Photographic Escapades Ch. 02
Authors’ Note: This is the second installment of a much longer story with each chapter being a different category. Although it is in the Novels and Novellas section this part could be classified as Exhibitionist & Voyeur. This is a stand-alone story but would suggest that you read Chapter 1 for a better description of the characters. Votes and constructive criticism are welcome and appreciated. Hope you enjoy
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A few weeks had passed since my daughter Sally left her lesbian girlfriend and came to live with me. We had come to the simple arrangement that we would continue to live our own lives without putting any undue strain on each other. I managed the odd photo shoot here and there and Sally continued with her own job. The only concession I asked for was that we would meet and spend at least one hour together every day. I did not want to live in the same house as my daughter and never have any chance to see her. Sally agreed to this, notwithstanding the fact that we both had erratic lifestyles. It soon became painfully obvious that finding one hour during the day to be together would ultimately be impossible, unless we had that hour during breakfast. This was not the ideal situation as I am not a morning person, and it does take time for me to wake up properly, but we managed handsomely.
Somewhere in the furthest corners of my mind I could hear Sally speaking to me. It seemed important but I had suddenly gone into my own little world of reminiscences . . . . .
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Not being on the top of the photographic ladder anymore, and not being in such high demand, I had to accept any assignment that came along. Beggars, after all, could not be choosers. The reason I lost my standing in the glamour photography world was by my doing. A couple of years after my wife Jenny died, about thirteen years ago, I went into semi-retirement to look after Sally full time. She had originally been looked after by her grandmother Margaret, Jennys’ mother, but the shock of losing her only daughter at the tender age of only thirty proved to be too much for her. She slowly slipped into depression and her health declined to a point that she had almost lost the will to live. I had long rejected work to be able to care for both Sally and Margaret and about a year and a half after laying Jenny to rest, her mother was finally at peace.
Sally and I were alone.
Raising a headstrong twelve year old was not an easy undertaking and at times I wondered if I was really up to the task. Having legally adopted Sally at 9 years of age when I married her mother, I never had a part in her formative years and was thus at a bit of a loss. Sometimes I doubted my own resolve. When it came to laying down the law, was I being a loving father or simply a tyrant that wanted his own way? I tried to remember how my parents raised me and adopted their techniques as well as I could. I knew that Sally got her periods regularly so that discussion and that of the birds and bees had obviously been taken care of by either her mother or grandmother. Although this offered a certain amount of lee-way, what was I supposed to do when boys started coming around? If they tried anything funny with my baby girl I’d nail the randy bastards to a wall. What would I do when Sally started getting interested in boys? I knew her sweet innocent mannerisms wouldn’t last forever and her hormones were soon going to kick in and take her on a wild sleigh ride.
The years passed, full of ups and downs. Very fortunately, there were many more ups than there were downs. Sally really was a sweet girl and she never gave me any problems that were earth-shattering. She had only a few weeks earlier turned eighteen and I had to look at her in a new light. She was no longer my baby girl. Here was a young lady in the body of a woman. Her figure had filled out and although she could not be called slim, she was ever so slightly rounded, giving her ample curves but it never occurred to me that hardly any boys ever came knocking at the door asking for her.
She and I had very few arguments and we agreed on almost everything but there was one particular time that stuck in my memory. She came home after school and after flinging her bag on the stairs she ran into the kitchen. I was there pottering around preparing dinner when she flopped down at the table.
“Yes darling?” I didn’t turn around.
“How much do you love me?”
I slowly placed the chopping knife I had been wielding down on the cupboard and folding my arms across my chest turned to face her.
“How much is it going to cost me?” the sarcasm in my voice was evident but Sally didn’t blink an eye.
“Not a single penny,” she retorted matter-of-factly, barely looking at me, almost uninterested in my reply.
“Then I love you very much!” I exclaimed with a smile on my face.
“Brilliant! Then you won’t mind if I go out tonight. Tiffany is having a party for her nineteenth.”
