Nudism and Academics (continued)
Jonathan Sawyer
This episode is a continuation of Nudism and Academics, a novella that appeared a short while ago. It follows the romantic trajectory of Rudy and Gisela Heinrich who met at Cap d’Agde in southern France during a summer vacation. Rudy’s friend, Frank Kestler, an American scholarship student, happened to encounter Susana Carlson, an American scholarship student herself, strolling along the beach with her French copines, tart-tongued Parisians who discouraged Frank from trying to interrupt their promenade. Susana, however, showed considerable interest in his overtures. A very sexy and profound relationship was born. A two-year stint as Fulbright scholars in Strasbourg, France, solidified their commitment to one another.
Upon their return to America, Frank was introduced to her family in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and she met his kinfolk in a small southern town in Georgia. Luckily, Frank was able to find a teaching position in central Florida and in the process Susana found out she was pregnant. A marriage in Massachusetts took place shortly thereafter. Fortunately Susana managed to find a teaching job nearby at a junior college. Their future seemed secure and uneventful.
As the young couple was settling in, Rudy and Gisela got in touch and were invited to spend a week or so in Florida with their American friends just after Christmas. It turns out that the purpose of their get-together was more than a social visit but had a serious tone that complicated everyone’s life considerably. How this turns out is interesting but at times stretches the imagination.
Rudy and Gisela Heinrich had gotten married in Berlin a short while ago, in a traditional Catholic service, and they were now looking forward to visiting the friends they had met in France while vacationing at Cap d’Agde on the Mediterranean coast.
Frank and Susana Kestler, newly married themselves, were teaching in Florida where they had just become members of a naturist (nudist) resort. Since both Gisela and Rudy were avid members of a naturist movement in Germany (FKK), they were hoping to visit Susana and Frank at the first opportunity and take advantage of the nudist facilities while renewing acquaintance with their friends.
Gisela and Rudy had been living together for about three years and had not used any form of contraception. They were looking forward to becoming parents and starting a family as soon as possible.
After about a year, it became apparent that Rudy and Gisela were not going to be successful in getting pregnant. Several doctors in Germany had examined them and referred them to a fertility expert. They had even tried in vitro fertilization but Rudy’s sperm was not healthy enough to impregnate Gisela’s eggs.
There was the possibility of going to Switzerland to undergo very tedious and experimental treatments that had shown some degree of success with infertile couples. However, they were very expensive and the physicians would not guarantee that impregnation would occur.
Switzerland was not a member of the European Union and their insurance would not cover the procedures, or at best a very small portion of what they would have to undergo for a successful pregnancy.
Some of Rudy’s friends had volunteered to donate their sperm but that would have been awkward when dealing with parenthood issues.
In a moment of desperation, Rudy and Gisela had even solicited the services of a sperm bank, but they had backed out for ethnic and personal reasons.
Gisela and Rudy needed to know something about the sperm donor, his background, physical appearance, health record, and general personality. They were seeking a fully compatible individual who could produce a child that looked somewhat like them. In spite of their wild youth, they were at heart very conventional people.
Since they had been invited to visit Frank and Susana in Florida, they decided to broach the subject of using Frank’s sperm to impregnate Gisela. The German couple would know exactly who the father was, his attributes, and other factors that would make this choice preferable to their options in Germany and Switzerland. In addition, it would give them the opportunity to be with their former beachcomber friends again and to enjoy the weather and sun in Florida. The memories of their sexually liberated weeks at Cap d’Agde were still very vivid.
Gisela had texted Susana to ask about her pregnancy and to see if their visit would be convenient in early January when Rudy and Gisela could ask for a two-week absence from work. After visiting Florida, they would be doing a little sight-seeing in America. Gisela would time their visit with her ovulation period to ensure the success of any pregnancy attempt.
