
Elevator Story


Here I was, waiting for the elevator, again. That’s the problem with working on the tenth floor, I thought. I pushed the down arrow, again. Yeah, that always helps. There should be more than two elevators in this big building. I wish I hadn’t needed to come in on a Saturday, especially a gorgeous beach day like this. Just another slave to the dollar, but this slave was making her escape!

I had finished up my work fairly quickly without the usual workday distractions. My beach bag was over my shoulder, I hadn’t wanted to leave anything sitting in the car in the nearly deserted parking lot. Just my luck, someone would break a window for the bag, just to find my swimsuit and beach blanket. I judged that I still might be able to spend a couple hours soaking up the sun…if this elevator EVER came.

Startled momentarily by the sound of footsteps behind me, I turned to see who else had been stuck working today.

“Hey Tom. Catching up on some work?”

I’d had my eye on Tom since he started at the office three months ago. From the moment I saw him, I hoped he would ask me out. He’s gorgeous, tall (okay, almost everyone is tall to me, but he was a good head taller than my 5’2″), sandy blond hair (cut short, yet fashionable), crystal-blue eyes that you could just sink into and a fit, tanned body if his nicely-muscled arms were any guide. His sense of humor meshed well with my own and he wasn’t all caught up in his own ego like most men in their mid-twenties. We’d had intelligent and thoughtful conversations in the break room. I learned that he had broken up with his long-time girlfriend recently (they’d grown apart) and didn’t want to rush into another relationship. I swear I’d nearly blurted out, “What about just sex?” Of course, I wanted more than that, but sex was pretty high up in my thoughts considering how long it’d been since I’d last had any. Instead, I’d told him that waiting was probably best. Still, when I bent over at the water fountain, holding my long hair back, I could feel his eyes tracing my curves. Nobody could prove I sometimes waited to get water until he was headed that way, right?

“Yes, Jen,” Tom replied, breaking me from my reverie. “Following the never-ending paper trail I’m afraid.”

“These darn elevators are taking forever,” I smiled back at him, pushing at the down button again. “I want to get to the beach while there’s still daylight.”


“Your chariot awaits, m’lady.”

We moved into the elevator, exchanging small talk as the floor numbers clicked down. A grinding sound and an abrupt stop almost caused me to fall. Only Tom’s hand on my arm kept me upright.


“Yes, Jen?”

“Tell me the elevator didn’t just stop.”

“Jen, the elevator didn’t just stop.”

I glanced around in disbelief at the unmoving car and then gazed at Tom.

“Do you always do what people tell you? Exactly?”

“Just you,” he said with a small smile.

“Funny, but I would appreciate it more at the beach with a drink than stuck in this piece of junk elevator.”

“Oooh, an invitation? Let’s see, there should be an emergency button or something around here.”

Tom examined the panel and pulled open a little door set in it, revealing a telephone.

“Even better, I hope,” he said.

“If we get out of here, of course you’re invited,” I responded to his earlier comment, my stomach fluttering a little bit. Had I waited too long to say something, did I sound stand-offish? Desperate? I was over-thinking this, wasn’t I?

“I’d like that, been working too much recently.”

He opened the cabinet and picked up the telephone handset. I could hear it ringing. Tom gave all the relevant information, listened for a moment, and hung up.

“Good news, or bad?” I asked.

“An hour,” he said with an apologetic grimace.

“There goes most of the day. And of course there’s no AC in here.”

“At least the phone worked, I was worried for a minute. I’m sorry, Jen.”

“Not like it’s your fault, Tom. I’m just glad I’m not alone. I’d be pretty scared.”

“Then, I’m glad I’m here, too,” he said warmly.

“At least we won’t have to stand. I have my beach blanket.”

We spread the blanket out and settled down to wait. Within minutes, we were sweating pretty heavily. It was getting stuffier and hotter quickly.

“I’m glad that I didn’t have to wear a suit today,” Tom blew out.

