Hello, this is my first submission, hope you like it. I wrote it for me because I have a particular fetish for women who pretend to ignore a sexual act but are actually into it. I also like stockings and feet and fit women.
It’s a pretty quick story, very little plot. I get to the action quickly.
Jason was beat. It was late on a Monday, three months into a job that he felt overqualified for, yet somehow unprepared to accomplish. He didn’t know if he was still stressed out from moving or was still unconsciously working through the collective trauma of the past few years, but whatever was bugging him was weighing him down constantly. He tried to settle into some kind of routine, waking up early, exercising, eating healthy, going to work, and trying to connect with coworkers, but he had not been able to find a groove yet three months in. He was working IT at a large firm in the city. Last week had been particularly rough.
This morning after a workout that left a puddle of sweat on the ground, larger than Friday’s, he got on the train. On the way his work email was already blowing up his phone.
“Network issue, this weekend’s automatic software update didn’t go through, and the error wasn’t picked up until the users got to their workstations, half the force is sitting in front of bricks.”
Great, another exciting Monday. He got off the train and practically ran into the office.
“Hey Mihails, I was already on the train when I saw the traffic, how can I help?” Jason’s boss, the head of IT for his section was a nice guy, if a little prone to catastrophizing.
“Thank God, Jason, it’s a blood bath out there. Here’s a list of workstations I need you to go fix, start at the top of the list and work through them as quickly as you can. This should take you all day, before you leave let me know how far you got down the list.” Mihails said as he handed him a list. Jason looked down and he coughed as soon as he saw the first name on the list. It was Ms. Piper, the head of the sales department. She was a beautiful blond woman with fierce features and a body that she obviously took very good care of. Not only did she always dress in a way that left Jason fighting to keep his mouth closed, but she was also very intimidating.
He was not a shy person by any stretch, but she was older, more successful, more driven, and more together than Jason was and every time he was in her presence, he felt self-conscious about all his many personal shortfalls. He could hear his pulse in his ears as he got in the elevator to go up to her floor. He didn’t even really register the trip, looking back at it he couldn’t remember how he had gotten there, but his feet led him the right way. He stared at the name plate on the door, Samantha Piper, head of Sales. He felt a knot in his stomach as he knocked.
“Come in,” the words twisted the knot in his stomach, they were commanding and irritated. Jason stepped in through the door as he said,
“Good morning, Ms. Piper, I’m Jason from IT, here to re-install the bugged software?” He wasn’t sure why he was asking her.
“Oh, thank God, we have 3 deals closing this week please hurry.” He got right to work. While he was intently trying to focus on his tasks, he couldn’t help but watch Ms. Piper. She was on the phone chewing out her team for some project they hadn’t finished to her standards, and then switched effortlessly to a smooth client voice with a smile that kept catching his eye, and a laugh that made his heart skip a beat. She didn’t even acknowledge his presence. She hadn’t made eye contact once since he entered the room. He was drinking in her features while he was waiting for some of the programs to load, despite the stress and how fast his heart had been pounding since he entered the room.
She had her hair up in a tight bun, but her suit jacket and blouse were unbuttoned enough to show off her delicious cleavage. He watched her as she stood up to grab some papers and as she fixed her skirt, he saw the lace tops of her black thigh high stockings. As his eyes traveled to her cute black heels, he felt his erection throb, and his cheeks started burning. He looked away. She didn’t even seem to notice he was there. He was so entranced by her that he didn’t notice that the software was completed loading until she walked over and startled him from his daydream.
“Is it finished yet?” She asked and Jason nearly jumped out of his chair. She was standing right behind him, and he started stammering.
“I-I-I think so Ma’am.” He finally blurted out. She bent over next to him, this close to her the smell of her perfume made his head buzz and out of the corner of his eye he thought he might be able to see straight down her blouse. The thought made his whole face turn red, but he didn’t dare look.
“Show me.” She commanded. He froze, it took him what felt like an eternity to realize she was referring to the computer.
“O-Of course!” he said as he realized. He leaned in as if to put blinders on as he started putting the systems through their paces, demonstrating for her that everything that dikmen escort she needed was back online. “Anything else you need me to check Ma’am?” he asked, the tension in his voice evident.
