


I’ve always loved Jenny’s hair. The long blond tresses glimmering in the sunlight takes my breath away, as they did that October afternoon our freshman year in college when we were both home for Fall Break. We were going out for dinner to our favorite place, but being away from each other for two months left a powerful, magnetic attraction we couldn’t deny, so we were making love in my bedroom in the golden late afternoon. She was naked, flat on her back on the bed. Her hair splayed out, cascading over her sharp shoulders, down her chest, and teasing her tear drop breasts. Her brown eyes were hidden behind the ecstasy of her pleasure, her huge nostrils drawing in gigantic draughts of air, her bushy eyebrows wrinkled, her small delicate mouth curled, and her face, neck and upper chest rosy as she climbed toward her climax.

My arms were wrapped around her legs, pulling them apart slightly, embracing her generous hips, my nose buried in her light wispy pubes, and my tongue playing savagely with her salty folds, teasing the bud and darting upward to immerse itself in her goodness. I had some Mozart quartets set up on my phone, and every gracious contour of the music was mirrored in my lady love.

She gasped quietly, mindful my mother was just down the hall in her sewing room, and her body heaved upward, pausing in mid air. A great gust of air came out of her and she fell down, quivering for a couple of minutes before she pushed my face away from her crotch. I licked her thighs, moving down toward her knees, and nuzzled those gentle, vulnerable undersides until she laughed. Sitting up, I looked down at her and smiled, and when her dark almond eyes opened, there was a glow that could have kept our hometown lit for a week.

“God, how I’ve missed you, Tommy” she murmured. “Tell my why I’m going to school two hours away from you again?”

“You’re a drama major, and I’m studying journalism. You got an insane amount of scholarship money and I couldn’t afford to follow you.”

Playfully, she slapped my arm and smiled. “I didn’t want an explanation, dummy. If I could just take your tongue back to school with me…” Her left hand cradled my face and she brought her right over as well. It was strapped in a brace; she’d broken her wrist two weeks earlier. “I wish I could repay you,” wiggling her fingers seductively.

Moving around, I lay beside her. We were on the queen size bed in my room, a spartan place with few adornments except those my mother insisted upon. I’d blown whatever spare money I had on computer equipment, which dominated the bay window area of the second floor house built just after World War 1. It was a farm house the town eventually surrounded, but lovingly maintained and improved, standing in defiance of the suburbia that tried to throttle it. Thanks to my mother being a domestic goddess, my blankets are soft and sweet smelling and my sheets luxurious. “I still don’t understand how you broke your wrist in a dance class. How much longer do you have to wear that damn splint?”

“A couple of weeks. The doctor says it’s healing well. I don’t think your dick can wait that long.” It was tenting my sweat pants, stiff and putting a small dot of wetness on the fabric. She reached over with her left hand and tried a couple of strokes before giving up. “It doesn’t feel right, the angle’s all wrong.”

“I have another idea.”

“No, we can’t risk getting pregnant and the safest way is not to stuck it up my cunt. My mother tracks all my expenses, so I can’t buy anything to make it safe.”

“That wasn’t my idea. There is a third option.”

She looked away for a moment. “I don’t know, you know how scared I am to try it. Is it safe?”

“How long have we known each other?”

“Our whole lives.”

“Would I ask you to do anything that would hurt you or me?”



“Yes.” Sitting up, she reached to pull my pants down and I had to help, wiggling my hips to release the python. “I’m just afraid I’d hurt you, or do something wrong.”

“You let me find out how to please you through a little…experimentation.”

Her teeth bit her lower lip. Her face wasn’t what most guys would call attractive and she still wore braces. “I don’t know. I’ll try, but I want to be careful.” Bending over, she kissed the end of my cock, then gingerly took the very tip between her lips. Her touch was feather light, and I responded eagerly to her, pulsing a little and pushing inward a little. The entire head went in, but her suction was minimal, tentative, as if she thought I was made of delicate china. After less than a minute, she let it loose. “I’m afraid all this metal in my mouth will hurt you. It isn’t the taste, it really doesn’t taste like anything. Shit all I can taste these days is metal anyway. I just don’t know how.”

I looked over at my monitors with their dancing screen savers. She laid back with her head on my shoulder, and her useless arm on my stomach. I started stroking her hair, drinking in its intoxicating aroma. “We could dial up an instructional video.”

“I don’t Side Escort trust those, not for this. All that porn is pretty unreal, anyway. It must be brutal to twist your body to fuck like that and let a camera have a good angle.”