“I wish I had worn shorts and not this Escort Çankaya sun dress, I was planning on changing later,” I said, managing to fan my chest and face a little by gently flapping the bodice of the pale yellow dress.

About 15 minutes later, our clothes were drenched, and the heat was becoming nearly unbearable. We were both trying to fan ourselves, but to little avail.

“Jen, do you mind if I take off my shirt? I’m dying in here.”

“Go ahead,” I said, fighting back a smile.

Tom stood up and took off his shirt, much to my enjoyment. If I HAD to be stuck in an elevator, at least there was this. He had a muscular chest, not too hairy, gorgeous. Not overdone, but solid and strong. Very tan also, apparently I wasn’t the only sun worshiper. He was so nice, so good looking, and I just knew he was interested in me. But it seemed he would never make a move, hurt from the demise of his last relationship. Life is so unfair sometimes.

Fuck it, I thought. I’ll never have a chance like this again. I stood up as well and said to Tom, “I’m going to take off this dress, I’ve already sweated through it. You won’t see anything that you wouldn’t have seen at the beach anyway.” Without waiting for a response (beyond his blink of surprise), I drew the dress over my head.

I stood before Tom, dressed only in a dark pink satin bra and matching panties with lace around the edges. I knew that the bra exposed most of the top and inner slopes of my handful-sized breasts and the panties showed off my slim, toned waist accentuated by the curviness of my hips and firm bottom. I hadn’t lied though, he wouldn’t have seen much more at the beach…if I had been wearing a very small bikini at least. I brushed my long black wavy hair back from my face, and smiled at Tom. His eyes had grown quite wide, and he had sucked his breath in involuntarily.

“Oh, my,” Tom whispered. “Now, I’m really hot! It seems we’re going VERY casual.”

In a moment, he had pulled down his slacks, and stood in boxers.

“Okay, we’re even now.”

I giggled. I hadn’t expected THAT!

“Uh, Tom.” I worried my lower lip between my teeth.


I glanced down his body. “Never mind.”

Tom’s eyes followed mine, to where his boxers were noticeably tented and then his eyes met mine. “At the beach if I had seen you looking that hot, I could have jumped in the cold water.”

“That’s because of me?” I couldn’t look away from his eyes, as much as I wanted to. But, I’ve always had great peripheral vision, thank God.

“Now I know you’re teasing me,” he murmured, his eyes as warm as his tone.

I shivered. I’d wanted, I’d hoped, but I hadn’t expected. But, I wasn’t going to blow whatever was happening here. I moved over to him, close enough that he could feel my breath on his chest. “If it’s for me, I should get a look, don’t you think?”

He drew his breath in as my fingers stroked his chest, trailing downwards. I gave him a chance to stop me, but he remained silent, gazing at me. I slipped both hands into the waistband of his boxers, pushing them down his thighs and exposing the generous circumcised length of his shaft to my gaze. He leaned back against the elevator’s wall, his breathing shallow and quick.

“Mmmm please Jen,” Tom moaned.

“What, Tom?”

“Touch me.”

I licked my lips and smiled, not really sure how we’d ended up here, but so glad that we had. As I stroked my fingertips against the tip of his manhood, Tom groaned. I could feel a drop of pre-cum along the tip, and smeared it around the head before I slid it down his shaft, gently stroking him. With my other hand, I worked his boxers down over his great ass. Damn, it felt as good as I had imagined. Tom’s hands rose to caress my face, and then my neck, then my sides, and finally my breasts, still held within the lacy confines of my bra.

I planted kisses on his chest, tasting traces of salt from his sweat, and enjoying the faint, pleasant smell of his cologne.

“I want to touch you, Jen,” Tom said, his voice husky with desire.

“Please Tom, I’ve been wanting you to for so long.”

His hands circled me to unfasten my bra, and it fell slowly away from the turgid peaks helped by his gentle tugging. His face almost glowed with his admiration and made me feel warm inside. Oh hell, I was already hot and it had little to do with the temperature inside the closed elevator.

