All persons involved sexually are at least 18 years old.
Homecoming Surprise
Mom and Dar were close. His father disappeared into a drunken oblivion when Dar was about eight. For the first couple of years, he got birthday and Christmas cards with a few bucks in them from his father, then nothing. No calls, no visits, no cards, no dad. It was obvious his mom had loved his father. She still kept pictures of him around the house. They were both fifteen when his mother got pregnant with Dar. Their parents either let them or forced them to get married. He had never asked, and his mother and she never spoke of it.
There was no other family. Both of his parents were only children and all the grandparents had since passed. They had each other. That seemed to be all either needed.
Dar was a good kid. He was the spitting image of his father, but small in stature. He was often bullied because he was so little. His mother, Cathy, had raised him alone. She was active in his school and other activities. Cathy never missed one of his games or a chance to be with him. Her son was her life, and she was his.
In the summer before he started high school, Dar finally began to grow. By the end of the summer his height was that of his classmates and by the end of his freshman year he was six-one and all muscle. That’s when things changed.
He worked hard at school and got excellent grades. He played on both the baseball and football teams and held near celebrity status at school. Dar didn’t take much notice of the girls at school. He was never in trouble. Dar and his mother had worked out his list of chores around the house and he did those without being reminded and often did more. Other than his stature, Dar hadn’t changed. His mother had changed. She pulled away from him. If she spoke to him, it was to bitch at him. Nothing he did was right. They never went anywhere together, and rarely ever sat down together to eat a meal. He tried talking to her but that always led to a shouting match. He finally gave up and just avoided her.
Cathy had worked at the same place for as long as he could remember. It was a large insurance company and over the years she had rapidly moved up. Money wasn’t an issue around the house, but Dar never asked for any. He had a part-time job to earn his own money as soon as he was old enough to work.
He loved his mother but didn’t feel close to her anymore. Every Friday night she would doll up and go out. Cathy was pretty with a nice body. She wasn’t movie star hot, but she was attractive. She would drink, and sometime during the night, bring some man home who would slip out the next morning. She would spend most of the day on Saturday in her room alone. He often heard her crying. It was this Friday night activity that bothered Dar more than anything. He had accepted the rest, but this, this bothered him. It really bothered him. He knew and understood that people had sex. It was a normal, healthy part of life. Not her, he didn’t want her with someone else.
One Friday evening she walked into the living room.
“I’m going out,” she said.
“Of course, you are. It’s Friday fuck night.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” she barked.
“Just like every other Friday. You dress up, go out, get drunk, pick up some cowboy wannabe, then bring him home and fuck him.”
“Listen, you prick! I’m a grown woman. I have needs and I also have the right to fuck anyone I want!”
She was screaming at him. He turned and looked at her. “Yeah, you do. Mom…,” he began.
“Don’t you mom me! I want to be fucked. I don’t need either your permission or your approval. I’m getting fucked and that’s just how it is. If you don’t like it, you can leave!”
Her screaming had gotten louder, and she was now right in his face. Dar took hold of his mother’s upper arms staring into her face.
“What are you gonna do? Are you gonna fuck me, you piece of shit?”
“You need to be fucked you crazy bitch!” he shouted.
“Fine! Bend me over and fuck me then, asshole!”
He didn’t think about what he was doing as he forcefully turned her around and pushed her over the back of the couch. He flipped up her short skirt and jerked down her panties. She hadn’t struggled. As he held her there with one hand, he pulled down his pants. Dar spit in his palm, wet the head of his cock, then pushed himself into his mother’s already wet pussy. She moaned as he entered but didn’t resist.
Dar pounded her as he held her by the hips and came very quickly inside her. His cock never softened, and he continued. She was soon meeting his thrusts and moaning. After several minutes, her sighs and moans told him she was enjoying it.
“Yes, yes, oh fuck me!” she shouted.
Dar plowed her and soon her back arched and she tensed as she came. Dar came a second time then stayed inside her until he went soft. He plopped out and stood there as she stood and turned to him. Cathy put her hand on his arm as they looked at each other. She had tears in her eyes, but a soft smile İstanbul Escort on her lips.
“I’m going to go shower,” she said, and walked away.
Dar stood frozen in place. ‘What have I done? I just raped my mother,” he thought.
Dar pulled up his pants and went to his room. He threw some clothes in a small suitcase, grabbed his backpack, then walked out the front door.
