I could not believe this was happening to me! I had read stories of such things in Penthouse that my father had thought he had hidden when I was young, but I never expected it to happen to me.
I had recently picked up an odd job to install a new mailbox and post for a client I met at work. Everything went fine till I met his wife, and things got crazy from there. It was the next day and I went to complete the job when the client met me in the drive explaining he had to leave on a business trip for several days. He liked my work and said he had more for me to do. He said I could work out the plans with his wife. With that he left in his fancy sports car.
I went to the door inside the garage since he left it open and knocked. The garage door closed and she opened the door to the house, stark naked. My jaw hit the floor as she held out her hand to invite me in. My dick grew in my pants and she knew it.
She was a very attractive woman, in her early forties, but tone and firm. And I would never forget those tits from the day before when she took me! I was in my early twenties and as they say, young, dumb, and full of cum. No fear, or no sense! But she knew what she wanted and made it happen. I was just in the right place at the right time so to speak.
She did not say a word, just guided me by the hand to the room overlooking the pool and sat me on the leather couch. It was mid-day and the sun gleamed through the large glass doors silhouetting her naked body. She dropped to her knees and undid my shorts slowly, working them down, freeing my cock as it sprang up to greet her. Tossing them aside, she ran her hands up my thighs then plunged down on my cock to the balls. She held me in her mouth till I thought she would gag, and then she popped up and gasped for air. I had never seen that before. Then she went down again, this time pumping fast and hard, gripping my balls with her hand. I could not stop. I shot my load into her throat. She took it all, sucking and licking till I felt like my balls would collapse. As I calmed down, she sat up and glared at me while licking the rest from her fingers. As she sat back on the rug, she toyed with her nipples and pussy, looking at me with an evil grin.
It was then she asked me, “So do you want to go to work or stay with me?”
Oh hell, what was I to do? Hell yes I would love to stay and fuck all day, but I did need the job too. She knew I was in a dilemma and told me to go to work today and take the next two days off. I said yes and then dove on top of her and sucked her till she gushed on my face.
I had to go to work so she “helped me” in the shower and I left. I had a difficult time at work keeping my mind on my job. Everyone was asking if I was ok, and I don’t think I was to convincing. When I asked for two days off things really got crazy. The boss took me into the office and did the nice thing, asking if everything was ok with me. I assured him all was cool but I needed two days off for personal reasons. He was reluctant but agreed.
I called her shortly after I had asked for the time off, and I anxiously gave her the news that I had the next two days off. I tried to keep my voice calm, but I could feel the heat building in my cock just telling her. She told me that she would be waiting for me after work and would follow me to my place. I felt odd with this but agreed. After work I headed for my truck and looked around for her but she was nowhere to be seen. I took my time then headed for my place. When I pulled up I saw a Jaguar sitting in the parking lot down a few spots. I thought that’s one hell of a ride. As I got out of the truck I heard a voice, and my dick twitched at her sound. I could not believe she was there waiting on me. She grabbed me and we locked lips and I felt as if she was going to suck the life out of me, but that was yet to come.
I invited her in and told her it was not much, but she did not care about that. Even though it was warm out, she had on a rather long coat. I asked if I could take her coat, but she said she was fine, then headed to my bedroom and started to go through my closet and things. I was getting a bit pissed then she turned to me and said,
“Why don’t you get a shower and we’ll be off.”
I said “off?” puzzled, and she said, “You will see.”
She had the devilish grin and gleam in her eyes again. The look that could only mean we were heading for something fun, or daring, or both. I slowly striped in front of her till I got to my boxers, then as I rounded the corner of the bathroom, I tossed them at her.
What the hell was I doing? I showered quickly not knowing what she was up to. When I got out and dried, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to my room only to Sakarya Escort find her in my bed naked and drinking wine. At the time I did not think where the wine came from, and did not care. It was then I saw she had discovered my Club International mag and my porn tapes. She was, of course, watching one of my favorites. What had I gotten myself into? I could not help but notice that she had packed a bag for me nearly to the breaking point. Full of what I was all most afraid to ask.
But I did know what to do when there was a naked woman my bed, especially if she was watching porn.
She looked at me and said, “I like your place.”
I looked at the bag and asked, “Are we going somewhere?”
She said, “Later.”
I dropped my towel and crawled up the bed till I was between her legs.
Looking into her eyes I said, “Enjoy the movie!”
Then dove in and started licking.
This woman was crazy for sex and I was only more then happy to give it to her. She came twice before I even got in her. As she caught her breath, I was ready to plunge deep into her, but she stopped me, again she had the devilish eyes. My cock was throbbing and she knew it. Why was she toying with me? She got up from the bed and told me to dress, then headed for the bathroom. I just stood there in amazement with my cock throbbing and needing relief.
I grabbed some jeans and a shirt and pulled them on and slipped on my Reeboks. As she stepped from the bathroom, she grabbed her coat and slipped it on. It was then I realized she never had anything on underneath.
She grabbed my sports bag she had packed and said, “Come on!”
She seemed to be in a hurry as we headed out the door. She took me to her car, tossed my bag in, and threw me the keys.
