
First Glory Hole

Female Ejaculation

My First Glory Hole

I usually enjoy work-related training courses to interstate cities such as Melbourne and Brisbane. Being away from my home infinitely increases my horniness. On a recent trip to Melbourne, I sent out feelers to some ex-partners, but they did not bite.

After two days of mind-numbing lectures and uninteresting, I needed a sexual release. After deciding on dinner in Chinatown, it was a delight to discover the old porno theatre that I used to frequent in my 20s was still operating. The ground level was a standard sex shop selling all kinds of toys and lingerie. On the first floor was a VHS/DVD library where you could buy or rent the finest scud movies on the market. The second floor hosted private video viewing booths where you could watch the movie of your choice and relax in a gentlemanly fashion. Finally, the top floor hosted yet more private rooms where me with specific and unique tastes could indulge their passions with likeminded guys.

As I passed the flashing neon-painted sign at the end of a foetid alley, I thought to myself of the perfect way to end a dull day, watching a filthy porno in a seedy sex emporium. I could barely focus on the excellent Japanese food with my cock twitching in my pants.

Ascending to the first floor, the video store had not changed in twenty years except the VHS, which were replaced by DVDs/Blu-rays. Other sleazy guys like me were perusing the titles, categorised by various generic categories, on the shelves equally comfortable as I was in such an environment.

“Do I still pick a movie to watch upstairs?” I asked the guy at the front counter.

“No,” He smiled, “It’s a multi-channel streaming platform now.”

“Still charged in 15-minute blocks?” I asked and received an affirmative response.

Some things never change, I marvelled as I ascended the next flight of stairs. Again, the layout of the private video booths had not changed. Two rows of booths bisected by a central corridor and a service kiosk where one paid on a time-use basis. The blue-painted walls were unchanged but in a dishevelled state, and the carpet was more threadbare than I remembered. The place smelled of bleach and detergent. I felt right at home.

After receiving my login code from the guy at the kiosk, I chose a booth, locked the door, sat down and browsed the available channels. The service offered was the forerunner of Pornhub and other such competitors that would blow up in the second decade of the millennium but without the amateur-created content.

Each booth had the obligatory glory holes cut into each side of the MDF walls, but when I used to frequent this establishment in my twenties, not once was a cock pushed through the circle. Back then, I did not know how I would react had one presented itself to me.

Being a Tuesday evening in early November, the weather was not great; squally and cool. While a few patrons were shopping or browsing, I did not expect too many customers in the video booths. Indeed, I could not hear any audio coming from the cubicles on either side of the one I chose.

I opened my backpack, retrieved a cold VB and began browsing the categories and then selecting a title. I was partial to hardcore US and European titles from the late 80s, early 90s, often referred to as the “golden age of porn”.

With my senses completely immersed in the sight of beautiful bodies getting railed three ways from Sunday, while I drank beer and gently stroked my twitching cock, the person that entered the booth to my left went initially unregistered.

After enjoying a Rex Borsky classic production and almost blowing my stack. I became aware of the presence of another male in the cubicle next to me, equally engrossed in a movie that tickled his proclivities.

“Hey man,” Came a youngish voice on the other side of the thin wall, “How’s it going?”

“Yeah, pretty good, thanks,” I replied, cracking my second beer, “And you?”

“Pretty horny,” Came the predictable reply, “This is my first visit.”

“And how is it?”

“Yeah, enjoying it,” He said, “Have you been here before?”

“Years ago,” I said, “I don’t live in Melbourne anymore, but I fancied a trip down memory lane.”

“Cool,” The man said, “Have you used one of these holes before?”

“Never,” I replied, “But I know what they are for.”

“Yeah, seems pretty obvious.”

“What would you do if someone poked their cock through the hole?”

“To be honest, I don’t know,” I confessed, “It’s never happened.”

“What would you do?”

“I think I would take up the offer,” He Ayrancı travesti chuckled, “I enjoy sucking cock.”