I looked over at her. The look bahis siteleri on her face had changed completely. Gone was the nonchalant look and the relaxed posture. Now it seemed that every fibre in her body was tensed in readiness for my response. That’s what I loved about Sally. Although she was of age and now an adult, she still asked for permission to go out late or places that weren’t the norm. I decided to have a little fun at her expense.
“At what time, and where?”
“At 8 o’clock at her house. Her parents will be there.” I looked at my watch. It was a quarter to six.
“Well I don’t know,” I slowly drew out.
“Oh come on dad…” I held up a finger and she stopped.
“Will you let me finish please?” and her head dropped a little. “I’m not too sure because…”
“Please dad…” she began again but I immediately spoke up again.
“Will you PLEASE let me finish.” She nodded sullenly and looked at the table. “As I was saying… I don’t know. I’m not too sure because you might not have enough time to get ready, but if you hurry you should be able to.”
“Did you just say yes?” Her head shot up and looked expectantly as if she had heard me wrong.
“Only if you hurry,” I continued.
“Thanks daddy,” she screamed and jumped up on me to give me the biggest hug ever. “I’m going to get ready.”
She ran out of the kitchen and I could hear her footsteps thumping as she quickly climbed the stairs. I chuckled to myself and continued preparing dinner which would now be for one.
Sally reappeared in the kitchen just after 8 o’clock wearing a pale blue summer dress that showed off her rounded hips and ample bosom. She held her arms wide waiting for my opinion.
“A little heavy on the cleavage tonight aren’t we?” I asked.
“Maybe a little,” she unashamedly replied looking down at her boobs nodding. But you know what they say?”
“What do they say?” I inquired.
“If you’ve got it… flaunt it.”
“If you think that just because you have large breasts you can go…”
“Dad I was joking. It was after all you that bought me this dress, remember?”
She was right. I had bought the dress for her but I never thought that she would fill it to such perfection.
“Give me a twirl!”
She did as I asked and she looked picture perfect.
“Bellissima!” I exclaimed, kissing the tips of my fingers.
My camera was at the ready and she knew the routine. A few poses when she was dressed up nicely was the norm. She had picked up a few pose ideas over the years and the photos that I took of her came out very nicely. When we were ready she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to leave.
“See you later!”
I held on to her hand and she swung back to face me.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“I gave you a kiss!”
I took two small square packets out of my pocket and offered them to her.
“Condoms?” she squealed. “You have got to be kidding me?” I shook my head offering them to her again. “Dad no!”
Her tone was adamant but I was not going to be perturbed.
“I don’t think that it will only be girls at the party, right?” She shook her head. “Then you need to take these with you.”
“Dad I don’t need them and plus I don’t have any pockets or a handbag to keep them in.”
“Put them in your bra.”
“Dad please.”
“Look Sally I was eighteen once and I know that parties can sometimes get a little out of hand and when you’re having fun and with a lot of friends, inhibitions can sometimes run low. I am not telling you to go and have sex, but if one thing leads to another and the guy isn’t prepared, you are. All I ask is that you take them with you just in case.”
Her demeanor softened towards me and held her hand out for the condoms. I passed them to her and she tucked them snugly into her bra.
“Perfect! Have fun darling,” I gave her a hug.
“See you later,” and with that she was gone!
I decided to move to the living room and switched on the T.V. There was a wildlife documentary on that I had seen before and quickly lost interest so I switched it off again. I walked over to my work desk and switched on my pc. I navigated to where my latest photos were stored and started scrolling through them. There were a few that would need touching up but the majority of them were fine. I started the image manipulation software package that I normally use and got stuck in to correcting those photos that I had marked for adjustment.
As always when working on my photos the time seemed to fly when I heard a noise in the hall way. I looked at the time and realized it was almost mid-night.
“You still awake dad?” Sally softly asked.
“Yes darling. Was waiting for you.”
“Good, can we talk?” her voice was soft and I knew from experience that what she wanted to talk about was something that was bothering her.
“Of course we can.” I quickly switched off my pc and motioned her to the sofa. “Let’s sit down. Did you use canlı bahis siteleri both the condoms?” I joked.
“Oh that reminds me,” she said, her hand dived into her bra and she pulled out both condoms, their packing still unbroken. “You can have them back. I told you I wouldn’t need them.”
