
Model Sex Slave Ch. 15


PART XV (The Lodge)

Diana endured her third punishment session, early in the morning, the second one having been at midnight. She had climaxed twice each time and had brought her correctors to the same dizzying high’s, once each session. She genuinely relished role-playing, getting herself completely wrapped up in the act. Sometimes almost forgetting that is wasn’t real.

She thanked them both, for their generous effort to correct her offending behavior. She added that, with a few more weeks of guidance, they would see her become worthy of belonging to such an upright and respectable school

Brad picked her up at the door and led her downstairs with Daisy, who had served in a room, a few doors away. The girls were allowed to wash each other, which pleased them both greatly. After they finished, Brad brought them into the change room and had them dress in kitchen duty aprons. Before they put them on, Brad gave them each a small cloth Velcro belt. He told them to fasten their large breasts together with them, so they wouldn’t swing out of the aprons, while they were working. The aprons had long sleeves incorporated in them and covered their shoulders but no sides. There were ties around the neck, the waist and at the top of each thigh to keep their fronts covered, in case of splashes near the stoves. He checked them over and reached his hands under the front from both sides, moving their breasts both ways to make sure they were bound properly. They waited as he checked two other girls, who were dressing to serve the tables. They wore white lace bra’s, that left the nipples exposed. Their skirts were so short, that nearly half their asses were showing and barely covered their pubes. The garter belts had black frilly lace edges and the stockings were black reaching mid thigh. Then of course, they wore high heels and a maid’s headpiece. Finally, he gave them lace wristbands and a neck collar to match.

Before he took them to their workstations, he let them know that sometimes they would be told to submit to sex in the dining room. This would be a quickie and only one girl at the time could be held up that way. There would be no sex in the kitchen of course but you could be called out to serve someone. There is usually a lot of fondling; pinching and kissing but sex is rare at breakfast. The girls serving were expected to kiss every one they waited on, as they brought them the food. This meant, that when you served coffee or tea, you set the pot on the table after pouring, in order not to have an accident. Breakfast kitchen duty was uneventful for Diana and Daisy. She noticed that one of the servers got screwed doggie style, while leaning over a table but that was all. They were finished in the kitchen by 10:00. Alicia than brought them back and led them to the showers. When the girls were done, Brad took them to the dock in front of the lodge. Lee was also there but dressed in red shorts and a red collar. That meant that she had her period and was not going on a sex assignment. In addition Sean was there and a blond boy by the name of Dan.

They helped carry and load the small motor boat, with supplies for a picnic. After boarding, they were taken to an island in the middle of the bay. It turned out to be two islands, separated by two narrow inlets to an almost circular body of water, about one hundred feet in diameter. The islands were heavily wooded with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees, creating a secluded spot for small boats the one shore had about fifty feet of sandy beach and the boat landed there. The slaves got out and unloaded the coolers and other equipment. Every thing was placed in a shady spot behind a huge rock formation for Lee to look after.

Two wooden structures about fifty feet apart turned out to be pillories. Brent took Diana to one and opened it up telling her to put her neck in the wooden half cutout. He then closed the top down and latched it. Her back was now nearly vertical and he told her to spread her legs out about two feet. He attached ankle retrains to her legs and chained them to two posts, driven into the ground. Her hands were also fitted with restrains and fastened to short chains below the crossbar. He then took Daisy to the other pillory and locked her there, in a similar manner.

Sean and Dan were tied, lying on their backs, on two heavy wooden benches between the two pillories. Their arms were cuffed underneath the benches and their angle restraints chained to the bench. He told them that Lee was behind the rock to help them in an emergency: take them for a leak give them water, wash them and so on. Other than that, they were not allowed to speak to her or each other. He then returned to the boat and left. Twenty minutes later he came back with four more sex slaves: two males and two females. They unloaded more supplies from the boat and set up barbecues close to the water. The sex slaves were then shackled with thirty-foot chains fastened to their ankles. The chains were attached Tipobet to poles driven into the sand at equal spaces on the beach. The slaves on both ends were male and their chains would reach the pillories.

