You are “kept” in my home as a willing, but servile, girl. Twenty-five now, you first arrived about three years ago. You have learned to be available at my whim, for whatever purpose I may require; many of them, but not all, sexually oriented.
One thing I sometimes have you do, is to work under the orders of my house staff, particularly the head maid who directs a trio of girls who keep the place neat, tidy, and shined where it should be, warm, cozy, and comfortable where it should be, and masculine, powerful, and intimidating where it should be. When working for her, you are to follow any instruction you are given, unless it directly contradicts specific instructions I have given you previously. It is unlikely this will happen, since Heather (the head maid) knows my preferences quite well.. and also knows that her job depends upon going about things my way. She may however, as I’ve instructed her, occasionally test you to see if you remember that my instructions trump hers if there is any discrepancy between the two.
Working for the maid staff, which occurs every week or two, depending upon your recent behavior, will most often entail taking care of some of the tasks the others least like to do. Bathrooms, laundry areas, closets, the attics, and most exhausting of all; hand buffing the marble entryway and main hall, a task properly performed on all fours.
On this afternoon, after you have finished the five bathrooms, your back aches from all of the bending, scrubbing, and making sure that the toilets are clean enough to drink from (which we test by having you do exactly that). You are surprised to hear that you’ve been assigned to the open sunroom at the back of the mansion, having never been allowed to service that area before. With instructions to approach the hand cleaning of the Italian ceramic tile floor, you know that you are in for a long stretch of backbreaking, knee bruising duty, but at least it is outside with a view of the gardens, a bit of the pool and pool house, and almost within sight of the rose and sculpture gardens beyond. The latter two gardens you’ve heard of, but never been allowed to visit.
So, dressed in your Sahabet traditionally sexy little French maid outfit… cut short at the skirt and low in the front… and corsetted (which makes breathing all the more difficult with such physically demanding work), you arrive at the sunroom area with bucket, sponges, brushes, and cleaning products in hand. You recall how embarrassed you were the first time you were told to dress this way, for such duty. It was humiliating to be forced to put on something that so very obviously portrayed you as nothing more than a stereotypical objectified image; designed for entertainment and sexual pleasure. But that was some time ago, and gradually you accepted, and then learned to cherish the opportunity to dress this way for me. Often it led to experiences that were both richly humiliating and erotic; two themes which tended to blend nicely for you… when aroused in the service of your Master. When you are on your hands and knees working, the skirt shows just a hint of the curve at the bottom or you ass.. which you keep firm and round from your assigned fitness routine. Your breasts… pushed up nice and full by the corset, will appear just as I like… firm and full, and pushed hard against the low cut front of the dress; spilling over just a bit.
You’ve learned, of course, that in either of your roles.. as simply my live in sub, or as a lower level maid, you do not speak with me unless you are spoken to. In fact, while on this duty, you do not speak to anyone except Heather to ask questions that are relevant to the proper completion of your assigned tasks. Otherwise, only with direct permission from me are you to speak to anyone, or even to look them in the eye… as you generally will keep your head lowered to attend to your work, or to defer to anyone I might have invited to my home for a visit. Even with the other junior maid staff, you defer in this way.. which of course delights them since they are at the bottom of the service hierarchy unless you are working.
I am well aware that these girls make fun of you, tease, and ridicule you behind closed doors. I also know, though you’ll never Sahabet Giriş hear it directly from them, that they are fascinated by your role in the home, and achingly curious about the full reality of your relationship with me. They certainly know that you are at all times to be at my service, seemingly for anything, because they see you when you are not working below them. In fact, they have, by my design, had the occasional opportunity to watch briefly from an unobtrusive place while I use, abuse, or reprimand you. These times are clearly sexually arousing to everyone involved (you, Me, the girls) but they are not allowed to observe explicit sexual behavior; particularly the multiple body quivering orgasms you experience when given permission to do so. Sometimes they do see you after a session, looking exhausted, used, but also immensely satisfied with the strange combination of grin and grimace you wear. They are always left wondering what it must be like; and each, secretly, would like to have the chance to experience it at least once
I am certain they would, since they have been carefully chosen based on work skills, appearance, and private investigation revealing that each has substantial submissive sexual needs and unsatisfying sexual relationships with boyfriends or husbands. I find that this keeps the interpersonal and sexualized tension in the home at a satisfying level of arousal. The hidden camera system also allows for my occasional entertainment watching how each of the four in the maid staff are tempted to, but afraid to, make a pass at each of the others. They generally only flirt and hint, because they are basically straight. The eagerness to taste one another arising only because they are (1) so sexually starved at home, and (2) because the sexual tension in my home is kept at a highly provocative but generally subliminal level.
While you begin your work… sinking to the down on all fours position required, I notice that you keep your back a bit straighter, your head held a bit higher (though appropriately facing down), and your ass perked up more than is typical of you either when you are alone or Sahabet Güncel Giriş in front of any of the other staff (the cameras are quite handy in providing information that allows for such comparisons). I smile slightly behind my newspaper, pleased to see that you are far more concerned about being appealing to me than in any other circumstances serving in my home.
After about fifteen minutes, during which you have silently done your scrubbing.. which will take another hour before time for the buffing to start, I finish both my paper and the glass of 2002 David Arthur Cabernet I prefer this afternoon. Setting both on the table beside me, I ring for Heather, who dashes in well before a minute passes. She knows better than to take longer.
“I’d like another glass of the Arthur, and you can send the girl in as well.”
Heather curtsies in good form, keeping her eyes higher than you are allowed, but not fully engaged with mine, she says, “… of course Sir, right away Sir…” and hurries out of the room.
Again within a minute, she reappears with the wine on a tray, brings it to me, and places it silently on the table. She curtsies without a word, and goes to the door into the main part of the mansion. Pulling the door open, the girl I’ve asked for is standing, dressed as instructed, and looking particularly appealing due to the combination of her excitement about being here, her fear that she may not make the best of it, and her uncertainty as to exactly what will be expected of her. I’ve learned through practice over the years that this is an ideal state for a girl be in when she auditions for me. Enough stress to be aroused, and enough eagerness to bring a good deal of energy to her performance.
This one is twenty-two. They always range between twenty and twenty-seven. Anything younger is both brutish and appallingly unethical. Anything older and it is too late to start training with any hope of sufficient progress on a reasonable timetable.
As with each girl who auditions, she is attractive. Most could be runway, swimsuit, or lingerie models if they had chosen. But they have begun to realize their own fascination with a more pleasing and erotic approach to using their bodies, minds, and their specific versions of the infinite possibilities of personality types. Thusly, they have found their way here, sometimes through the expertise of the staff I always have searching for the best prospects.