
Marine Girl Ch. 02


Chapter 2 – Bikini Girl

The walk from the changing room to the outside pool meant a lonely exposed trek across the cold wet tiled floors. In front of the whole wide eyed class who all laugh like crazed hyenas.

Sir was joined by Miss the girls tutor who looks at me sympathetically.

‘Have you met our new girl?’ Sir says briefly explaining the situation to Miss. He suggests I join the girls for their lesson and to my amazement Miss looks at me kindly.

‘You poor thing is Sir being unpleasant.’

I feel tears well back in my eyes. I nod.

‘Don’t worry my sweet as pretty as your sisters costume is I’m sure I’ve got something more suitable.’

Sir looks annoyed but turns his attention to his class keen to make up for lost time.

I sigh with relief as the girls swim back and forth obediently as Miss takes my hand and guides me round the pool into the girls changing room. I hesitate at the entrance.

‘Don’t be shy dear.’ She chirps pushing me inside.

Inside what I had considered an inner sanctum I gaze with amazement at all the girls dresses hanging smartly on their pegs. Its neatness was far removed from that of the boys messy tip.

‘Strip out of your sisters costume while I look to see what I’ve got.’ Nervously and with a little disappointment I pull the tight costume off my shoulders. Immediately I feel my crushed cock expand as if taking a much needed breath. Naked and even more embarrassed I hold it over my crutch. Miss reappears empty handed, a frown on her face. My heart sinks. But as I wonder what will happen next she holds out a fist, palm upwards and unrolls her fingers majestically to reveal a microscopic triangular piece of bubble-gum pink Lycra. I gulp and my throat dries.

‘These bikini bottoms are the closest thing I’ve got to trunks’, she says merrily ‘and lets face it you’re not well endowed.’

‘But, but,’ I stammer as she pulls my sisters costume smartly from my groin.

‘This bikini is not school regulation issue but its been left in the girls lost property box and is a shame not to use it.’ She chuckles and passes me the skimpy bikini. I stare at the minute piece of cloth and tangle of tiny strings. I look at her blankly.

‘I’m sorry,’ she says, ‘you don’t know what to do with it, do you?’ I nod sheepishly as she takes it back from me and feeds it between my slender legs. I blush as she slides it up into my crutch oblivious to my tiny cock twitching and ties first the right then the left string. At first glance she’s right it does look more like a boys pair of trunks than the one-piece costume but as I study it more closely the pink colour, the string tie sides and its sheer smallness made it obviously feminine.

‘Wow! Look at your curvy butt.’ Miss teases quickly adjusting the bikini on my hips and carefully positioning my little cock to hide behind the small triangular piece of material.

Amazingly it made my cock look even more diminutive but to my embarrassment I start to stiffen. Miss notices and gave it a playful slap.

‘Don’t worry about falling out my pretty, the cold water will put pay to that.’

I blush and marvel how flimsy the garment looks yet how secure I feel. I remember the marvelous sensation of the costume I had worn and holding my breath bend at the waist to let the new material surreptitiously slide up my butt. Mmm! I perform a twirl and look at my reflection in the mirror noticing how white my bottom is having exposed bits of flesh that hadn’t seen sun for years. I pick the material from my bottom cheeks and go to leave.

‘Good girl,’ she says advancing towards me. ‘but not so fast you must wear this too.’ In her hands she stretches a matching bikini top.

‘Oh! No,’ I cry my mind in a daze. ‘I can’t wear that. I’ll be a laughing stock.’ I back away yet feeling a stirring deep within me that wanted to wear the top. Confused I begin to cry. ‘I thought you where on my side.’ I blub.

‘Oh! but I am my sweet. Don’t worry.’ she says, stroking my hand. ‘Everything is going to be all right. This little bikini is so pretty you’ll look gorgeous. The guys in your class will fight over you.’ She sighs. ‘The girls all wear these nowadays.’

‘But I’m not a girl,’ I sniff wiping away a tear. ‘I’m a boy, I just forgot my things.’

