
Hot Shower Ch. 02


That smug look on your face drives me crazy, I hate that you have this control and I don’t. The elevator doors open just as I’m about to express my frustration AGAIN at being left un-fucked. An elderly couple step off the elevator, and we part to let them by. When we get onto the empty elevator and prepare to ride the 35 floors down to the ballroom level. You lean against one wall, looking like you don’t have a care in the world, like you don’t have the least bit of pent up sexual frustration ready to claw its way right out of you.

“Damn you,” I mutter as I glare across the elevator car. I contemplate my options, glace at the numbers moving very slowly down, and decide I’ve had enough of following orders. “To hell with that,” I say as I cross the car, and mold myself against your body, placing my hand against your very hard dick that was the only tell tale sign that you weren’t as unaffected as you seemed. “You are gonna fuck me” I demand.

“You gaziantep escortları think so?” You smirk at me, as you turn me around, and lift me so that your body is holding mine against the corner of the elevator. Your hand moves under my skirt, up between my thighs to probe at my pussy that is still wet, soaked actually, from the orgasm I’d had in the room. You push two fingers deep inside of me, as your thumb moves hard and fast against my clit.

You lean in to whisper in my ear, “You want me to fuck you, you are going to have to wait. I’ll stick my dick inside this wet little pussy of yours, but you don’t get that until after dinner. Consider it dessert if you can behave. Right now, all you are going to get is another mind blowing orgasm. Deal with it.”

I can hardly breath, your thumb is moving against my clit so quickly, with so much force I can only gasp for air.

You bite my neck, just below my ear, and I begin to whimper. I can hardly move, I want to wrap my legs around you, I want your dick inside me, I want… and then, as the orgasm builds so deeply inside of me, I can’t think of exactly what it was that I wanted, I just want to cum.

“Come on, hurry up, I want you to cum right NOW,” and you pressed your thumb hard against my clit as my pussy grabbed at the fingers still deep inside of me. The spasms shook my entire body, the intensity would have knocked me off my feet if I had been standing. “Good girl,” you say against my ear, as you let my body slide down until my feet touch the floor. I’m gasping for air, and my knees still give way enough that you have to steady me. I can still feel your hard dick pressing against my stomach, and I shiver as I think that eventually, before the night is over, I will get what I want.

“Now, I think you should clean this mess up,” you say as you place two very wet fingers against my lips. I open my mouth obediently, and lick my juice off of your fingers, looking up into your eyes and seeing you smile back at me.

“What’s so funny?” I ask as I release your fingers and reach to straighten my skirt as I feel the elevator beginning to slow as we reach the desired floor.

The doors open, and you put your hand at the small of my back to lead me out, but first you lean down so that I can just barely hear you over the din of the crowd that looms ahead of us, “I was just thinking you should smile and wave at the camera.”

I clasped my hand over my mouth, and looked up, and looked straight at the camera that was positioned in the corner of the elevator. “You knew, the whole time, you knew!” I all but shouted as we stepped off the elevator.

“Sshhh,” you say as we walk through the crowd, “Of course I knew, you put on quite a show, I bet the boys up in surveillance didn’t mind.”

I turned to glare at you, and open my mouth to talk, but you beat me to it.

“I know, fuck me, you’ll get your chance, I promise, now, let’s go find a seat.”

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