Cathy stood in the shower with the warm water cascading down her body. She was singing. After the shower, she put on a little makeup, donned her prettiest nightgown, and walked to the living room.
Her son wasn’t there. She checked the kitchen, then his room, and saw his backpack was gone. Cathy laid on his bed and cried herself to sleep.
Dar considered catching a bus and leaving town but had just three days of school left before graduation. He checked into a nearby motel and booked five nights. Sleep was slow to come.
Cathy awoke early Saturday still laying in her son’s bed. She checked the house but found nothing indicating he’d come back. She grabbed her cell phone and called him. She could hear it ringing in the house and found it in the trash can in his room.
“Oh my god! What have I done?” she said to no one.
Cathy sat on his bed with her hands over her face and cried.
Over the next few days, she tried to think of ways to find him. She thought of calling his friends but realized she had no idea who his friends were. He hadn’t had a single friend over in a couple of years. She checked his phone and cried when she saw her face as the wallpaper. The phone was locked, and she tried everything she could think of for a password. Nothing worked. She even went to the Sprint store for help. They told her they couldn’t help with the password but would be happy to sell her a replacement phone. Finally giving up, she went home and stayed there for the rest of the weekend.
On Monday morning, she entered his school as soon as the door was unlocked and went to the office. She had arrived early enough that she was able to park in front of the school. As Dar came walking up, he recognized the car and hid near the bleachers on the football field to wait for her to leave.
Cathy asked them to pull him from class so she could speak with him. They sent a runner, and then a second fifteen minutes later. He wasn’t there. Knowing she had to go to work, she left a note for him at the office.
Please come home.
I love you!
The note was taken to his classroom but somehow it never got to him. After seeing his mother drive away, he went inside.
It was a short day for Dar and after school he visited the Air Force recruiter. His physical was done the following day, and Thursday morning he was on a plane to Lackland Air Force Base for basic training.
Cathy made sure she was at home when she wasn’t working. She kept both her phone and her son’s with her constantly. On Tuesday she filed a missing person report with the police for Darrel ‘Dar’ Eugene McDonald. Dar had enlisted under D. Gene McDonald, and this became his name of record.
Cathy went to the graduation ceremony the following Saturday, but he wasn’t there. She asked every grad she could find, but no one knew anything. She finally gave up and went home.
Dar, Gene now, completed basic training, then was sent to technical school to be an Air Traffic Controller. The program was five months long and he was then sent on his first and only assignment, to Moody Air Force Base, in Valdosta, Georgia.
Gene loved the work and excelled at it. He got his full certification just before his enlistment was up. He had also fallen in love with South Georgia and had worked part time at the local Valdosta Airport control tower. When his four-year enlistment was up, he started there full time. The hours were good, it was small, and he was already familiar with the military fighter jets in the area.
He bought a house in Valdosta and made his home there. Between the Air Force training, classes online, and other classes at Valdosta State College, he had his bachelor’s degree six months later.
He never allowed himself to try and contact his mother. Cathy had tried to find him online. McDonalds were a dime a dozen. There were thousands on Facebook alone. She tried every name combination she could think of but came up empty handed. He had disappeared into the seven billion other faces on the planet. Still, she kept trying.
Gene’s next door neighbor was Shirley Fields. She was a black woman of about forty. Her husband, John, was a chef at one of the local restaurants. Shirley worked picking fruit and vegetables in the Valdosta area. They had a daughter who was five. Her name was Keisha. She and Gene adored each other. Gene and Shirley were close too. Although she had little formal education, she had a wisdom of people. Shirley knew people. Gene and Keisha had just returned from a walk to the park, which they did often. When he dropped Kadıköy Escort her off and started walking away, she called to him.
“Mr. Gene, momma wanna talk to you,” she called out.
He turned and followed her to the back yard. Shirley was sitting in the shade under the pecan tree. She had glasses of sweet tea for them both. He took the chair next to her and Keisha climbed up on his lap.
“I wanted to talk to you ’bout somethin’.”
“I knowed you what, ’bout a year?”
“About that,” he replied.
“You never onest mentioned family.”
“No idea where my father is, or if he’s even alive. I assume my mother is still in Texas. I haven’t spoken to her in about six years. No other family.”
“Daddy a drinkin’ man?”
