
Reunited Pt. 02


This is the second part in my Reunited series.

There was an error with the original publishing of this part, it was called Road Trip Pt. 02. Not sure why that happened. I had requested to get it fixed but nothing has happened yet. Since then I have rewritten and edited the chapter so I decided that I would just publish the new version as a new story.

Summary: Amy goes to visit Jamie at work.

Thanks to Barelyawriter for editing this story.

All characters are over the age of 18.


Part 2

I felt like a weight had fallen off my shoulders. Every single emotion that had overwhelmed me in the last twenty-four hours had disappeared and was replaced with a rush of love and acceptance. It had also been less than four hours since Jamie had fucked me on top of his genuinely nice kitchen island counter, and I was already horny for more.

Having Jamie inside me had been the most erotic and pleasurable experience of my life. No past boyfriend or lover had ever made me cum so hard, just thinking about it made my pussy wet. I wanted to grab Jamie and either ride his rather impressive cock again or have his tongue devour me. But he had to leave. Jamie was a photographer and had to head over to his studio to do a pregnancy shoot for a couple expecting their first child.

It had made my heart flutter when I saw his internal struggle, he hadn’t wanted to leave. He had contemplated calling and changing their appointment, but it would have been very last minute, and I had told him to just go. I wasn’t going anywhere. I needed a moment to compose myself and try to calm myself down after everything that had just happened. Jamie had told me that he loved me, and as more than just a sister, he loved me as a lover. He had also told me that I was his; if any other guy tried to claim that I belonged to them, I probably would’ve cut off their cock. Still, hearing Jamie say those words just made my heart skip a beat.

When Jamie had left, I felt sad watching him go. He had left after many, many kisses, and promises that he would be back and that we had only just gotten started. I was excited for him to return but too excited to wait, and for the second time that morning, I masturbated. This time no guilt or shame was to be felt as I lay across Jamie’s couch, fucking myself with my fingers, pretending that it was his cock all over again.

In the four hours since Jamie had left, I had showered, moved my bags into Jamie’s room—because while the guest bedroom had been my intended bed, I had no plans of ever using it—and cleaned up the rest of the mess in the kitchen. Once I was in a more stable headspace, I sat down at the table and did some work. The first task was to ring my boss, by now they would have noticed my lack of presence at the art gallery, and I wasn’t just going to disappear entirely on them. The conversation had been surprising; my boss, Jane, was a woman in her early forties with three young children and an ex-husband—who she spent more time fucking then hating— heard me mention “cheating boyfriend” and told me to take all the time I needed. Jane told me that they could survive without me for the next week and that I needed to go and get thoroughly fucked by some hot guy—more than once—before rubbing it in my ex’s face. I had been tempted to tell her that I had already accomplished that, maybe not more than once, but Jamie certainly had given me a great fucking. I didn’t give her any more details, though. I took the time off and told her I would try and do some work on my laptop.

I managed to end the call while Jane was still ranting and tried to focus but being surrounded by Jamie’s stuff led to many distractions. Even just being able to smell him made it impossible to focus on the emails I had received from different clients. Eventually, I gave up and decided to just relax and watch some TV until Jamie could come back.

My phone rang, interrupting a re-run of Bewitched, and I couldn’t help but smile as Jamie’s name appeared on the screen. “Hey,” I said. I felt like a little girl who was talking to her first crush.

He said, “Hey, you, what are you up to?” His voice was low like he was trying to speak quietly.

The sound sent shivers through my body. “Just watching some old re-runs, waiting for a handsome made to sweep through the door and ravish me.” I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I sat up and tucked my feet underneath me.

Jamie chuckled and asked, “And who is this handsome man?”

I bit down on the corner of my lip. I couldn’t help but tease Jamie. I said, “I think you know him. He’s about six-two, the most amazing blue eyes, and shaggy blonde hair. Oh, and he has this amazing cock that he absolutely nailed into me this morning.”

“Sounds like a keeper to me,” he said.

