
Lisette Ch. 02


Dear Readers – Lisette makes a brief early appearance in this story, but it is really about her younger sister, Jillian. Enjoy!! Gapster


I smiled as I glanced at my phone and saw that it was my daughter, Laura, calling.

“Hi sweetie.”

“Hi, Daddy. How are you?”

“I’m doing well, thanks. What do you need?” I joked. Well, it was sort of a joke. It was pretty unlikely that Laura was calling me on a random Tuesday morning in October to just say hi.

“Daddy, that’s unfair. Can’t a girl just call her father out of the blue?”

“Hmm, I hadn’t thought of that remote possibility. But, yes, a girl can. It’s kind of you to think of me in the middle of a Tuesday morning.”

We made small talk for a few minutes as she caught me up with her studies as a junior at Clemson. She had followed in Jenna’s footsteps and was attending the same school her big sister had. I knew she was in the midst of mid-terms.

Life had changed considerably over the past four years since Jenna had been a junior herself. Our real estate business in Columbia had had a couple of excellent years and we had traded in our condo on Isle of Palms for a beautiful ocean-front house on Sullivan’s Island. It had a pool and four bedrooms, so it had had been ideal for when we were able to get our entire family together.

The girls were both doing well – Jenna had graduated and was working for a bank in Chicago and Laura was early in her junior year and excelling in her studies. The dark cloud in all of this was the passing of my wife early the previous year. An aggressive cancer had taken her at much too young an age and left the girls and me in a funky mist that was just beginning to clear.

“So, Daddy. I do have a favor to ask.”

I smiled. “Of course you do, sweetie. And that would be?”

“Well, exams are over on Friday morning and I was hoping a few of my friends and I could come down to the beach house for the weekend to chill. We won’t bother you. We just all need to get away from campus for a few days.”

The thought of having a crew of college girls bouncing around the house was certainly an easy vision to embrace. It got lonely around the house now when I was there on weekends alone, so a little younger generation company would be good for the soul. I was working four days a week now in Columbia and spending the long weekends at the beach as much as possible. I suppose I could have let them have the house to themselves, but I liked the idea of being there. Can’t always trust kids these days.

“Well, as long as you don’t mind me being there, sure. No problem. I’m heading down Thursday after work myself. How many of you will there be?”

“Hmm, probably six. You know a couple of them – my roomie, Shelly. But there’s also a couple of other girls from my floor coming too. It’s good group, Dad. You’ll like them,” she said with a giggle.

“I’m sure I will, sweetie. I’ll see you for dinner on Friday. I’ll get something together for you to eat when you get here.”

“Thanks, Daddy. You’re the best! I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetie.” I hung up the phone with a smile on my face. It was always great to hear from my girls, but now I had something to look forward to for the coming weekend as well.

That wasn’t to be my only surprise, however. On Thursday morning I received another call on my cell phone – this one out of the blue.

“Hi Jack,” I heard as I picked up my cell phone. My brain raced as I recognized a voice I hadn’t heard in over a year.

“Lissie? Wow – to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Lisette had been Jenna’s roommate in college for two years and had spent time with our family at various times during their days together at Clemson. I had had a fling with Lissie, which I chronicled in an earlier story (Lisette), and it had been one of the more intense and wonderful sexual experiences of my life. We had kept in touch since her graduation and I had visited her once in Baltimore when I was there for business. But Lissie had a serious boyfriend now – a very lucky older gent, to my chagrin – and our relationship had continued on a purely platonic level. I would always cherish, however, the few days I had shared with her four summers ago.

We made small talk for a few minutes as she caught me up on her life and I on mine. Then she got to the reason for her call.

“So,” she said in a way that told me we were getting to the meat of the matter. “I understand you’re going to have some guests this weekend.”

I was a little taken aback and confused, but I acknowledged that I was, in fact, expecting guests. How could she know this?

“Umm, yes, I am. My daughter, Laura, and some friends from her dorm.”

“Well, Jack, you’re not going to believe this, but I know one of the girls coming to visit with Laura very well.”

“Hmm. I know she’s bringing a posse, but I only know her roommate, Shelly. What are you trying to tell me?” I asked, trying to get to the point. “Who is coming that you know?”

There was Gölbaşı Escort a brief pause on the phone as I awaited the answer.

