Thursday after cheerleading practice Kelly Ann wandered over to Jessica’s house. Marie let her in and led her to the kitchen, where Jessica sat at the table behind a pile of financial papers. She glanced up at Kelly, who immediately apologized. “If this is a bad time….”
“Not at all,” answered Jessica, “I was ready to knock off anyway. Let’s go out on the patio. You want something to drink?” As they left the kitchen, Kelly noticed that Marie was hard at work at the sink, washing a variety of dildos, vibrators, and other toys that she didn’t recognize.
Kelly had an iced tea and Jessica a martini as they sat enjoying the cool evening air. Kelly had something on her mind, though. “I think you’ve created a monster,” she told Jessica.
“What do you mean?”
“Katrina! She won’t keep her hands off me. Every time nobody’s around she starts fondling me. Yesterday we were the only ones in the girls’ room, and she asked if she could go down on me in one of the stalls. She’s out of control.”
“So ask her to stop,” said Jessica.
“When I ask her to stop, she does, but I’m afraid she’s going to do something stupid and get us all in trouble. Listen to this — yesterday, after practice, I went to Ms. London’s office to invite her to the party this weekend like you asked me to. The door was closed so I knocked, and a voice told me to come in — but it wasn’t Ms. L, it was Katrina, I mean Kat… that’s the other thing, she’s been telling everybody to call her Kat now, says it suits her new personality better.”
“Hmmm, interesting,” Jessica responded thoughtfully. “And then what happened?”
“I go in and Kat’s sitting behind the desk with a funny look on her face. I ask where Ms. L is and she points under the desk. So I walk around and Ms. L is on her knees down there eating Kat out.”
“You were scandalized?”
“Well, Osmanbey travesti it got me really hot, actually, and I ended up joining in. But she started it.”
“So you’re worried and you want me to talk with her?”
“Would you mind?”
“Not at all. Why don’t you two come over a little early tomorrow and I’ll have a word.”
* * *
As it happened, Jackie London was also thinking about what had transpired the previous day. After cheerleading practice she’d gone back to her classroom to get her stuff together to go home. It had been a long week already — an exciting one, to be sure, but she had a lot to think about. She intended to open a bottle of white wine, sit out on her porch, and watch the sun slowly sink below the horizon.
But then Katrina — or Kat, as Jackie was trying to get used to calling her — came into the room and shut the door behind her. Jackie immediately felt a knot in her stomach and a flutter between her legs; Kat looked stunningly sexy, glowing with post-practice sweat and endorphins.
She had been evolving rapidly in recent days. After the powerful experience with Jackie and the other cheerleaders at Jessica’s, she had returned home late in a state of feverish excitement. Nothing else in her young life had ever suggested to her that such ecstasy existed in the world. Her attempts to sleep proved fruitless, tormented as she was by visions of beautiful women in every permutation of sexual congress. An infinite number of possibilities had opened up before her, and she was impatient to explore them.
Gripped by restlessness, she snuck quietly out of the house in the wee hours and wandered through the deserted streets. The air was cool but friendly and the moon was almost full overhead, bathing everything in a calm gray light. Katrina walked and walked Osmanbey travestileri without ever feeling tired or worried. By the time hints of sunrise began to show in the sky, she had decided a few things.
She had never really liked her name; it didn’t seem to fit her somehow, in a way that she couldn’t quite articulate. And then that stupid hurricane had come along and ruined it once and for all. It occurred to her that shortening it to Kat made a huge difference. Kat was short, sharp, decisive; that was what she wanted to be called from now on.
Second, she decided that the guilty feelings she had been having over her recent sexual adventures were stupid. She had long realized the hypocrisy of the town’s value system, which talked a good game about abstinence and saving yourself for marriage, but in practice turned a blind eye to certain kinds of premarital sex — like that between cheerleaders and their football player or other high-status boyfriends. It was tacitly recognized, though never of course spoken, that no teenage girl could hold on to a guy like that without giving it up to him.
It all seemed like a big lie to her now, and she felt with the clear certainty of the young that her ongoing lesbian explorations were nobody’s business; nothing that felt so incredibly good could be wrong. From now on, she decided, she was going to exactly what she wanted to do, and anyone who had a problem with that could kiss her ass.
Throughout the day she’d shamelessly checked out every pretty girl in school, wondering which ones’ panties she might be able to get into. By midday she’d been so horny she’d propositioned Kelly Ann in the girls’ room, and when she was rebuffed, she just sat down in a stall and rubbed one out.
Cheerleading practice was now a delicious torture for her — all those Travesti osmanbey gorgeous, scantily clad young bodies jumping and bouncing and doing the splits. By the time practice was over she was beside herself, and given half a chance she would have seduced Kelly or Olivia in the locker room. But it was crowded in there, so she’d made a beeline for Jackie’s office, which afforded some privacy at least.
After closing the door behind her, Kat quickly unbuttoned her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Sitting down in Jackie’s desk chair, she wriggled out of her panties and spread her legs, lewdly displaying her glistening pink pussy capped with a nest of golden-blond curls.
Jackie was only human. Heedless of the risk, possessed by desire, she sank to her knees and began to feast on Kat’s sweet young cunt. Only later, when Kelly came into the room, did Jackie realize that the door hadn’t even been locked.
When Kelly peeked her head in, Kat had grinned wickedly and beckoned her to come closer. Seeing the teacher there on her knees with her head buried in Kat’s crotch, Kelly was first shocked, then excited. But she at least was prudent enough to go lock the door behind her before joining in.
That had been Wednesday. Today, Thursday, Jackie had made a hasty exit as soon as practice was over, determined to keep herself out of temptation’s path. Now, as she sat nursing a large glass of Pinot Grigio, Jackie could hardly believe it was all real. She shook her head. Engaging in sexual activities with students in the relatively safe setting of Jessica’s secluded home had been one thing; doing it right there in the classroom was another. Had she lost her mind?
Then again, who could really blame her if she had? She felt like she could still taste Kat’s pussy in her mouth. Jackie had been without a partner for some time, and all of a sudden these young girls were just throwing themselves at her. It was hard for her to say, honestly, that it wasn’t worth the risk.
It was a relief to know, at least, that all the senior cheerleaders had turned 18 by now. They were adults and could make their own decisions. Right?