“So I can rest assured that you are still a virgin, unless you have…”
“Yes dad!” her exasperated tone echoed. “I am still a virgin and will be so for a long time to come.”
“And how, pray tell, can you be so certain that you will remain so for a long time? In the heat of the moment you never know what might happen.”
Sally was quiet after my small outburst. Her eyes were lowered towards the sofa and she seemed to be thinking of how she was going to answer.
“I can be certain dad,” she looked me directly in the eye, “because I’m a lesbian.”
“You’re what?” I spluttered.
Her face had turned a beetroot red but she continued unabashed.
“A lesbian.” She solidly stated. “You know I like gir…”
“Yes! I know that lesbians like girls. What I don’t know is why you think you’re a lesbian.”
“Because I don’t like boys.”
“How do you know you don’t like boys? You’ve hardly been out with any.”
I looked at Sally sitting across from me. Realization finally struck as the cogs in my head turned, knocking some of the cob-webs out of my thick skull. It all became too apparent why boys never called for her but always girls. She only went out with girls because…
“Are you absolutely sure about this darling?” It was more an offer of support than a question. Although it didn’t bother me in the slightest that she might indeed be a lesbian, there was always someone who would think she is sick.
“Yes dad, I’ve never been so sure of anything in all my life. In fact that is not the only piece of news I have for you.”
“Oh so the plot thickens.”
“I met this girl at Tiffs’ tonight. Her name is Tina and she asked me out. We’re going to meet on Saturday.”
That was the beginning of my daughters love hate relationship of three years.
– – – – –
Her single, half shouted word rang out like a clap of thunder knocking me out of my thoughts to bring me crashing back to reality. I looked at her questioningly having been so deeply immersed in my thoughts that I had no idea as to what was going on.
“Did you hear a single word that I said,” she asked but I shook my head.
“Sorry darling, I was miles away. What were you saying?”
“Light years more like it,” she smirked. “I was telling you that I want to leave my job and start something new.”
“What bought this on? I thought you were happy where you are.”
“I’m not unhappy but I’m bored. Selling insurance isn’t the most exciting job in the world.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“I do have a few thoughts but I wouldn’t leave my full time job right away. I’d start off slowly to sort of test the waters and see how things go.”
“Okay, good idea,” I agreed. “That way if things don’t work out…”
“I’d still have a proper income,” she concluded.
“Very good idea. What did you have in mind?”
“I was thinking about modelling.”
There was a tone of hesitation in her voice. Almost imperceptible, but I managed to pick up on it and immediately knew where this was leading. I didn’t want to shut her down right away and decided to play along and try to ease her in to telling me everything.
“Modelling?” I echoed. “I don’t know, have you…”
“I know I might not have the best figure around,” she stated, standing and giving me a twirl. She was as normal, very skimpily dressed in only a snug cotton cami and briefs. “But I don’t think my figure is that bad.” She tugged at her briefs, showing a slight camel toe and arranged her cami to accentuate her large, braless bust line. “What do you think?”
I couldn’t very well tell her that I thought her to be exceedingly sexy, hot, ravishing and a dozen other titles to describe her, so I settled in giving her a tamer version of the truth.
“Darling, I think that you are beautiful and have a lovely figure, but I might be a little biased in my opinion.” I winked at her and she smiled back. “Seriously though,” I continued, “there are quite a few underwear and lingerie manufacturers that might want models. If you were to check…”
“I wasn’t thinking about lingerie modelling.”
“No?” I replied, knowing full well what she meant. “Well fashion modelling is still quite lucrative and having a curvy figure might help you…”
“You want to start in glamour photography?” I tried to look a little taken aback.
“Yes, why not?” she quickly replied without waiting for an answer. “Mum used to do glamour. You’re a glamour photographer. You know the ropes and you also have your own studio. You have the contacts. The way I see it, it’s a win win situation. I think it would be a great partnership.”