“Are you watching gay porn?”

“No, I’m a straight acting guy that enjoys the company of men,” He said earnestly, “You into guys, or are you straight?”

There was something about the voice that caught my attention, and his question caught me off guard. My first instinct was to reply that I was straight, but I also recognised what was potentially being offered, or at least explored.

“Up until a minute ago, I would have said straight,” I answered slowly, “But I have an open mind.”

“You’d be open to sucking my cock?”

My pulse quickened at the thought of doing a sexual act for the first time. The seedy location offered the perfect opportunity to indulge in some sordid activity. I was extremely turned on by watching voluptuous bimbos being arse-banged by a very young Tom Byron and his industry peers, and the drink had certainly loosened my inhibitions.

“If you’re up for it,” I said with trembling timbre, “If you are?”

“I’ve never had my cock sucked,” The man said, equally as nervous, “So, it would be a first for both of us.”

“Let’s do it then.”

Moments later, a beautifully shaved and ruler-straight cock poked through the round hole in the thin wall that separated us. My hand trembled as I took hold of the flesh. Having no idea what I was doing, I took hold of the quivering shaft and gently stroked it in the way I do to my cock; the stranger next door shuddered and groaned.

The purple head seemed angry with arousal, and a glistening drop of precum oozed from the vertical slit. I rubbed my thumb over it, instinctively craned my head down to my hand, and licked the fluid.

“Mm, that tastes nice,” I said over the din of the porno movies playing in each booth.

“Oh, suck me, please!” Pleaded the man next door.

After seeing J.R. Carrington blow Ron Jeremy, I felt confident enough to take my first cock into my mouth but continued trembling in fear, but I could not back out now.

I released his cock from my grip and opened my mouth, and took the man’s rod deep inside my throat. Surprisingly, the task was easier than I thought, and my lips swallowed all the way to the wall without choking or struggling to breathe.

The sensation of a man’s dick in my mouth was a pleasant sensation. The stranger’s pleasure shuddered through his body, and I felt it at the back of my throat. My cock spasmed at the sensation.

“This was fantastic,” I said to myself as I settled into a rhythm of using my lips, mouth and throat to jack his shaft.

The man next door was purring like a kitten, which drowned out the questionable moans emanating from the fake-boobed starlets on screen. I was shaking as the adrenaline coursed through my body. The seediness of this encounter aroused me to heights of pleasure that I never thought possible. I felt comfortable blowing this stranger and wondered how long we would last as my orgasm was rapidly arriving.

As my jaw began to strain, I switched to hand work while licking and sucking the head. My mind wondered what the man’s balls were like. Were they as smooth as the shaft? What about his arsehole? I love rimming my girlfriends but could not help about the possibilities of sexual pleasure with a man.

“I’m close to coming,” Said the man, “Can I come in your mouth?”

“Of course,” I said, “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

I could hardly believe what I was saying. No man had come inside my mouth before, and I did not know what was about to happen, but I could not resist nor think of an alternative.

“Oh, shit!” The man tensed up while I kept applying the same hand, mouth action.

Suddenly, I felt my mouth fill up with a salty fluid that was about to overwhelm me. Fear suddenly gripped me because I could not breathe, and my only thought was to spit out the salty fluid and twitching meat. However, a calm descended on my being, and my throat opened and let the man’s seed flow to my stomach and freed my windpipe.

Free from panic, my brain processed the sensation of the cock coming into my mouth. Time seemed to slow, and the nerves in my lips, tongue and mouth sent new signals of pleasure to my brain. Suddenly, I felt my cock twitch, and my balls unleashed a massive load of sperm that painted the wall and pooled on the lino floor.

“Fuck!” I hissed, conscious not to attract the attention of the kiosk attendant.

Releasing the man’s deflating cock, I threw my head back as waves of pleasure assaulted my senses. Ayrancı travestileri I blacked out for a moment as my cock twitched and spasmed violently from the force of the orgasm.