I licked my lips. “Indeed. I was thinking that when he comes back that I’ll make sure I’m naked for him. He can walk in, and I’ll drop to my knees before me, pull that cock from his pants and wrap my lips around it.” I smirked as I heard his illegal bahis groan. “Do you think he’d like that?” I asked.

“When did you become such a dirty girl?” he asked, a moan following it.

“It seems you just bring it out of me,” I said. And it was true, dirty talk and teasing hadn’t been something I was always comfortable with, but Jamie had just seemed to unlock something I had never been able to access before.

“I’m glad I did,” he said. “Fuck, my cock’s hard.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m sorry that I’m not there to help.”

Jamie groaned, and I heard his shift.

“Is there a good spot for me to suck you off at your studio? Or maybe somewhere you could bend me over and take me from behind?” I asked.

He chuckled. “There are plenty of different places I could do many different things to you. I could show you just how much I love that tight pussy.”

A flash of desire had excitement flood into my pussy. I squeezed my legs together. “Now who’s teasing,” I said.

“Did I get you excited, baby?”

I whined. “Yes.”

“How wet are you?” he asked.

I laid down on my back and stretched out my legs. I popped open the button of my shorts and slipped my fingers into my underwear. The fabric was already damp, my lips were dripping with need. I moaned as my finger slid across my folds, I said, “I’m dripping.”

Jamie moaned and said, “I bet you are.”

I moaned as I pushed a finger into my folds. “Please tell me you will be back soon.”

“I wish.”

Another whine escaped me. I needed Jamie.

He huffed and said, “This couple is driving me nuts. I’m taking a break to get some air.”

I whimpered and pulled my fingers from my lips. “You got me all worked up, and you won’t be back anytime soon? That’s mean.” All wet with no cock to coat.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

I sat up and rubbed my legs together to try and ease my ache. I said, “I guess my fingers will just have to try and make up for your cock, might take me all day to get myself off.”

“Or you could come to me,” he said quickly.

“Interesting.” My excitement grew again at the possibilities he was thinking about.

He said, “I’m not too far. Just on the 140 bus down the road and get off at the fourth stop, take a left, and you will be outside my studio. That way I can finish up with this couple and then maybe I’ll ravish you up against these windows for anyone to see.”

My mouth fell open. Again, never something I would do, but I felt like my dirty brother could get me to do anything at this point. “And you call me naughty.”

Jamie laughed. “It’s all you, baby.”

I needed him. He didn’t know how long these clients would take, and I needed his cock back inside me, stretching me until he could fill me with his cum. “I’ll jump on the next bus.”

“Great, I’ll see your sexy ass soon.”

“I love you,” I said. Saying the words warmed me in a completely new way.

“I love you too, Amy.”

I put my phone down onto the coffee table and slid my hand back between my legs. Jamie wasn’t far, but there was no way I would be able to make it all the way to him with how wound up he got me. I could get myself off quickly and then make my way over for him to do whatever he wanted to me.

As I pushed my fingers in between my folds, I couldn’t help but think about how I felt towards Jamie. I loved him completely. I didn’t think there had ever been another guy who had made me feel the same way. There had only been two men that I had ever actually said ‘I love you’ too, and the first had been my high school boyfriend, Jake. He had been the one to take my virginity in the trunk of his dad’s old ute after a party. After doing the deed, which was as awkward as we were, we both said, ‘I love you’. It wasn’t proper love; it was puppy love. The second had been Mark. The only reason I had ever moved in with him was that I thought I’d loved him, but the more I thought about it, the more I understood that it was more the idea of loving him. Mark projected an air of confidence and charm, he had been hard to resist when we’d met, and I quickly enjoyed how he treated me. He could come across as your cliché ‘modern prince charming’, but my reality had been set straight to see that he was nothing more than an asshole with a pretty face.

It didn’t take me long before my orgasm hit. I had been excited enough that a few rubs at my clit and pumps off my fingers set me over the edge, ruining the underwear I had on. I quickly changed them with something clean and putting on a cute little skirt that showed off my defined long legs, I also switched into the skirt because Jamie would have easier access to my pussy. Having to stop and take off clothing just wasted time. I did a quick mirror check before I grabbed my bag and headed down the street.

