm down. I don’t have a ‘favorite’. Now, Sam is my daughter, so she’s always going to get a little bit of special treatment. But you all get your own special treatment, too. It may be different, but I care about all of you just the same. You’ve all got your own special appeal and unique strengths. I could never choose just one of you.” He assured.
Now it was Sam’s turn to roll her eyes and sigh. “Daddy, I love you, but that’s just plain weak. You’re not gonna settle this by just saying ‘play nice’.” She explained. “We’re gonna have to find out which one of us you like the most. And I think I know just the way to find out…” She purred, looking around the table to all the other girls. “I say we wipe the score clean and settle it the right way. A no-holds-barred fuckfest. Last one still conscious is the winner. Five girls enter, one girl walks away the winner.” She proposed, grinning wickedly.
There was a murmur or agreement around the table, even diamond giving a begrudging nod.
Rich sighed. Clearly he was not in control of this one. They say that after a certain age, all good fathers are ruled by their daughters. He just doubted ‘they’ had this particular scenario in mind. He shook his head with a smirk. “No sex until you finish your dinner.” He decreed, a final gesture of fatherly authority.
There was a long moment of silence around the table, only broken by the clatter of silverware.
The next thing he remembered was sinking into the couch, stripped to his boxers, the fabric rough against his skin. Four feminine hands caressed his muscular body, roaming in pairs, one over his shoulders, the other his abs. He looked down, seeing Rosa’s luscious dark curls, framing her soft features as she kneeled between his thighs, her teeth digging in to her luscious lower lip as she eagerly anticipated what was to come next. Her hands slid down over his abs, pausing to tug at the waistband of his boxers before sliding down to cup the squeeze the monstrous bulge straining the front of the material. She groped at the grapefruit-sized package for a long moment, seemingly lost in awe at his sheer size. Finally she shook her head, freeing herself from the trance to shift her hands up to once more grip the waistband of his boxers, fingers curling under the edge as she began to pull.
There was a chorus of gasps and purrs from all around as his member was unleashed. The hands on his shoulders gripped tighter, nails softly raking over his skin. Half-hard and rapidly growing under the collective looks of awe and hunger lingering on his length, his mighty cock was already more than a foot long, a thick, meaty sausage. Free from confinement, it sprung proudly from his hips, before its own weight became too much for it to hold, and the heavy slab of cockflesh fell with a meaty smack, directly onto Rosa’s face. She certainly didn’t seem to mind, letting out a shuddering moan, the sensation of the weight and power of his cock making her pussy ache with awestruck lust. Her head tilted back until her lips met his member, the shaft pulsing as she delivered a wet, worshipful kiss, the beast swelling as it filled with blood.
As Rosa’s tongue rolled out to worshipfully lick over his fat cock, her hands abandoned his boxers to come up and grip the fat pole. Together, they could almost close a circle around his girth, and they moved to hold his cock in place while she set about tongue-polishing every inch of his swelling shaft. Meanwhile, the hands on his shoulders moved together, running Escort Muğla up his neck to cup his square jaw and turn his face up, to look on Sam as she stood behind the couch. She smiled down at him. “Aren’t you glad you taught me to share?” She asked in her best little girl voice, her tongue slipping out to make her black lips glisten. She leaned down, descending toward him until she pressed her lips to his in a tender, passionate upside-down kiss. It was a lusty, loving, eager kiss, their tongues entwining, tasting one-another as they kissed not as family, but as lovers.
Rosa’s tongue and Sam’s kiss swiftly brought his beastly cock to its full glory, a beastly eighteen-inch shaft, an unyielding pillar of teen-taming mega-cock, marbled through with bulging veins. His vision was blocked by the curtain of his daughter’s dark hair, but he could feel Rosa’s soft, pillowy lips wrapping themselves around the full glory of his monstrous crown. He could feel her push herself down onto his cock, lips stretching wider and wider as she tried to engulf his fat, worship-worthy cock. He could feel the heat and wetness of her mouth, the eager suction that made her cheeks hollow against his head.
Rich’s hand reached out, blindly, and found Rosa’s head, fingers coiling into her wavy locks, and without a word, he pulled her down. She moaned around him as his head filled her mouth entirely, then without hesitation pushed at the entrance to her throat. She swallowed, her throat rolling around his length as she swallowed inch after inch of his titanic cock. Her throat bulged around the invader as he pulled her down, down, down, until, finally, her nose met his abs, his heavy balls on her chin, all eighteen inches of cock disappeared down her throat. His tongue danced with his daughter’s as Rosa swallowed with his cock planted in her mouth to the hilt, and he let out a deep groan of pleasure. This was practically paradise.
Diamond’s sculpted mahogany body shifted into position over his hips, one knee sinking into the cushions on either side of his hips as he sat on the couch. His pale shaft, glistening with spit, stood out in sharp contrast against her rippling ebony abs. The amazonian teen gripped his shaft with one hand, her palm resting on his fat knob like a stick shift as she ground her hips along his length, her juicy slit hot against his cock. Her massive breasts swayed as she moved, the hard, suckable nipples t the summit of each tracing erratic circles in the air. She bore a confident, challenging smirk, her countless tiny braids gathered up into a ponytail that bobbed behind her as she looked deep into his eyes, a fire deep in the chestnut-brown orbs.
“Alright, Dick. It’s time for a rematch!” She informed him, raising her hips up, her slit grinding along his length until her sweet snatch was positioned atop his pulsing member. “This time, I’m not going to let you go until I’ve drained every last drop of cum from those fat balls.” She promised, her hand gripping his shoulder as she steered the tip of his cock with the other, positioning the crown at her entrance. She growled softly, almost like a purr, as she smooth tip met sensitive flesh, biting her lip, the only sign of apprehension in her expression.
She let her hips drop, and he groaned, feeling her entire weight settle into place on the tip of his cock, the unyielding shaft never bending. Her pussy squeezed like a vice around the tip of his cock, her strong core fighting to hold him back instinctively. All at once, the forces in opposition were simply too much to resist. Her hips fell, and she let out a deep groan through gritted teeth as the first nine inches of his immense ivory cock speared into her body. Her head rolled back as she experienced the familiar sensation of his immense cock filling her pussy, stretching her hole around him.
She was still for a moment as she stabilized herself, planting her knees carefully to hold her up off his length. Then, without warning, she rolled her entire body, a wave traveling down her spine, cracking her hips like the end of a whip to slam them down onto his monstrous shaft. Her hole swallowed another three inches of cock, her mouth-watering ass clapping as it jiggled wildly with the sudden movement. She rolled her head forward again, her gaze burning even more intensely as she locked eyes with him. Without saying a word, her eyes promised him a ride he’d never forget.
A sudden, sharp smack sounded, the sound cutting through the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh. In the next instant, a bolt of dull pain raced up his arm and a throaty moan rolled out of Diamond’s lips, swiftly transitioning into a bitter invective. “Ohhhh~, you FUCK!” She spat, her anger flaring for a moment before it was drowned out under a tide of pleasure. His pale hand lingered on the oversized globe of her smooth mahogany ass, strong fingers sinking into her juicy rump as her rear jiggled under the force of the sudden spank. Her hips were thrust into the air as she kneeled on all fours, gripping the arm of the couch for dear life, presenting him with a truly jaw-dropping view of her spectacular ass. He kneeled behind her, thrusting his hips hard and fast, his tight ass flexing as he pumped a foot of cock in and out of her with every stroke, his rippling abs smacking against her juicy ass with a steady rhythm.