“Momma too?”
“No. She drank socially but not a lot.”
“She a bad woman?”
“No, Shirley. She’s a good woman.”
“So why ain’t you talkin’ to her?”
“Long story.”
“Keisha, I think it’s time for you to feed them babies in your room.” Keisha jumped up and ran excitedly into the house. “That’ll keep her busy ’bout half an hour. Tell me this long story.”
“I’d rather just leave it in the past.”
“Mr. Gene, you a good man. Somethin’ eatin’ away at you. I can see it. Talkin’ ’bout it can pull it’s teeth right out. Don’t make it stop bitin’ but makes it stop eatin’.”
“I did something six years ago that was wrong. I hurt her in a way no man should ever hurt a woman, least of all their mother.”
“Go on,” she said. “I’m here to listen. I ain’t judgin’. That’s the good lord’s job.”
He told her the whole story and cried as he related parts of it. She listened to every word. When he finished, she patted his hand.
“When your mamma looked at you after, what’d she look like?”
“She had tears in her eyes.”
“Did she have a soft smile on her face?”
“Yeah. She put her hand on my arm and said she was going to go shower.”
“She weren’t mad, were she?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t know what she was feeling.”
“Then what did you do?”
“While she was in the shower, I packed my bags and left.”
“Didn’t go back?”
“No. I raped my mother, Shirley. I had no right to go back.”
“You right. You done give up that right. But you still got the responsibility. Time you man up, son. You need ta go back and tell her you sorry.”
“How could she ever forgive me for something like that?”
“She’s your mamma. It weren’t all your fault. She carry some blame in it too. She know that and probly been waitin’ to tell you she’s sorry too. Mammas don’t just birth the babies. They love ’em and care for ’em. That don’t ever go away. I ‘spect she been hurtin’ much as you. She needs her son and you need her. Take some time off. Go see her. Tell her you sorry and let her tell you what she need to say.”
“Shirley, do you really think it’ll be that easy?”
“Ain’t gonna be nuthin’ easy ’bout it. Probly the second hardest thing you’ll ever do.”
“What’s the hardest?”
“Forgivin’ yourself. Think about it. Me and Keisha will take care of your house while you gone.”
“How’d you get so smart, Shirley?”
“I listen to what people say and feel what’s in they heart. Listen to what in your heart and follow it. When your mamma talk to you, listen to her words, but mostly listen to her heart.”
She stood, signaling the end of the conversation. Gene hugged her.
“Thanks, Shirley.”
“You welcome.”
Gene made arrangements with work to take two weeks off. He missed his mother but was terrified at the thought of facing her. He did a google search for her and was surprised that she still lived at the same address. He had assumed that she would have moved into a smaller place with less maintenance. Gene thought it over and decided the best time to show up was on a Sunday. If she still did her Friday nights, he wanted no part of Saturdays. He considered calling first but ruled that out. He needed to face her and felt that turning him away would be harder for her in person than on the phone.
Gene left early Saturday morning to begin the fourteen-hour drive back to Texas. He got a room just a few miles away for the night then had dinner. Before returning to the hotel, he decided to drive by her house. It hadn’t changed much. The flower beds that he used to tend were now void of anything but weeds. He didn’t recognize the lone car in the driveway and assumed she had traded the old one in. He sat in his car watching for about ten minutes before leaving. It was a long sleepless night.
He left the hotel at ten-thirty then parked on the street in front of the house. His heart pounded as he rang the doorbell. He noticed the curtain move slightly and a moment later the door opened.
“Your name is Dar,” the short little curly blonde boy said smiling.
“Yes, it is. What’s your name?”
“JacobiJamesMcDonald,” he replied as if it was a single word. “You can call me JJ. I’m five. Mommy’s Kartal Escort taking a bath. You want to come in?”
“I’ll bet your mom told you not to let strangers in.”
“You’re not a stranger. You’re Dar. Mommy has lots of pictures of you. Mommy won’t care if you come in.”
“I think I should probably wait out here.”
“We have banilla Oreo’s and chocolate milk,” JJ said, taking Dar’s hand and pulling him in.
He led him to the kitchen and had Dar sit at the table. Moving a stool to the counter, JJ climbed up and got three glasses. He moved the stool again and got into the cookie jar, gathering six Oreo’s. He put the stool away and opened the refrigerator and removed the half gallon of chocolate milk. Making two trips, JJ brought everything to the table. He climbed up on a chair at the table then placed a napkin in front of Dar, one in front of himself, and one at the head of the table. JJ placed two cookies on each napkin then looked at Dar.