“My sister,” she stated. “Jillian.”

“What? Are you kidding?”

“I am not. Jillie – that’s what we call her – is on the same floor as your daughter and I guess they’ve become friends. I don’t think any of us had made the connection. But I was talking to her on the phone yesterday and she started telling me about her upcoming weekend. And when she mentioned Laura’s name and talked about going to the Charleston area and all, I suddenly put two and two together. I asked if your last name was Connors and she said it was and…voila! Pretty amazing, huh?”

“Geez, I’ll say. I don’t think Laura has made the connection. Wow!” I was stunned.

“No I don’t think she has, but she will. Laura came to visit Jenna and I twice at school, back when she was in high school. She’d certainly remember me.”

“Well, thanks for the heads up, Lissie. I’ll look forward to meeting your sister.” There was a hesitation on the other end of the phone, as if she wasn’t quite finished.

“Well, there’s one more thing, Jack. You know, I believe, that my parents got divorced ages ago and we’re both estranged from our mom. My dad’s been great, but I was always like a mother to Jillie as she was growing up and we’re very close. I’ve shared a lot with her as her older sister as she’s matured.”

I wasn’t sure where this was going, but something was afoot here.

“Yeah, okay,” I said to give her space to continue.

“Well, a couple years ago we were talking about sex, believe it or not,” she said with that sweet giggle of hers. “And Jillie was a freshman and becoming sexually active and, well, I was always honest with her and answered any question she’d ask me. And one night she asked me to tell her about one of my more memorable or taboo sexual experiences. And while I had a number to choose from, I told her about how I had had a most amazing experience with the father of my roommate at college. She was totally into hearing about it and I told her how everything happened.” I continued to listen in stunned silence.

“You have to realize, never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d someday befriend your younger daughter. That thought never even crossed my mind. But here we are and, well, I thought you should know…that she knows.”

“I see,” I replied. “And she knows…?” I could hear Lissie sigh on the other end of the phone.

“Everything, Jack. I told her everything that happened at the time. Even about giving you a blowjob in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot on the way home from Charleston that night,” she laughed.

I smiled at the memory. Grocery shopping had never been the same after that experience.

“Is your sister as pretty as you?” I guess I was going to find out soon enough, but I couldn’t help but ask.

“Jillian’s gorgeous, Jack – if you like tall curvy blonds. She’s got much lighter hair than me and, to answer your question, she’s much prettier. Yes.”

“Oh, I quite doubt that, Lissie. You’re being far too modest.”

“Well, you can decide for yourself soon enough. Anyway, the connection has been made and I know that she’s curious to meet you. She is going to mention this to Laura – without the details, of course – but she’d figure it out sooner or later. Isn’t this crazy?”

“It is. Wow. Well, Liss, thanks for sharing. I do appreciate it. I’ll mind my P’s and Q’s,” I stated, with not as much conviction as I had intended.

Lisette and I talked for a little while longer before ending our conversation. I hung up with a smile on my face. It was nice to hear from an old friend, but Laura’s junior invasion had suddenly taken on a whole new dimension.

Friday came and I had an extra spring in my step. I had driven down to the beach the previous evening and was getting the house ready for a flood of young guests. I was looking forward to seeing my daughter, of course, but I was equally anticipating a lively household over the weekend. Things had been pretty quiet on Sullivan’s Island since Laura had gone back to school, so a house full of energetic college girls was just what the doctor had ordered.

Laura and I had been texting during the day and I was to order a few pizzas to go as they were getting onto I-526. Our timing couldn’t have worked out better. Just as I was placing the hot pies on the kitchen island, I heard them pulling into the driveway. Seconds later a gaggle of young college girls burst through the side door.

“Daddy!” Laura screamed, as she ran up and threw her arms around me. She gave me a big hug and then introduced me around the room. It was an excited bunch – it was Friday, mid-term exams had just ended and they were finally at the beach. They were a wiggling mass of tank tops, tiny shorts and flip flops.

Laura introduced me quickly to her buddies and each politely shook hands and thanked me for the hospitality. One young lady hung back and was introduced last.

“And Gölbaşı Escort Bayan this is Jillian, Dad. We call her Jillie. And you know what? She’s Lissie’s younger sister. Do you remember her?” Laura asked innocently.