Soon three boatloads of men and women arrived, as far as Diana could tell about eight or ten couples. They had blankets and chairs and the beach slaves arranged them as they wished. Some wore bathing suites and others’ shorts and tee shirts. Lee would circulate between the sex slaves making sure they were not thirsty or bothered by insects. Some of the visitors were now beginning to take notice of the slaves on display. They would stand around one, in small groups and discuss the slave’s physical attributes and then move to the next slave.

It was about twenty minutes before the first man came to Diana and began fondling her body. He called the slave near him and ordered the boy to remove his shorts. She got five fairly hard slaps first and then he walked around to her face and positioned his penis near her mouth. Diana eagerly lubricated his weapon since her vagina was still dry. He was gentle though, when he penetrated her and only gradually inserted it completely. She noticed that Daisy was also being used now and a woman was sitting, gyrating her ass on Sean’s face. Her penetrator now began to stroke her faster, while fondling her breasts. Another man was now standing near her face and he ordered her to pull down his swim trunks. He took a hold of her hair and pushed his semi hard penis in her mouth. She reached for his balls, without being told and soon had his penis stand attention in her mouth. The cock in her cunt was now ready to explode by the sound of his groans. She was penetrated by four men and blew three in the next hour.

After that, Brent released her and replaced her with one of the female beach slaves. Diana was then chained on the beach, in her place. She was allowed to go in the water as far as the chain would reach, for a sorely needed wash. The beach slaves were not used for sex. It was a rest from sex duty in the pillories or benches. They were expected to pamper the guests though, undress them, massage sun oil and serve them food and drinks. Daisy was also getting a working rest, as were Sean and Dan.

The hour was soon up and she was returned to be secured into the pillory. There was already two men standing there with semi on and they simultaneously plunged their weapons into her body. While she was being locked in, she caught a glimpse of a woman standing at the other pillory with a strap on penis. Her vaginal penetrator this time was huge, stretching her insides to the limit. Eventually her juices began to flow and she began to enjoy his strokes. The penis in her mouth soon shot its load into her throat and he left, after she had vacuumed him clean.

Two men were waiting already but with a woman. They picked her up and held her so Diana could eat her out. She screamed out her satisfaction, at about the same time, the monster piston in her vagina, fired barraged of cum at her womb. Pulling out, he slapped her ass a couple of times and then exchanged places with the woman. Diana slurped his monster clean, while the woman eagerly sucked and swallowed the cocktail of semen cunt juice out of her vagina. The two men who had held her now penetrated her at either end and the woman mounted Diana’s back. She was facing back and Diana could hear her necking noisily, with her rear penetrator.

Another woman came up and necked with the other man. He put his arms around her, while she put her hand on the back of Diana’s head and pushed it onto his cock, repeatedly. “Is she blowing you right honey?”

“Oooh yea, she knows her stuff.”

“This one belongs to Marg and Don, I understand she is in great demand. You want to reserve her for a weekend some time.”

“Well, I’ll fuck her next time she’s on and decide then. She does have a terrific body, look at those tits.” They both leaned over and felt them, as he neared his orgasm and began to groan.

“I’m coming honey, ooooooooh kiss me while I blow my load in her throat.” He blew five jets in the back of her mouth as Diana gently caressed his anus and perineum. She vacuumed his shaft enthusiastically and thoroughly, swallowing every drop. “She is good honey, remind me to come back and fuck her, like I said before.” They walked away arm in arm kissing and hugging. Lee was standing close by, waiting for her to finish and let her drink some coke from a straw, while her cunt was still being pounded. He finally blew his load, moaning into his wife mouth. As he pulled his cock out, his wife jumped down to suck his cum out of Diana’s vagina and he walked around to be sucked clean. They spent a few minutes looking her over, feeling and slapping her body everywhere.

“She brought you off quick dear, good action in there?” She poked a finger in Diana’ vagina, who gave her a sample of her vaginal contraction skills. “She is good isn’t Tipobet Giriş she, maybe we should reserve her for a weekend some time?” She walked around and put her finger in Diana’s mouth, letting her suck her own juice.