“How about a tutor?”


“We could hire a hooker to teach you.”

Her face screwed up amazingly; something I’d never seen before. “Eww. No, I don’t want to go to that part of town, and I wouldn’t trust one of those women. They might suck you so good you’ll forget about me.”

“My dad’s a doctor, he’s pretty cool. He could tell you.”

“You’re dad is a psychiatrist, he probably listens to people talk about sex all the time. I don’t know, but he might know a video. Call him.”

“Okay.” I whipped out my phone, making sure he couldn’t see anything other than my head and shoulders, and dialed his number. He was at a convention on the West Coast, but pretty cool about responding.

It took one ring. “Hi, son. Good to hear from you. This must be important to be a voice call rather than a text.”

“Yeah, Dad. I have a question for you, a hypothetical question.”


“A friend of mine would like to know how to perform a certain sex act, and they’re scared.”

“Which one?”

“Oral sex.”

“Is there something you aren’t telling your mother and me?”

“No, this is for one of the girls at school.”

“Say hello to Jenny for me. So Jenny wants to learn how to perform oral sex?”

I shook my head: the man could be psychic at times. “Yeah. Do you know any good videos, or a therapist or something?”

“Congratulations, I’m sure you’ll love getting it. I know all three, but Jenny probably wants someone to show her, I’ll bet.”

“Yeah. That’s it.”

“Why don’t you ask your mother?”

“Dad! Really?”

“She is a nurse practitioner, and trust me, she knows how to do it. Jenny sees her regularly, so she won’t be too embarrassed.”

“What about me?”

“She’s seen you naked, too. She knows you get erections, she’s done your laundry and emptied your wastebasket. You aren’t going to faze her.”

“I don’t know…”

“Look, son, we’ve let you make all your own decisions about your life, when to date, when to drink, taught you the facts of life, didn’t give you too many restrictions. Anytime you want our help you have it, no matter what. Go ahead and ask your mother to teach Jenny how to give you a blow job. Unless you WANT to have blue balls until Christmas.”

“Okay, Dad, I’ll ask her. I know if I don’t you’ll talk to her about it tonight, so might as well. How’s the conference.”

“You know how it goes: there’s always a new way to go crazy. Best part starts now: happy hour and dinner. Going to a play tonight, experimental theater. No, not a girlie show, get your mind out of the gutter…”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“…and I’m touring town after we’re done Sunday with Bob Morris. Back late Monday night. When do you go back to classes?”

“Going back a week from Monday.”

“Great, we’ll hang out, go fishing maybe. Good luck, son.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I broke the connection and put the phone down. Jenny had a puzzled look on her face, and shook her head. She reached around and put her black glasses on her face: she was terribly near sighted and didn’t like contacts. “Yeah, Dad told me to ask Mom. You mind?”

“Well, she does my checkups. It’s a little weird. Will she mind that I want to…want to…”

“Naw, she’s fairly cool about that. Dad WILL call her later tonight and ask if we talked to her, I know that for sure. She told me how to work your pussy, well, how to work any woman’s pussy.” Her eyes went wide. “She’s got a plastic replica in her office.”

“Didn’t she tell you how blow jobs went?”

“I never asked her. I guess if I had she would have told me, but Mom’s got a pretty narrow focus, so I gotta be sure exactly what I want to say. She’ll just answer a question and wait for you to ask for more.”

“Okay. Let me put my clothes on.”

“Call her, she’ll understand.”

“No, I’ll go down the hall. Just wait here.” She dressed quickly and padded barefoot down the hall to Mom’s sewing room. My cock softened a bit since it knew what was happening; he didn’t want someone talking to Mom about him. I went to the computer to check a couple of stories and my timelines: not much interesting going on my friends’ pre-party babble. Mom’s little laugh floated down the hall, and I grabbed a towel to wrap around me. Yeah, I know she’s seen me naked a lot, even recently, but I didn’t want her and Jenny to see me bare at the same time. Call me funny that way.

My mother came in the door, wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts, all her nails painted light blue. She’s a little over twice my age, which means she turns 40 New Year’s Eve. Tall and angular, she’s a classic woman of Irish descent with red hair (which she keeps very short), fair, freckled skin. A button nose and ice blue eyes. There was a twinkle in her eyes and a small wicked smile that Side Escort bayan always frightened me, a touch of leprechaun mischief that always made Halloween special. True, she would always comfort me tenderly when I was scared, but she enjoyed scaring me as well. “So Jenny would like me to teach her something special. Do you know anything about this? Do you have any special interest in her learning how to suck cock?”

