


EROTIC FANTASY ISLAND – CHAPTER 16CHAPTER 16The resort guest periods were staggered intentionally to provide days separating the leaving of one group and the arrival of the next group. Every three groups had a full week separating groups. The free days were used for maintenance, upkeep of equipment, and solitude for a****ls and staff alike. Sylvia was a keen woman regarding human nature and the interactions of groups of people and the need for periods with reduced stress and more free time for energizing batteries, so to speak. It might not be the way high-powered profit driven management might approach handling their people, but Sylvia was far from that. That was another advantage to working for someone whose happiness was breaking even, not how much profit margin could be squeezed out.My phone calls and emails back to Arizona were the****utic for me, too. I was surprised, but excitedly so, to be told that Jake and Bobbi had finally committed to getting married. It turned out that they had made the decision, but didn’t say anything to anyone because I was missing. I couldn’t believe when they told me that. What if I never came back? How long did they think they could wait? How could they put something so important on hold like that with no idea if I was dead or alive? They said it was the easiest decision they had to make. In their minds, there was no way I wasn’t coming back to be in their wedding as Bobbi’s Maid of Honor. They made all the preparations and would be ready simply by finding a place to have it when I came back. And, I did come back.The wedding would be when we had a full week off from the guests. Sylvia pushed me to consider taking more time off, even if just a couple days to enjoy being back with them. I didn’t know. It was their wedding, not a vacation for them to have me around. I talked to them about their honeymoon at the resort. I told them they could have the cottage that Amy and I were sharing. Amy and I could share the open bedroom in the other cottage for the week. That way they had access to a more secluded cove and more privacy when we were all busy with the resort. They were receptive, but not committal. I suspected they might have other options already considered. We left the idea open to further discussion.All of that was coming. We also learned how to use the island of Trinidad on our free days. Some of the staff preferred to go to the island of Tobago, which had more resorts. I preferred a completely different setting when I had free time, different types of people than the tourist types that frequented the resorts, even the places around the resorts. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one. The entire team and others of the staff liked to find the bars and clubs of Trinidad that were frequented by the locals. I enjoyed the easy, comfortable feel of places that were familiar to people and where people treated the places as their own, not someplace they were visiting. That might have been what we were doing, but I figured if we were here for some time, these places could become ours, too.So, when the second rotation came and we had two days of free time after minimal chores of taking care of the a****ls, the entire team minus Dor, who stayed behind for the a****ls, headed to Trinidad on the shuttle boat. With us were a half dozen other staff members. We left late afternoon, spent time roaming the town, finding shops and investigating what we could find, including marking out bars and places to eat for later. We were being methodical, figuring that over time we would have the basic town covered, at least the places that we were looking for.It had become late and we hadn’t noticed. The last shuttle back to the resort would be leaving in 15 minutes. And we weren’t that close, at least not by the route we took to get to this bar. And, that was assuming we knew exactly where we were, which wasn’t the case. We knew sort of where we were. There was always the option of getting a hotel room for the night and we could all crash together, but we all had familiar rooms waiting for us at the resort. We paid the tab and left the building trying to get our bearings once we were on the street. We decided to go for the boat, but we would have to hustle. We picked our way through the streets and after five minutes we knew that we had missed a turn. The late hour had everything looking different and we weren’t that familiar with the surrounds. We stood at a crossing looking in all four directions hoping to see something that would lead us to our destination. Tami walked a few steps and stared down the street to the right, “There! That way. See that building with the lit dome? The harbor was just beyond that building.”Adam agree with her. There were six of us, Tami, Amy, Adam, two other staff and myself. We headed in the direction Tami pointed, down a street that I quickly realized wasn’t a street at all. We were walking down an alley that became very dark away from the real street we had been on. All we had to do was get to the next street, then stay on it. I