“You’re so lovely, Jen. Çankaya Escort Even more so than I had imagined.”

His clever fingers stroked my breasts, making me shiver.

“You’ve been imagining me, Tom?” I asked.

“For a long time, Jen, a long time.”

He lowered his head, and took my right nipple between his lips, sucking at it as he stroked the left between the pads of his fingertips. He trapped my nipple against the roof of his mouth, and moved it back and forth against the ridges. I moaned and held his head in place, I may have tried to cram my small breast into his mouth, but I can’t swear to it. I wasn’t thinking a lot right then, but I was sure feeling a lot. I do know that I caressed his head, my fingers running through his hair, holding his ears and I LOVED what he was doing to me. He kept at it, kissing and sucking, lips opening and moving against me, tongue swirling. His hands moved down my body, as if becoming acquainted, and he began to slide my panties downward. They clung to my sex at first, they were so wet, with my sweat and my juices.

“Let’s lay down, dear,” he whispered in my ear. My fevered fog cleared with his magical mouth off of my body for the moment. I did feel happy when I realized that he looked nearly as dazed as I felt.

“Yes. Let’s.”

He smiled as his eyes drank in the sight of my nude body. His every move was so unhurried, as if he were paying homage to me, worshiping each part in turn with his gaze. We lay down onto the beach blanket, side by side facing each other, our hands running over each others’ body. His erection was pressed flat against my stomach and I could feel its long, solid length clearly.

“I was afraid I was just wishing that you wanted me, when you were just being nice to me because of my breakup.”

“I was nice to you because I like you. I didn’t push you…too much, because you said you weren’t ready for a relationship.”

“I feel ready now.”

“I’ll say,” I said with a grin, nuzzling at his neck even as I wiggled my body against his cock trapped between us, stroking him with all of me.

“God, Jen. I want to be inside you,” he said, his voice full of need and desire.

“What if the elevator starts moving?” I asked. That’s me, ever the voice of reason.

“Do you want to wait?”

“Hell no,” I grinned at him, pulling him on top of me, our damp bodies sliding against each other exquisitely. To hell with reason.

He kissed me then, a deep long exploring kiss, tongues entwining, that spoke of passions unspent, and promises of rapture. Damn could he kiss. Our hands were everywhere, feeling, kneading, pinching, stroking. My entire body became his to know, and I learned his also, loving the very feel of it underneath my hands and against my body. I could feel his erection, rubbing against my thigh, as the kiss continued. I slid my hand down to capture him gently and guided the tip of his member to my slick entrance, dropping my knees towards either side to open myself for him. Slowly Tom pushed into me, despite his size I only needed a few strokes to stretch for him as he realized how wet and ready I was. His groan and mine mingled together, until he was seated in me all the way.

“God”, I groaned. “You fill me up.”

I kissed at his chest, bit at his neck, fingernails lightly scratching his back as my sex squeezed around him. This was crazy, but it felt so right.

He stayed within me, only moving a fraction of an inch in then out, both of us reveling in the slow grinding. Fuck, I was half panting, half whimpering in his ear. I bit his earlobe as a small orgasm shot through my body, my sex tightening around his deeply buried cock.

“Damn, secret weapon,” he groaned, trying to move through my pussy’s tight grip around him until I finally relaxed.

“You can exercise those muscles, too,” I half-giggled, tightening purposely around him again, but only for a few moments. “And this is the best way.”

“You can practice with me anytime,” he responded, starting to lengthen his thrusts.

He moved fluidly within me, pulling almost all the way out, until I whimpered from the emptiness and then sliding fully back inside of me. He adjusted his angle as I rolled my hips to meet him, we both moved up and down, back and forth, squeezing him inside of me, moaning as he took me. Both of us were working up a lather, and were on the edge. We wouldn’t last long this first time. He did say we could Çankaya Escort Bayan do this again, right?