“I do. Isn’t that something?” I offered, as I took the opportunity to make eye contact with Jillie again. Her look spoke volumes, but was lost on Laura – fortunately. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I could tell that she knew that I knew, and vice versa. We shook hands. Her grip was warm and firm.

The rest of the girls had already dived into the pizza and the refrigerator door opened for what would be the first time of many. I took the opportunity to focus my attention on Jillian.

“Hi Mr. G. And thanks for letting us descend upon you,” she said with a lovely smile.

Lisette had not lied. Jillian was a stunner and I had really not taken in any more than her face and hair at that point. She was one of those fair-skinned beauties with a full mane of long wavy naturally blond hair. Most blonds seemed to purchase their hair color from a bottle, but Jillian’s tresses were pure and true.

Her big blue eyes had a sparkle that seemed friendly and forthcoming, yet I detected a bit of mystery as well. Her skin was as smooth as silk and her full lips were stretched in a generous smile. Her face was absolutely gorgeous and I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s my pleasure, Jillian. I hope you make yourself at home.”

“You can call me Jillie, Mr. G. Everybody does,” she added as I felt her eyes sweep quickly down my body, almost like she was checking me out. I kept my gaze on her face and didn’t let me eyes wander at that moment. There would be time for that later. At this point I wanted to play things in an ultra-straight manner. Her eyes twinkled as she smiled at me and then turned back to be with her friends.

Her turning gave me license to look. She was wearing a pair of low slung denim shorts, the hems unraveled in the fashion of the day. Her legs were long, curvy and smooth. I felt an overwhelming urge to slide my hand along her thigh. Her tight top was well short of her waist band, exposing a muscular stomach and flared hips. She looked like any coed that might be strolling across campus on a lovely fall day.

But, I felt I might be a little too obvious in my ogling and looked away, knowing I’d have more opportunities to size up this sexy beauty over the next few days. The girls all snarfed down a slice of pizza and then headed upstairs to claim beds and change into bathing suits.

As tempted as I was to hang around and watch them all bounce down to the pool, I decided to take the high road and retreat to my office and do some work. I smiled as I sat down at my computer and could hear the high-pitched voices of excited college girls tumbling down the stairs and out to the pool. The sun was close to setting, but they made the most of the waning daylight as the sounds of splashing and cavorting in the pool wafted through the French doors into my office. I peered out a time or two just to check on them, but didn’t want to play the overbearing father. They were good kids and I just wanted them to have a fun time.

I had established a few ground rules with Laura ahead of time. I’d have some beer and wine on hand for them, but they were not to go out in a car if they’d had anything to drink. And, if they did go out at some point, as they surely would, the driver would not, under any circumstances, imbibe in alcohol. I also didn’t want any boys hanging around. This was to be a girl’s weekend and I didn’t want to have to start worrying about hook-ups around my house. Laura had assured me that they’d comply with my rules – they just wanted to chill.

As the girls played by the pool I grabbed a couple of slices of pizza for myself and opened a nice cabernet from my private collection. I retreated to my office again and enjoyed my pizza and wine dining experience. The girls eventually came back inside as evening crept over the pool and Laura popped her head in to say they’d be watching a movie in the Sun Room. She thanked me once again for letting her friends descend upon my peace and quiet and then scurried off to rejoin her crew.

I wandered into the Sun Room a short time later to find them draped over the leather sofas and splayed out on the floor, watching some horror flick. I stood behind them and surveyed the crowd, most of them still in bikinis with some sort of shirt or top, and my gaze came to rest on Jillian.

She was laying on the carpet face down, her head propped up on her elbows and right foot in the air swinging slowly back and forth. My eyes swept down her long lean back as it narrowed into an impossibly tiny waist, only to flair back impressively at her hips. Her lower back emerged from a skimpy top and ascended a steep slope to a pair of the most seductive cheeks I think I had ever seen. Her glutes were tight soft bubbles of young flesh, barely encased by a striped bikini Escort Gölbaşı bottom that accentuated the sinfulness of her impressive curves. The way it stretched across the roundness of her perfect ass made it literally impossible to not stare.

