
Jennifer’s Revelation

Non Nude

Author’s note: No part of this story represents actual characters, persons, or places. It is written as erotica, nothing more. Please enjoy.


Jennifer’s eyes bug out of her head and her left hand comes to her mouth. “Oh my heavens!” she exclaims and is powerless to move away from the back window of their expansive ranch house. Jennifer Walsh is 24 years old and the youngest wife of one of the richest men in Morgan, Utah. If the Mormon Church knew about Amos’ other wives, they would demand he leave the state, like that Cody fellow on TV.

What has the young and sexually inexperienced woman’s attention just ceased when the black gardener fished his sizable male organ back into his baggy pants and zipped up. Right there on the side of the house, he peed, I guess thinking no one could see him. This is a working ranch, so a man relieving himself behind a tree is perfectly acceptable and if this man has the need, so be it, but…

Her face flushes instantly thinking about the sheer size of the thing! He wasn’t even excited and it was bigger than her husband’s, what little she’s seen of it. Poor Amos! Jennifer was a virgin when they married and him being a man of 40 plus years, she was sure he would bed her properly, but no, it was not meant to be. Amos simply has a small penis and a giant bank account to make up for it. The other wives don’t openly talk about his lack of virility, but knowing looks pass just the same. In the 2 years they’ve been married, they have made love 8 times and 6 were the first year. It is now 10 months into the year and he is showing no inclination for intimacy. However, in his defense, she lacks for nothing and he is always working.

“Maybe that’s why I am so horny, Amos!” she mutters under her breath and once again peeks at the incredible specimen of a man not ten feet away, but separated by brick, mortar, and glass. She feels safe to observe the man and excited for the first time in months.

Amos cannot see the woman who hired him, but he can tell by the shadows on the screen that she watched him piss. He hoped she would and he rubs his cock through his khaki’s and feels it come to life. Jennifer did not miss any of that and once again mutters as she spies him waking the leviathan. He deliberately turns his back toward the house and stretches in the hot sun. It is only about 85, but the dew point is 78 and sweat has soaked his loosely fitting shirt.

Grabbing the bottom with both hands, he slowly pulls it over his head and inside the house he can literally hear her draw a big breath and if he is not mistake, she said something too.

Jennifer’s knees begin to quake at the sight of the man’s muscular back and impossibly small waist. “Oh Lord help me!” she semi-cries out, covering her soft lips too late to keep the exclamation private.

Francisco Mendez, better known as Paco is 19 and two years out of high school. He is Puerto Rican by birth, but separated at birth from his abusive Nigerian father and smuggled into Miami by his Indian mother, who he lives with today. He is a second year student at the local college with plans to attend university on a golf scholarship the special programs developed to further his success. The greatest part of it all is it is paid for by the US Government. Paco does yard work to buy weed, nothing more.

Jennifer knows none of this, believing he is “just another lazy nigger who will give you 50% work for 100% pay,” at least that is what her husband has drilled into her mind. However, the boy/man is doing a great job, having bagged and trimmed everything like a professional. He now turns his attention to the 22,500 gallon pool and Jennifer watches his muscles ripple as he nets out the few leaves at the bottom.

As he bends over, there is no roll of fat to view and his loose trousers ride down low on his hips revealing a six-pack and hip bones. He is an Adonis to her and she feels her private part begin to respond. Jennifer has never touched herself in that way, although the urge has been great. This was pounded into her brain that masturbation is sinful, but Lord help her, her juice just ran down the inside of her left thigh.

From his vantage point, he sees the lady in the house move past the ornate French doors so she can see him better and noting her gorgeous figure and beautiful face when she hired him, he decides to give her a show. Her silhouette gives him a great side view of her figure and he becomes even more aroused to the point that he doesn’t bother to hide the tent in the front of his trousers.

Paco moves back to the far end of the pool closest to the doors and Jennifer runs back around the house to get a better view. As she dashes by the glassed door, Paco catches a glimpse of her body as her robe swishes around her aroused body. Knowing instinctively that the married church woman is openly ogling him and her initial words that her husband was working out of state, causes him to take possibly the boldest step of his life concerning females. He steps up to the door and knocks softly.