Miss seems too bloody relaxed and smiles kindly. ‘Why don’t you just forget Kartal Grup Escort about being a boy today? Besides, You’ll never be like the other lads in your class, whatever you do. You’re always going to be a sissy. Why don’t you just enjoy wearing this bikini and stop worrying about the way you look. See for yourself. You look amazing but you can’t swim without covering your little breasts. It’s not decent.’

‘But, but..,’ I stammer, ‘the other boys don’t cover their chest.’

‘That’s right dear but they’re not wearing a girly bikini are they? And you can’t wear one without the other. Really… We may be a mixed school but we do have principles.’

She lunges at me and after a brief struggle she manages to wrap it round my chest and over my shoulders. Hopelessly overpowered she spins me around and ties the back strap with a secure but pretty bow.

‘Il faut souffrir pour être belle,’ she says in her matey way. ‘You must suffer to be beautiful.’

I reside to my fate and stop struggling. I blush. The bikini top is padded and it uplifts giving me the illusion of having two small breasts. Now with a nice a small cleavage I feel terribly girly. The one-piece was bad enough but the bikini’s far worse. The bottoms are incredibly skimpy and though tight I’m fearful of coming out. Miss didn’t share my concern.

‘Come on Nigella, new girl,’ she sneers down at me, slapping my Lycra clad bottom. Let’s not be late. I want you swimming in my class showing the boys how good us girls are in the races.’

Big mistake. Huge.

Chapter 2 – Suffer little Girl

Outside, the class all stop swimming and laugh like crazed hyenas as I mince round the pool. Immediately I feel the strong afternoon sun begin to burn my sensitive exposed white skin.

Sir looks at me disapprovingly. ‘You’re welcome to him but I hardly see him helping your team.’

The boys laugh and the girls look angrily at me.

So that’s where I went into the pool with the girls. They splash me, duck me and laugh at me but the novelty soon wears off and they calm down and despite the occasional wolf whistle from Mark I got on ok. Or so I thought.

Funny but after my initial embarrassment, I enjoy parading up and down the baths swinging my hips, the high-cut of the bikini giving me a truly marvelous pair of legs which most girls where jealous of. Needless to say my apparent delight in this punishment was much to the annoyance of both teachers and class.

To my surprise the girls where excellent swimmers. I’d never noticed before but they had style, poise and stamina whilst I had none of these. Even with a foam buoyancy aid, I simply couldn’t keep up. Frequently chastised Miss found I was dragging the class down. Needless to say she got progressively annoyed and when I lost the girls team a race she orders me out of the pool.

‘Nigella, You’re hopeless,’ she cry’s. You’re making no effort and you obviously enjoy dressing as a girl.

‘No,’ I cry, ‘that’s not true.’ But she wouldn’t listen as she frog-marches me to the cold shower beside the diving boards.

‘You know what we do to girls that don’t try, don’t you?’

I shook my head. ‘But I am trying,’ I whimper.

‘Nonsense you’re a pathetic child even as a girl.’ Then to my surprise she picks a length of rope from the emergency life saver and took my hands tying them above my head, on to the shower pipe.

She grins. ‘all trussed up. Now then, what shall we do with you? … I know. You’ve probably see what we do with naughty girls.’

I shake me head.

The girls all treading water laugh loudly. She reaches for the shower leaver.

‘Don’t please,’ I cry.

Playfully, she turns it on for a fraction of a second. I let out a short squeal as the tiny amount of water came into contact with my warm skin. Before I could say anything, she ran her fingers down the crevice between my breasts, where the short spurt of water had cascaded. Then she broke off a branch from a nearby tree and ran its spindly leaves over my scantily clad body. My breathing shortened. Lightly, she whips my breasts with it, then did the same all over me, harder with each strike. ‘You’re useless,’ she says quietly so no one else can hear. ‘Useless as a boy. You’re a sissy and the sooner you accept it the better your life will become.’ She leans toward me, I feel her hot breath Kartal Manken Escort on my ear. ‘I’ve got a lovely school girls tunic and blouse that would suit you. Or perhaps you’d prefer a pretty pleated skirt, ankle socks and kitten heels.’ My little cock began to stiffen again. She drops the branch and lets me have another torrent of freezing cold water.