“A güvenilir bahis partnership?” she nodded vigorously. I decided to have some fun with her. “Hmmm. I heard a lot of ‘yous’ in your statement, there were no ‘me’s’. It seems to be all about what I can do.” I tried to look deep in thought. “What exactly are you going to bring to this ‘partnership’?”
She stood up, pushing the chair away with the back of her legs. Her expression changed, and for a fleeting moment it was almost as if I was looking into her mother’s eyes. That same come hither look her mother used on me. Painfully slowly, she folded her arms underneath her boobs, raising them up even higher, putting more emphasis on her already ample cleavage. She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. Her position had ever so slightly moved her top down and I could just catch a glimpse of the edge of her areolae.
“I,” she gutturally proclaimed, “am going to bring the talent.”
I had to admit, she was holding a very provocative pose but there was a huge difference between a single pose and a whole shoot.
“Yes I can see that you have that down to a tee, but what makes you think you have the ‘talent’ to pull off a whole shoot or actually get into the business?” There was no malice in my tone, but I wanted to make sure that she knew what she was letting herself in for. “It’s not that easy you know. Some of the poses are quite uncomfortable and in the long run, no matter how comfortable you might feel now, the stark reality of the studio with all the lighting and the click of the camera puts the whole thing in a different perspective. It takes a bit of doing to actually pose naked. Do you think you’re up to it?”
She looked a little taken aback by my answer and relinquished her pose and sat down again looking thoughtful. A few seconds passed again before she spoke.
“True,” she matter-of-factly began. “I might not have any studio experience but I have been practicing the poses for years now. One of the reasons that I would want you as my photographer is because I trust you and because I know your studio like the back of my hand. For all intents and purposes I might as well be in my bedroom; that is how comfortable I feel about this. The lights and camera are just part of the package so I suppose it’s either get used to them or forget it.”
I tried one last ditch effort to get her to change her mind.
“One last thing,” I began. “You do know that these pics, if published, will be around forever. Have you considered that they might come back to haunt you? I wouldn’t want you to look back in a few years’ time and regret even thinking about all this.”
I could instantly tell that I had hit a sore point.
“I had thought of that,” she replied scrunching up her nose, “but I think I might have come up with something to overcome that.”
“Really?” I was genuinely surprised.
“Ok it’s not as if the photos are going to disappear but do you think if I was to start off sort of tease photos. You know boobs and implied nude. You know crossed legs, a drooping hand covering everything so nothing actually shows. What do you think?”
“Not a bad idea, but let’s put it this way, if you go ahead with this, you can publish any photos you want. If you’re doing this for you and not because you’ve taken a job, you can do whatever you want. It’s all up to you.”
“That’s true. So you think it’s a good idea?”
“Alright, I can see that you’ve given this a lot of thought and I believe you are old enough to make your own decisions, but answer me one thing though. You said you have been practicing the poses for years. How would you know what the poses are? What did you mean by that?”
“Oh come on dad. Could you be so naïve that you never realized?”
“Realized what?”
“Take a look around the house. Where other families have paintings of landscapes and flowers we have photos of boobs and nudes. Plus there is also something else… I have been studying the photos of the nudes on your pc for years.”
Now it was my turn to be taken aback.
“You hacked into my computer?”
“Not exactly, no!”
“So how did you…”
“Having the same password, which by the way is mums’ full name Jennifer, on any pc you’ve owned for the past ten years doesn’t make it very hard to log into.”
“But why would you go into my computer?” I asked a little hurt.
She took my hand in hers and gave me a sly smile.
“You have a lesbian daughter and a pc which is a treasure trove of pictures of nude women. Did you actually think that I wouldn’t try to check them out? I can tell you, there are some hotties on there!” I still didn’t want to actually believe that my young innocent daughter was going through my collection of photos of nude women. “Oh, and by the way. The sets of mum are really something else. She had a beautiful body.”
There was no shame or embarrassment in her voice. I had only ever taken one ‘official’ set of her mother which was on the day that we met and had been commissioned, but had spent a lot of time in the studio with her after she retired from the glamour circuit and had a lot of unseen material of her. Jennifer was a natural and enjoyed posing nude for me. Many a time this would be a prelude to us having wild sex, but I regress…