
It All Started In 1982… Day 01


It ALL started in 1982 – years ago … Back before the Internet, you almost HAD to go to an “adult-bookstore” for anything sexually “interesting” outside the home!

I’d befriended the Clerk/Manager (George) of one of the two Adult-Outlets in my area. (Yeah, SOME towns don’t have ONE – I have TWO, and they’re directly across from each other, and about a mile from my house!)

As I work nights, I’d spend the better part of the “waking day” at his store, just batting-the-breeze with him and his girlfriend, Edie.

Many times, Edie would come up and work at the store while George would grab a nap in the back-store room. We found out a lot about each other’s “preferences” (and kinks), in the first several months.

To give you an idea of what they look like, I’ll introduce you to the Family:

George is 5’6″, a skinny 160 Lbs., tattooed on both arms, his back and chest! I’d go so far as to call him a “Butch Biker-wanna-be”!

Edie is 5’9″, about 135 Lbs, with shoulder length chestnut brown hair, wire-rim glasses. She’s almost waif-like in appearance. (If she stood in a refrigerator, she’d have a chest!) A REAL “Biker-Babe”, but without the figure!

I find it hard to believe she was strong enough to have a child, but she did, 18 years ago! Her daughter, Brooke, stands about 5’6″, brown hair with blond highlights, cut to just under her shoulders. The first time I saw her, I KNEW there was a God, because the chest he didn’t give to her Mother, he made up for on this angel – had to be a 36 D-Cup, with a 22 to 24 waist, and all that, sitting on a beautiful pair of legs with a pair shaped rump!

On one visit to the store, George mentioned he & Edie were into B&D. Not the “heavy” stuff, just the occasional “tie her up, blindfold her and either tickle or touch her, while talking to her in the 3rd party, until she came – then she’d be his sexual servant the rest of the night” stuff. They couldn’t get as deep into it as he’d have liked to, Edie’s 18 year old daughter was still living at home and the “kid” would come & go at all hours, so they had to take reasonable pre-cautions.

I’d told him about a couple of my brief episodes with B&D while in service. Like George, I never really found it my preference, but it made an “interesting diversion”! One of the other Non-COM’s and his wife where also in the “lifestyle” and were both submissive, while I would play their Dominant!

Then the store began to get “busy” for the day, and I’d leave to get my days rest, telling them, I’d see them later!


(DAY ONE – Sunday; “OK, there’s the deal …”)

This ONE Sunday morning, as I was leaving, George mentioned they wanted to build a ‘secret playroom’ in the attic of their home. Did I know anyone “good” with hammer & nail?

“OK, there’s the deal …Discretion is utmost, because of Brooke, the daughter.” he’d bahis siteleri said. “And the big problem is I don’t have the time, working the hours I do here and I don’t have the wood-working ability. – Hell, I wouldn’t even know which end of the nail to hit!”

So I ‘climbed’ out on the limb, “With THAT kind of restriction, you’d HAVE to be careful who you let know about it – it’d HAVE to be someone you trust or is into the lifestyle. — I mean, I could do it, probably have to bring in ONE other guy to help though! — And, what kind of ‘toys’ do you have in mind George?” I asked.

“GREAT! I have NO problem with that. – Nothing special – just a lockable closet in one area for the toys, chains and trinkets we have. And it’s GOT to LOCK! – I don’t want Brooke accidentally finding them and asking a lot of – shall we say – embarrassing questions?”

“OK, anything else you have in mind?” I asked.

“And it’s got to have a ‘restraint area’ in it somewhere, some place I can tie-out Edie. It should be close to the locker so I don’t have far to drag the ‘goodies’!”

“Alright. I’ll start a work-up. I have a vacation this week, I’ll work on it then. – By the way, is Eddie home? I’ll need to get some measurements and see what the work area looks like.”

“I’ll call her now and tell her you’re on the way! – And, thanks!” With that, I left for his house.

On the way downtown, I began to wonder just HOW do you keep a “kid” from finding out about sex – and considering the way this “kid” LOOKED, would I really WANT to?

And just what kind of set-up can we do in an attic? Most of the stuff I put in is going to have to be lightweight, due to stress and attic structure! May be just set up something with “eyehooks” and Quick-Clips! … Before I knew it, I was looking for a place to park the truck! I grabbed my calculator from the glove box, a pad & pencil, and was making my way up the stairs to the door.

Edie was waiting for me on the porch in an outfit that left little to the imagination, (a pair of SHORT, TIGHT faded cut-offs and a loose, thin white halter top) and ushered me in saying, “We have to be careful – the ‘Kid’ went swimming this morning and should be home in a few minutes with her friends. Follow me upstairs.” And I watched that denim clad ass, as she turned and moved up the stairwell to the second floor. She took me into their bedroom and while closing the door, she said to “pull on that rope by the ceiling fan.” A trap door opened, and a folding stair came down. She went up first, her denim cased butt, swaying in my face, and it was tempting, but I decided to ‘keep it professional’. Getting to the top, she reached up, turning on the light as she hit the attic.

We started taking measurements, making some sketches, getting her feed-back on ideas – what goes here – what goes there – where’s the best place for the closet – how canlı bahis siteleri can I make it secure? As we worked on the layout, we heard the front door slam shut, and some mumbling and grumbling.

“Well, – Brooke’s home, and she sounds PISSED.” Edie said. “How much more do you need to do?”

