
My Hobby Pt. 03: Chloe


I’d love to brag about every conquest I’ve made but if I am being honest not all of them are stories worth telling so I’m focussing on the ones that really stick in the old memory banks!

So we are skipping forward a few years from when I got with Sally and it is safe to assume that I never managed to persuade Louise into the sack again despite a lot of flirting, a lot of teasing and a few close calls. Sally, I did have a couple of other shags with her but when she split up with her boyfriend I was pretty sure I didn’t want the job which I think she took badly! Oh well.

Anyway I moved jobs and was working for another firm in good old London Town, this one was a bit further away from home so I was commuting which gave me plenty of time to perv at lots of women on their way to work in the morning. The tube is like a mobile all you can stare at buffet! So I didn’t mind the commute too much.

With this new job though I had picked up some accounts outside of London and was getting into a bit of regular travel to Manchester, Leeds and a few other places as well. Given I hadn’t been to many of these places before I was quite looking forward to exploring a bit and of course finding out what opportunities hotel life had for fucking someone’s wife!

As you can imagine I couldn’t wait to get started!

At first I found the travelling easy enough but the women part of it a real ball ache! I quickly sussed out that there were regular business hotels and that these had regular nights they were busy. If you need this info just ask at reception in casual conversation they will always tell you the really busy nights. For me those were the nights I kind of wanted right as they had the best opportunity.

I found if I asked my customers as I got to know them that they would direct me to some great hotels that might not have been so obvious to me and that these tended to be places full of regular travellers or people who worked away from home part of the week.

You also can’t underestimate brands and loyalty points loads of people pick a hotel purely on these concepts alone. So I spent a fair amount of time the first few months trying places out and also getting an idea of what I liked in a hotel. Over time like most of my fellow travellers I settled on 1 or 2 hotels in each location.

I liked my hotel in Manchester the best, it was really close to the clients, had a great bar and restaurant and had a bunch of air hostesses as regular clients. Just watching them checking in had me hard pretty damn quickly. The way they strode through reception as a group, their uniforms still looking immaculate even at the end of a shift. High heels ringing out on the reception tiles as they walked to the desk wheeling their bags behind them. Perfect legs flashing underneath prim little knee length skirts always clad in nylons of some sort and different colours depending on the airline.

I was a few months into the role now and was starting to be a bit of a regular in this hotel, with the staff starting to recognise me and I was starting to find my usual drink already poured as I approached the bar if it wasn’t too busy.

In May on my regularly fortnightly trip I had a pretty long meeting with the client and was just checking into the hotel behind a group that all seemed to know each other. Loads of banter going on. As I walked up to the desk and got the usual, “Welcome Back.”

I asked, “Got an event on tomorrow have we?”

The receptionist nodded, “Yeah sales conference so busy night in the hotel, do you want me to make you a reservation for food?”

I thought about it, “No it’s OK I’ll just eat in the bar as usual.”

OK so busy hotel, bound to be a bunch of people drinking in the bar and as I turned away from reception in they came the air hostess hotties!

I decided to hit the gym and sauna first always a good way to blast away the days cobwebs and usually it gave you a good chance to scope out and chat to the hotter women staying at the hotel and of course ever since Sally I have viewed the gym as a nice spot for potential conquests!

The gym was as usual pretty busy, hotel gyms always are, there is never a good time to go really. Unfortunately as I waited for a machine it was largely blokes hitting the weights rather than MILFs hitting the treadmill. Once I got on the machine and hit my running stride I did notice a couple of nice looking women wander in. They’re both wearing pretty expensive looking gym gear which only ever means 1 of 2 things. They either used the gym a lot or they never used the gym but liked to wear “Athleisure” clothing.

They both gravitated to the step machines, women just love those thing, and from the ferocity of the initial pace both these women were gym regulars. Using the mirror I was able to check them out. They both looked early to mid 30’s, were both in good shape though I knew that both of them would immediately be able to point to bits of their bodies where they thought they were carrying too much weight.