I could never lie to her; she could read me like a book. “Yes, Mom. We were fooling around…”

“Good, I’m not ready to be a grandmother yet, even though I would be an incredibly foxy one. And I’m glad it’s you because I’d hate to teach her how to please a stranger. Soon you’ll be pleasing him just as well as he’s pleasing you, Jenny. Have you been doing a lot of foreplay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Strickland,” Jenny answered. “He was showing me a few things…you already taught him. And he was so good!”

Mom’s smile grew a little broader. “Yes, I know. It’s too bad about your hand, we don’t want to irritate those mending muscles.” She got on her knees and beckoned me over. “Come over here, Johnny, so I can show her a few things.” I obeyed her and the pulled the towel off. “Now, you need to start by playing with the head a little bit, and teasing the shaft with your hand. You know how to do that, don’t you? Come down here and watch.” Jenny knelt beside her as she took my penis in her soft hand and started moving it up and down my flaccidity. I must have been trembling; she looked me in the eyes to settle and reassure me a little bit. “Stroking the balls works well too, see how he’s responding. His father likes having his balls stroked like that.”

I couldn’t believe my mother was working my privates over, and they were enjoying it. Jenny was watching rapt, and reached up with her good hand to tickle my nutsack. “Now don’t worry about your braces, Jenny: there’s no way you’ll get them caught on anything. Watch your teeth that you don’t bite down very hard. The secret is the tongue action: you need to work his ridges just like he works yours, like this.” Jenny started to move toward me, but Mom stopped her with her hand for a moment. “The best way to show you is this. Put your middle finger in my mouth. Put his cock in your mouth and move your tongue on his prick the same way I move it on your finger. If it gets really big suddenly, back off and let him breathe. Ready?”

“Yeah.” Mom stuck her tongue out to tease Jenny’s finger, curling to give it a light touch. Then, little by little, she sucked it in, her cheeks coming in and out and her tongue moving at warp speed. I could tell this by what Jenny did for me, and the sight of Mom sucking her finger was turning me on as well. After about a minute, I was getting ready to blow again, and Mom pushed me back, breaking all the connections. Jenny was beaming, “That was good, Mrs. Strickland. I think he liked that.”

Mom smiled: “Sure he did. I could tell. Just need to let him rest a little, he was getting too close, and you need to build him up more.” I must have given her a dirty look because she flashed the leprechaun smile again. Couldn’t believe my own mother was teaching her to edge me; I just wanted to bust my nut. She took two of Jenny’s fingers in her mouth and was trying to work out how to make them feel comfortable as Jenny started taking me deeper than ever before. I felt her tongue on the underside of my cock, then she reached under to play with my testicles. Jenny’s eyes got as big as saucers.

“All right,” Mom said, “You’re getting it.” Jenny’s improvement was fantastic, and she was able to take me almost all the way in. She started gently rocking me back and forth, letting me fuck her face, and Mom went down and started licking my balls. I touched Jenny’s fantastic hair: it was so soft and warm, and it made the experience complete to stroke her hair while I fucked her mouth. The hairs on the back of my neck started rising, like a huge lightning strike was on the way. My knees were quaking, and she backed off, letting me sag to the floor.

Jenny was gulping air as she pulled off suddenly. “He’s almost there. My mouth is worn out, I can’t do this any more. Can you finish him off?”

Mom nodded and smiled. “Why don’t you play with his balls and stroke his thigh?” I gasped as the short red hair descended and I felt her amazing mouth on me. It was a revelation; I could only think about how lucky Dad was. Mom started sucking me like a machine, going up and down like a piston, her boobs slapping on my legs. I wanted to put my hand on Mom’s head, but she wears her short hair in heavily gelled spikes, so I rested my hand on Jenny’s luxurious mane. Jenny leaned in and licked my balls. I was in heaven.

You know those minutes that stretch out forever, seem like a week goes by in a half minute? That’s how I felt as the sperm built in my balls, and when I could hold it back no longer, sent it skyward with a loud groan. It overflowed Mom’s mouth, dripping down on my legs, but she kept sucking and swallowed everything that went in. Escort Side Looking at Jenny with a stream of semen on her chin, she said: “Try a little of it, see how you like the taste. Good as time as any.” My girl bent over, licking the skin to get her share, and after a first taste, expanded her quest to get everything her older colleague missed. “Tastes nice, doesn’t it?”

