
My Love…My Cousin


My love, my fantasy…but also my cousin!

Fiona was just my kind of girl. Being roughly of the same age, we were obviously not only good neighbours but also good friends. I cannot recall the number of times I slept over at their home and she slept over at ours. And ever since we were very young I had a crush on her. We did the usual experimenting stuff that close friends do with each other. I mean we were naturally not shy around each other. We used to go swimming a lot together and it was only natural to us that we would change into our bathing suits there and then. Obviously we were still young and before puberty set in,but nevertheless my interest was already there.

So what’s the big deal I hear you say? Well,the problem was the fact that we were cousins! Her mum was my mum’s sister, and that was a big issue.

During our early teen years we were fascinated with each other, but innocently refraining from doing anything which we never thought of anyway.

Meanwhile I had grown into a healthy big guy, while she blossomed into beautiful womanhood. She was a spectacular sight. Her chest had expanded to a large size, and with her length and lissome body, I was horny for her touch. I had taken a number of hair-dressing and body beauty courses and made my way in life quite comfortably running my own business. I lost count of the number of women who had come to my premises for a pussy trim and shaping after I had suggested that it was also our line of work. Sometimes the ‘ladies’, most commonly in their late forties wanted more than that. I guess they were being neglected by their husbands. I was only too happy to fill their needs.

Later on I married, then separated, while she also married, to a mate of mine. Oh how I envied him. But I was happy for her since I knew he was a good guy. Unfortunately he was killed while on night watch duty at a bank robbery. Fortunately the life insurance policy covered all eventualities, and in effect left her quite wealthy. Not that she was flashy or anything. But at least she could live comfortably.

What started to happen last year was beyond my wildest dreams and imagination. If I can remember correctly it was early June, just before the really hot tourist season began. We had started to go swimming together with friends at our nearby beach, and on a whim I decided to pick Fiona up a bit early. I was about an hour and a half early. Imagine my surprise when she opened the door and she greeted me wearing just a skimpy t-shirt and her lower body wrapped in a towel.

‘Mark? Oh God, what time is it? It can’t be six already can it?’ she said.

I assured her that it was only half past four and that I had decided to come over early for a chat and a cup of tea. I asked her why she wasn’t wearing clothes.

‘Oh, this…umm…well you see, since I have just bought this new bathing suit, I wanted Selimpaşa Escort to…uh…trim my bikini line….’she answered

‘Oh great!’ I grinned.’Do you ..uh…want some help with it? I’m quite good at shaving, I hardly get any nicks on my face anymore.’ I laughed since she knew what kind of work I do.

‘Well I can get the main bits out of the way easily, but since I don’t have any depilating soap I have to use a razor and I’m a bit wary I might nick myself…but a lot of my friends do tell me that you’re quite good.’ She smiled at this last remark.

‘If you want me to do it , I’ll be totally professional and promise not to take too long.’ , I told her, knowing there was no way I could keep that promise.

‘I don’t know…’, she replied warily, ‘I mean are you safe? Not to mention what would happen if things get out of hand. You know we’re related.’ She wasn’t fooling me. I could see the smile in her eyes.

‘Okay, I tell you what….you decide when enough is enough, and after all, it’s only a job for me.’

‘Alright let’s give it a go.But I will tell you if I think it has gone too far.’

So I went to my car and got the little body-hair trim set I always kept in the glove compartment. After all I’m only human, and one should never turn down opportunities because he isn’t prepared. Closing the front door behind me, I told her that the best place for the shaving would be on the bed since it would give me access to her hair. Fiona hesitated a bit as she sat down but I assured her again that it was normal work for me. So she lay back on the bed, and removed her towel with great reluctance. In the meantime I had opened the little pouch on the dressing table, and as I turned to face her my breath caught in my throat. As she lay back on the bed with an innocent look on her face, hair fanned out behind her to dry, I thought that she could possibly be the most beautiful woman in the world, ever. She was not what you would call thin, but her curves were all in the right places, and right at the apex created by her long legs, was the little triangle I was supposed to work on. I could already feel the sweat on my brow. She noticed my nervous look and asked me whether I wanted to go on with it.

Nothing was about to stop me from this job. I wet my hand with the moisturizing cream from the pouch and swept my hand along her pussy hair, massaging the oil in right through to her skin. At this touch, she let out a long low moan that had my dick springing to attention.

‘You are so soft I cannot resist touching you…’ I told her ‘It’s a good job we’ve got people to meet otherwise I won’t let you out the door.’

‘If you continue like that I would be afraid that I would let you lock me in….’ she whispered back.