“You drive”, she ordered.
Only her pussy had brought such a grin to my face till now. I jumped in and turned the key. The car had a purr, much like her.
I asked, “Where are we going?”
All she said was, “Drive.”
She was definitely in control, and who would I be to fight her? I drove out easily trying to get the feel of the car, but once on the road, I was confident with the cars power. This Jag was great. She told me to find someplace where I could really test the cars power. I knew just the spot away from the city, and was anxious to get there.
She said, “Go for it!”
I pushed the car to its limits, and was going like hell. It was then I felt her hand on me, working to free my cock. It was all I could do to keep the car on the road as she sucked me. As I neared an intersection I had to slow down and she bit me, so I gassed it through and went on. The faster I went, the faster she sucked. I was sure we were going to get busted or in a wreck. I knew of a long straight road that was not used much and made my way to it. And a good thing I did too.
I was ready to burst! I found the road and told her to go for it, then gunned it. Tires lit up and smoke flew. She went down on me fast and hard! I knew the road had some bumps but at that speed they felt like ramps, forcing my cock deep into her throat till I shot such a huge load into her I heard her gag.
Sitting up in her seat, she said, “It’s time to go home,” as she scooped up cum from her chin and licked it off.
We drove to her place and parked in the garage. As she stepped from the car she tossed her coat on the hood and walked into the house naked. I grabbed my bag and her coat, then followed her inside. I found her in the kitchen getting glasses and wine. She told me to lose the clothes and join her in the tub. Then she walked out the glass doors leaving them open to the deck.
I could hear the sound of bubbles from the Jacuzzi. I looked around and found a stereo system and some good music to play. I stripped my clothes off and walked to the Jacuzzi, but she was not there. It was then I realized the music was piped throughout the yard. I walked to the pool and found her floating on an inflatable raft naked, and what seemed to be out cold. I slid into the pool to check on her. I drifted her to the low end. It was then she woke and struck out at me unaware. I calmed her and helped her up, as the cool air hit her, it was like a slap in the face she came to. But I knew she needed to go to bed.
As I helped her up the steps to her room, she still seemed to be in control of herself. We made it to her bed and I sat her down. She took my hand and asked if I would lay with her. I slid in beside her and felt the warmth of her body next to mine. As I snuggled up to her from behind, my dick grew hard. I knew she needed sleep but I could not help but to caress her tits and soft skin. Her body responded to my touch and she moaned Sakarya Escort Bayan softly. I moved slowly and softly along her firm abs, down to her bare lips. I pressed my palm against them and felt her spasm. This excited me and I played on further. I slowly inserted a finger into her slit surprisingly to find it wet and open. I knew I should let her sleep but I could not keep my hands off her. I had my fingers deep in her, and her pussy was so wet I could feel her juices oozing over my hand. I nibbled the back of her neck.
She rolled over and kissed me, driving her tongue into my mouth, and then reached down with one hand gripping my cock.
She said, “FUCK ME!”
Then pulled me on top of her, guiding my cock to her wet hole. I pushed in with one thrust and let out a gasp as I parted her lips. Then I slowly pulled out and hammered back in, making her scream. I could tell she liked it hard, so I did my best to give it to her hard. I pumped her till I thought she would split. I pushed her legs back over till they touched her shoulders and fucked hard. She reached down and stroked her clit. I was ready to cum and pushed hard into her trapping her hand hard on her clit. When I unleashed my load into her, it set her off. She started to push her hips up driving me deeper while we both orgasmed.
As we caught our breath, she took me by surprise and pushed me back on the bed, straddling me sixty-nine and went down on me sucking my cock and our juices from it. I grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed her dripping puss onto my face and plunged deep into her pussy and sucked her till she came again. And cum she did, I thought I would drown. She gushed all over my face so much; I could not slurp fast enough. I lay there trying to catch my breath and lick up her cum, then she turned to me and started to lick up the sweet cream that I had missed off my face.
We cuddled together and she drifted off to sleep rather quickly being content and worn out, as was I. I held her in my arms with her warm body tight against mine till I too drifted off for the night.
I woke the next morning a bit groggy and it took a minute to come to. She was nowhere to be seen and I heard no sounds from the house. As I started to pull the covers back, the door to the bedroom opened slowly, and I pulled the covers up again, not knowing what to expect. And did I get a shock!
A young redhead walked in and said, “Good morning. Mrs. Hunter had to go out this morning and instructed me to take care of you while she was gone.”
My mouth fell open and eyes were wide, causing her to smile. She approached the bed and informed me, “Your bath is ready.” She had a British accent and my dick grew just hearing her speak. She quickly noticed, and slowly pulled down the covers.
Looking me in the eye she said, “Please allow me help you to the bath.”
Taking me by the hand, she coaxed me to stand and led me totally naked to the bathroom with my cock pointing up at her.
She was dressed in a light summer dress that fit loosely over her frame so I could not see her body that well, but what I did see I liked. She must have only been about nineteen or twenty, and had a petite frame. She told me to use the loo and then step into the tub room. She walked to the tub room and closed the door, I did need to piss and it took some time with a hard on to do so, but I managed. Besides it helped reduce my hard on.