‘Please stop Miss,’ I cry.

Miss didn’t stop.

I hung for a further 45 minutes as the class continues in between giggling and gawking at me. I roast like a barbecue pig in the sun under the cloudless sun. Both classes continue. My skin began to redden and burn as Mark walks past me to dive off the board. I’m subjected to another icy blast of water and can’t help but scream and shriek.

When the lessons over I receive another final cold drenching and am untied and frog-marched back to the boys changing room. Once inside I try to be myself and mix with my friends but even they treat me oddly. Sir is nowhere to be seen and everyone laughs at my lobster red skin. Steve ambles over, claps his big hands on my hips and deftly yanks my bikini strings causing it to fall gracefully to the tiled floor. I stand there looking pathetic unsure what to do. The class roar with laughter. As I struggle to pull the bikini back up. Where the bikini had been I’ve now a comical triangular shaped white patch on my crutch and bottom just larger then a postage stamp. You could even see the tiny line of the side strings. To make matters worse my paper white skins framed by bright lobster red skin.

‘There’s no mistaking he’s a girl.’ Cries Steve, ‘You can see he’s been wearing a bikini.’ All on cue the lads all laugh.

‘Stop it, stop it,’ I cry.

‘Oh! She’s upset. Stop it, stop it!’ he mocks. The class laugh louder.

Steve’s towel around his waist falls to the floor and I can’t help but notice his huge cock proudly sticking towards me like a bayonet. He sees my gaze.

‘Yeah,’ he cheers, ‘you may well gawk. I guess you’d like to wrap your sweet lips round this.’ he winks at Mark and flicks my bikini top exposing my white skin. I try to remove it.

‘Keep it on,’ he shouts ‘now get into the shower’.

I’m roughly pushed into the shower, his eyes roaming hungrily over my body. Standing in the shower still wearing the pink bikini I feel as if the lights where on me, my skin glowing red. Then out of his tallness came the chanting. First as a whisper. I could hardly hear.

‘Sissy, sissy’. His voice got louder and louder. Other lads join in and as their chanting rose too fever pitch I’m frog-marched deeper into the shower. Sandwiched between Steve and Mike. Water cascades on my face. I squint. I can hardly see.

‘Sissy, sissy!’ they chant like religious monks. I don’t know why but I involuntarily flap my eyelashes at Steve, touch him lightly several times and fuss about the temperature of the water and hum a few bars of a Kylie number. God! what had become of me I was behaving like a nervous jerk and was thinking like a girl.

Steve notices too. ‘Shut up girl. You’ve been bad, and I’m gonna use you like a sissy bitch, and when I’m done, you’ll thank me for it.’

His heart races as he pushes me onto my knees. Water splashes around me. ‘Suck my cock.’ he commands.

Hardly able to see with the soap and water I could just make out Steve’s huge cock pointing at me menacingly. Both Mark and Steve now have their hands on my shoulder.

I couldn’t help myself. I felt a desire awaken within me. I dreamt of similar scenarios but never anticipated to be involved. I knew what to do and I wanted to do it. The bikini had unleashed my dominant feminine side and I wanted to show it.

With trembling hands I wrap my thin fingers around his cock and let the power of it flow into me. Shyly, I felt its girth, his wiry pubes and heavy sack. It’s sheer size overwhelms me. I smell his scent. He’s so much bigger than the other boys and made me look ridiculous.

‘That’s a good sissy.’ he whispers, ‘You know what to do. Sucking cock comes naturally to a girl like you. You’re pathetic.’

I made a ring with my fingers and circle his full shaft easing my hand along the warm skin as water from the showers cascades over my body. The big mushroom of his head hung only centimeters from my lips. What’s happening to me? I’m petrified yet I want Kartal Masöz Escort more. I want to taste it, to put it in my mouth and feel it fill me up.

‘That’s my girl, you’re a model pupil, eager and willing to learn.’ Steve whispers cruelly. ‘That’s a good girl.’