I slumped into the chair, utterly exhausted, breathing heavily and revelling in the experience. The man withdrew his penis, and I heard him fall heavily into his chair. I turned off the porno that was playing in my cubicle and took a large swig of VB.

“How was it?” The man asked.

“Better than I expected,” I admitted, amazed at how good sucking a cock was, “You?”

“That’s your first time?” The man asked, incredulous.

“First time,” I admitted.

“That was amazing,” He said with barely a whisper, “Can I see you?”


A moment later, I unlocked the cubicle an in walked an attractive young man, with an angular face, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. His face was cleanly shaven, his eyes burning and his body in perfect shape.

“Wow,” I gaped, “You’re not what I was expecting.”

“Better, I hope?”

“Had I seen you, I would have come harder.”

“Where did you come?” He asked.

“There,” I pointed to the pool of degrading sperm that snaked down the wall.

“I wish that was in me.”

Overcome with raw erotic emotion, I placed my hands on the man’s shoulders and began running them over his clothed body. He was tight, slim and short; several inches than me. I ran my hands over his six pack and wiry legs before squeezing his curvy buttock. This man was an adonis and he seemed to enjoy me feeling him up.

Leaning against the wall, he invited me to kiss him. There was no hesitation and our lips locked in a passionate embrace. As our tongues and lips danced a passionate tango, the man’s hands snaked their way all over my body before resting on my crotch.

“I’m Gary,” The man said when our mouths parted.

“Jason,” I replied, “It’s my pleasure to meet you!”

“Can I suck you know?”

“I don’t think I have anything left in the tank,” I chuckle, “I let it all out while you were inmy mouth.”

“I really want to return the favour,” Gary pleaded, dropping to his knees and taking my lifeless cock in his mouth.

As much as I wanted, and Gary’s action felt amazing, we could not revive my shaft. Even tonguing my balls better than any woman had done had any effect. Scraping a fingernail across my starfish did nothing.

“I need a break,” I said pulling Gary up and kissing him again, “Old age and all.”

As we embraced, I felt his bulge pressing against my thigh. Gary, no doubt, could go again but he wanted to give back and was disappointed that he was unable to do so.

“You want to grab a beer?” I asked after pulling up my jeans.

“Sure,” Gary replied.

“Let me clean up here,” I said, “I’ll meet you outside the shop.”

Gary swiftly departed. Slumping in the chain, I grabbed the bottle and drained its contents as I found the stranger’s sperm extremely salty, or perhaps more accurately, tasted salty because it was my first taste. Reflecting on what I had done, there were no feeling of shame or guilt. Rather, I felt exhilarated and light-headed, and not from the beer, although that beverage certainly removed any doubts.

After paying for my time in the booth, I descended the stair and caught up with Gary. We walked languidly towards the Exford Hotel, on the corner of Little Bourke and Russell, keeping a respectable distance and acting like straight guys.

“You’re eighteen, right?” I asked before opening the door.

“Of course,” Gary replied and pulled out his ID card, “I need to sue this all the time.”

The Exford had darkened lighting as we crossed the threshold. There were a handful of patrons. A couple played pool, there were several couples and a man reading a book and sipping his beer on a stool in the corner. Gary came back with two beers, and we selected a discrete table out of earshot of the other drinkers.

“Cheers,” I smiled, while clinking glasses, “That was a helluva experience.”

“For me too,” Gary said, looking at me directly.

“How long have you been in the ‘game’?” I asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.

“I’m not in the ‘game’, as you put it,” Gary replied, “I am used by regular playmate when he has tiff with his partner, which is surprisingly regularly otherwise I source my own fun.

“So, what do you like?”

“Straight guys,” Gary replied, “I’ve not long come out of relationship with a married man.”

I asked Gary how long that relationship lasted, and when I counted backwards against Travesti Ayrancı his current age, I shook my head in wonderment at what the calculation equalled.