Susana Kestler was very pleased that these two friends could visit at a time when their porno film own schedules could be rearranged to accommodate their German friends. Susana was due to give birth in late March so a short visit at the end of the Christmas holidays would not be that inconvenient.
With the help of their colleagues and friends, Jeffrey and Whitney Baynard, Susana and Frank had managed to become members of the Goldenbell Nudist Colony. They had been welcomed as active members at a dinner given in honor of new comers. They felt that, even at Susana’s stage of pregnancy, they had made the right decision.
They were now “anti-textiles” or naturists (the term nudist was primarily reserved for beach enthusiasts or independents) who would, under satisfactory conditions, also practice naturism at home…preferably late in the evening when privacy could be insured.
The term “colony” was old-fashioned as some more progressive members had pointed out; the proper term was “resort.” Some of the more mature naturists had resisted efforts to change the name since it had been associated with their organization for decades. To them “colony” sounded better than “resort” which gave the impression of a commercial watering hole for tourists.
Since it would be expensive to change the name, the membership decided to leave it as it was. The opposing members would just have to get used to the traditional name. After a good bit of arguing and dissent, the majority of members won the dispute and “colony” was retained.
Other than Frank and Susana, Jeffrey and Whitney Baynard were the only university academics who belonged to the nudist colony. There were teachers in neighboring high schools and employees of educational administration services who were members. By and large, they comprised a widely diverse group, many from out of state and a few from foreign countries.
Rudy had texted Frank that he and Gisela were trying to get pregnant and they would like to discuss local options with them when they got to Florida.
Susana answered that they would be willing to help but they did not know a lot about the technicalities of the subject. One minor slip in Jeffrey and Whitney’s basement and Susana had found herself pregnant. She was most likely very fertile. Frank was obviously fertile and there would not be any problem fathering a second child when the time came.
Frank was getting used to spending his weekends at the naturist colony/resort; Susana was a little sensitive about exposing her body to public view because of her pregnancy but she could talk with the two other women members who were also at various stages of pregnancy. They could share stories of getting up at night, mood swings, frequent urination, and other body-related tales that all pregnant women experience. Of course, as modern women, they would compare the best positions for good sex.
One thing Susana missed was having a glass of wine in the evening; she had given up all alcohol during her pregnancy. Neither she nor Frank smoked so that was not a problem. They continued to enjoy sexual intercourse according to prescribed limits.
Frank discovered that he could prolong the sex act by using the rear entry method. It was more difficult to reach orgasm but the “spooning” position let him embrace Susana’s neck and cheeks while rubbing her breasts, stomach, and legs and pelvic area.
In one amusing session, after a particularly stressful day for both, Frank began to thrust his erection into her vagina (she had lifted one leg to make it easier) in measured, slow strokes; he could feel her breathing deepen and then plateau out. As he rubbed her body, she reached back and caressed his legs and even reached through her crotch to rub his penile shaft as it entered her.
He was awash in sensual pleasure. Susana seemed to be enjoying their love-making and moaned softly as they progressed. Frank then noticed that their hips were no longer moving together and she was not making any orgasmic sounds.
Thinking her pleasure level had declined, Frank began to penetrate her with deeper and faster strokes. After a while, as Frank was very close to ejaculating, he noticed that his wife had stopped moving altogether and was breathing regularly.
“God, I’m cumming, love, I can’t hold it…” His body jerked as he ejaculated and cupped Susana’s breasts in a reflexive movement.
As he lay there, he stroked her pregnant stomach and realized that Susana had not experienced any form of sexual release….she had fallen sound asleep. They had laughed about that for days. In truth, Frank had indeed lost his touch and had “fucked his wife to sleep.” It became a family “in” joke.
Frank had started to jog around the premises of the colony that were protected from public view by a high wooden fence. Susana managed to surreptitiously take a few pictures of the enthusiasts, male and female, as they passed by. The women were wearing sports bras to protect their breasts, but the men were yaşlı porno not wearing jockey straps.