encouraged everyone to stay tight and keep moving quickly. Suddenly, I felt like I was back in the jungle. It was a strange sensation, my nerves were tight, my focus shifted from side to side, searching out areas of black darkness, listening to any sound ahead or behind, my eyes shifting to anything that changed in shadows. I shushed the others when they started talking and joking. I was focused and nervous. They thought I was overreacting, being a mother even though I was not much older than they were.Ahead, I spotted something in dark. It wasn’t a movement exactly; it was … something. I had everyone stop and I walked ahead of them a couple feet to try to ‘feel’ it better. I didn’t know why I felt I could do that. It was just something that I had also felt in the jungle when Sam and I were walking out. Then I saw what I felt. There were at least a couple people ahead in the dark. I told everyone to turn around. Adam argued, that he couldn’t see anyone, how could I. I pulled him back and led them back the way we came until I saw others there, too. Adam was still skeptical. Then they stepped out into the alley so the lit background of the street beyond showed them as shadow figures. Adam announced calmly that the ones on the opposite side were now visible, too.“How did you see them? It’s total blackness.”I glanced left and right. I chose left, a stone wall with garbage cans along it. “Against the wall. If this gets violent, duck down by the cans.”Adam said, “They have bats or sticks or something. I can’t see anything to use.”“We’ll talk to them. We don’t want any trouble, Adam. Stay back with the others, let me talk to them.” He backed up, but not all the way. He was still near my back. I sensed he was ready to defend us if it needed to be done. I had no idea what experience he might have in fighting. He was a big guy, but …They were close now. I had my back to the others in our group. Two guys came from my left and three from my right. Adam was right, of course. Two of them had aluminum bats, clearly defined by the metallic sound as they were tapped on the broken pavement as they approached. The sounds were intended to intimidate and it was working on the others behind me. I heard a few sobs starting behind me. Why had we come down here? We could have gone one more block to the next lighted street but we chose to take the straight line to the one landmark we recognized.I had to try, “Listen guys, we’re just headed to the harbor to catch our boat for our ride back to where we live. We don’t kaçak iddaa need any trouble and we don’t have anything you’d be interested in.”They laughed, elbowing each other and pointing at the others behind me, all women except for Adam. “Not true pretty lady. Even in this light we can tell the woman flesh here is worth our time, if not the money and jewelry you have.”“You don’t want to do that.”“Maybe we do, what would you do about it, anyway? There are five of us.”The hair on my neck bristled, my muscled tensed, and my hearing was picking up little shuffles of feet and whispers. Too much like the jungle, too much like what Sam taught me, trained me to sense, too much like the scary feelings I had every time he and I trained.“Back away, guys. We don’t have to do this.”“Pretty tough talk, bitch. You don’t have any weapons.”I shifted my stance. “I don’t need any.” There was a gasp from behind me. “I’ll use yours when your done with them.”The guys hesitated. It wasn’t what they were anticipating hearing. They figured we were easy targets, only one guys and all the women in a dark alley.I looked at all five of them, then turned to the one who had been talking. “You’re the leader, huh? Scar on your left cheek, bushy eyebrows that almost come together making you look Neanderthal. Are you the tough one? Maybe you should take the bat from the one next to you who looks like he’s about to wet himself.”I heard their feet shuffling as some lost a measure of confidence. “How can she see you in the dark? Something isn’t right …” I could almost taste the fear combined with rage in the alley, but not enough. A bell sounded in the distance, over and over. It was likely to ring 12 times. “Oh, oh. Is that your mommy ringing for her little boys to come home? Are you late? Going to be in trouble boys?”I could hear the panic in the breathing behind me, but more than that I could now actually taste the anger around me, the blind and wild feelings. This was enough.I made my move on the leader. I didn’t wait for him or someone else to take the first swing. Sam said, ‘Street fights have no rules. Rules are for the ring. The street is for survival. Hit first, hit hard.’ He also taught me how to hit hard.When I moved on the leader, he was surprised. They were supposed to attack, not this. Being targeted, he tried to wrestle away the bat from the one next to him. That caused confusion and a struggle between them. By the time he had the bat and swinging it, he was wild and high. I ducked underneath, the bat catching my shoulder and glancing off, but I drove my right fist into his crotch with the intent to relocate his balls into his ass. Impossible, but the feeling would be the same. He screamed and collapsed into a ball on the ground. Three things happened at that moment: he dropped the bat, which I picked up; the others stopped in their tracks at the sound of their leader going down; and, lights went on in homes and apartments around us.I didn’t wait to be rescued, though. I swung the bat at the nearest knee and heard an ugly crunch and another scream. I heard the pounding of feet coming at me and sensed another bat in a back swing, the intake of air into the lungs and tensing of muscle required to swing hard. But it was dark. He knew I was in front of him, but he swung while running. I parried the blow with my own bat, but he was powerful. The collision of the bats sent them into my same shoulder, but I managed to spin around and used that momentum to propel my bat into his back just below his neck. The combination of his own momentum and the blow to his back, weakened his legs, and propelled him clumsily into a wood utility pole along the alley. He bounced off it and fell flat on his back. I shifted my attention around me, listening as well as looking, and found Adam on top of a fourth. He had him pinned and the guy had lost all will to resist. The fifth guy disappeared down the alley and turned at the next street.Suddenly, there were people coming from both directions with flashlights and lanterns. They were tentative, some fear and wariness evident. When they found the fight was out of the guys, and the rest of us okay, they relaxed and offered help. Police sirens were heard soon after, someone having called the police after hearing the screams and shouting.We ended up in the police station and obviously missed the boat back to the resort. We were told that the neighborhood had been having trouble for some time, but getting people to come forward had been difficult. If we pressed charges, every one of them had two or three convictions, already; it would help putting them away for a longer time. So, we did. We were told the other guys were damaged, but not seriously. Back at the resort, though, I wasn’t in a very good mood. It bothered me that I had taken blows to the same shoulder twice. I was upset that we had been so careless to go down that alley, but, if I was really honest, I was more upset that I had been hurt by those guys. I was disappointed that the training Sam gave me in the jungle had been forgotten so quickly. Amy was concerned by my reaction to that night and talked to Sylvia. Sylvia came to talk to me the following day. She ordered me to the nurse for a checkup, but first wanted to know why it mattered so much to me about the fight. From all indications, I had kicked ass. It wasn’t good that I was bruised, but why the recrimination? It wasn’t something I could explain to her because I couldn’t understand it myself. There was, though, a fire that erupted from that fight in the alley that I couldn’t put out by pretending it wasn’t there.From that day on, my physical conditioning became more important. I trained my body with runs, endurance work, and resistance work. It became a common sight around the island to see me running early and later in the day with Preta and Wolf at my side. And, while I couldn’t understand why all this was so important to me, I was again reminded of the jungle in another way: only a day after Sylvia inspected my shoulder bruises and found them looking purple, the nurse found no evidence of it.* * * *“Could you put me through to Sam James, please?”The operator on the other end was careful, she was trained to be. “Who may I say is calling and what is this in regard?”“Tell him Sylvia Contreras is calling and it is in regards to Annie Linder.”The line was on hold for several minutes. There was no ‘hold music’, radio news, or company marketing recordings. Heck, she didn’t even know what ‘company’ this might be. There was no announcement, no standard welcome. It was like this phone number went to a specific location and the only people calling it would know who they were communicating with. She didn’t. Just that it was Sam James.Finally, “Sylvia! I hope you are well. I would ask about Annie, but … please don’t take this the wrong way, but I was really hoping I would never hear from you.”“I understand. I do. But, you said that if there was anything different about Annie that I should call you. And … I don’t know what … I’m just concerned. You said to call you. Sam, can I trust you? I mean, I don’t even know what you do or who you work for or why you were really in that jungle. But, I am worried and … I don’t think I can talk to anyone else about this.”“Take a deep breath, Sylvia. I said I hoped I wouldn’t hear from you because then everything would be good with Annie. But, I had my concerns, too, and not just from what I saw in the jungle. So, tell me. Why are you concerned?”She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to violate a confidence here, Sam. kaçak bahis But, she trusted you, right?”“We spent five weeks together in the jungle. I saved her and she saved me.”