“We need to have a sleepover!” Piper announced during a lull in the horror movie. Ashley jumped at her voice, already on edge from the suspense building, which led her to shuffle closer to Sera, who seemed less affected. Piper and Kasey weren’t bothered by anything that happened, though the former had constant distractions in the form of her triple endowments. Everyone ignored the jump scare and turned to face her.
“I’ll bite. Elaborate,” Kasey said.
“So, you know how we have those orgy rooms? I wanna use one.”
“Then do that,” Ashley rolled her eyes.
“But it won’t make sense if I’m on my own.”
“Invite someone,” Ashley said.
“I don’t want to fuck strangers,” Piper pouted, “I want my friends. Sure, I’ve done the dirty with everyone here, but I really, really want to see what happens if we’re all together.”
“You mean the mess we’ll make?” Sera asked.
“She gets it!”
“I don’t know. It’s one thing with you, Piper, but I might blow a hole in something. Or someone.”
“And I could flood it.”
“That’s what I’m banking on! Look, I’ve done my due diligence. There’s a bunch of drains, huge showers to clean up, and everything’s reinforced to the extreme. Like bomb shelter reinforced.”
“Piper…” Kasey groaned, a dampness spreading across her sweatpants. Ashley averted her eyes. She’d witnessed the results of Kasey’s orgasms, though never in person, but she knew all about her prolific nature. Both were similar, yet on different sides of the spectrum far as excessiveness was concerned.
“Hear me out a bit more,” Piper said and stood, crop top sliding over her sizeable bouquet of cocks, each facing a different futa on the couch, “There’s no strings attached. We’ll be careful so no one does anything they don’t want to. And do not fucking tell me no one wants to see Ashley cum in full. Hmm, just think, if she overwhelms the drains, we could be literally swimming in it. Also, on a personal note, I wouldn’t mind getting inflated again.”
Ashley hunched over to conceal her erection. Why did she have to bring that up? It was great, yes, but she didn’t need a reminder; the image was firmly engraved in her mind.
“Wasn’t better than me,” Kasey mumbled, then jerked as a fierce squirt of fluid doused her pants and the cushion beneath her, “Fuck, sorry.”
“It’s no trouble,” Sera said, voice a little airy. Her fingers fiddled about in front of her chest, where obvious dents formed and stretched. No illusion would conceal that all three were interested. A knowing grin and expectant wriggle of the brows from Piper brought a sigh from each of them, and a chuckle from Kasey as her cocks also twitched with her eyebrows.
“Fine, I’m in,” Kasey said.
“Me too,” Sera agreed, faster than Ashley expected of her. The Latina glanced to her, tongue peeking out to moisten her plump lips. They hadn’t been shy with each other for a while now, often shared one another’s bed after a long day spent learning, then cumming, then cumming some more. It didn’t hurt that Sera’s milk and cum were borderline addictive, nor that it made Ashley’s orgasms even better.
“Guess I am too,” Ashley groaned, though it wasn’t of reluctant acceptance, but of the strain of clothes around her cock, the second largest of the group, with only Piper outshining her by a few inches, though she was thicker. She hadn’t seen Kasey’s in full yet, only through a bulge in her pants. Maybe she was a grower?
“Awesome, now, about the video rights. I’m taking producer, director and star actress since this was my idea, and, uh, I guess you guys can be the ‘also featuring’ people.”
“Like hell, I want to be a ‘special guest’ at least,” Kasey snickered, laughter squelching the now sodden couch beneath her.
“You… you’re not actually gonna record this, right?” Sera asked.
Piper chewed on her bottom, “Um… nope?”
“Jesus Christ,” Ashley groaned again, this time ashamed to have agreed with the tri-cocked futa so easily. Although, she thought with a lecherous glance at the other three, it might be nice to have film of them all. The school was turning her into a complete and utter perv. Or perhaps it was just Piper’s influence?
The build up was an ‘interesting’ experience. It took a few days for Piper to arrange everything, booking them an orgy room for the coming Saturday, though she mentioned the event every chance she had. She could’ve been a normal futa and Ashley doubted she’d be any less erect. Not that Ashley was much better.
She’d go to sleep erect after finishing another hours long orgasm and wake up to what she assumed was the same erection. They flagged after a while to her relief, so she didn’t go through classes with a raging hard on in her pants, however things didn’t get better. Each day just amplified her anxious longing to get it over with. Even her balls seemed to produce more cum by the barrel in nervous anticipation.
