I discovered Luke a couple of years ago and had followed him on social media. Big Luke was somewhat of a celebrity in the world of strongman competitions. He was a year younger than me, about 6’4″, 300 lbs., and boyishly cute with a chinstrap. He was a leader, a true alpha male. I decided to attend a show he was at and introduce myself. Since I was a fan of strongman competitions, Luke was a celebrity to me.
About a month later, my mom (Sara) and I put out an ad in the local paper for a room we were renting out in the basement. Coincidentally, Luke ended up being one of the applicants for the room. I interviewed all the applicants alone while my mom was at work.
In spite of several more qualified candidates, I was eager to have Big Luke live with us. Taking advantage of my too obvious excitement, Luke “agreed” to move in with us only if I lowered the rent to half the amount my mom and I were asking. As if his initial demand wasn’t outrageous enough, Luke also told me he expected me to cook his food, clean his weightlifting gear and equipment, along with any other errands he needed done. In addition, Luke explained that he would need to sleep in the master bedroom since he was a big guy. This was logical since the room in the basement had a smaller bed than his physique. Of course, if he was going to live the master bedroom, my mom would have had to relocate to somewhere else in the house.
Luke was used to getting his way. My hesitancy toward his surprising demands made him shrug his shoulders. “Better make a decision fast,” He said, turning his body towards the front door. “I got other places to see, plenty of landlords would be more than happy to have a man in the house.”
I was slightly offended by Luke’s comment – he was implying that I wasn’t man enough to be the alpha male of the house. In spite of that, just talking to Big Luke and having him judge me was a major geek-out moment for me. Afraid to see him go, I accepted his terms and told him it would be an honor to have him live with my mom and me.
My mom was not happy that I made this decision without her. She hadn’t even met the big guy yet, and just like that, a total stranger was going to be sleeping in our room – in our bed, no less. She also wasn’t thrilled about being ‘kicked out’ of her own room. Then there was the matter of accepting less money than we asked for.
“It’s like you totally wimped out to this guy!” My mother said to me over the phone. “He must have left quite an impression on you, sweetie.”
“I think you’ll like him when you meet him, babe,” I replied. “Besides, as he said, it’ll be good for us to have a man around the house.”
“He said that?!” She responded incredulously.
“Yeah,” I said, realizing how puny I had made myself look. My mother now knew he saw himself as the man of the house. A title I held unspoken.
“Geez, I can’t wait to meet this guy,” my mom said. It sounded like she moaned into the phone a little at the end.
Sure enough, my mom liked Luke the second she laid eyes on him. When she shook his hand, it looked like a baseball in a catcher’s mitt, size comparison-wise. In an instant, I was an afterthought – Luke had all her attention. She spent a while getting to know him while I prepared dinner for us. When my mom gaziantep bayan escortları excused herself to change, Luke walked over to me, put his arm around my shoulder (which caused me to leap off the floor, he was that strong), and say to me with a smile:
“You didn’t tell me your MILF mom was smoking hot, bro,” The big guy chuckled. “Living with you guys is gonna be real fun for me.”
I was about to talk to Luke about the room switch, telling him that I should have consulted my mom about that part first. Luke told me not to worry about it – that while I was in the kitchen, he apologized for imposing. He explained to my mom that the bed and couch in the basement were too small for a big guy like him, and she completely understood.
“I winked at her when I told her that, bro,” Luke said, looking over at my mom coming out of the master bedroom. I couldn’t help but notice him clutch his crotch eying her up and down. “She kept squeezing her legs together whenever I used the word big.”
“Why did she do that?” I asked him, genuinely unsure about what he was implying. He looked at me as if I was dim-witted, that something went right over my head. Luke shook his head and smiled at me.
“Nothing, bro,” He said while ruffling my hair with his giant hand. My head felt so small in the palm of his head. Like a grape in the middle of my hand.
As the three of us sat down for dinner later that evening, I couldn’t help but notice that my mom had changed into a very revealing, somewhat provocative outfit. She likes to dress up to leave a good impression, but the way she looked here was as sexy as I had ever seen her. Her cleavage was on display for Luke to gawk at, and she loved the attention he was giving them.
“She always dress like this for dinner, bro?” Luke leaned in and whispered to me.
“Uh, no, she, um, never does,” I replied, swallowing in intimidation. My response made the strongman chuckle once more at me.
I was essentially a third wheel at the dinner table as we ate. Luke and my mom talked to each other, getting to know each other better. My mother was riveted with everything that came out of the big guy’s mouth. I couldn’t help but notice the way Luke looked at her as they talked, almost like he saw her like putty in his hands. I tried to interject myself in their conversation a few times, but Luke kept cutting me off when I tried to speak as if anything I had to say wasn’t important. The new “man of the house” made me look like a chump in front of my mother – in my own house – eating dinner I had prepared for him.
After dinner, Luke thanked me for the meal and ruffled my hair before putting his shoes on. My mother kissed me on the cheek and she, too, slipped on her shoes, telling me they were going for a drive. I looked at Luke expecting him to invite me, but he just gave me the thumbs-up, put his arms around my mother and walked out the door with her. I was a little hurt, maybe even insulted, but at least my mom was getting along with our new tenant. My impulsive decision to allow him to move in with us could have gone worse, so I chalked up their immediate friendship to a win for us all.