“Yea, I like her, why don’t you talk to Marg, she’s always got well trained girls. I think that blonde one over there, belong to her too. Want to have a look? ”

“You go honey, I want to try out that black boy there, on the bench, he’s free now.” They walked away and Diana watched, as she sat down, rotating her ass on Sean’s face, her hands on his chest. She then let herself down on top of him sucking on his eight-inch rod. Her field of view was then blocked, as a cock touched her lips. She turned her head towards the intruder, demanding access to her mouth and opened wide. Her hands found his balls and she began licking the engorged mushroom of yet another cock. A woman’s gentle touch on her thighs told her that a pair of lips was nearing her vagina. She thrust her pelvis back and a slender tongue began exploring her dripping hole.

During her next break Marg and Don arrived, Marg spend a few minutes with Daisy first and then came and sat down with Diana. They kissed passionately as Diana squeezed her tight. “Is everything all right dear?”

“Yes mistress but I miss you, it’s been so long.”

“I know but that’s what this lodge is for, we share our wealth here. I’ve read your diary this morning. I see you had a little time after breakfast.”

“Kind of sketchy I’m afraid. I didn’t have much time.”

“You’re a good writer Diana, you are writing stories not a diary.”

“Well that’s one thing I was good at in school, my teacher wanted me to go on to college.”

“Who knows Diana maybe we can do something about that this fall. Well, I got see some people, keep it up, people are talking about you,” she left. Lee and Diana were serving some people their food and drinks. She was fondled and kissed a lot while she was serving by both men and women. One woman wanted to be fed mouth to mouth; she would feed her a mouthful and then leave to serve someone else. As soon as she could then, she fed the woman more. Her hour was soon up and her body was displayed for sexual pleasure again. The first man was the one who had said before, that he would be back. He put his cock in her mouth first while his wife fingered her vagina.

“I got her wet for you already honey, let me warm her ass for you.” She slapped Diana four or five times, “that’s quiet an ass this girl got.”

“Yea and look at those thighs, very nice.” She fitted his cock to her vagina and he thrust the head in gently holding on to her hips, then he forced in into the hilt. Diana cooed with pleasure as his average cock began stroking her vagina. His wife caressed her back and sides and then fondled her breasts. She liked this couple, they didn’t seem to pay attention to her as a person but they were gentle and loving the way they used her. She gave him the benefit of all her experience, vaginal contractions and her best ass wiggle. Oh honey she is good, I’m going to blow it soon. Go neck with her. There is no one in her mouth right now.” The woman got on her knees and necked with Diana reaching for her breasts. Diana fondled her breasts’ french kissing her, as the husband began to groan louder. Her body trembled as her own orgasm started before his but her spasms brought him over the brink. He exploded moaning ecstatically, ramming her four times as his jets of cum spattered her insides. Diana gasped for breath from her own climax, as the woman sucked on her lips.

“You’re still hot aren’t you sweetie,” the woman said?

“Yes ma’am that was good. I came when your husband did.” She kissed her again and then made room for her husband’s cock. Diana sucked it clean, deep throating him in the process.

Don came over next and she eagerly sucked on his cock, excited to have her master’s penis in her mouth again. He pulled it out and began fucking her vagina. She cooed with pleasure and started her lower body magic slowly, wanting to enjoy her master’s penis as long as possible. He slapped her thighs lightly and picked up his speed. Diana increased her motions and contractions reaching maximum speed in about one minute. She trembled with excitement and came in a rousing climax, as she relished the feel of a familiar cock. Don matched her climax, groaning with satisfaction, as he blew his load into his personal black sex slave. He walked around and let her clean off his dripping penis, which she did with loving care. He held her head with both hands and stroked her hair, as she sucked and licked her master again and again.

“Ah Diana you’re a treasure, many people here are talking about your competence.” He squatted down and kissed her passionately. “We are really proud of you sweetie,” he then left, making room for more erections.

She served five more men and two women, on what was to be her last shift in Tipobet Güncel Giriş the pillory. She spent an hour chained on the beach and was then released, as the cleanup started.

They had a well-deserved shower when they got back and supper was on the boxes when they returned to their cots.