Sera helped soothe her by offering all manner of distractions. Video games, documentaries, yoga, which proved far too stimulating to continue, and even meditation. Thus far, porno izle Ashley would be lying if she denied yoga being her favourite. When Sera did the ‘downward dog’, her breasts would fall to the ground and bundle around her face, dampness spilling across her shirt and puddling on the floor. Bulges from her cocks, even at rest inside her nipples, jutted through despite the padding of her maternal bra. It was those images that kept Ashley bound to the pumps long after dark.
Though she was cumming, it felt like she was doing No Nut November again. Ashley shuddered in memory of the agony and subsequent ecstasy of release. She’d tried it last year from curiosity, and reading stories online of how hot it was when the thirty days were finally over, but real life disappointed her. Or she disappointed it. Only two weeks in and she cracked under the brutal level of blue balls she had.
Always prolific, she’d nearly flooded the bathtub on that day. Not that such a release compared to her twice daily, often more, ejaculations now. Piper had wondered multiple times about whether she could flood a swimming pool, an idea that both frightened and aroused her, more so as it haunted her dreams. Maybe someday she’d get that pent up.
Finally, Saturday came. Not with a bang, but a splat as Ashley rolled over in bed, erection leaking pre-cum and flinging it onto the floor. She opened her eyes to see Sera frowning at her own chest, gently rocking to and fro. In the weeks they’d lived together, Ashley recognised her consternation. She sat up, groaning from her sticky cock sliding across the sheets.
“What’s up?”
“Oh, you’re up,” Sera said, blinking like she’d just come from a trance, “Uh, just thinking.”
“About?” Ashley pressed.
“Well, this whole orgy thing is like a party, right? A weird one, sure, but we’re gonna hang out with friends, have a good time and all that. It feels like I should bring something to the event.”
“You’re adorable,” Ashley chuckled, standing up to stretch with her dick jutting like a third arm from her crotch. Her balls sat in their taut sack, the skin potent enough to support the heavy orbs. It wasn’t much of an exaggeration to say they weighed a ton, at least it felt that way sometimes. Excluding them, Ashley came in little over a hundred pounds, thanks largely to her curves and cock, with them and she put on another fifty. Five-fucking-zero.
That was on a quiet day. She doubted they were anything below eighty pounds in the recent days leading to Piper’s big show. Likewise, Sera’s breasts weighed more than just about any others, though not the same. Perhaps that was why Ashley’s legs were her most defined feature, incredible muscles beneath a plush layer of femininity.
“I’m not,” Sera pouted, only helping Ashley’s case.
“Piper’s probably not gonna care about that stuff. Long as we come, she’ll be happy.”
“Still feels like I should have something extra for her,” Sera said.
“Could always make potato salad?”
“Who’s bringing potato salad?” Piper asked, standing in their room. For someone of her endowments, she could very well be a ninja. Kasey wasn’t far behind, still in her pyjamas covered in portraits of a cartoon character and dashed in dry paint. The paint was thicker around her crotch. To hide any leaks, Ashley assumed, noticing a damp streak running down her pant leg.
“Nobody.” Both Sera and Ashley said.
“Alright, well, whenever you guys are ready, let’s-a-go!” Piper bounced in place, cocks bobbing with her plump chest, eyes roaming across the other futanari like a greedy child just barely holding back on Christmas morning. Ashley looked to the exuberant futa’s roommate, who offered a shrug.
“Don’t look at me. She’s been like that since we agreed,” Kasey said, though she couldn’t resist smirking at her friend.
“You want us to go right now?” Sera asked.
“Why not? They said the room’s ours for the weekend. It’s the weekend. Let’s use it.”
“But we’re not even dressed,” Sera argued, looking between them all. Piper only had a shirt and sweatpants on, looking for all intents like she was headed for the gym, not to a room specifically booked to have sex with three other futanari.
“Oh, Sera,” Piper chortled, then fixed a licentious smirk on the Latina, eyes smouldering as her pricks seemed to also stare at Sera, and held the gaze for several seconds, to build up her next words, surely seductive and sexy in every way, “Where we’re going, we don’t need clothes.”
For a moment, no one said anything, then Ashley half-groaned, half-giggled at her. Why did she expect anything more from Piper? Words didn’t seem her strong point, just the emotion she poured into them, case and point being that she convinced the three with minimal effort. Although Ashley suspected it was an inevitability; if they refused, she’d have pestered them for days, weeks, even months until they had no option but to relent. Or the other two were only acting hesitant.