“You have to pour the chocolate milk. I spill it.”
Dar grinned, then poured the milk into each cup. Moving each very carefully, JJ set the cups next to the napkins.
“Nice job. You’re really good at this.”
“I’m mom’s best helper,” he replied, beaming.
“JJ, was someone at the d….” Cathy froze stepping into the dining area seeing Dar.
She immediately teared. Dar stood.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“So am I,” she replied, then turned to JJ. “Cookies and chocolate milk before lunch?”
“He didn’t get any birthday cake. We need to have a party today,” he replied.
“Good idea,” she said, taking her seat.
“Mom, I have a brother?” Dar asked.
“He isn’t your brother. Call me Cathy,” she replied, nervously.
“Sorry, I’ll just leave,” Dar said, beginning to stand.
Her response had seemed almost angry, and Dar wanted to just get away.
“No! Stay, please. JJ run and get mommy’s brush in my bathroom.”
The little guy bolted from the room. Cathy looked at Dar. “He’s not your brother. He’s our son. He doesn’t know. I want you to call me Cathy because him calling you daddy and me mommy, then both of you calling me mom would be a bit awkward.”
“Yeah, I guess it would.”
“We’ve got a lot to discuss, but we’ll do that later.”
JJ came running back in. “Mom, we gotta sing happy birthday.”
“Climb up in your seat and we will.”
As he got back in his chair, he was talking a mile a minute. Dar grinned at his mom.
“You were the same way,” she said.
“Dar, we had cake for you and twenty-four candles,” JJ blurted.
“Twenty-four? Did you count them?”
“I counted two times. Mommy let me blow ’em out. We made a wish too.”
“What did you wish for?” Dar asked.
JJ seemed to light up. “Mom! It came true! Dar came home. It’s what we wished for!”
“He sure did, didn’t he,” she replied, smiling at them both. “Thank you for the wonderful party, but I need to finish getting dressed.”
“Mom! We didn’t sing yet.”
“Well let’s sing. Everyone hold hands,” she said.
They all joined hands as Cathy and JJ sang to him.
“Thank you,” he said, when the song finished.
Cathy squeezed Dar’s hand as she stood. “You two get acquainted while I get ready. JJ, after I’m dressed let’s take Dar to the park.”
“Yessss!!!” he screamed.
“When you finish here, clean up the table, then you can show him your toys.”
“Okay. I’ve got lots of toys. You’ll like ’em.”
“I’m sure I will.”
Cathy turned and left the room. The guys finished their cookies and milk, then working together cleared off the table. JJ ran to his room with Dar not far behind.
Dar expected him to have taken over his old room, but that wasn’t the case. JJ had the guest room which was fully decorated with his treasures.
“Looky. Mommy let me put your Ninja turtles on my shelf, but I’m not allowed to play with them.”
“Why can’t you play with them?”
“They’re yours and mommy’s afraid I’ll break ’em.”
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s make them yours now.”
“Really really.”
JJ squealed in delight. “Mommy says really really like you do.”
Dar sat on the floor as JJ tried to show him everything he owned. It probably would have taken hours. Dar was in awe of the five-year-old in front of him. Cathy stood in the doorway, unnoticed for several minutes, watching them.
“Are you gentlemen ready to go to the park?”
“My shoes!” JJ said. He grabbed his light up sneakers and handed them to Dar. “You have to tie.”
“No problem.”
Once tied they went to the front door.
“Cathy, I’ll bet those shoes are really fast.”
“He only wears the fastest ones. He’ll show you when we get to the park.”
“They’re the highest jumpers too,” JJ announced proudly.
The park was only a few blocks away. They walked with JJ in the middle and his parents holding his hands. Dar couldn’t have gotten the smile off his face if he had tried. Cathy was the same way.
Once at the park, JJ was immediately distracted by the other kids. Cathy and Dar sat together on a park bench.
“Mo…Cathy,” Dar began.
“Honey, wait. I need to talk first, please,” she said.
Dar nodded and they turned facing each other.
“I caused what happened that d…,” she began.
“Dar let me finish. Then you can talk. Please. I need to say this.”