I felt strange walking into the tub room knowing she was in there, and my thoughts went wild. When I walked in she was waiting, tub steaming with soap and towels ready. She took my hand and helped me into the tub; then kneeling down, she started to bathe me. It took some time but I did relax and let her take control. She talked to me as she sponged me. She told me her name was Heather and of how she had met Mrs. Hunter and came to the States to work for her. Before I knew it, she had washed me from head to toe and I did not even know it. Her voice and tone kept me so occupied I did not even know she was bathing me. When she announced all done, I was surprised as she stood with the large towel to dry me. As she patted me dry, my cock stood up again. I took the towel and told her I had better do this.
She smiled and said, “Very well, I will lay out your clothes,” then walked out.
I could not take much more. What was going on and where was Mrs. Hunter? Was this some kind of test or challenge? I dried and wrapped the towel around myself and walked into the bedroom to find a new set of clothes on the bed of which Heather had laid out for me. I could not find my clothes I had brought so I had not choice but to put on what she had for me. A knit shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, no Escort Sakarya boxers, socks or shoes. I dressed and headed downstairs to find the sweet aroma of breakfast food. As I made my way to the kitchen, Heather was cooking up some sausage and eggs for me. I thanked her several times and told her she did not need to do that. But she informed me that she did, Mrs. Hunter told her to take care of me while she was gone.
It then I asked her where Mrs. Hunter had gone and when she would be back.
Heather replied, “Mrs. Hunter would be back around noon,” and nothing more. I asked again where she had gone and Heather replied, “Mrs. Hunter did not say.”
Ok, well what was I to do till then? One thought came to mind and after the bath; well, I would like to try. But in the back of my mind I still wondered. Was Angie (Mrs. Hunter) setting me up or something?
Heather laid out a great breakfast for me, more then I have ever had before and I told her I could not eat all that she brought. She told me to eat; I would need my strength for later. I did not know what she meant exactly but had an idea, and we both smiled.
After breakfast I thanked Heather and jokingly asked her what were my next instructions? She told me I was to relax and view the telly or movies, or go to the pool. I told her I could not do that and wanted to help her with the clean up from breakfast, and she had no choice, I was helping! She relented and did not say a word.
We finished the clean up rather quickly and she said, “I have other duties to do and you are to go relax till Mrs. Hunter returns”.
I agreed but did not know what I was to do. Before I knew it, Heather had disappeared.
I decided to look around the place to find something to do. This place was huge, with all the extras. Large dinning room, home theater room with plush seating, pool room with a bar and dart board, and I don’t even know how many bedrooms. I decided to just change and go for a swim. As I made my way back to the main bedroom, I heard a faint noise from down the hall. I slowly walked down the hall to investigate until I came to a closed door. As I stood there all I heard was this buzz, and decided to check it out. I opened the door slowly and looked inside and saw it was a work out room, so I stepped in and followed the sound. As I looked around the corner, I saw Heather on a massage table with her sundress pulled up and her hand was a blur as she pumped her pussy with a vibrator. She did not hear me and I just stood there and watched with my dick growing hard.
I took a chance and silently removed my clothes and walked to the head of the table. She was unaware I was there till she opened her eyes and saw my dick inches from her face. She was startled but a large smile grew on her face, then she continued to fuck herself and took my cock in her mouth. It did not take long till she was thrashing on the table and cumming hard since she did have a head start. She then stopped sucking me and pulled the vibrator out of her wet pussy, then licked it clean. This was so hot I knew I wanted her. She dipped her fingers into her wet twat and soaked them, bringing them to my lips to suck clean. She had the sweetest pussy I had ever tasted, and I knew I needed more. I wanted to see her tits and helped to pull her dress the rest of the way off and was glad I did. She did not have large tits but what she had was full firm and nipples that stuck out nicely. I sucked them a bit then moved down to her pussy.
Her scent was enough to make you cum, and I wanted to plunge right in, but I wanted to play too. I softly ran my finger along her swollen lips playing in her wetness as she moaned. She was so wet I slid a finger in, then a second, and worked in and out. Then I lowered my head closer and softly blew on her, causing her to shiver with excitement. She was getting into it more and more; her juices were flowing out and down her crack. I took advantage of it and worked a finger into her ass, at the same time I went down on her clit sucking hard. I thought she would come unglued. She started to scream and buck against me till she had a thunderous orgasm. She gripped my head and held it tight to her pussy as she settled down.
I slowly pulled out making her moan again. When she looked up she saw my dick hard and twitching, pulling me on top of her.
I plunged in deep and hard till my balls slapped her ass. She pulled her legs up high and I pounded her till I was ready to pop. She loved all of it and urging me on to cum in her. As hot as she had made me, it was not long till I filled her full of my cum, shooting stream after stream deep in her walls till I collapsed on top of her. When I could I slid off her and braced myself on the table as she sat up and quickly dropped to her knees sucking my cock into her mouth. I felt like my knees would buckle while she was licking me clean. As she stood up she told me I should go to the pool and relax. I took her up on that suggestion.