Sera had agreed faster than expected and Kasey just seemed to go with Piper’s flow. Even Ashley ensest porno hadn’t thought she’d give in so easily. Resisting peer pressure had been her thing since puberty started, though partly from necessity to hide her member, she still refused to smoke or drink despite friends tempting her into it. With Piper involved, however, she gave in. She did have an infectious air to her.
“Guess there’s no point in delaying things,” Ashley said and, perhaps imagined, felt her testicles pull harder on her scrotum. By luck or design, her skin was tough enough to keep them elevated, but lately the weight had pulled it lower. Now they rested halfway to her knees most days. If it got any worse, she’d be investing in a bra just for her balls.
“I should probably milk myself first,” Sera said, then yelped as Piper yanked her from the bed. The three, oozing pillars led the way for all four futanari.
“Save it. We’re all gonna get plenty thirsty after the first couple rounds.”
“First couple?” Sera echoed.
“Yeah, I’ve got a plan in mind. We go for, like, two or three rounds first, have an hydration break, then another four or five, dinner if any of us aren’t totally stuffed, then we keep going until everyone’s passed out… or we drown in Ashley’s cum,” Piper finished under her breath, just loud enough for Ashley to catch.
“What was that last part?” Kasey asked.
“Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen anyway. Moving on. In the morning, I think we take it slow, some mutual jerk off maybe, breakfast from Sera, then we repeat today until they kick us out… or we drown in Ashley’s cum.” That time she said it clearly for all to hear.
“That’s not gonna happen… right?” Kasey asked, looking to Ashley and Sera, both shrugged.
“I did flood my room before coming here. And I think I’ve gotten more productive since then,” Ashley said and palmed her groin worriedly. It wasn’t imagination, her balls had bloated and lowered even further, as if stretching her scrotum to keep up with some inevitable growth spurt.
“And we’re not gonna be clean either I bet,” Sera added, dual circles of dampness widening across her shirt, with thin streaks breaking off.
“Oh yeah, Piper mentioned that. I wasn’t sure whether or not I believed it.”
“Well, if she has her way, you’re gonna get a first hand demonstration I bet,” Ashley sighed, glancing to her balls as, yet again, they swelled. Even her legs, accustomed to couriering the dense orbs, struggled with their weight. What did that make them? A hundred pounds? More?
“Can’t wait,” Kasey said and returned her attention to the front. Despite her dry voice, there was a tremble in her steps, accompanied by a similar dampness as Sera’s shirt broadening around her pants. A faint trail of moisture followed her.
The elevator ride dragged on like the combined excitement from all four futanari dilated time itself. Fervent glances between her friends told all what the others were thinking; how long? With Kasey brimming with desire, the air became saturated in her musk, inciting the others into semi-erection and trickles of moisture to cling onto their lower lips. Pre-cum oozed from Ashley’s tip, faster by the second. Not a match for Piper or Kasey, both leaking profusely.
When the doors opened, six puddles occupied the floor. Three from Piper, one from Kasey and another from Ashley. Sera got away without one, her shirt and pants designed to keep her from leaking too much, although white droplets broke past the top and darkening patches of pussy juice worked down her legs. Everyone had seemed reluctant to accept this, but now all were beside themselves with unbridled lust.
Orgy rooms were located below ground to avoid disturbing the dorms. Ashley hadn’t seen anyone go down to that level, though she also hadn’t looked for those people. The elevator pinged their arrival into a massive corridor, a sterile white colour with air-tight doors lining them from start to finish, though a massive gap separated them. Given their purpose, Ashley expected they were big and barren to avoid clean up.
“We’re in 204,” Piper said and led them down the aisle, a gentle skip in her step. No sound but their feet, and the occasional drip of moisture, filled the emptiness. Ashley lagged behind, watching for security cameras. Surely, a school that allowed for these activities must be filming them. It was run by a futanari like them after all. She found none, however.
Words above each room were illuminated ‘occupied’ and ‘vacant’ like a motel. There was another line, which she should’ve expected given the school, ‘walk-ins welcome’. Did that mean she could just wander into that room and join whoever were using it? She almost did just to sate her curiosity.
“Found it!” Piper announced, urging Ashley to catch up with a jog. Her balls bounced inside their cloth prison, rubbing against cotton and her skin, perspiration building in response to the sudden heat, “Not gonna lie, guys, I’ve been having wet dreams about this all week.”
“Our room really needs a good erotik film clean after this,” Kasey muttered.
“Hehe, that’s if any of us can even walk away later,” Piper said and threw open the door. Or tried to. It was pressurised and on a mechanical arm, opening with a hiss of air to slowly reveal… luxury. What the fuck was Yoko’s problem with simplicity?