“What brought you to the adult cinema?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

“Just wanted to jack off to porn,” He chuckled, “I did not expect to run into anyone.”

“What made you speak to me?”

“I was so fucking horny and wanted to throw out a line,” Gary laughed, “See if you’d bite.”

“You’re good at fishing,” I acknowledged, “There was something about your offer that tickled my sexual fancy.”

“No regrets?”

“None at all,” I replied animatedly, “That was a fantastic experience.”

“One that you might want to try again?”

“Not with any man, I don’t think,” I said, thinking about the question, “I doubt I’d run into someone like you again!”

Gary revelled in the compliment.

“How long are you in town for?”

“Leaving Friday evening.”

“That gives us some time for fun,” Gary said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“I’d like that.”

The pool table in the corner became free and I challenged Gary to several games. He was surprisingly adept at the game as we manoeuvred our way around the table, trying to beat the other. I was bedazzled by his youthful good looks, his thin, sinewy body and luxurious long hair that was queued in a ponytail. He presented so many possibilities to me, a questioning straight man and my exhausted cock seemed to revive slightly.

We played a round of pool as doubles with two other guys and lost horrendously. Laughing, we resumed our seat in a more discrete corner of the Exford Hotel. There was a strange but alluring look that we exchanged as we drank. It was tough to be straight acting when all I could think of was ravishing this gorgeous man despite not knowing a thing about man-on-man intimacy.

Around ten o’clock, Gary said he had to get home. Given it was a “school night”, his oldies expected him home at a decent hour. Luckily, he could catch a train from Parliament Station that would get him home without incurring any parental wrath.

We left the Exford and continued walking up Little Bourke Street towards the train station. Street approach, Gary became agitated and flung me against a wall, kissing me furiously. His hand dropped to my groin and squeezed my growing cock with such intensity.

“I need to suck you,” He begged, clumsily trying to undo my belt buckle and jeans zipper.

“Go for it,” I replied excitedly, “But you won’t make me come.”

“I so want to try,” The youthful Gary replied before dropping to his knees and engulfing my tired rod.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed as Gary blew me with serious purpose.

The women in my life have differed in blowjob quality over the years, but nothing compared with Gary’s skill and ability. His technique was on the next level as he doggedly tried to prove me wrong.

I would have happily stood there in a small alley of Little Bourke Street, not shy of the train station, and let Gary fill his boots; the sad reality was that, no matter how good his technique, I was never going to climax after what had occurred in the porno theatre earlier. I was a spent force for today.

“You’re going to miss your train,” I said, while enjoying Gary on my cock, “And, as good as this feels, I can’t come again tonight.”

“That’s a shame,” Gary teased, slapping my semi-hard meat against his tongue, “I really wanted the white stuff.”

“How about tomorrow?” I asked, “You could come to my hotel room.”

“Yeah, okay,” Gary smiled, rising to his feet and allowing me to pull my jeans up, “I’d like that.”

“Here’s my number,” I said, and we exchanged complimentary text messages.

Almost at the corner of Spring and Little Bourke, Gary pushed me against the wall and kissed me in a way that I had never experienced. It was so passionate and engaging that I could have blurted out the “L” word without thinking, which would have been stupid.

Seconds later, Gary flitted across the street and disappeared into the Metro. I turned and retraced my steps towards Russell Street and my hotel room. Trying to make sense of the evening was a baffling intellectual exercise. I entered the porno theatre as a straight man and exited with a young male on my arm, infatuated with teenage feelings of love.

I felt no regret or disgust about what had happened, only lust at what future possibilities my mind would be opened to with several more days with Gary. In a way, we were both on a journey, and I felt confident that we would both be wiser and more experienced by the time I left Melbourne.

When the card unlocked the door to my hotel room, I lay on the bed, my mind in a snowstorm; the room lit up with a text message on my phone. My heart skipped a beat as I read Gary’s message, “Home safe. Jerked off in the bathroom. Tomorrow will be all about you.”

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