I illegal bahis watched them as I ran, the taller of the 2 had bleached blonde hair, was about 5′ 6 and as she powered up on that stepper she had a great arse. Round, curvy and not flat as a pancake as some super skinny girls butts are. The other was smaller probably about 5’2, I’ve always had a particular thing for shorter girls they always look and act a bit younger and it feels dirtier really fucking them hard. Maybe that’s just me but hey never mind. She had a small muffin top on her belly but apart from that she was hot as hell. Her natural looking blonde hair was cut in a bob which made her look younger and it just brushed her shoulders. Body wise she had perfect legs and a nice little arse that was just begging to be spanked. As I watched them both power on I was beginning to plot my evil plots.

I slowed down my run a bit waiting for the girls to finish the stepper. I must admit I was hoping the “Sally” playbook of water chat would work again. Same tricks never work though these 2 had a quick chat and hit the machines working on legs and bums, which I have already noted are pretty damn perfect.

As I stood there drinking water and cooling down one of the other guys that was just finishing up came over, did the quick nod acknowledgement got some water and turned around. I think he clocked the direction of my gaze as he nudged me.

“Fit aint they?” He said low enough that it would have been hard to overhear.

“Sure are mate I replied, you know ’em?”

“Sort of they are part of the group from my company here for the event tomorrow. You here for that as well?

I shook my head, “Nope this is just my usual hotel for business, here on me tod as per.”

He laughed at that, “Yeah hitting the road is a tough gig at times. Glad I’m out of it.”

“It’s all pretty new to me,” I replied. “But it has it’s perks at times.”

He laughed and slapped me on the back, “Yeah I bet it does, perks of the job mate! The kind they can’t put in the job description am I right?”

This genuinely made me laugh quite loudly and I saw the girls turn and look at us and my new comrade in perving gave them a jaunty wave.

I leaned closer to him and said very low, “Yeah not like they can put – all the pussy you can pull in a Hotel – on the job benefits is it?”

He laughed and nodded and stuck out his hand, “John mate nice to meet you.”

Shaking his hand I introduced myself, “Rob nice to meet you.”

“Well I can’t stand here and watch girls in lyrca all night.”

“You could but people would notice,” He laughed. “Well I am sure we will all be in bar later, usually a fair amount of drinking goes down when we get let loose from the ranch so if you are at a loose end you should come over for beer, a chat and hey maybe a good old fashioned leer and more if yer lucky.”

“Sounds good mate, I’m gonna hit the sauna for a bit and then maybe hit the bar.”

“Laters Rob, it’s your round in the bar mate.” He shouted after me as I left to get changed.

You definitely meet some characters travelling for sure I thought to myself. Still I had sod all else to do may as well have a beer and get an opportunity to chat to any hot women that were in the group including I hoped the gym lovelies.

I still lived in hope that the girls would join me in the sauna but it didn’t happen so I had a good sweat, jumped in the pool to cool down and then headed back to my room to shower etc.

I was in quite a good mood, the day had gone well, I had enjoyed my work-out and looking at some sexy women and I had an invite to beers in what promised to be a rowdy group. I was glad I didn’t have an early meeting tomorrow.

I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt deciding to play it casual as anything for the night, no point in looking like you were trying too hard.

I headed down to the bar and the place was absolutely jumping with groups of people and drink flowing pretty freely. I headed to the bar and seeing one of the usual barmen made eye contact, nodded at him and waited for him to come over.

“Usual Rob?” he asked.

I nodded, “Yeah please. Busy night in here!”

He just shrugged, “Pretty standard once conference season starts, at least we have extra staff on for once!”

I just nodded as he got my beer, charged it to my room and turned around to survey the room. My eyes were immediately drawn to a group that I assumed to be air hostesses the amount of cleavage and leg on display even in casual dress mode was enough to make every guy in the room look and I could see a fair few were.

This was a group that could simply not be approached directly, too many women, no real opportunity to get involved as they were all too matey and tight as a group. I had seen a couple of them in here previously and knew they liked a good sauna and dip in the pool but even with that casual chat we had in passing there wasn’t enough to saunter over and strike up a conversation.

To my joy casino siteleri however I noticed my new mate was sitting just behind them with what was a smaller group but which I assumed would get bigger. So I sauntered over.

