Gloria leant forward purposefully, her breasts jiggling as she polished the mahogany dining table. She knew that Andy, her son, sitting at the breakfast bar opposite, would be taking a crafty peek down the front of her ‘V’ neck top.
Lately, she had caught him watching her surreptitiously as she did her housework, finding that she got a thrill from the knowledge that he was looking at her body. Because of his sudden interest in her, she had taken to wearing tight jeans and rather low-cut tops, knowing that his eyes would follow her as she bent over to dust and polish.
In her late thirties, she had taken care of herself over the years, going out jogging several times every week. Her high metabolism though meant that she was able to eat what she wanted without putting on any weight. As a single mother, she had grown tired of dating men who only wanted her for sex but shirked at the idea of committing to any type of relationship or responsibility.
Consequently, it had been quite a few months since she had got any and so when she started to notice her son taking an interest in her, she had welcomed his attention, reminding her that she was still a woman.
Andy watched the movement of his mother’s breasts as she went about her chores. He was aware that his cock was beginning to react to the sight of her cleavage, magnified by the bra she wore as it pushed her tits together and upwards. She had never been small in that department, a 38C was the size printed on one of her old bra’s which he had managed to purloin and secrete in his bedroom and reminding himself that he must really rinse it through at the first opportunity as it was now stiff and crusty with his semen.
Wanking had become his favourite pastime lately, especially as he had discovered the numerous websites that catered to ‘MILFS’. Using his laptop, he had managed to “photoshop” a picture of his mother’s face onto the body of one of the images he had downloaded. Each night, with his door locked, he would donate another sample to her as he imagined stripping her naked and fucking her.
He’d had girlfriends in the past but was currently single as he looked forward to starting college shortly, it was not far from where they lived, simply a bus ride each day. While in the past, he had been content to disappear out of the house each evening to see his mates, lately he had been spending more time at home, especially as his mother had taken to wearing shorter skirts and hold-up stockings which gave him ample views of her legs and thighs each evening as she sprawled on the couch watching TV and even an occasional glimpse of her panties as she crossed and uncrossed her legs.
To Gloria, it had become a game of ‘cat and mouse’, she had deliberately taken to wearing skirts and stockings, enjoying the thrill of teasing her son each evening and purposefully allowing him a glance up her skirt as she ostensibly seemed to be entranced by what was on the tv screen and showed no sign that she knew he was looking at her.
He would sit and fidget all evening, until eventually he had to go to the loo, and it was on one such occasion that she noticed the ample bulge in his jeans that he was unable to disguise as he stood and disappeared from the room. She started to wonder what he may have down below, the last time she had seen him naked, was when he was a child, but since then he had grown into quite a handsome young man. She saw nothing wrong in what they were doing, it was quite normal for someone of his age to be interested in older women and to her, it was just a bit of fun. That was until one afternoon as Christmas approached and she returned home early.
She had finished work at eleven o’clock that morning, her boss giving the office the rest of the day off to do some Christmas shopping. Even though she had bought most of the stuff she needed, she was not going to refuse the chance of getting away early. She picked up a few final bits and pieces before heading for home, having forgotten that Andy was on a home study day.
Letting herself in by the back door, she had kicked off her heels and padded around the kitchen as she put items away, dancing as she finished and dying for the loo. Taking the stairs two at a time, she was passing Andy’s bedroom door which was slightly ajar, when she chanced to glance in. What she saw stopped her in her tracks, her urgent bladder forgotten for the moment.
Her son was stretched out naked on his bed, but it wasn’t his lack of clothes that had attracted her attention, it was his erect cock which currently pointed skywards as he did something on the laptop which lay by his side. Her hand went to her mouth in shock. It wasn’t that she failed to feel disgusted which surprised her, it was the fact that his manhood was really well developed, a strong looking hard shaft of flesh topped by a bulging shiny purple helmet and the sudden tingling she was feeling between her legs.
Gloria stood indecisively, her first instinct had been to carry on walking but her primal instinct was to push his door open and get her hands on his magnificent cock. What bedava bahis had started as a bit of fun had now gained a new dimension, accepting that she was, at that moment, as interested in him as he was in her.