She turned unexpectedly and caught me eyeing her lovely rear. I should have looked away in embarrassment, but I held her gaze and she smiled at me. God, she was a beautiful girl and in a most natural way. Her big blue eyes sparkled as she returned my gaze before turning back to the movie. I’d been busted, but for some strange reason, I didn’t care. I figure I had done enough damage for one short visit, so I retreated to my study to get some work done.

A half hour had passed before I heard a tap on the door and someone say, “Knock, knock,” in a very sweet voice. I lowered my glasses and looked over the rims to see Jillian standing at the door – a seductive vision of loveliness.

“Jillian. Hi. Come in,” I stated, trying to sound as cool as possible as my heart raced. “You’re not watching the movie?”

She smiled and shook her head. “No, I’ve seen it before. I was bored.” She entered the room slowly and surely. “And I thought it was a shame that you were all by yourself.” She eyed my glass of wine and saw the bottle of expensive cabernet on my desk. “Oh, drinking the good stuff alone, I see,” she stated with a conspiratorial wink.

“I am. But you’re welcome to a glass if you’d like one,” I offered.

I allowed my eyes to graze quickly over this barefoot beauty. I was becoming more enamored each time I looked at her. It appeared that she was wearing only two things. A very small bikini bottom of black and gray stripes and a gray top that looked like it was thermal underwear, only it was skin tight and the top three buttons were undone, revealing a luscious cleavage that defied description – and seemed to defy gravity as well. The material hugged the generous curve of her perfectly shaped breasts. The long sleeves were pushed up above her elbows and the bottom of it was a good six inches short of her bikini bottom, exposing her toned tummy and succulent curves. There was no way she could have walked through my door without knowing how incredibly sexy she looked.

It was clear from the shape of her breasts and the tightness of the top that she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts looked to be a solid C cup, maybe even larger, and they pressed against the stretchy cotton material in a most sinful manner. They looked soft and full, but with the pert uplift of youthful tit.`

Her hair hung in long loose strands of curly blond and, while unkempt at the moment, had an easy insouciant air of casual sexiness that seemed to pervade her entire personae. I was quickly getting pulled into her sensual orbit.

“Hmm, don’t mind if I do,” she replied. I grabbed an extra goblet from my little mini-bar and handed her a good pour, hoping it might mean she’d stay a bit longer than she had intended. Then again, I really didn’t know what her intentions were, but I was bound and determined to find out. I sat down again at my desk as she leaned her ass against the small conference table I have in the middle of the room. She crossed her ankles and took a sip of the deep red nectar.

“Mmm. This is excellent, Mr. G.” She took another sip, but kept her gaze on me the entire time. “Thank you so much for letting us invade your privacy this weekend. We all needed to get away and this was a perfect destination.”

“My pleasure, Jillian.”

“Jillie. Please,” she corrected.

“Jillie,” I said softly. She smiled in return and took another sip; her beautiful eyes peering at me over the rim of her wine glass.

“I was so sorry to hear about your wife, Mr. G. Laura was telling us the story. That’s so sad,” she said with a frown. God, her facial expressions were mesmerizing.

“Thanks, Jillie. It was a shock to all of us. I think the girls have handled it pretty well, though.”

“How about you? I hope you don’t spend all your time cooped up in this office.”

“Oh, no. I get out and about. I’m mostly here on long weekends. I have a life, of sorts, back in Columbia. My main office is there too.”

“Well, I’d suspect you’re the most eligible bachelor in Columbia then,” she said with a wicked smile.

“That’s kind of you to say, Jillie, but the truth is I’m pretty out of practice. And my heart just hasn’t been in it for a while now. I’ll get there. You’re kind to take notice.”

She smiled again, put the glass of wine down and leaned back on the table on her arms. The position pushed her breasts out in a most seductive manner and, try as I may, I could not keep my eyes off of them. She was clearly standing there in a position to show off her body, so I felt I had nothing to be embarrassed about by looking. She wanted me to look at her. Only a blind man would have been oblivious to her considerable charms. And so I did.

My eyes scanned her long lithe form, but it was hard to tear my eyes away from the soft swell of her barely contained breasts. I loved thinking that they were her natural form with no assistance from a bra. Only gravity and the snug fit of her top kept them in check. I could detect the slightest bump of a nipple sitting high and upward on each glorious orb.

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