I hung on his every word, but something strange happened I didn’t want to be a good girl. I want to be bad, a little schoolgirl slut, a cocksucking whore, and the desire overwhelms me. I move my head forward and felt the stiffening length of Steve’s twitching cock press into my mouth, stretching my wet lips. Despite the water from the shower I still could taste the salty flavor of Steve’s pre-cum, and the taste only made me hotter. Steve looks down proudly, his cock stuffed deeply into my mouth. I close my eye’s and feel like a million dollars. Steve wasn’t impressed.

‘What! Open your eyes and look at me bitch. Steve says, loudly. ‘You won’t learn anything with them shut.’ obediently I prise my eyes open and stare up at him submissively. I feel like a besotted teenager. I’m completely his girl. Steve looks around cautiously and without saying anything mysteriously communicates with the other lads who surround me in circle of naked bodies. Satisfied we will avoid detection he starts to pump at my mouth harder, with more vigor, holding my swim capped head with both hands, fucking my mouth with no mercy. Despite the humiliation I’m so hot I feel my own little cock jerk and soil my bikini. But Steve’s selfishly not interested. Blindly he thrust his huge cock in my mouth in a way that sent me into a dreamy little fantasy. It’s remarkable. I no longer thought of myself as the bullied sissy but instead I imagine myself as a dirty schoolgirl slut sucking her big cocked boyfriend. I could only think of being used, being his little toy. I was at his mercy, prepared to do anything for this young man as he thrusts his cock down my throat.

Larger and larger his cock grew and I could tell as his excitement mounts that it would soon explode in my mouth. Pleasure turns into wild excitement. Mark and his loyal followers egg him on. ‘Go on my son,’ they cry. This makes me even hotter excited in the knowledge that I’m about to bring my young man off.

‘Suck me bitch,’ Steve cry’s thrusting his groin at me. ‘Suck me dry you cock sucking slut.’

My lips quiver and despite my pleasure tears inexplicably roll down my face and mix with the water from the shower. All of a sudden I feel him twitch and spasm. He grunts, he thrusts. He takes his hands off my shoulders and clamps them round my swim hat. Hardly able to move he selfishly pumps my mouth, frantically rocking my head back and forth like a throbbing piston.

The inevitable happens yet I’m still surprised as his hot cum shoots like a pressurised fireman’s hose into my mouth. I gag and swallow his thick, creamy cum. Steve satisfied after dumping his load pulls out his enormous cock and slaps it across my face, cum still dripping from it like saliva from a monsters gaping jaw.

‘Don’t say a word, bitch or else.’ He shrieks.

Yet I oddly want to be held by him, to kiss and be cuddled. I look up and nod submissively as raises his foot, puts it on my shoulder and pushes me to the floor. Steve’s band of followers all clap and shriek excitedly as if watching a hero gladiator kill a lion and I wonder for an instant if I’m to give another lad head.

Crumpled on the floor I look up at Steve, towering above me. I smile sweetly and gratefully.

Steve smirks. ‘To complete today’s lesson you now need to be fucked, you little slut, and you’ll love it.’ But I felt to relaxed to concentrate or complain. In fact, everything was hazy.

‘No, Steve, no, Stop it. Sirs due back any minute.’ I whine cum still dribbling from my mouth. But that wasn’t the only reason for being hesitant I was fearful of what his huge cock would feel like in my tight little butt. I struggle to stand.

‘Shut up sissy girl. You’ve been bad, and I’m gonna use you like a bitch.’ He laughs mockingly, ‘and when I’m done, you’re gonna thank me for that too.’

‘But Steve . . .’ I whine. But Steve was behind me now, rubbing his hands up over my pretty curves. He plunges a huge hand down my bikini bottoms and ran it sexily between my butt cheeks. Whilst with the other hand he began to massage my little ball sack while loosening my arse with his thumb. I was rock hard and despite everything I push my arse back against Steve’s thumb, forcing it deeper and deeper into my pink little anus. Soon I had become amazingly loose and I began to wonder how nice it would be to have Steve’s meaty cock embedded in my arse. Yet it was not to be…

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