I began to clean the dishes off the table, and about 5 minutes later, I gaziantep eskort bayan walked past the front window and saw Luke’s car still in the driveway. My mom had her back against the driver’s side, facing Luke, her arms around his neck. She must have been whispering something to him because they were still in that possession when I walked back to the kitchen – only their heads were moving. My mom and the big jock noticed me looking at them and smiled. Luke turned his head in my direction and gave me another thumbs-up to pair with his smile, and I couldn’t help but feel like he was mocking me, perhaps even making fun of me. Those thumbs-ups of his felt condescending, and yet I nervously smiled back and waved in response.
When they got home a couple of hours later, Luke made a beeline for the bathroom, announcing his need to “take a monster piss,” which I thought was undignified, but my mom seemed in awe of his manliness. I thought it was peculiar that my mom’s blouse was mis-buttoned. Her hair was not done up as nicely as it was during dinner. If anything, it looked like it had been yanked and pulled a few times. Her lips seemed glossier than usual, and when she kissed mine, I tasted something salty, yet sweet.
My mom began to go on about what a great guy Luke was, and when I asked what they did while they were out. My mother giggled and told me to “ask Luke” if I wanted to know. I had no idea why she was coy, but I didn’t want to be “that guy” and pry. I reminded her that there was still the matter of where she would sleep now that Luke had claimed the master bedroom. Luke walked in at that moment and ruffled my hair once again. This was starting to become a habit. I felt honored to be touched by someone I looked up to, but much like his smile and thumbs-up, I had a feeling his ruffling of my hair was an act of dominance, a way of establishing who was the alpha between us.
I asked Luke when he would be moving his things in. I was caught off guard when he told me to pick up his things in the morning, handing me the address of the place he shared with his fellow strongmen. The irony of doing the heavy lifting for a weightlifter was not lost on me.
“This is my old place, where my roommates live,” Luke explained. “Knock on the door and tell them you’re my new landlord. They’ll show you my stuff.”
“Are they all strongmen like you, Luke?” I asked.
“Yeah,” He replied.
“Great, so they’ll give me a hand with your stuff?” I asked assuming I would have some assistance.
“I doubt it. They aren’t so nice to guys like you.”
He winked at my mom saying that last part, causing my mom to giggle and hit his massive chest. I felt like that was some inside joke between them. Were they already so comfortable with each other that they had actual inside jokes together? Were they talking about me while they were out? If so, were they making fun of me? I nervously giggled with them feeling left out – the third wheel in my own home, once again. I racked my brain trying to figure out what he meant by a “guy like me.”
When I picked up Luke’s things, I had to drag his boxes in the house. Luke wouldn’t help me, saying he couldn’t risk injury to his arms since he was an athlete. My mom got a kick gaziantep bayan eskort out of this, calling me “his lackey,” which made him smirk.
One day I walked into Luke’s bedroom to ask him something. He had just finished showering and had walked out of the bathroom naked just as I entered the room. My eyes immediately fell to his huge, fat swinging cock and apple-sized balls. Luke was way bigger than me, and he wasn’t even erect. My mouth was open, gawking at it, and when I looked up at Luke, he had a snarl on his face, perhaps disgusted that I was checking out his junk. I wasn’t – I’m not gay. I just had never seen anything that big – I was simultaneously impressed and emasculated. Luke’s snarl turned into a smirk as he told me to pass him a towel and get out. I was taken aback by the strongman’s authoritative demeanor but obeyed his command nonetheless.
Luke started bossing me around the house more aggressively after that day. He would do things like tell me to get him a beer (when he watched the game), do his laundry (which was scattered around the floor in his room), and even wash the car (aka my car, prompting me to take the bus to work every day). It was like the strongman knew he had the biggest dick in the house, and that gave him carte blanche to boss me around.
There were times I went to bed while my mother and Luke stayed up talking or watching TV. To be honest, sometimes I got a vibe that they were waiting for me to either leave the room or go to sleep, depending on what time of the day it was. I had no problem with Luke hanging out with my mother no matter what room they were in because they weren’t noisy. In fact, whenever I went to sleep, I couldn’t hear any talking from them at all.
After I came back from grocery shopping for Luke one evening, I found my mother cuddled up in his arms on the couch watching TV. When they noticed my arrival, they did not attempt to separate. My mother simply smiled a ‘hello’ at me, while Luke nodded to the kitchen as if to tell me to put his groceries away, sans-gratitude.
I knew Luke was getting laid while I was at work because I would find condom wrappers, bras, and panties in his bed when I made it for him. I noticed that the wall behind his headboards was dented. The headboards would have had to slam the walls with sufficient force frequently to leave such marks.
I came home late on one evening, and sure enough, Luke had a girl in his room. Her clothes – which resembled my mother’s – were scattered all over the couch in the living room, as was his. A trail of underwear and socks lead to his bedroom and the constant shouting of his name.
“LUKE! LUUUUKEEE!! SO GODDAMN BIGGGGG!!” I heard a woman’s voice scream in ecstasy.
I wondered who the girl with him was as the headboards slammed against the wall repeatedly, wondering if he knew what WD-40 was, as the bed’s squeaking drove me nuts.
Hoping to spare my mom from hearing what Luke was up to, I called my mother’s cell. Suddenly, a cell phone rang from the pile of woman’s clothes on the floor. I immediately hung the phone, and coincidentally, the phone in the pile stopped ringing, too.
I called back about 5 minutes later. The cell phone in the jacket rang again. That’s when I realized my mother had the same jacket as I held it up. That’s when I realized my mother had the same ringtone.
I quickly scurried out the door, running out of my own house. I’m not sure why I panicked. I sat outside on the front porch listening to a familiar voice screaming out Luke’s name telling myself, “it’s just a coincidence, it’s just a coincidence, that’s all this is…”