It’s a cold day in January, two of my closest friends and I are hiking to a cabin we rented in the deep woods of Washington State. We are on break from school, and we haven’t seen each other since we graduated high school the summer before. The hike to the cabin is taking a lot longer than I expected it to. The sun is going down and we are cold, hungry and tired when we finally make it to the make-shift cabin around dusk. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I exclaim as we approach the run-down shack. “This is not what it looked like in the brochure,” Yvonne says exhausted. “Well, ladies, it’s too late to head back now. Let’s see what we got to work with,” Christine says as she pushes the wooden door open. With a loud creak the door slowly opens. The cabin is small, and has a strong musty smell. The furniture is scarce, just a small table with chairs off to the left and a bunk bed on the right. Across the room is a rather large fireplace. I wonder if it works. I walk over to the bunk and touch it tentatively. “Guys, this rotten wood is not going to hold up.” “This will have to do, Dana. Come on, let’s go gather firewood before it gets too dark.” Christine has always been a great leader, especially kaçak iddaa when things go pear-shaped, and I’m thankful for that. We leave our packs in the cabin as we head out to get some wood. “Stay close girls, we don’t want to get separated way out here,” Christine orders. “No shit,” I mumble. Christine, Yvonne and I wander around picking up what we could, bringing armfuls back to the cabin one at a time. There was a small stream nearby and I hop across the rocks to grab a few nice sized logs. Once I have an armful I start walking across the rocks slowly. Suddenly, I lose my footing and slip off a rock and land into the ice cold water, soaking myself. “Dana!” Christine yells. “Are you okay?” Yvonne and Christine race towards me, dropping their loads as they run. Christine scoops down and picks me up, putting my arm over her shoulder. “I’m fine, just wet.” “We need to get you inside and in front of a fire, the temperature is dropping quickly and you’ll freeze,” Christine says, her voice full of worry. “I’ll go start a fire now,” Yvonne says as she runs off towards the cabin. “I’m fine, Christine. Stop worrying.” “Be quiet. Come on, let’s get those clothes off you.” “Hah, no way. kaçak bahis I’ll freeze.” “You’ll freeze faster in those clothes, you’re soaked.” I give in as we close the cabin door behind us. Yvonne had got the fire going; it is still small but the sound of the crinkling fire is reassuring. Christine walks over to the bunks. “Let’s get the mattresses off the bunk and lie them in front of the fire, we’ll have to sleep together tonight. It’s getting cold, fast.” Christine and Yvonne lay the mattresses out in front of the growing fire, gathering as much blankets as they could find, which wasn’t much. I undress as I watch them, laying my wet clothes on a chair and position it next to the fire. “I can’t believe we spent money on this,” Yvonne pouts. “We’ll have to make the best of it for now, Yvonne,” Christine sighs. “We can make our way back in the morning.” This was Christine’s idea. Yvonne and I wanted to go to Seattle and hit up Pike Place Market and some shops. I knew she was feeling guilty. “It’s not your fault,” I tell Christine as I search through my pack for a change of clothes. Finding a pair of long johns I quickly dress in front of the fire. We all sit down in front of the fire, and illegal bahis pull out some food we had packed. As we stare at the flames we talk about school and boys we’ve been seeing. Christine however, talks about her girlfriend, Natasha. We’ve known Christine was a lesbian since we were in junior high, and we have always supported her. Yvonne is bi, she and Christine even dated briefly in school, before they parted ways as friends. Natasha and Christine have been having issues since they found out the college’s they were accepted to were on two different sides of the country, they seem to be making it work. “I’m so cold,” Yvonne chatters through her teeth. I look wearily at Christine, “The fire isn’t helping much, what are we going to do?” “Well, we’re going to have to strip down and huddle for warmth. Skin to skin is the best way to conserve body heat.” Yvonne and I glance at each other as Christine stands up, already stripping. We shrug and quickly undress, the cold air stinging our naked flesh. We all dart underneath the blankets holding each other closely. A few moments pass, and I can already start to feel the warmth. “It’s actually working,” I say surprised. “Don’t you know by now, you should never doubt me?” Christine chuckles. “I don’t want to make things weird, but don’t you all think our naked bodies pressed together, is hot?” Yvonne giggles; she is always so flirty with everyone.