After a short rest, they were called again and taken to be dressed. This time they wore fancy garters, stockings and bra’s made from one-inch wide lace, which hid nothing. They were hostesses for the restaurant and would lead the guests to their seats. Alicia gave them instructions in the office first. They would meet each guest putting their arms around their necks, kissing them passionately. If they were tongued, they would return it. Next they would reach one arm around the guest’s waist and the other on their upper arm, just above the elbow and lead them to the seat. Holding their chair, they would push it in as they sat down and then stand as close to their right side as they could. They would stay there until more guests arrived at the entranced. While they were there they would coo and moan happily submitting to kissing and fondling as well as spankings.

After everyone was seated, the girls got a surprise. They were to get up on a small stage at one side of the dining room and dance seductively for the guests.

Alicia then came up and whispered something in Diana’s ear. Diana smiled happily and began to make love to Daisy. They had to do it standing, fondling and kissing each other for ten minutes. They had both practiced this with Lee and knew how to present their bodies to the audience for maximum visual display. The foreplay being done, Diana slowly got on her knees with her back to Daisy and then arched her neck back, contacting Daisy’s vagina with her tongue. Her white sex slave sister then fondled and kissed her own breasts, as Diana began titillating her vagina with her mouth. Daisy cried with pleasure, real tears running down her cheeks as Diana’s tongue brought her to an exhilarating climax. Daisy helped her black sister up and greedily licked her own pussy juice of her face and neck. It was then Daisy’s turn to get on her knees. Diana was so excited by then, that she orgasmed as soon as Daisy’s tongue touched her vagina. Daisy managed to hide it from the audience, by swallowing the flow and she continued, knowing her multi orgasmic sister would soon flood her face again. Diana bent over and fondled Daisy’s breast and whispered to her, “swallow the next one as well. I want this to last as long as possible.” Daisy was ecstatic; she could lick her sister for hours. Diana climaxed twice before Daisy got up and kissed her beloved slave sister, to a rousing applause from the audience.

About ten that evening the buzzer sounded, Diana was half-asleep and staggered to her box. A huge stocky black man in shorts entered the dormitory and began examining the slaves. He looked like a football player, with wide shoulders, a bulging barrel chest and thick muscular legs. When he got to Diana he fondled her body, with a surprising gentleness for a short time and then moved on. There were about ten females and four male slaves available. He examined them all, then came back to Diana, and slapped her ass, nodding at Alicia. “I’ll take number eleven here and bring number thirteen to my room, clean in one hour. Has this one been cleaned lately?”

“Yes Sir, she was just returned, an hour ago. Do you wish me to deliver her?”

“No, I’ll take her now; get me a leash.” Alicia had a leash with her and attached it to her collar as she disconnected the chain. She handed him the leash and walked back to the office. He looked her stiffly in the eyes and yanked on the leash, pointing at the floor. She fell to her knees and kissed his feet, obediently.

“Thank you master, for being kind enough to select my humble body. I am yours to do with as you please.” He yanked on the leash and she jumped up quickly, as he led her out of the slave quarters. He took her to room eighteen and locked the door behind them. Unhooking the leash he connected her collar to a twenty five-foot room chain and then ordered her to remove his shorts. When she finished, he sat down in an easy chair and ordered her to kneel, in the submissive position. She sat on her heels, her thighs spread wide: chest out, head bowed and her hands behind her back. He watched her for a long time, apparently just enjoying her vulnerable situation. Her mistress had told her, that some masters or mistresses would watch her in a pose for a long time. She had said, that they were enjoying the power they had over her. The fact that she was totally at their mercy to any sex act, the instant the order was given, was a fantastic turn on to some people.

“Masturbate, wench,” he suddenly ordered. She began rubbing her pussy and fondling one breast. “Look at me, slave.” She raised her head slightly, just enough to catch his eyes, putting on her best shy and fearful look. “What are you doing?”

“Masturbating Sir, as you ordered.”

“Is you finger in your cunt?’ He penis was rising slowly.

“Yes master, all the way.” He stroked his ten-inch monster with one hand, smiling with a depraved lusty expression on his face.

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