Jennifer illegal bahis in her soft robe and sleeping panty set, is paralyzed by him standing just feet away, even though he cannot yet see her due to the pool reflecting off the glass. Her eyes start at his face, then down to his magnificently chiseled body and finally, his proud male member straining to be set free.

Paco knows she is in front of him by the shimmering apparition of an image and he slowly reaches out and slowly opens the door with his left hand as he withdraws his erect cock with the other until it is there for her inspection.

Jennifer’s eyes are as wide as a deer in headlights and she stares at his blue-veined uncircumcised erect cock. She slowly begins backing up without taking her eyes off his crotch and Paco follows her just as slowly. “I’m a married woman…” she offers in a weak defense they both know means nothing at the moment.

“I know…”

Her eyes never leave his cock as he slowly massages and strokes it and he watches as she licks her pretty lips, even as she slowly backs toward her bedroom. Paco’s cock is ready, real ready and as it does when he is in desperate need to nut, it begins to ach and throb in his hand. Into his mind slips the woman’s name from when they first met.


When he utters her name, she suddenly screams out and runs to her room, slamming the door behind her.

“Please leave or I will call the cops!”

Paco is way beyond guessing. His need and hers is too great and he pushes against the door and feels it give away. Jennifer appears to be scared out of her mind and rushing backward to put distance between them, she falls backwards on the unmade bed. Paco notes only one side has been slept in and walks right up to her and steps in between her knees.

Jennifer’s lustful state has been replaced by near terror and she realizes she is about to be raped and begins to whimper and tugs violently with her legs, trying to free herself. Paco lets go of her ankles and raising his hands up in a show that he is stopping, just as Jennifer screams.

She is openly crying and praying expecting at any second to feel his hands on her vulnerable body… “What?” she cries out. The black boy is gone, as if vanished and then she hears his car start and drive away at a fast pace.

“It’s over?” she questions no one as she is indeed alone.

As the day passes, Paco is never far from her thoughts and gradually fantasies begin to tug at the corners of her religious mind and that night, as she lay in bed, she had her first orgasm, using the round handle of her hair brush as… Paco. She had never allowed herself the simple pleasure of masturbation until tonight.

Four days pass when Jennifer realizes Paco is never coming back and she rightly guesses he won’t collect a dime of what is owed him for his labor. Sitting on the back porch she looks at the French doors. “Oh my heavens!” Inside the house is a sun dress she hand washed and hung up with a fan blowing on it. She can faintly see the ghostly material swaying in the breeze and it hits her that Paco could see her peeping at him and simply acted out what he believed she wanted.

“He knew I was watching him and he let me see what I wanted…” Jennifer is eaten alive with guilt. As a Christian woman and a Pastor’s wife she actually committed the sin by the way she acted! He should have been blameless, but she had tempted him and when he acted upon what she wanted…

Oh my god! I wanted him to…

Jennifer was waiting for her dress to dry so she could go to Kohl’s, but now she feels responsible to apologize to Paco and she is fairly sure she can find his phone number. Digging frantically through some papers in her desk, she lifts it up. Paco was recommended by the Pool place, so she gives them a call.

“Yes Ma’am, here is his number. I thought you had it?”

“I lost it,” she lies justifying it like everyone does. Jotting down Paco’s number she smiles when it matches another number on the page. This time she circles it and write Paco and a heart. “What?” she asks, wondering why she would do that.

Looking at her phone, she takes a deep breath and dials his number.

“Lo,” she hears him say, as he doesn’t recognize the number and is in a crowded hallway as he leaves the only class he is attending today.

“Paco, this is Jennifer Walsh; the lady who made a terrible mistake.”

“Go on…” Paco is scared to death this white woman is going to claim he raped her that he is ultra-cautious.

“I want to apologize because my innocent actions may have sent the wrong message,” she says and feels her upper chest begin to warm. Then she says something she instantly regrets. “If you will come by the house I’l pay you for your labot. How much was it again?

Paco had agreed to work for 4 hours for a hundred bucks, but responding almost angrily he blurts “Three hundred dollars,” and also instantly regrets it.

Jennifer casino siteleri would agree to almost any amount right now and tells him to come.

What Paco hears is this white woman just invited him to “cum” and she’ll pay him $300.

He looks at the watch his father gave him when he graduated high school two years ago and says, “20 minutes sound good?”