“Hey man,” I said as I approached.

“Rob, nice one mate. Sit down and I’ll introduce you to the gang so far.”

I quickly figured I could sit as part of the group but also on the edge of the air hostess group in case the groups started to interact as can often happen.

Shoot me, I’m a regular guy and I had never fucked an air hostess over the last few weeks it had started to become a real life goal! If I could get into that group and into a member of it’s knickers I would be a happy chap. Especially as this group in particular looked like my kind of gals. Late 20’s, early 30’s fair few rings on the right finger. Oh yes fucking an air hostess wife would be lovely.

Anyway I was quickly introduced to the group that were there. fair few blokes names that I quickly forgot and 4 girls that I made sure to remember their names as we were introduced.

The girl closest to me was Chloe and she was the shorter girl I had been perving on in the gym.

My new mate was in full flow, “Rob here’s a new road warrior so we are crashing his regular haunt and giving him a break from the normal hotel routine of gym, room service and a wank!” He laughed outrageously as he said this.

To be fair it was funny and everyone in the group laughed including me. “I don’t always go to the gym,” I said with an arched eye brow. Everyone got the joke and with that the ice was broken and conversation started to flow as you would expect.

As the conversation flowed about me I took a moment to drink my beer and consider the group dynamic. John was funnily enough the loud, brash centre of the group bringing people in and out of the conversation all with a large amount of in group banter that went over my head.

I leaned over to Chloe said, “Is John the boss or just the instigator of the best nights out?”

She laughed as she replied which made her hair shake nicely round her face, “No he’s not the boss, but he does like the sound of his own voice and he does organise all the best nights out.”

“I thought he might, he sure is the centre of attention right now.”

Chloe leaned closer to me as she spoke and I could get my first hint of her clean scent and a nice flowery perfume as she did so, “We don’t always get out the office much so I think when we do John loves to instigate all kinds of shenanigans.”

Due to her size and what she was wearing I had a nice view of her small tits, they looked like they would be a nice handful but would sit nicely without a bra and I would bet they were super sensitive.

I leaned back slightly, “What about you.” I said, “you enjoy the shenanigans?”

She shook her head as she replied, “Not really, it often gets out of hand and when it does it can get quite messy.”

“Messy how?”

“Well last time we were at a conference the drink flowed quite freely, John found out the hotel had a Karaoke machine and we all ended up singing songs, drinking way too much wine and if rumour is to be believed a few people that should know better spent the night in another persons room if you know what I mean? And I spent the next day with a wicked hangover. Which is no fun when locked in a conference room all day.”

“Yeah I hear ya on the hangover part, the rest of it sounds standard for company groups at times.” I replied.

She shrugged, “Yeah I guess.”

I took a quick look and noted that yes indeed there was a wedding ring on her finger.

“Yeah I’ve noticed that work groups playing away from home can see people behave very differently than they would normally.”

Before we could continue the conversation came in our direction and I spent the next 5 minutes having to tell people what I did, who I worked for and all that boring small talk.

As the night wore on I spoke to Chloe some more and also spoke to one of the other girls, Amy, along with most of the guys. You know what it’s like as people move around to get drinks and go to the bogs etc. About 10pm I ended up in a smaller group with Amy, Chloe and John.

John was talking about the last conference wondering if there was a Karaoke machine in this hotel when Amy piped up, “No chance John, that night went downhill fast.”

John laughed his big booming laugh, “Ahhhhh that was a good night, who’d you end up fucking that night anyway?”

“Fuck off John,” Amy said aiming a punch at him.

I leaned over to Chloe, “So Amy and John?”

Chloe nodded, “They’ve been flirting for ages in the office I doubt it will be long now until they disappear!”

Right I thought to myself, if John and Amy disappear shortly what’s my plan for getting Chloe back to my room or an invite to hers.

Events however were shortly taken out of my control by John, the bar rang last orders and John announced he was ordering a poker siteleri few bottles for his room if anyone fancied it. I could tell that Amy was right up for it and a couple of the others did seem to be as well.