“Just one or two more measurements and I’m done here … for the time being!” I said with a smile.

“What else do you need to measure?”

“YOU!” I said. “Don’t worry about Brooke, I just heard her go into her room, we should have a couple minutes before she gets ‘inquisitive’, which is all the time I’ll need!… Step over here and grab these rafters — here and here.”, pointing where I would mount the stays. “I need to find out how high up you can reach so I know where to put the eyehooks.” After a shrug, Edie grabbed the rafters where I’d shown her, I got both the measurements and a free show of nipple when her arms went up to the beams, and then, we heard the “Kid” coming into the bedroom below us.

“Mom?? – Dad? … You up there?” as Brooke started up the ladder. “… I thought Dad was … wor… k–ing …” and she stopped in mid sentence, coming into the attic, seeing it was ME and not Dad!!

“What’s this?” she said.

“Brooke, this is Jim, a friend of ours from the store.” Edie offered as I extended my hand.

“Hi Brooke!” as I smiled at this cutie! “Call me Jim or Sarge!”

“Yeah, Hi! – But you didn’t answer me! – the question was, ‘what’s this?’ – like in, what are you 2 doing up here?”

And before Edie could stammer out a “bull-shit” reply, I told Brooke, “Tell her the truth Edie. — The truth is, your Dad wants me to build a room where he and your Mom can STRETCH OUT and relax and watch their sports or TV shows on their days off! Seems your choice of music leaves much to be desired! – what did you think, you naughty gurl you?”

I had her – and Edie was STUNNED! I turned to Edie and continued.

“Like I said, the TV Entertainment center goes here, about THIS large.” (I pointed to where I’m putting the tie-out rack, and marked the floor and wall to reference the height of what’s being built) — “the small refrigerator/cooler goes here inside the cabinet so it can be locked up” (and marked the area of where the closet is going to be), “and the Chase Lounge goes here in the middle of the floor area! (and marked a over-sized rectangle for a Tie-out Table) and I’ll put the ceiling fan in above, to circulate the air! You can always ADD a “wet-sink” to ‘clean up’ later! … sound OK to you Edie?”

“OH! – Yeah! I guess that’s what George wants!” she said with a wink.

“No problem, – I got the sketches and any electrical wiring can be done as this stuff goes in. – I’ll fly by the store on the way home and go over them with him and let him know what we need, how much it SHOULD cost. Then, once güvenilir bahis you get the stuff I need, we start work. Should be done in about a week, but if we’re going to insulate like George wants, it MIGHT take longer – so, I’d need to get started ASAP.” I watched Mom & daughter heading for the stairs in their cut-offs, I thought ‘let’s see if Edie wants to play or is she all talk’.

I quickly thought about what I was going to say, and how I wanted it to come out, then spoke. “Now, girls, I have a weeks vacation CUMMING up in a few days. I WAS just going to go out to the lake and do some fishing, but this job DEFINITELY looks like it could be more fun!”

“COOL!” both girls stopped and turned, saying in unison. Brooke turned and started down the stairs, Edie grabbed my arm on the landing, gave me a quick peck on the lips with a fast grope, and whispered a ‘thank you!’ – I patted her ass and said “No problem – I can use the help. Some of the work will require TWO people for safety reasons.” and with her shocked look, downstairs we went.

“What do you mean – use the help? You know George can’t draw a straight line,” Edie says.

“No, ” I countered, “but I’d guess YOU can! – I WILL have to call in an ‘associate’ to do the wiring though, if he’s available! NOT to worry, he works ‘cheap’ – a six-pack and feed him occasionally … he’d keep quiet! Plus you also get to see how it’s put together and wired in case there’s a problem. And I figure, I can ALWAYS put you on ‘ignore’ if you start making too many suggestions!”

Edie’s mouth dropped and Brooke began to laugh.

“Mom – sounds like he knows you REAL well!” she said. “And if SHE won’t help, you can count on ME! I’m pretty good with a ruler and saw – AND – it’d keep me off the streets this summer!”

“So, Brooke, how come you’re home so early? – I thought you’d be swimming until late afternoon!” Edie asked, I could tell, she was a ‘tad annoyed’ at the interruption in the attic.

“OH!! … my NEW “EX”-boyfriend, Marty, came up with an idea to have a ‘sex-party’ there … blowing up condoms, tossing them in the pool — WHAT an IDIOT!”, she said, “So, we broke up, just as the Cops ‘escorted him’ to their car.”

“WHAT???” we both exclaimed.

“Yeah – Mom knows I’ve been, shall we say, ‘sexually active?’ – She put me on the pill at 14 and any questions, she’s been GREAT at answering. But, there ARE still a few ‘grey areas’ where I can’t get a straight answer!”, as she took hold of my arm and began rubbing it.

“Well, as time goes on, you’ll get the idea Brooke…” I said, slipping my arm around her, resting it on her rear end.

“Oh, I’m SURE she will!” Edie said.

And, on that ‘note’ – I took my leave and went back to the store, finding George was busy, so I told him “Well, no sleep today – got to do the lay-out and call Denny, see if he can run wire for us. I’ll stop down when I’m done with them and we’ll go over the “shopping list” of what is to be done, what was needed, the costs and floor plans.”

That night, when I came down, he called in to order the stuff, and getting confirmed delivery, I started the project the next day.

___________ (End/ Day One) ___________

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