
Living with an Exhibitionist Ch. 04

Cock Tease

And so it went. I went to work or class, Terry did his job, and we’d reconvene in the apartment at night. I noticed that if he got home before me, he would sometimes be naked when I came in, but he didn’t — or I got there first — he’d come to wherever I was in the apartment and systematically take his clothes off while talking to me about his day, subtly keeping my attention on him. When straightening up my room I regularly found his underwear and other clothes on my floor. It felt funny handling them.

Our workouts also continued, which necessitated some touching of each other for stretching and just being in close proximity. He would have me feel various parts of him to demonstrate what exercise worked for this or that, and then do the same to me when I tried to imitate him. He loved to mess with me when spotting me on the incline bench by wiggling his unit over my face, seemingly getting closer each time. I could smell the musk of him and tried not to give him any reaction but I knew that on some level we were both enjoying his little game of show-and-tell, and he enjoyed teasing me with his body as much as I enjoyed him doing it. Oiling him up after his shower became my job. Some days it was just a cursory rubdown, but when we had time he would drag it out. If he got a boner, I’d tease him about it, trying to keep the mood from getting too heavy.

One day he came home after me and came right into my room carrying shopping bags from various clothing stores.

“What’s all that about? You never wear clothes, why buy any?” I wondered aloud.

“Gotta go to a wedding with my girl in a few weeks. There’s like all these dinners and shit, so I have to look good. I don’t feel like her parents like me much, so I want to make a good impression. If I make her happy maybe she’ll finally give it up.”

“I wouldn’t count on it,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes. This was one of the few ways I could tease him, since he had made the mistake of confessing to me that he was — despite all his, um, Cebeci Escort visible charms, a virgin. He never asked me about my own track record, which was good because it was pretty pathetic. He would just blush and grin when I threw water on his ideas to get her to bed.

Changing the subject, he extracted a bunch of small tubes from one of the bags. “So part of my idea is to find the right cologne. I never paid much attention to it before, but I read in GQ that having the right cologne that works with your body chemistry is a big part of getting a girl into you. I put some on before, but then I found more, and I wanted to see what you thought.”

“I kinda liked this one,” he showed me one of the samples, then held his arm out to me. I sniffed his proffered wrist. “That’s okay, I guess. Not nuts about it.” He put several more on spots going up his arm, leaving a little room so I wouldn’t confuse them. He must have had 25 samples, and soon we had worked our way up both his arms past the elbow. He arranged all the tubes on my desk in order in an attempt to remember which one he put where.

“There were a few more I wasn’t sure about, they were kinda different,” he told me, rummaging in the bags again. Finding more tubes, he hesitated a second. “If I put it too close, we won’t be able to tell them apart. Oh, I got an idea,” he dabbed it on his belly instead, not far above the neat line of his pubes.

“I’m not sticking my face in your crotch,” I told him.

“Come on, I think you’re gonna like this one,” he cajoled. It’s not in my crotch, it’s on my stomach. Just give it a sniff.”

Reluctantly, I turned towards him again and he stepped between my knees. His dick was right at chin level, and I stretched upwards a bit and tilted my head back to avoid it, but he was also steadying himself with a hand on my shoulder, which prevented me from going far. I felt his pubes tickle my skin a bit, but he didn’t comment on it so neither did I.

I Kolej Escort actually liked that one the best so far, and it was pretty intense having my face that close to his warm skin. I hung there a second longer than I needed to, seeming to consider it, then pulled backwards.

“Yeah, that one is kinda nice,” I said casually, leaning back. My dick had boned up a bit in my pants, and his was also thicker and longer in front of my face.

“I thought you might like it,” he said, looking at me kinda funny. “I’m gonna go work out a little bit.”

I decided to leave him to it and stick with what I was doing, scooting under the desk a bit to mask my own arousal. I focused on what I was doing and managed to calm down a bit, when he came back in about 45 minutes later I had figured the weird moment had passed.

Now he was heated up, muscles standing out, and I could smell him coming as was usually the case when he had been working out. It wasn’t a bad smell, though. I secretly kind of dug it, to be honest.

“Hey, let’s see how it smells with my sweat,” he told me, spinning my chair around and tugging me towards him all in one movement, so I barely had time to position myself. As a result I was propelled into him so my nose and lips crash-landed on his skin, just above his pubes. He was velvety smooth and soft, which I knew from all the baby oil I had helped rub into his skin, but the feeling on my lips was very nice, and the sweaty musk of his crotch, along with the cologne which had trickled down from his stomach, did a job on my brain. I stayed that way for way too long, then realized I was holding him there, my hands on his bare hips and my lips against his skin. I felt his cock getting hard and pressing against my throat, fighting its way airborne.

I released him, and he backed away slowly. I felt the head of his cock drag over the stubble under my chin then bounce free, just missing my lips. It wasn’t all the way hard, but it was Rus Escort getting there, thick and full and pointing at me accusingly. He looked down at me, horny and amused and not at all embarrassed to be in this state in front of me.

My cock, throbbing in my pants after being tortured by the prolonged sight, smell and feel of him, betrayed me by leaving a wet spot on my pants, which was impossible for me to excuse any other way but that I very much enjoyed what we had just done. I was ready for him to tease me about it or even be mad, but his expression was actually kind.

“Dude, it’s cool. I’m not an idiot; I know you like this. I like it too, or I wouldn’t let you touch me. I’m not exactly shrunk up either, as you can see.”

And he wasn’t. His cock always swelled a bit when I was either touching him or he was just teasing me, and although it had relaxed a little, it was still obviously interested in what had just happened. The difference was that it was his own body that Terry got off on, and people’s attention to it. With me, it was obvious that it was him that turned me on, and that said something about me which we had not discussed. In fact, I had never had a strong attraction like this to a guy before, but he awakened the possibility in me that I might actually swing both ways. I had seen guys I thought were attractive before, but never spent this kind of time in close proximity to one, nor had the chance or inclination to do the stuff he and I had done.

“So you’re not mad?” I didn’t have to finish the sentence. He knew what I was admitting.

“Fuck no, if anything I should apologize for teasing you. I kinda had an idea you were enjoying it more than you let on, but I figured we’d talk about it when you were ready. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. It’s obvious you like looking at me, and touching me, and it should be pretty obvious that I like letting you do it. I’m glad we got this out in the open if it means I can relax around you. Help yourself, whenever you feel like.” He grinned and gestured down his naked form.

I was blushing, but relieved. In the back of my mind, I had known sooner or later it would be hard to deny the effect he had on me. I was glad he was as casual about this as he was about everything else. Relax around me? I wondered. How much more relaxed could he possibly be?

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