“No, I think that will do.” She answered. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and noticed how much tension his body was holding. He willed himself to relax as he sat back in the chair. “Wait a second, what is that notification?” As Ms. Piper spoke, she leaned closer to the screen and her breast brushed against his arm. The taboo contact felt red hot against his skin and his insides turned back to ice as he thought she would blame him for the unauthorized touch. He looked at her face expecting to see an accusing or disgusted face, but she was calm, breathing at a measured pace, and intently staring at the computer screen. It was as if she hadn’t noticed a thing. She reached her hand out for the mouse, which Jason was still holding. Before he could react, her hand touched his and Jason pulled it back like he had been burned. Again, no reaction from Ms. Piper. He reluctantly tore his eyes from her angelic visage and looked at the notification she had clicked on. His breath returned as he fell back to something familiar.
“Oh, that’s routine notifications, you can read through them or just delete them.” He said, as easily if he had been chatting with Mihails.
“Are you done now? Can I get back to work?” Ms. Piper asked, her impatience creeping back into her voice. Jason jumped out of the chair entirely too quickly, as he suddenly remembered who he was talking to. He desperately hoped she didn’t notice the tent in his pants
“O-of course, Ms. Piper.” He managed to say. She sat down, started opening files, picked up the phone and called another team member. Jason felt invisible as he backed towards the door. He willed his erection to go down and slipped out of her office and shut the door, feeling like a kid sneaking out of the house.
As he sat on the train home, going over his “appointment” with Ms. Piper for what felt like the hundredth time, he realized the rest of the day had been pretty much a blur. His body was as sore as if he had run a marathon and he was a zombie from when her office door closed, to when his head hit the pillow.
* * *
The next morning when he woke up, he felt like he was pulling his consciousness from the clutches of death. He looked at the time. It dimly registered to him that he had slept through his primary alarm and wouldn’t have enough time to lift today. Good thing he had a backup alarm that would wake him up in time to shower and still make the train. He picked up his phone and saw he had an email from Ms. Piper from late last night. The subject read “Still having trouble, come first thing” with no message in the body. It was only to him. Jason was still rubbing the sleep in his eyes bit now the ice-cold knot from yesterday came back to his stomach and jolted him to alertness. Did he do something wrong yesterday? What could she want?
The thoughts of what he did wrong consumed him as he got ready to go into the office. It didn’t help that he couldn’t stop his mind wandering to how intoxicating her presence was. He was fighting a growing hard on his entire commute despite how stressed he was. He dropped his stuff off at his desk and saw Mihails was already on his way over.
“Great you’re here, I need you to – ” Jason cut him off with a wave.
“I already have an email in my inbox, Ms. Piper wants to see me first thing.” Mihails looked grave.
“What’s the problem?” he asked.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.” Jason muttered.
“Alright, I better let you get right to it,” Mihails responded, “Ms. Piper is not the kind of person who likes to wait.”
Jason rushed to get his things together and before he knew it, he was standing in front of her door again, too nervous to knock. He willed himself to do it.
“Come in.” was the curt reply from inside. Jason opened the door and was struck again by Ms. Piper’s beauty. Today she was wearing a tight black pencil skirt which showed off her round ass, and a flowing white blouse which hid her curves a bit but showed enough cleavage to get him going. He also noticed she was wearing stockings again with black high heels. It was a mouthwatering sight, and Jason definitely stood in the doorway for too long admiring her figure before announcing himself. She didn’t really seem to notice.
“Hello again, Ma’am, I’m from IT? What is the problem this morning?” he said, fumbling over his words. Ms. Piper waved her hand around at the monitors in front of her.
“I don’t know, it started bugging out last night, I don’t know what happened.” As if on cue, one of the screens flickered.
“Hmm, it might be a connection problem. I’ll have to get under your desk to look at the cables” Jason diagnosed.