“Okay …” She gave him a run-down of things: the fights (all self-defense) after the first one; the bruising that disappears; she’s started taking training at a dojo in Port of Spain every chance she can get there when guests aren’t around; her body was toned before but is really hard and tight now. “I mean it is stunning for the guests to see her introduced or around the island when she looks this way, especially with those two black a****ls always with her. I mean the black a****ls, her nearly naked body with a black wrap around her waist and that long, black, wild looking hair, and the tattoos on her breast. The guests love it. It’s like finding an Amazon walking up to you.”“She died her hair?”“At first, yeah. Then she washed the dye out, but it stayed black. It is black now. Her hair changed to black!”“How does that happen?”“That’s not all, either. She’s fast, her reflexes. She’s strong. She’s stopped playing beach volleyball. Once, she got pissed at a macho type on the other side of the net. She was set the ball and it was too high, but she jumped and hit the ball almost straight down on the guy. Sam … her waist was at the top of the net! I was watching the match; it was a resort staff tournament. She holds herself back now, I can tell. If she thinks anyone is around, she holds back.”“What about her attitude, the way she treats and reacts to people?”“No difference. She’s the same woman. She likes everyone, helps everyone. Everyone loves her.”“Thank you for calling Sylvia. Thank you for trusting me. I need to pull some information together, talk to some people, check a few things. I will contact you soon, though. Promise.”* * * *We were standing at the back of the club as a group, waiting for an appropriate time to make a quiet and unnoticed exit. One of the guests had requested the fulfillment of a long-time fantasy and it was about to be played out. He and his wife had envisioned a three-some with another man … in front of a group of people. It was about to be played out with the assistance of one of the beach attendants who the couple had approached earlier in the day.I found myself standing with my team and becoming aroused like I anticipated the rest of the room was. Sylvia’s concept of an open resort to experience personal and group fantasy was truly becoming a reality. Guests found themselves opening to the potential of the resort’s atmosphere and the openness and acceptance of the staff. I also knew from other situations like it before that this night would find many of the guests taking charge of their desires stoked by the demonstration they witnessed.For me, though, my arm around Dor’s waist and the other holding Amy’s hand, I desired something more personal, at least personal to the extent of our smaller group. I whispered to Dor and Amy, then beyond them to Tami and Adam, “Want to stay and watch, see what might happen after for us? Or, experience what we choose and want?”From across the room, I connect with Sylvia who is standing near the little stage setup with a bedroom setting just for this exhibition. Our eyes connected and I saw a look of concern on her face that quickly melted away into a smile. The smile, though, didn’t entirely take over; her eyes continued to hold a sense of concern. But, she gave me a discrete wave and nod of her head, as if she knew we might have other plans. And we did.Dor, her arm around my waist, slid her hand from my hip up my side on my bare skin, “Like our pets?” I smiled. The a****ls had become affectionately referred to as ‘our pets’ despite the clear fact that many were not household type a****ls. Everyone else smiled at the common understanding and Adam led the way discretely out the side door.We were met, as always, by Wolf and Preta who seemed to come from nowhere, but actually just out of sight in the shadows where they had been patiently waiting for our appearance … okay, my appearance.Adam moved quickly ahead of the rest of us but turned around, walking backwards quickly, “Bourbon, wine, or beer?” We had accumulated quite a stash of liquor in our cottages from pilfering from the bar and restaurant on the sly. Adam had somehow become the unofficially designated person to retrieve liquid libation when our activities had us in the complex instead of the cottages or beach at the cove.When Adam returned to the complex the four of us women were naked and in a daisy-chain on the mattresses we pulled together. The scene stopped him in his tracks. He’s loved each of us privately and in the group; this was something he hadn’t been exposed to before. The four women he was intimate with, all with pussies and mouths connected in a circle. He put ice into five glasses, then poured bourbon over the top slowly so the ice cooled the liquor as it filled to about a quarter depth of the glass. He then took up one, settled back and watched us, lazily stroking his wonderful cock.That was not the way we intended to satisfy ourselves, however. Hearing the ice clinking in the glasses, we slowly untangled ourselves, reluctantly pulled our mouths