I quickly leaned over to Chloe, “Fancy keeping me company?” I really wasn’t getting much of a vibe from her yet but suspected I could get her in the sack if events went my way.

Out of the group about 8 people headed back to Johns room. I had picked up some drinks as had a few of the others and there was always room service.

I was chatting to Chloe as we headed upstairs and had a good opportunity to check her out, she really was cute and hot. She was pretty casually dressed, vest top with bra straps showing underneath the top straps, which I always like, tight jeans and a pair of converse trainers. The cut of the top with a slight V-neck did give a good view of her tits.

John had a pretty standard room and it of course felt quite busy with 8 people in it. Everyone got busy opening bottles, running to their rooms to get more glasses etc and John fired up a Spotify playlist through his Beats Pill speaker.

People were just mingling and chatting and I felt a bit out of it for a few minutes as I was new to the group and firmly out of the banter which sounded well worn and known to everyone. But comments were getting laughs and people were sitting on the bed and the floor. I had sat down in the small chair that only hotels seem to ever have and was just enjoying the buzz of the conversation flowing around me.

As people got more drinks and John got Amy up to dance in the tiniest space ever, I moved next to Chloe and said, “Think most of this group are gonna hook up right?”

She looked around with a large wine in her hand, “Yeah think you’re right or maybe it’ll just turn into an orgy.”

I laughed at that and sat back down in the chair, Chloe looked around and I gestured for her to sit next to me as it was one of those not quite a sofa but not a single chair type seats.

“I promise not to start the orgy if you sit down next to me,” As she moved to sit down.

I was surprised she sat down and we sat for a while watching John and Amy dance with our hips and legs gently touching. I was much closer to her than I had expected to be.

“Chloe leaned towards me to speak as the room was quite loud and her breast brushed against my arm as she did, “Think John will be making a move shortly.”

I looked over and sure enough John and Amy were dancing closer together. Another couple sitting on the bed we chatting really intimately and the room seemed to be buzzing with a certain tension as people had largely paired off.

It wasn’t long before the couple that had been sitting talking very intimately on the bed got up, pretended to be leaving separately and left the room with quick goodbyes.

Chloe spoke quietly, “Well that’s not a surprise the whole office thinks they have been fucking.”

“Your office seems to be full of rumours and speculation.”

She shrugged which moved her shoulders nicely against my side. “Probably not any worse than anywhere else.”

I reached across and took her glass and went and got us both another drink. I sat back down and switched off the light near the seat making the room a bit darker and more intimate.

“Hope you don’t mind, was starting to do my head in.” I said as I handed her, her glass.

She just shrugged and took a gulp of her wine. I squeezed back in next to her making sure my leg and hip were nicely touching her. Her body felt nice and hot against me and as she didn’t move away at all I reckoned things were moving in the right direction.

It’s funny how you can be in a room with 6 people but if they spit up into couples it can feel like your couple is the only one in the room. I moved closer to Chloe and gently placed my arm around her shoulder as I moved my head down to her ear to speak to her.

“I hope you’re OK sitting here with me,” I breathed into her ear.

She turned towards me, “Yeah it’s good,” she replied and our faces were centimetres apart. I could hear her breathing getting slightly heavier as the intimacy, alcohol and anticipation of what could happen next clearly was playing across her mind.

I moved my hand behind her head and started to stroke her neck, I decide I was done with words for the time and that actions were my best way forward here.

As I stroked her neck under her hair a low moan came from the bed and we both looked there to see the other couple making out furiously with the guy deftly manipulating the girls tit.

John called over, “Hey you two get a room!” and laughed as he pulled Amy into a close slow dance swaying their bodies gently to the music. The other couple did indeed pull themselves apart and laughed nervously at being called out.

I gently squeezed Chloe’s shoulder and pulled her more firmly towards me with no real resistance. I swiftly drained my glass of wine and turned more fully towards Chloe placing my hand on her thigh. I gently ran my hands around her shoulder and very lightly ran my finger tips up and down her thigh.

Nothing was said but as she drained her wine she turned towards me, “Rob I can’t do this you know, I’m married.”

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