I took her words as a hint that she was enjoying herself. I continued applying Escort Selimpaşa the lubricating softener to my hands and rubbing it in her mound. There was actually far more than was necessary, but I didn’t let something like that bother me. I looked hungrily onto her wide open gash, and as soon as some oil made itself down into her slit I was quick to rub it in with my thumb. I looked up at her and with satisfaction noticed that her eyes were closed tightly. She started gyrating her hips ever so slightly while clenching the bed-covers in her fists. My hand was meanwhile still milking her for all its worth. Within a minute she gave a shudder, clamped her legs shut against my hand and let out a ragged scream as she came violently against my hand. I smiled to myself at the power of this mature woman. She slumped back on the bed, calm after this release. Finally I finished the rubbing in of the oil and applied shaving gel to her mound.

I opened up a new pack of razor blades and started shaving. I used long bold strokes to ease the job..not that I was complaining about it. Pretty soon, I not only had removed her bikini line, but also had her bald. In my eyes there is nothing more beautiful than a woman’s shaved pussy. I got up from my kneeling position with difficulty, due to my cock’s confinement in my shorts. I wet a face-cloth from the cold water faucet in the sink and freshened her newly shaved pussy…

By this time Fiona was gripping the bed covers tightly again, and I held her lips apart with my thumbs before lowering my face and giving her clit a long slow lick.

‘Ohhh….’ she moaned.’please don’t stop Mark. I know it’s wrong, but I’ve waited for this moment for years.’

How could I stop? I couldn’t even if I wanted to…I was crazed by the feminine musk oozing out of her fanny. I licked her again and suddenly felt her grab my hair and push me against her….I grimaced with pain and bit her lightly on her clit to punish her. I guess I must have done the wrong thing as she closed her legs right against my head and started thrashing on the bed. This nearly cut off my air supply but there was no way I was going to spoil it for her by removing my tongue from the lashing I was giving her most private parts.

After she calmed down I came up gasping, while she caressed me. Needless to say my dick was still in a very aroused state, and I got up and pulled my shorts down. My cock bobbed once or twice before settling into a slightly higher than horizontal position. Fiona looked in rank admiration at my boner….complimenting me not only on its size, but also on its girth, which I think was a bit more than usual.

‘Just do it Mark….just pump it in me.’ she begged, as she scooted up a bit more on the bed. I obliged her by taking my dick in my hand and guiding it to her love hole.

I pressed in Selimpaşa Escort Bayan a bit, the head being swallowed immediately, but then stopped to ask her if she wanted this to happen.

‘Hell..I’ve want this every day since we were young…..’ she whispered back, lost in happiness and emotion.

I pressed in her slowly but surely, going in straight to the hilt without a pause.

‘Oh my goodness…oh wow..’ she exclaimed , ‘just stay like that..don’t move..I just want to savor your cock stretching my pussy…it’s so thick…’

What could I do but oblige her. Unfortunately my arms started to tire after a minute and I told her so….

‘Okay, I think I have adjusted a bit to your size by now. It’s been months since I have had a cock in me.’

I was amazed. How could this woman stay away from men for this time. Must have been a couple of years since her husband had died. I started pumping, and I cannot exactly describe the pleasure being transmitted by my cock, buried deeply inside her. Pretty soon I felt the first pangs of release and asked her whether she was on the pill.

‘Hell no…don’t you dare come inside me!! I’ll tell you what to do. Gimme that big cock, stuff it to me.’

Fiona got up from her position on the bed and pushed me down now. She turned round and lowered her mouth to my dick. I thought there was no way she could take me all inside her, but boy was I wrong. She wet my pole with her saliva, and ever so slowly began to apply pressure from her mouth onto it, as my dick disappeared into her face. I was already on the edge, but she pressed beneath my balls firmly and the sensations stopped immediately. This went on for another five minutes before I told her that I couldn’t take it anymore.

‘Mmmm…’ I heard her say. I thought she was probably urging me to come in her mouth, but she pulled off me, lay on her back again and told me to shoot it all over her ample bosom. I must have cum a gallon, there was so much of it on her chest and face. I loved her boobs and spent another luxurious five minutes rubbing my semen into her skin.

We must have drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I know was Fiona nudging me awake, only , to my horror, realize that her close friend Claire, was standing at the foot of the bed, with a knowing look on her face.

‘I knew you would get around to this sometime,’ she said in her raspy voice looking at my flaccid dick. God how it excited me. ‘You better get dressed, we have a barbecue to cook.’

Needless to say we had to tell Claire what happened, and she quite understood. She was actually only too happy for us.

‘Just as long as I can share in your secret from time to time….’

Following the first encounter, Fiona sold her house, and came to live with me in the opposite side of the city, where no-one knew her. Although we didn’t especially care about what people thought, we didn’t want tongues wagging. Moreover we did not date or go out with others on a long-term basis. We had each other. What more could we want?

And Claire? Well that is another long story. Must find the time to tell you all about it.

The End….. (or is it the beginning?)

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