She stood silently a while longer, watching as he took his shaft in hand, sliding the skin up and down as he teased its plump top with what appeared to be one of the bra’s she had discarded some time back. She was enthralled watching him wank himself off, listening to him mutter to himself and occasionally, catching the sound of her own name.
She found she could not move as his arousal began to peak, her body quivering with excitement as suddenly a large gush of spunk flew from his shaft and was expertly caught in the cup of her bra. She backed away carefully, making her way back down the stairs where she opened and closed the front door loudly, calling out to let him know she was home. She remained downstairs, giving him time to get dressed and make himself presentable before going back up the stairs and putting her head around his bedroom door.
‘Hi, Andy, studying hard? I got off early and I’ve done a bit of shopping, I’m going to have a laydown, call me in an hour will you?’ She noted that there were still the remnants of a bulge in his pants and that he looked flushed as he nodded at her.
Nipping into the loo, she relieved herself, dabbing at her cunt with some tissue which came away soaked in her juices before she flushed it away and headed for her bedroom. Locking the door behind her, she threw off her blouse and unzipped her skirt, casting a glance at herself in the mirror as she unfastened her bra and slipped her panties over her hips before laying on her bed and opening her legs wide.
Gloria started with her breasts as she massaged the firm flesh, her fingers tracing circles around her nipples. As they became erect, she pinched and pulled at them, moaning gutturally as her right hand wandered down her body, applying pressure as it swept over her belly and across her mound before extending a single digit and sliding it the length of her slit. It came away covered in her secretions as she rubbed it against her thumb before slowly sliding it into her cunt, her eyes closing and her hips rising as she sunk it deep into her moist tunnel.
Alternating between fingering herself and rubbing her clitoris, she soon found herself highly aroused as she closed her eyes and pictured her son’s cock. What she would not give at that very moment to have it inside her cunt, imagining him knelt between her thighs and about to fuck her.
That evening there were four of them sitting at the dining table, Gloria’s daughter Donna having invited one of her friends to stay for dinner with them. Donna at twenty-one was nearly three years older than Andy and as with older sister’s, there were times when she either teased or looked down her nose at him. The older they both got, surprisingly, the better they seemed to get on and nowadays, the house was quieter and less of a battleground.
The two girls were going out to a club in town later with Anna sleeping over in Donna’s room that night. They disappeared out about nine o’clock leaving Andy and his mother alone, only tonight she was dressed demurely and was giving her son no reason to get excited. She had still not got over the fact that several hours earlier, she had climaxed and quite intensely, thinking about Andy fucking her and it had shaken her that she could even think of such a thing happening.
Disappointed, Andy had stayed downstairs all evening, receiving a kiss on his head as his mother headed up to bed at midnight. He was engrossed in a program when Donna and Anna returned just before two o’clock, both girls a little worse for wear.
In their drunken state, they spent half an hour downstairs as they teased him about his lack of a girlfriend and what they could do for him, Donna in her sozzled state being just as bad as Anna. They eventually toddled off to her bedroom, but by now he had lost track of the program he was watching and so turned off the tv and the lights before going upstairs himself. It was the weekend tomorrow and he had no reason to be up early so picked up a book and started reading.
In her bedroom, Donna and Anna had got into their nightwear but were still giggling and laughing as they talked.
‘What do you think of Andy?’ Donna asked, ‘Could you ever imagine having sex with him?’
To her, he was still her little brother and someone to poke fun at, not someone who any of her friends may find attractive.
‘He’s ok,’ Anna said, non-committedly, she was not going to admit that she actually fancied him, women of her age did not go out with lads younger than she was.
Donna noticed the hesitation in her friend’s voice, ‘I dare you to go to his room and chat him up. I bet he gets embarrassed. He is not going to do anything. I bet he can’t even get it up.’
If she had been sober, Anna would have point blank refused, but she had been dared, and to back out now would show a lack of class. Taking a long swig casino siteleri from the bottle of vodka they had brought back with them, she moved hesitantly to the bedroom door, opened it partially and peeped out onto the darkened landing. She asked which was his bedroom, even though she knew which it was as she went out closing the door behind her. Tiptoeing to his door, she was going to knock so quietly that he would not hear her and then go back and say he was asleep.