As they came by, penises were flapping up and down in an almost comical manner. She understood why in normal competition, straps were required of all men. When teased, Frank said that he valued freedom over his male pride.
Rudy and Gisela were scheduled to arrive just before New Year’s Eve and spend about a week with them in their apartment. Frank and Susana had managed to redo the guest room to make it more attractive to visitors.
While they were in town, Frank and Susana had planned to take their German guests to Disney World in Orlando and to visit the Atlantic coast beaches where a very limited area was reserved for naturists.
Otherwise, they would be staying in the apartment and catching up on their lives since the days of Cap d’Agde.
Of course, a lot had changed in the meantime. Frank and Susana were eager to see their friends again, but a little uncomfortable since the last time they had been together, they had been involved in a frenzy of sexual debauchery and wild living under a tent. They had even slept together in the nude and switched partners one night when drunk and irresponsible.
Reliving those experiences would be a little unsettling–now that they would soon be parents and Frank held a very time-consuming and responsible position at the university. Perhaps it would be better to dwell on other aspects of their friendship…culture, the future of Germany in Europe, Americano-German relations, and other non-sexual matters. Jeffrey and Whitney Baynard would of course help out in entertaining Rudy and Gisela.
Jeffrey had done a great deal of research on European military history and the future of the Common Market. He spoke a little German but it was not fluent. Susana could of course converse in German but both Rudy and Gisela had studied and spoken English for years, since kindergarten days. Gisela was a high school (Gymnasium) English teacher and spoke English like a second language.
He had managed to obtain visitor passes for several days at the naturist resort where their friends would feel right at ease. It promised to be a pleasant and diversified get-together during their final days of visiting.
Frank had inquired about fertility clinics in the area but their services were very expensive and required a series of treatments and a doctor’s referral.
Susana had asked around but none of her friends could suggest any facility that didn’t require expensive medical exams and lengthy procedures.
They were at a loss as to how they could best advise Gisela and Rudy. Possibly their guests had done some research themselves and would know what steps to take in Florida. Everything seemed to be up in the air for the moment.
Susana’s mother was coming down to spend Christmas with them; her father was busy in Wellesley and would come down for a few days after the baby was born. The Carlsons communicated regularly via Zoom.
Susana had bonded with her older sister, Marsha, in this manner; they talked at length several times a month. Marsha gave her younger sister advice about how to prepare for her birth and what to do immediately thereafter. As her older sister and the mother of two children, Marsha spoke with a sense of authority. Susana listened carefully and even took notes.
Now and then, her brother, Hugh, would text her to see how things were going. He was very busy at his job but managed to stay in touch.
Frank’s parents, the Kestlers, were planning their visit after Susana had given birth. Even his sisters would be coming along to welcome the first grandchild into the family. Frank was juggling several balls in his personal life and trying to fulfill his academic duties at the same time. Susana was scheduled to go on maternity leave two weeks prior to delivery.
Susana had begun to draw up a list of important things to do on a daily basis. She was happy at the prospect of being a mother but tense, almost annoyed at the number of people she would have to entertain over a month’s period at the most festive season of the year.
Her friends and family members had told her to slow down, to pace herself, and not try to please every guest. She needed to think about her own health and of course the baby’s. Nonetheless, she drew up a detailed agenda and was appalled by the activities she had scheduled.
The university where Frank taught ended the fall semester on December 17. There was a graduation ceremony that Susana attended; she was very proud to see Frank in his academic robes on stage with the faculty and administrators as the students were given their diplomas.
Afterwards, there was a large gathering outdoors with food and beverages. She was surprised at how many faculty members she knew.
Jeffrey and Whitney were very sociable and every weekend seemed to be filled with get-togethers both at home and the naturist colony. zenci porno Frank and Susana were very careful not to mention their membership or participation in any “nudist” functions when they attended university parties or meetings.