away from pussies. Each one of us walked up to him, kissing him in thanks as he handed us a glass. We touched our glasses into the center of the little circle we formed and drank to each other. Adam was smacking his lips, running his tongue over his lips. I wondered if he thought there was something wrong with the bourbon until he shared with us. “Mmmmmm … a wonderful taste on each of your lips.” Then it occurred to us what he was doing; the pussy juice on our faces. The five of us laughed.It was decided that they all wanted to do something different. The three women compared notes about the a****ls that each had experienced by way of previous curiosity or the result of the guest challenge earlier. They switched the a****ls around so that Amy took the goat, Dor the llama, and Tami the hog. Tami was cute about the decision. She commented that growing up on a farm, she thought she knew hogs. After tonight, she really would … not that she could share that with her folks.The others went off to appropriate pens holding the a****l of their choice, which left Adam and I alone in the main room. I turned to him, put my glass on the table and walked into him, my arms going around his neck. I pressed my body against his, his cock coming alive just as I expected it to.“And what of you, kind sir? What would you like to try tonight? You were brave enough to take a dog before, are you going to try that, again?”He kissed my lips, pulled his hips back a bit to allow his cock to stand straighter, then pressed back into me. His hard cock now pressing into my belly. I pressed right back into him, mashing my breasts into him, and kissed him hard.When we broke, he looked slightly down into my eyes, “I have to say, Annie, this slightly more aggressive side of you since you came back is truly hot!”I pulled my head back to consider him and his words, “You think I have changed? Really?”“Not badly. No, not bad.” He looked into my face as his hands held my shoulders. “Before, you … I don’t know … you seemed to be trying hard to be the confident, in control person you probably thought you should be in your position. Not with us so much as with others, maybe. I don’t see that ‘trying’ part, anymore. You really act with confidence and control and deliberateness. It’s good on you, that’s all.”I chuckled, “Buttering up to the boss?” He just smiled, illegal bahis but I knew it wasn’t that, it wasn’t what this group was. So, another thing for the list? Aggressive, even if just a little more? I gave him a kiss. “I do have another thought about something different, if you are interested …”He nodded. I leaned into him and whispered into his ear. He looked at me startled. I nodded. “I’d like to.” He nodded, too.I looked to the door through which we had entered, knowing that is where I would find Wolf and Preta. I called Wolf to me, patting the floor before he got close. He immediately lay on his side, his hind leg ready to rise and doing so when I put my hand on his belly. This was going to be the first step in another experience I wanted someday to experience, but sometimes new experiences with a****ls requires a step at a time approach. This was one of those steps and I was using Adam and, maybe, I would someday find the courage and will to go the big step.Mating with Wolf was a comfortable experience for us. Maybe less so, still, for Preta, but even Preta found me to be an eager mate, just more careful. This time, though, mating with Wolf was a prelude to a larger experience that I hoped he would take well. Once he and I were tied, it would require Adam to be the careful one. I didn’t think it would be too elaborate, just hoping the action wouldn’t make Wolf too scared.While Wolf and I were in the throes of our fucking, I glanced to find Adam and how he was managing while waiting for me. I had to chuckle at the sight, even though the moaning caused by our fucking may not have had it sound quite right. Adam was on his knees in from one or the other of the women, moving back and forth, getting his cock sucked while the women were mating. I was also included in that rotation. Wolf and I achieved a wonderful climax each, mine coming before his, but spanning a longer time that allowed me to carry my orgasm through his despite starting first. Once he was finished, I anticipated him turning on me and he did. Once that happened, I got the attention of Adam who now was getting constant attention from Amy who had been fucking the goat and was now finished. The others were also finishing up with their mating and gathered in the main room where their attention was drawn to Adam now moving to me while Wolf was still tied to me. What they saw, though, was Adam making a side stop to lubricate his cock, then squeezing a good amount onto my asshole, pushing it inside with one and then two fingers. When he spoke to me, their eyes opened wide.“Annie, with Wolf’s knot in you, you will be really tight. Are you sure you want to try this?”