Anna tapped on his door, already turning to retrace her steps when he answered her,
‘Come in.’
She froze, what the hell did she do now, if she went back, he would probably get up, open his door and Donna would hear but what did she say if she went in. Taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and opened the door, the bedroom lit only by a bedside light as she slipped around it and closed it behind her.
‘Donna’s passed out and I couldn’t sleep. I just wanted someone to chat with,’ she said shyly as he put his book down and smiled at her.
‘It’s ok, I can’t sleep either, come in if you want,’ he said as Anna sitting at the end of his bed, unsure what to say next, her gaze taking in Andy’s naked chest as he sat up in bed,
She had never noticed before, probably because of the clothes her wore, but he looked quite fit, his chest and arms toned from time in the gym. He chatted to her confidently, asking about her night out and making her laugh with his quips until she felt quite relaxed in his company.
‘You can move a bit closer if you want, you look uncomfortable there and I promise not to bite,’ he said as he moved to one side of his bed and made room for her.
She was a little self-conscious at first, lying next to Donna’s brother in a baggy t-shirt and a pair of shorts. But he made no attempt to embarrass her and continued to chat away until suddenly, and with a mischievous smile he asked, ‘I don’t suppose my sister put you up to this?’
Anna went red with her embarrassment which made him smirk.
‘It’s alright,’ he laughed softly, ‘You’ve been here nearly an hour. If she asks, I’ll tell her you were fantastic.’
She felt stupid now and like some inexperienced schoolgirl as she suddenly leaned into him and kissed his lips. He jerked back in surprise and she felt even more stupid now.
‘I’m sorry,’ she stuttered, feeling an idiot.
‘It’s alright,’ he said, ‘You just took me by surprise, I wasn’t expecting that to happen.’
Anna wanted to leap from the bed and run, here she was, a twenty-one year old, behaving as though she was an inexperienced kid, she started to move, but his hand gently restrained her, ‘You can try it again, but only if you want to?’
She moved closer again, closing her eyes at the last second, just before their lips met and this time it was different, this time he kissed her back and it felt passionate. Her hand brushed against his chest as she felt the smoothness and warmth of his skin and the firmness of his muscles. From the way he kissed her, she knew she wanted him, ecstatic as his hand went under her top and she felt it touch the flesh at her waist.
Donna expected Anna to be back in twenty minutes. When an hour had passed without her returning, she was puzzled. Thirty minutes after that, she could not stay awake any longer and dozed off, wondering what was keeping her friend. She was rudely awakened at just after six as Anna returned quietly to the bedroom and disturbed her. Still half asleep, she asked her friend what time it was and where she had been.
Anna beamed at her, ‘Andy’s room and it’s just after six,’ came her reply.
Donna turned over to look at her friend opposite, ‘Doing what?’
Anna was not going to explain in detail what had happened, ‘We had sex,’ she said, lying on her back with her arms behind her head and a smile of pure contentment plastered across her face.
‘You fucked my little brother!’ Donna gasped with astonishment, not believing what Anna had just told her.
Anna turned back on her side for a second as she smirked at her friend, ‘He certainly isn’t little Donna, he’s……gorgeous,’ she sighed dreamily, lying back down.
Donna was wide awake now, eager to hear what her friend had got up to with Andy, her mouth hanging open and eyes wide with astonishment when her friend told her.
Anna must have been talking about someone else, surely she couldn’t be talking about her brother, her little brother, but the other girl’s eyes sparkled as she spoke his name, she was excited and hyper, but then suddenly, her smiled disappeared.
‘What if he doesn’t want to see me again?’ She asked, immediately close to tears. Donna could not believe it, what the hell had Andy done to Anna to turn her into a gibbering wreck.
The only one who had probably got a full night’s sleep was Gloria. But despite what had taken place, Andy was still up before either of the girls, going out for a jog that morning with his mother. It wasn’t that he was a great fan of running miles, but the prospect of an hour with a beautiful woman, bahis siteleri dressed in lycra running pants and top with her tits bouncing up and down, was too good an opportunity to miss.