“Yes…” and Paco jerks the phone away from his head and stares at it. “Did she just make the sound a woman makes when he first slides his cock in her? It sounded so erotic!

Jennifer is no sooner off the phone and she shrieks, “20 fucking minutes?” She runs for the shower! How can she possibly be presentable to her lawn guy looking like this? As she rapidly showers, she hums a hip-hop tune they use in Spin class and although she won’t admit it, she is sexually humming. As she dries off, her nipples are so erect they hurt and her upper chest is rosy with excitement.

Looking in the mirror, she does a side boob profile and tweaks each nipple. For the last 4 days, she has rocked that hair brush to orgasm and right now is resisting the urge to run her finger…

The clock is ticking and she slips into the now dry summer dress and begins working her hair. Next comes a make-up touch-up and sandals… and the door bell rings. “Oh my god! What am I doing?” she asks herself and turns slowly in front of the mirror. She is so caught up in righting her wrong that it never dawns on her that she did not put on underwear. No bra, no panties, now jewelry, just the revealing sundress and the top three buttons are open.

“Oh hi! Come on in Paco,” she says smiling and leans forward to hold open the screen door. Paco makes a sideways glance and peeks straight down the open area of her dress only to see she is naked underneath and even before he is completely passed her, his cock is already expanding.

The woman is absolutely beautiful and he knows she has no idea she is about to willingly suck his cock. “I need to get your money she says,” stepping in a bit as she talks.

“Money I got Ma’am, what I need is a bit more, but I won’t take it. It has to be offered.” Paco moves within dancing distance and Jennifer knows exactly what he is saying. It is her decision, not his. He is more than willing to… but she has to initiate it, so there is no way it could be interpreted as being forced.

Jennifer stands frozen, as does he and after inactivity for 20 seconds, he turns to leave.


He turns back toward her and Jennifer, never taking her eyes off of his slowly begins unbuttoning the cute dress. With one final button, the dress slips off her slim shoulders and drops to the floor. Jennifer closes her eyes and waits.

Paco has been with 19 girls since he lost his cherry at 12 years of age. It would have been more but he didn’t always have a place to go. Standing in front of his is the most beautiful and forbidden fruit he has witnessed and with a couple of flicks of his powerful hands, he is as naked as she is.

Grasping all 8 inches of fat uncircumcised ma- meat with his left hand, he steps up to the preacher’s wife and taking her hand, wraps her fingers around it. “Open your eyes. If you are truly sorry, go to your knees.” Jennifer shows fear briefly and then looking down, her eyes see the most glorious sign that this man, this black man, is excited as she is and the reason he is so hard is because he finds her that exciting.

Throwing aside all her teaching, her commitment as a preacher’s wife, and fidelity of their marriage, Jennifer slowly drops in front of him and grasping the hot thick black appendage, she slides the fat head between her lipstick red lips.

“Oh fuck baby!” Paco cries out, not expecting her to go for it without an argument and taking her blonde head in both hands he begins to rock in and out. Jennifer has never sucked any man’s cock before today, but is a quick learner and even as she feels her own juices running down the inside of her legs, she knows she can still turn back. “I’ll just suck on him a bit and then he will stop,” is her wrong reasoning, but it allows her to be uninhibited and she jacks his stiff rod with one hand and massages his great hanging ball sack with the other. Her husband’s balls are nothing like these two curly-haired black tennis balls.

Jennifer feels empowered over the man when his thighs begin to ripple with excitement and he keeps telling how amazing she is “at sucking big black cock” that without thinking, her left hand slides down her belly and her fingers feel her extreme wetness.

“Oh baby, you woke up your inner slut! Oh FUCK! He cries out when suddenly Jennifer’s head is clamped down hard until his cock head is almost ready to enter her throat when she feels the red hot black seed ejecting straight down her throat to her warm tummy. Her first reaction is one of horror and then…excitement? Excitement that she made this handsome man so excited that he ejaculates? Her husband to her knowledge never shoots poker siteleri out more than a dribble, but she just felt the seventh powerful emission and Paco steps back and lays two long ropes of semen across her nose and face before sitting down heavily on the bed next to her.

“Oh fuck baby girl! Where did you learn to do that?” he asks and lies on his back panting heavily. Jennifer realizes that if she runs out of the house right now, naked or not, this man will be convicted of rape… so why doesn’t she go?