“Yes, and quickly, before my high is completely lost.”Adam didn’t ask anything more. He carefully swung a leg over my back, not wanting to startle Wolf who was already watching him carefully over his shoulder. My ass was well lubed and I had already experienced Adam anally and knew him to be considerate and patient. I knew what he was about to try, he knew what was about to happen, the others couldn’t believe what they were watching take place. They looked from Adam to me to Wolf, expecting one of us to stop it, but we weren’t about to. Not unless … not unless it absolutely turned out to be impossible. And, I for one no longer believe that. Not after the jungle and the villagers, Preta, the plane, my resurrection (again), my survival …I could feel Adam’s thighs on my ass. I felt his hands hold my ass and pull my cheeks apart, exposing my puckered hole. I felt his hard cock press against that puckered opening; I felt him press, one hand moving from my ass and I thought that he was using it press his cock with more insistence, more deliberation, keeping it from bending, buckling from the pressure. I felt my hole slowly stretching, resisting, but stretching none the less. I put my hand back to his leg and he stopped. He didn’t back away, he just held where he was. He stroked my back with one hand, keeping himself in position, not releasing any progress he had already made into me. It felt so tight and he wasn’t even in yet.I looked back over my shoulder. He stroked a hand up my back, flipping my long hair to the other side, and stroking my cheek. I gave him a weak smile, then he surprised me. “We’re closer than you might think, Annie. The head is almost in. Just a little more.”I could see bare feet surrounding us. I heard someone comforting Wolf, talking to him, and, I thought, stroking him, too. I put my head down and Adam firmed his position, sensing my renewed determination to do it. I sucked in a deep breath, held it and pushed back against him. When his cock head punched past my sphincter, I raised my head and cried out, releasing all the pent up air from my system. I put my hand back, again, but he wasn’t going further. He held his position and waited for me.He stroked my back with three or four hands and at first I was confused but realized that others were joining in actively on our experience. I felt a mouth on my breast and looked down to find Dor who smiled up at me. They were going to get me through this if it took all four of them!I pressed back on Adam and felt his cock move a fraction deeper inside me. It felt so huge, but I knew I had taken him there before. The knot. It was the knot making all the difference. And, that was exactly the experience I was seeking. What it felt like to be so full in my pussy with a knot, then to add a very healthy man cock in the ass. My internal processing was interrupted, though, by Adam’s exclamation.“My dear god, this is tight! I’m … I’m … mmmmmm … I’m glad I decided … decided to overdo the lubrication jelly.” He pumped in and out in short strokes, but each time in he was further in than before. When he was all the way in, when I felt his hips against my ass, when he was in and stopped, “I can feel the knot. Right there … pressing on my cock as I slid in … mmmmm … now at the base. Weird … my cock head almost feels free of constriction compared to where the knot is. Oh god, this is amazing!”I gasped and sank to the floor only to land on Dor and scrambled back to my hands. That caused an outbreak of laughter at my expense, but in the process of jumping back to my hands, I felt Adam’s cock press even inside further, I felt Wolf jump and his knot pull at my pussy opening, and I distinctly heard Adam release a deep moan. He pulled back slowly for what seemed like a long way, then pressed all the way back in.I gasped, cried out, and moaned deeply when Dor shifted further down, releasing my breast and licking my clit and my expanded and distended pussy. “That feels so obscene, Dor! Adam, your cock is pressing the knot down, pulling it against my opening, then pressing it back inside me. It’s only inches, I know, but … my god!”I started cumming! Everything combined into a giant stimulation working against any control I might have thought I could muster. My pussy and asshole both convulsed around the cocks buried deep inside them. I heard Adam gasp and moan and grunt, driving his cock as deep as he could, joining me in orgasm. At the same time, I felt Wolf jerk inside me, not like he was pulling away, but like he was cumming. I felt nothing being added to my pussy, but the movement against his cock and knot kept him hard and stimulated enough to want to cum a second time, but too soon to be possible.We were a mass of humanity and canine, bodies intertwined for moments afterward. Dor remained underneath me, stroking my breasts while Amy and Tami leaned on Adam and me, stroking us, giving us kisses.Amy leaned into my ear but spoke loudly enough for all to hear, “Annie, you are amazing. How do you come up with these experiences?” I just smiled to myself …* * * CHAPTER 17 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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