Weekends at the colony were relaxing and very active. Naturists or nudists did not spend all their time in the pool or playing volleyball.
Jeffrey had been elected to the colony administrative council and took his responsibilities very seriously. Every month there was a meeting and a number of issues were discussed, from food providers to relations with the city policy force and other municipal concerns. Recruitment was also a topic of some importance since many nudist colonies or resorts were “aging out.” There was a need to have more young members–especially families–come into the fold.
During a weekend dinner at the naturist colony, Frank brought up the issue with Jeffrey of having Rudy and Gisela stay in one of the cottages on site that could be rented on a short-term basis. They would be staying with Frank and Susana in town at their apartment for three or four days, but to give them a more fun-loving atmosphere to their liking, he had planned for them stay at the colony for final three days of their visit.
Frank and Susana could also stay with them; most cabins had two bedrooms and were equipped with cooking facilities for breakfast and lunch. Guests could also use the dining room at the colony on a limited basis. This would be Frank and Susana’s gift to them, a belated marriage present.
Jeffrey said he would look into it. As a matter of fact, he might even rent a cabin for a night so they could all enjoy walking around the colony and sitting by the pool. It would be a wonderful way to say good bye and enjoy their company.
Frank and Susana thanked him; it would be less stressful to entertain them this way rather than by strolling through the downtown area and hanging out at student-oriented bars. The German guests were very much into nudism at all hours of the day, something they could not indulge in elsewhere.
Rudy and Gisela were pleased to learn they would be staying for a portion of their visit at the nudist colony with Frank and Susana.
“It’ll be like the good old days at Cap d’Agde,” Gisela texted. She and Rudy thought it was a good idea for a short while. Frank answered that it wouldn’t be as open-spirited, but it would let them be “textile-free” and get to know some of the members, many of whom had traveled extensively throughout Europe.
Whitney said that they could manage to organize a small party with a few of the more sophisticated colony members. It would spare her the trouble of having to prepare something at home, although she did plan to entertain them at a New Year’s Eve celebration with friends and faculty members. In this case, of course, no nudity but only textile attire was permitted.
However, if the celebration went into the wee morning hours, some of the more adventurous just might be tempted to skinny dip in the pool. It had happened before with splashing, laughter, and drying off with pool side towels. Many of the participants had borrowed Whitney’s robes to drive home and had returned them the next day.
They had been invited to a reception at Dean Wildridge’s just after Christmas. Susana’s mother was also invited and she was looking forward to being reunited with her college friend after so many years. That would be a very special night for all of them.
Frank would be chauffeuring them as they toured the university campus and surrounding area. Susana had also planned a short visit of the department and the grounds of the junior college as well. Most of the faculty would be at the dean’s reception so her mother could be introduced there.
The Orlando airport had been expanded considerably and was now a major center of travel activity. Hundreds of thousands of tourists, visitors, and casual travelers would pass through each month, many of whom were heading to Disney World.
When Susana caught a glimpse of her mother, she began to wave behind the security barriers. Dorothy waved back as she went through the security check point. She wasn’t wearing a prophylactic mask that was required in many airports around the nation. Florida was more lax about COVID than other states.
Susana wrapped her mother in a tight embrace, kissed her on the cheek, and beamed at her presence. Frank, in turn, gave her a hug and welcomed her to Florida. They gathered her suitcases and packages and set off for their apartment which was only about fifty miles away.
Dorothy checked her daughter’s figure and noted that she was visibly pregnant, much more so than during their last visit to Wellesley for the wedding. “You are seeing your gynecologist regularly?” she asked.
“Mother, you know I am. We went over this on Zoom. She’s very experienced and I have confidence in her.”
“Well, of course, in my day, women were not gynecologists. Times have changed, haven’t they?” Susana rolled her eyes at Frank who was silent at the wheel.
“We can go through my medical schedule when we get to the apartment.” Susana concluded and settled back to view the landscape as they sped along.