“Do whatever you need to do but don’t disturb me, I can’t afford to stop working while you mess around down there.” She said in response. This was a very strange request for Jason, the desk was large, but there was dinar escort no way for him to be under there and not be in her way. Besides, he had never been under a desk while someone was working at it. In fact, he specifically avoided working on women’s computers while they were at the workstation because he was concerned about accusations of indecent behavior or sexual harassment. All of this ran through his head for apparently a minute too long because Ms. Piper, still without looking up, snapped at him, “Well hurry up, I need this fixed sometime today.”
Jason jumped out of his daydream and crawled into the cramp space, trying to ignore Ms. Piper’s gorgeous legs as he squeezed by. He got in and positioned himself under the desk, throwing himself into his work to distract from what he assumed was the incredible view behind him of Ms. Piper’s crossed legs and pencil skirt. He was examining connectors and cables to see if there were any obvious problems when her leg brushed up against his side. He froze and waited to see if there was any scolding from above the desk, but he only heard typing as Ms. Piper continued working. Eventually he finished looking at the back of the tower and wanted to follow the cables up to the top side of the desk, so he rolled over on his back carefully. As he did so he accidentally glanced at the woman seated too close for his comfort and he noticed the lace from the top of her stockings was peeking out from under her skirt again. Jason felt his cock stir.
He held his gaze there, looking up and down her long shapely legs and her sexy stockings and heels and he couldn’t stop his dick from starting to tent his pants. He was sure that Ms. Piper couldn’t see his face but if she looked down, she would surely notice the tent. His face turned hot red at the thought of her noticing it. He would for sure get fired on the spot he thought. While his eyes were locked onto the sight in front of him, he heard her sigh and then she uncrossed her legs, giving him a view directly up her black skirt to her bright blue lace panties underneath. He looked down at his pants and the tent was visibly throbbing. His dick was painfully straining against the fabric. He couldn’t believe his luck but was also very concerned that he would get caught, his cock was so obvious at this point.
She slowly crossed her legs over again and he painfully broke his gaze from the now covered patch of blue fabric and started to look back at the wires. He wasn’t in a good position where he was though so Jason squirmed on his back a bit to move his body so he could get a better look. As he arched his back to get into position, he felt his rock-hard cock rub along Ms. Piper’s high heel that was dangling in the air, her leg draped across her other knee. He was shocked, and waited for her response, he didn’t dare move. When the typing continued uninterrupted, he released his breath and returned to the wires. He didn’t move this time when he felt Ms. Piper’s high heeled foot lightly brush against his cock once more. The bouncing motion that she was making had her foot barely brush up against the tip of his cock at the bottom of the motion.
Jason figured the contact was so light she probably couldn’t feel it through her shoe. It felt good even though it was an incredibly light teasing, and his heart was pounding with the obvious danger of being discovered. Jason knew he would have to come up with a way to eventually get his boner to go down before he left the office, but he had horny brain fog already and figured it would take care of itself. The teasing continued and it felt so good that he didn’t catch an involuntary thrust of his hips. He was absolutely sure Ms. Piper felt that through her shoe. He froze again waiting for the response. He heard her stop typing and his heart leapt into his throat. “This is it,” he thought to himself “My life is over.”
Ms. Piper pushed her chair back and slowly bent over and Jason knew he was done for. She continued bending over until her breasts came into full view, then she stopped, her tits dangling in her blouse giving Jason a perfect view down her shirt, her head still out of view, covered from this angle by the desk. Bent over like that, Jason watched mesmerized as she slowly took off one shoe and then the other, giving him a wonderful view of her beautiful tits, her shockingly blue panties, and the matching lace bra that she was wearing. Then she sat up and with the chair still pulled back she picked up the phone and dialed. Jason was very confused, was she about to call security? No, she was talking to a client it sounded like.
“Yes, I just sent you over some materials…” Jason was only half listening now as his mind raced through what was happening.
He thought to himself “There was no way she didn’t feel that… She must see the throbbing tent in my pants,” and as he looked down, “and the growing wet spot from my precum, gosh. She must have taken her shoes off as a warning, perhaps she is trying to say, ‘I see what you’re doing, and I want you to stop now’?” Nothing that Jason could think of really diyarbakır escort added up, and thankfully all the blood flow to his brain was starting to let his throbbing and twitching erection flag in his pants. He resigned himself to not get in trouble for some kind of stupid sexual harassment case now and focused back on his work. After some more repositioning and tracing the cables, Jason realized that a few had been unplugged. He wasn’t sure how that would have happened, the wires were far enough back he didn’t think it likely they were kicked…
He was almost finishing his pondering and about to scoot out from underneath the desk when Ms. Piper, whom he had forgotten about, rolled her chair forward so that she was between his legs, with him now pinned in position on his back. He froze.