We heard a clanking sound coming from somewhere down below and the air suddenly stirred in the elevator, bringing a little cooling breeze to our heated bodies.

“Hurry, Tom. I don’t want to get caught,” I moaned, my voice choked as I approached the point of no return. “Come inside me…”

Faster and faster we moved, our slick bodies slapping together wetly. Tom pinched my nipples, my heels pulled him deeper inside me, urging him on. Grabbing his butt with one hand, wanting to feel that butt I had admired so often. Both of us moaning, losing control. Awash in pleasure, Tom pinched my nipple and I was gone. Me crying out as he groaned.


“Come for me baby, I’m coming in youuuu..” his final words came out in a half-growl.

My body shook, racked by orgasm. The sensations caused lights to flash within my brain. My whole body tingled with numbness, then every nerve tantalized with feeling, suspended there, exquisite to the point of pain almost, wanting it to stop, never wanting it to stop, and repeating this again, and again. My eyes open staring into Tom’s, my mouth searching out his, as we climaxed together. Tom’s cum poured into me, deep, warm. Our bodies pressed tightly together, from mouth to groin, seeking to become one person, to share the blaze of passion each of us feel that much more closely.

Damn, I wasn’t letting him get away from me if I could help it. If he didn’t decide I was just a slut and wondered why he’d ever been my friend. The beginnings of panic started to eat at me and then I pushed them away, intent to at least finish enjoying the afterglow. Then I’d put on my brave face before I had to deal with the consequences of having this great guy I’d come to like so much (and now wanted so much) not wanting anything to do with me.

The elevator started moving, but slowly with much grinding of gears. We broke apart with a groan, our lips together until the last moment. Tom gave each of my breasts a tender kiss before standing and giving me his hand to help me up. As I stood, I gave his soaked manhood one long lick all the way up the underside.

I pulled my dress over my head, picked up my bra and panties and blanket and stuffed them all into my beach bag. Tom had more to put on, good thing the elevator is slow. I watched him, enjoying the show and hiding my nervousness behind a smile. The best experience of my life and it was too damn short. I didn’t want him to go.

Hastily dressed, we waited for the elevator door to open standing apart in the elevator car, along with our own thoughts for a moment. My hair must be a mess, I thought. Tom looked at me thoughtfully, his head tilted to the side. I had the urge to fly into his arms and pull his hands onto my bottom, then under the short hem of my dress and let him touch me down there, feel how soaked I am. Instead, I clasped my hands in front of me, shifting from foot to foot.

Tom looked directly at me, which didn’t make me less nervous, as if trying to read my thoughts and emotions. Yeah, I’m a mess, so what?

“I hadn’t planned anything like this Tom, but I’m not sorry it happened. I do like you a lot, I hope you won’t think too poorly of me.”

Tom’s genuine surprise was evident, even to me.

“How can you say that, Jen? First, you’re my friend no matter what and second, you’re sexy as hell. This was as much about what I wanted as what you wanted. Got it? I’ve been an idiot waiting this long. I’m damn glad I didn’t ruin it. I hope I didn’t. So tell me right now, do we have a date…for today and tonight and all the foreseeable future?”

God, I loved the smile that had spread across his entire face. I looked up into his face, daring to hope, daring to believe.

“It’s a date. I don’t want you to get away from me now.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against my knuckles.

With a slight jar, the elevator door opened, and after a moment we walked out. Two repairmen were there, looking apologetic.

“Sorry it took so long, folks.”

“No problem,” Tom said.

I echoed his comment.

As we walked away, I saw the repairmen take in our disheveled appearance and then share a look after inhaling the unmistakable scent of sex in the elevator. Their eyes followed Tom and me as we walked out of the building, but I didn’t care. I placed my hand in Tom’s as we left together, our bodies naturally leaning into each other. I considered whispering to him that his cum was leaking down my legs, but decided I’d let him find that out on his own later.


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