All characters engaging in sexual activity are 18 years of age or older.
Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.
This is my entry into the “The 2023 “Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane” Author Challenge“.
This is a quick short one, since my laptop crashed and I couldn’t recover my original story.
Detective Johnathan Ashcroft ripped the blindfold off the eyes of his victim. He blinked his eyes trying to quickly adjust to the light. He could see a shadow of a person standing in front of him. He squinted as it came into focus. He saw Detective Ashcroft smiling down at him.
“Hello T-Bone” John said, as he drew his hand back.
“Oh shit.”
That was all T-Bone got out, before he felt the pain of his nose explode. His head snapping back, the base of his skull hitting the back of the chair. He could feel the blood pouring down into his mouth and dripping off his chin. His heading slumping forward now.
“Now T-Bone. I want to know, who ordered the hit?” Detective Ashcroft said, looking down at him.
He looked up at John.
“Fuck you pig.” he said and spit blood on him.
John grabbed the back of his head in his left hand, stepped forward and landed two fast elbow strikes to his left eye. T-Bone felt blood dripping down the side of his now. His vision was blurry. He was feeling dizzy. He was in quite a bit of pain.
“Again. Who ordered the hit?”
T-Bone squinted his eyes to focus on John.
“I don’t snitch, bacon boy.” he replied.
He closed his eyes and prepared for the next hit. Nothing happened. He opened his eyes hoping that it was over. John smiled at him, then quickly slammed a rubber mallet down into T-Bones’ right hand. He screamed out in pain, as he felt the bones break.
“You mother….”
Detective Bomonti travesti Ashcroft slammed an open handed palm strike to his other eye.
“I’m going to kill…..”
John stepped forward and landed an elbow strike on the same eye. T-Bone could feel blood dripping down both sides of his face and his nose. He could see his vision narrowing as the swelling increased. He watched John walk over to a table and pick up a container and a bottle, then start walking back towards him.
“Now T-Bone. This here is salt and this here is lime juice. When these wonderful products hit the nerves in your open wounds, they’re gonna light up like a god damn Christmas tree. The pain you’re experiencing now, is nothing compared to what it will be.” John said calmly.
Detective Ashcroft stopped in front of him, looked down and smiled.
“Did you know that lime juice burns a person’s eyes so badly, that it can cause you to go blind? You see, it forms something called alkali, which actually liquifies the cornea of the eye.
T-Bone nodded his head. He heard the old phrase of “rubbing salt in the wound”. He felt the sting of lime juice in his eye before, when he was a kid. He was torn. He didn’t want to feel the kind of pain that was being talked about, but he didn’t want to be a snitch either.
“Real men don’t snitch, pig.” he said, just barely above a whisper.
“Wrong. Real men don’t kill innocent children because they can’t fucking shoot straight.” John replied, as he poured salt into his hand.
T-Bone watched as John lifted his hand up. He closed his eyes and then shortly afterwards, felt the salt hit his face. A few seconds later, then burning pain started. He squeezed his eyes closed tightly and gritted his teeth, trying not to scream out in pain.
“Who Bomonti travestiileri ordered the hit?”
“Kiss my ass porkchop.” he spat out.
Detective Ashcroft punched him in the throat. T-Bones’ eyes popped open in reflex. John immediately squeezed the lime juice in his left eye. He screamed out in pain and continued to jerk against the chair. It felt like his whole head was on fire and stinging at the same time.
A left hand landed right on his already broken nose.
John buried a hard right, straight into his gut. He heard all the air leave his body and pulled his fist back just in time. T-Bones’ head lurched forward and started vomiting everywhere. After he was done, his head just slumped forward. John took the short walk to the table again. This time he picked up a bottle of water and took the lid off. He grabbed him by his dreadlocks and yanked his head back hard. His eyes and mouth opened, and Detective Ashcroft poured the water in his eyes, face and mouth.
He held his back for a count of ten, while he listened to him gurgle and choke on the water in his throat. At ten, he finally let go. T-Bone spit the water out coughing and wheezing. He sucking in as much air as he could get.
“Who ordered the hit?”
There was no reply. A few seconds later, he heard T-Bone start crying. John knew that he was going to get his answers. He let him cry for a bit longer.
“Who was it T-Bone?”
“Nobody. I did it on my own.” he answered between sobs.
“You’re not high enough to make that decision.” John replied quickly, not believing him.
“He stole my girl from me, I had to!”
“You accidentally killed two beautiful little kids, because you thought their brother stole your girl!” John yelled.
“It’s travesti Bomonti the code of the street pig!”
Detective Ashcroft growled and then walked back over to the table again. Except this time he grabbed his phone. Walking back to where he had T-Bone tied to the chair, he pulled up a video on his phone. He was angry that this piece of shit had murdered innocent children over a damn woman. He held the phone in front of his face. T-Bones eyes widened with shock and disbelief, as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
He watched his girl arch her back and moan in pleasure. Her nipples hard like little pebbles standing erect, as a thick white cock pounded into her dark chocolate colored pussy. T-Bone saw the creamy white foam all over the cock showing her arousal, infuriated him. He started really struggling against his binds and the chair. A few moments later he heard her scream out.
“Ooooooh god yes, cum in my pussy baby!”
He watched as the cock slammed harder and faster and heard the man shout breathlessly.
“I’m cummin, I’m cummin!” and exploded in her.
T-Bone recognized the voice, as Detective Ashcroft.
“Fuck you pig! I’m gonna kill you mother fucker!”
John stopped the video and looked down at him.
“Wrong T-Bone. I’m gonna kill you.”
Detective Ashcroft pulled a Ruger-9 from behind his back and shot him in the heart. He stared at T-Bone, watching him as he gasped for breath. Both of them knowing that time was quickly running out for him in this life. John leaned down so that he was level with him.
“There’s a special place in hell, for people that hurt children. I hope you enjoy it son.”
T-Bone stared at John with a look of fear and panic on his face, as he felt the color drain from him. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out except his final exhale of life. Detective Ashcroft took a second phone out of his pocket. He pushed and held in number two. It rang three times before a woman answered it with a friendly hello. He smiled and replied with a single sentence.
“Your children are avenged.”