“Please take a look at those…” he half heard her say as he got another good look up her skirt. His boner was coming back to life now, and he tried to will it to go down and make an excuse to get out from underneath the desk without getting in trouble. “Yes, I know this puts you in a bad position but look at it from my perspective…” he wasn’t really listening now as one of Ms. Pipers feet, now only clad in a beautiful black thigh high stocking rubbed against the inside of Jason’s thigh. His cock was back to full mast again. “Look I don’t care how uncomfortable this makes you…” The foot slowly traced itself up his inner thigh and lifted until now the sole of Ms. Piper’s foot was now pressed against his erection. His balls were by her heels and the tip of his cock was up against her toes. Jason almost moaned from the illicit touch. With no modulation of her voice Ms. Piper continued speaking into the phone, “I am in a good position to move forward with the deal if you are still comfortable with the terms…” Jason was throbbing so hard against her foot he knew there was no way she couldn’t feel it. Was she actually on the phone or could she be talking to him? He strained hard to see if he could hear a voice coming out of the phone.
Jason took a risk he knew could mean the end of his career. He lightly put his hand on her ankle and waited for a response. When none was forthcoming, he held her foot in place and thrust his hips hard against her foot. He stopped and held his breath. Through the silence he heard the voice on the other side of the phone line, the client was yelling. Jason had misread the situation! But instead of the foot pulling away and his life falling apart, Jason felt the toes curl over and tickle the tip of his cock through his pants as the foot pressed more firmly against his rock-hard dick.
“I need you to keep up your end of the bargain…” Ms. Piper yelled back into the phone. Jason was now thrusting into her foot and devouring the sight of her bright blue panties. From all the friction the black skirt had rode up and was now revealing most of Ms. Piper’s delicious thighs and a small dark blue spot against the light blue fabric. Jason thought his eyes must be deceiving him, but it looked like Ms. Piper’s pussy was so wet it had soaked through her panties.
“If this is going to go through, I need your firm to open up about your position…” Jason wondered if this was a hint and thought the situation was already absurd so why not take a chance. He pushed away Ms. Piper’s foot, unzipped his fly and freed his cock and balls from his pants. The tip of his dick was already glistening with precum as he grasped both of Ms. Piper’s feet and guided them to his shaft. Half expecting her to scream and stop at any moment, instead to his delight, he felt her squeeze both feet together around his shaft and start moving them up and down his length. She was expertly stroking his shaft, alternating it with tickling the head with her toes and pressing her feet into his balls. The friction against the stockings was exquisite, and he knew he was getting close. He tapped her feet so she could avoid getting them dirty, but instead Jason felt the pace and pressure increase.
“You can bet on your life I want to finish this deal…” Jason barely heard as he arched his back and felt his balls tighten. His cock swelled up and turned purple as his breath started escaping in gasps and he shot thick ropes of pearly white cum out of the tip of his cock. The first one shot up her leg and landed a few inches away from Ms. Piper’s knee, and he continued spurting white cum out all over her black stockings and feet. By the time he was done he had made an absolute mess and he could feel his balls aching from the contractions. There was cum everywhere, all over Ms. Piper’s feet and legs, his pants, and even the carpet. Jason looked up, none of his load had splashed onto the bottom of the desk, although he would have been proud if it had.
“Look if you want to walk away, I’m not going to stop you…” Jason barely heard her conversation over the buzzing in his ears. All his fear gone, body exhausted from stress and the exertion of cumming so hard, he was driven by instinct. Jason was usually the type of guy to let the lady finish first, and so it didn’t occur to him that Ms. Piper might not want him to return the favor. Without thinking, he got on his hands and knees and crawled to her now crossed legs, and gently but insistently started pushing her legs apart. He felt her jump and she kept her legs pressed together tightly.