Jenny nodded and smiled, a little goo clinging to her braces. The sunlight was bright red in my room, and some of the glints played off both women’s hair. Mom smacked her lips and wiped a few drops off her face and into her mouth. Jenny sat back on her heels and smiled.

Mom bent over me and gave me her leprechaun grin. “Are you ready to go out for dinner?” I smacked her butt and she laughed. “Well, I’ve had mine, so you kids can go on your own.”

“Mrs. Strickland, aren’t you afraid your husband will find out about this?” Jenny was concerned, and put her hands on my legs protectively.

“No, he won’t mind. It’ll make him so horny he’ll probably rape me in the front hallway when he gets home.” I groaned and turned away from her: this was one image I didn’t want in my imagination. Mom bent over, patting my cheek and making soothing sounds I remembered as a toddler. “I’m sorry honey, I know you don’t want to imagine your mummy and daddy having sex. Nobody wants to imagine that. You take a quick shower and I’ll get Jenny ready to go out. When you get back from dinner, you can practice a little more, I’m sure Jenny’s ready to make up for some lost time.” Jenny nodded and smiled, reaching to fish her clothes from the chaos on the floor.

Somehow we made our reservation time, and had a wonderful meal, as usual. She wore a halter top, and her perky nipples played with my libido the whole time. I was glad I’d already shot my wad, otherwise I would’ve had to walk out with a huge boner. I got her back to her house, but she was exhausted and I had to settle for a long French kiss good night.

The next morning, Mom woke me up by walking through my door stark naked. I shrunk away from her, pulling the covers up, but she ripped them away. “It’s going to be a couple more days until your Father gets home, and I can’t wait that long. Show me this great pussy licking technique I taught you.”

“But Mom, I don’t know…”

“Shit, kid. I sucked your cock last night, you could at least repay the favor. Didn’t I teach you right?” She sat down on my bed, feet and knees wide apart, and showed me more pale skin and freckles than I’d ever seen in my life. There was a neat strip of red fuzz between her legs, and she reached down to spread her cunt lips apart.”C’mon kiddo. Show Mommy what you can do.”

It was a little weird, but I couldn’t say no. I figured two could play the tease game, so I licked her thighs down to the back of her kneecaps first, moving slowly and returning to the promised land before veering on. Her breathing got deeper and she hummed to herself. I looked at her tits and was sorry I didn’t remember when I was a baby and they were lunch. Bypassing her pussy, I moved up her stomach and sucked her tits again, making her giggle as I circled he nipples.

Suddenly, she grabbed my head and put my mouth right against her cuntlips. “All right, you got me back for all the edging last night. Show me what you can do here.” So I worked around all her folds, probing and tickling with my tongue, sticking two fingers inside. Her body started heaving enough to make the bedsprings rattle and the bed bounce, then it shot a huge spray all over my face. I wiped my face on her legs as she came down from her experience.

“Looks like he’s ready for action again. That was worth two blowjobs.” Her red hair went into my groin and I laid back, my whole body tingling from her wonderful mouth. She took both balls in her mouth and sucked them, making my dick jump on its own, before licking her way up to swallow the whole length of my shaft. It wasn’t long before I came down her throat, and she kept me in her mouth until I was completely soft again. “Nice, nice. You have another date with Jenny tonight?”

I couldn’t talk. She moved her hand around her mouth to catch a couple of blobs and sucked the semen from her finger. “I’m sure you do. I’m on call from noon to midnight and again tomorrow, so I’ll be at the hospital until Monday. Bring her over here.” She stood up abruptly and wiggled her ass at me as she left the room.

I met Jenny around two in the afternoon in the park. We played flag football with our High School friends, but I couldn’t stop thinking about after the game. Grabbing a quick burger for dinner, we got back to an empty house and a full cookie jar of chocolate chip cookies. We spiked our milk with Creme du Menthe and pigged out.

After our snack, I couldn’t wait to get her upstairs, so I pulled off her clothes in the kitchen. Mine came off right after, and she gave me a little lick after pulling my pants off. Full body contact French kissing happened next, and I sat her on a stool next to the kitchen breakfast bar. I licked her tits like a maniac: I could get all of one in my mouth at once, and she raised her hands over her head so I could get a better sample of her delicious boobage. Then I worked down her tummy, making her giggle as I teased her belly button, before diving between her legs.

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