“It is because I am no longer afraid,” she whispers so low he doesn’t hear her confession. Lying beside her new lover and realizing he has no intention of hurting her, she grasps his semi-hard cock with the intention of getting it inside her pussy. “Do me. Do me; I need it, please?”

Paco sits up suddenly realizing she is his voluntarily and almost throws his head and lips between her open legs. Jennifer has often wondered what it would feel like to have her husband’s lips on her private lips but is not ready for this mans advance and cries out in sheer animal release when the second his lips and tongue fall between her furry folds, Paco drives three fingers straight up and into her cunt.

Jennifer grabs him so hard it is almost a slap on the sides of his head and her hips lift up and within seconds she has an earth shattering climax to end all climaxes and Paco will not let up, dancing around her clit, but not really “terching” it and Jennifer cries out and the only word he can recognize is the forbidden F word. No decent white woman, especially a preacher’s wife would ever utter that word, or even think it, but Jennifer’s head is going side to side as she cums and begs him to “Fuck me, baby, fuck me now!”

Her pussy is tight and her own juices have made a puddle on the sheets and Paco lifts himself to the entry position and grabbing her hand, he wraps it around his rock hard erection. “If you want this cock, you put it in. I have never forced any woman to take me…” Paco looks into the preacher’s wife’s eyes and there is nothing but wanton desire.

It is the ultimate test of her religious resolve and staring at the wet bulbous head as she slowly strips the foreskin back, she nods, licks her lips, and slides the fat head into her tight opening.

Her head goes back as he pushes it past the tight orifice as her face stretches in pain and then he is in 4 inches! Jennifer gasps and involuntarily she jerks her knees up beside her full breasts and Paco guides in a full 6 inches before she stops him by pushing against his muscular torso.

“Oh my fucking god!” she cries out loud enough for anyone in the house to hear. “Oh, fuck baby!”

Standing in the kitchen is her husband Amos and he sets the large Thomson Chain-reference Bible on the counter. The man has preached his guts out in Mobile, Alabama for the last two weeks and has called home faithfully each night after service. He has been totally faithful to all of his wives and today he had planned to actually have sex with her. He is aware that he has neglected her and in his other hand is a large bouquet of flowers and a diamond necklace is in his pocket.

“Ohhhh… Oh, oh, oh! FUCK me, baby! Fuck my hungry pussy!” he hears the only voice it could possibly be and the good preacher goes back out to his Escalade and withdraws a Glock Model 30, .45 ACP pistol as his rage builds. Someone is violating his bride, but why is she talking like that? He suddenly stops and considers that she might not be being raped after all.

Amos eases back into the house and now all he can hear is the slap-slap-slap of bodies colliding in the most intimate manner. Then he hears the most heart-breaking words of his life and stops dead in his tracks.

“Oh Paco, my husband never really fucked me. Never! Oh fuck yes! Oh hell yes, fuck me baby… fuck meeee…” and Amos, standing just outside the bed room door, peeks in.

“I’m fucking cumminggggg!” she cries and to Amos’ absolute astonishment, a muscular black kid is slamming his wife’s gorgeous hips into their marriage bed like a steam engine driving steel beams into the ground. With each deep thrust, he reveals at least 8 inches of cock and that doesn’t count the fat head which he keeps just inside the hairy and dripping wet opening. “oh baby I’m cumming for you baby! I’m cumming all over your beautiful black cock.”

Paco is on the verge of blowing a second and larger load and he suddenly picks up Jennifer while still coupled and her cumming and begins to stab her cunt with his massive cock while standing up. It is an incredible display of strength and athleticism and as disgusted as he was when he first saw Jennifer, now he realizes he is getting an erection and steps back out of sight.

Jennifer is beyond proprietary and is groaning and grunting in a totally feral manner and with each stroke, she cums more. Amos peeks again and her eyes are closed and her head is back, mouth open. Her long blonde hair that normally stays up is bouncing behind her back as Amos has his way with her. The man is a satyr and 8 minutes go by before he spins her 180 degrees and drops his mouth between her legs. Jennifer hungrily grabs his wet stiff cock and to Amos’ amazement and sexual stimulation, she slurps and sucks on it while cradling his two large testicles.

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