From left to right, a lavish wardrobe connected to an open shower stall big enough for a dozen people at least. Hard floor led to a carpet, on which a queen-sized bed stood, already prepared with restraints, at the foot of which hung a seventy inch flat screen. Smaller beds lined the right wall, more intimate Ashley supposed, or just a way for others to sleep while their friends kept the party alive and waited for them. No kitchen, just a huge fridge she expected to be overflowing with food and drink occupied the furthest right corner. The closest corner sported a fucking jacuzzi.
Above it all was a dazzling chandelier.
“Oh shit, check this out,” Piper said and hit a button embedded into a pristine white wall. Other panels along the ceiling and walls opened to reveal cameras, “Says they’ll edit the film highlights for us for a small fee.”
“We are not recording this,” Ashley groaned.
“Another time,” Kasey said.
“Maybe if we don’t drown,” Sera added.
“You’re considering this?” Ashley asked.
“Well, I mean, it’s kind of hot. Besides, it’s not like the editors will see anything that unusual for this place,” Kasey explained, “The last model I had for class wound up sleeping with half the others. In the middle of the session.”
Piper, not paying much attention, got rid of the cameras and flung her clothes to the floor, “What’s everyone waiting for? We gonna fuck or what?”
There wasn’t much room to say otherwise. Always the instigator, Piper went straight to Sera, wrapping the Latina in a hug that mashed their vastly different chests together, before capturing her in a deep, tongue tangled kiss. Not five seconds later, she pulled Kasey in and they shared her, the steady beat of drips ramping as the redhead moaned with them. Ashley, beyond arm’s reach, could steer clear. It was a ‘no going back’ situation.
The three winked at her, before tugging at each other’s clothes. Ashley gulped, drinking in the sight of a Sera clad only in her underwear, before they too were discarded like offensive material. Their offence? Concealing her gorgeous, creamy-copper skin and plump, chocolatey areolae that bulged with her burgeoning erections. Ashley’s own member lurched at the display.
Kasey followed suite. Unlike Sera, her skin was of a noble pallet, smooth and milky broken only by the flush of desire in her cheeks and the cherries on her breasts. Her clothes were tossed aside with a dense splatter that went ignored as her juices poured fast and free, rivers tracing every arch and dip of her legs, while a heady stream followed her more feminine shaft. It stood to attention as they resumed the three-way make out.
They were teasing her. Ashley bit her lip, crotch raging with hormones, and all but tore at her pyjamas. As futanari, sex was second nature. To deny herself such a bouquet of sensuality would be a crime against her gender. And she doubted Piper would let her stand aside for much longer.
Inserting herself, her lips were captured first by Sera’s. Far from strangers, Ashley knew her lips, their softness and subtle cocoa flavour from the hot chocolate she drank every night. Her hands groped at Sera’s chest, the globes overflowing her grip with ease, while the other two licked and teased at their union, begging for a bone. They separated and Piper claimed her next, cocks weaving with hers. Kasey took her next.
The last kiss came as everyone’s cocks poked together. Despite their being only four futanari, seven cocks throbbed in need, Kasey’s drooling across the others despite being on the smaller end, and Sera’s streaming milky pre down her titanic chest. The rivulets followed her body like a painter’s brush, highlighting the slight pudge on her belly and the mound of her sex. Ashley could happily stare.
Piper, on the other hand, needed to be hands on. She squatted down and pulled a cock to her lips, quickly sinking down its length as her cheeks hollowed out around it. Loud, sensual moans and gulps filled the space as she gorged herself, before Kasey gave a shrug and joined her. Sera backed away at the sudden pleasure, shuddering as both drinkers fiddled with her pussy, until she hit the bed. They forced onto it, following her milk the whole time. Kasey and Piper raised their asses high.
Both their pussies salivated. Thick streamers of juices oozed from Kasey, cock sliding across the sheets and Sera’s body. The Latina reached beneath them, stoking a dick on either side as they enjoyed her bounty. She leaned up and arched a brow at Ashley.
“I’ll help myself then,” Ashley said and licked her lips as she neared the group. With Kasey’s production and Sera’s naturally thick musk, the sight was unnecessary. She could go blind and still her find her mark. Ashley hefted her cock, veins fat and ready, and glanced between the assortment of flowers. Naturally, she wanted Sera’s familiar cunt, but that defeated the purpose of their orgy. She pressed the head against Kasey’s soppy folds.