In all honesty, Donna had never thought of Andy as anything other than her little brother and it wasn’t until she and Anna were downstairs as he and their mother returned, that she suddenly noticed that he had changed over the years.
No longer was he little, nowadays he was taller than she was, never having noticed that she had to tilt her head back slightly when she spoke to him. Dressed in trainers’ shorts and singlet as they came in through the back door, she took her first opportunity to properly look at him and realizing why Anna had the hots for him and was still swooning after last night.
He must have been nearly six-foot-tall, but it was his physique that caught her attention. In the past she had never really taken any notice but now for the first time she suddenly appreciated that most women would consider him fit, his sweat-soaked vest, sticking to his torso and well-defined muscles. Anna was nudging her constantly, not wanting to say anything to him while Andy’s mother was present. He finally noticed she was there and with his head, motioned her to meet him outside.
‘Are you ok?’ He asked. Anna, appreciating his concern. ‘It’s up to you…. but if you’d like to go out one evening?’
He did not manage to finish, her head nodding like a dog wags its tail and a smile on her face.
He kissed her cheek, ‘I’d better go and grab a shower, text me,’ he said with his charming smile before disappearing back indoors.
Donna was waiting for her when she re-entered the kitchen, ‘Well?’ Anna doing a little jig around the kitchen floor with delight.
Her friend had left until later and she heard her mother leave the bathroom and then her bedroom door shut. Shortly afterwards she heard the shower going again as she headed for her room to tidy and make her bed. The bathroom door was open a crack as she passed and she stopped, normally she would just have carried on, not even giving it a second thought, but for some reason, she hesitated, touching the door slightly so that the crack became bigger.
As she moved back slightly, she could see her brother naked in the shower. Even though water masked some of her views, she still found herself taking a sharp intake of breath as she looked at him. Especially as he started to turn while soaping his hair and she caught her very first sight of his manhood. Her hand went to her mouth, ‘Holy shit,’ she thought, understanding why Anna was enamoured with him.
As he rinsed his hair and his head turned towards the door Donna darted forward so as not to be seen and went to her room but the image of her brother naked refused to leave her head.
As children, they had played ‘Doctors and Nurses’ and bathed together, but as she had grown, she had demanded her privacy, shouting at him often for entering her room unannounced. Flopping onto her bed she closed her eyes, the image in her head sharp and impossible to forget as she replayed it time and time again. Even at this point, there was nothing but curiosity about him but over the next few days and weeks, it caught her unawares as it crept into her brain.
She lay on her bed one night after having been out with her boyfriend, mulling over the fact that presently she was not seeing as much of Anna as she used to. The young woman had a boyfriend on the night she had slept with her brother but that had soon ended as she and Andy started going out. Christmas had been fantastic, most of the day it had been just the three of them until the evening when her boyfriend Davy had popped around followed two minutes later by Anna as her relationship with Andy continued to develop.
They had all, including her mother gone out on New Year’s Eve and during the evening Donna had watched Andy dancing with mum, and if she hadn’t have known better she would have said her mum was flirting and being provocative with him. She dismissed it out of hand putting it down to too much alcohol and her sudden preoccupation with Andy. She returned to the present as thoughts of her brother popped into her mind once more.
‘This is becoming ridiculous,’ she thought, no matter what she did, once she was alone the image of her brother naked would re-emerge, only now, it was accompanied by other thoughts.
The new thoughts in her head disturbed her. She had been drowsy one evening last week when for whatever reason, she suddenly felt randy, her hand sliding inside the shorts she wore to bed as she started touching herself. All had gone well as she became aroused, her fingers slipping in and out of her cunt. And then suddenly the thought of Andy had popped into her head, his naked body and cock hanging down, vivid behind her closed eyes.
She was too far gone to stop, and the image refused to disappear as she found herself imagining it erect and sliding into her quim as he fucked her. Her orgasm was a mass of blinding flashes as her body tightened, her hips bucking and her hand pounding her cunt leaving her breathless as he came inside her. What disturbed her was that she did not find the thoughts disgusting, in fact, it was getting worse, his image popping into her head frequently as her desire to have sex with him increased.