The streets were busy with people moving about, cars flooding the roads, and the smell of fresh food filled my senses. It was LA at its finest. I stepped around a few slow walkers, casino siteleri as I rushed to the bus stop. I was almost jumping for joy when it pulled up just as I stopped to check the next arrival time. I decided to stand rather than grabbing an empty seat, I was too excited internally that I was worried that my pussy might decide to start dripping again. I didn’t want to leave a wet patch behind.

The bus ride only took a couple of minutes before I hopped off and went back to pushing through the busy sidewalk to get to Jamie’s studio. I smiled as I saw the big sign running across the window and pulled open the heavy glass door. The inside was cool, almost cold, compared to the warm sunny day outside, and I felt my nipples harden from the air. I paused to look around and rub my legs together, to try and compose myself. In seven months, the old brick studio had been converted into a modern, bright room that had a small gallery in one corner showing off all of Jamie’s work. This reception desk sat in the dead centre, as you walked in, and a small waiting area for clients just to the right. I could hear people talking from down the hall and instead of interrupting thought it best to wait.

I moved towards the waiting area and took a seat on the large couch, finding it comfortable and wondering if Jamie would bend me over the back of the sofa or maybe the reception desk. I shivered thinking about his touch but got excited for a different reason as a familiar face stepped out into the main space.

A splitting grin covered George’s face, and he dropped a folder on the reception desk before rushing towards me with his arms open wide. “Amy,” he practically yelled, “oh my god.” He pulled me into a giant hug. “How are you?”

I hugged him right back and couldn’t help but be happy to see him. “I’m good, how are you?”

George was Jamie’s assistant. The two had initially met in a big brother program a few years ago when Jamie had first moved to LA. George was having some trouble without a father figure in his life, and Jamie had tried to help him out. Of course, Jamie had practically adopted George, and the two grew incredibly close. He helped George get through high school and into college, where he was now doing an arts degree. I had met George a few times over the years, and it had been difficult not to love the kid. He wasn’t much a kid anymore though, he was taller than Jamie at six foot four, had his black hair shaved down, and was built like a rock. But one of my favourite things about him was that he had always loved hugs, and it still hadn’t changed.

Pulling back from our tight squeeze, George said, “Glad that you’re here. Jamie has been whining about not seeing you for months.”

“Whining?” I asked.

George nodded. “Constantly. I did try to tell him just to call you, but you lot are just too damn stubborn.”

That we were.

“Anyway, Jamie should be finished with the clients shortly. I’ll let him know you’re here, give me two secs.”

“Okay,” I said.

He jumped up, grabbed the folder he had dropped on the desk and disappeared down the hall.

The seven months apart from Jamie had been me mostly pretending that there was nothing wrong. More than one time, I had found myself standing in front of a mirror telling myself that Jamie was just busy, our relationship was fine, my brother loved me. But it wasn’t fine. Mark had pushed us apart, and it had left a hole in my heart, a hole that Jamie had thoroughly filled—and not with his cock, but with just three words.

Jamie did appear a few minutes later. I had moved over to her little gallery and was admiring some of his work. It was a mix of landscapes and portraits, and I couldn’t help the blush that crept up when I found six different photos that were all of me. The six images all stood side by side, all in black and white, and all of them were of my smiling or laughing. Two I recognised, the first being from the night of my senior prom. My date, who had actually been a friend that I was harbouring a crush for, had decided to ditch me and never show us. Jamie had been home from college at the time, jumped in and took me out. Instead of going to the cheesy prom, he drove us down to an overlook. He bought us a bottle of champagne, and we shared it while sitting on the hood of his car. After more than half a bottle, my face was flushed, and I was laughing, almost uncontrollably. Jamie had slid off the hood and pulled out his camera, it always seemed to go everywhere with him. He stood back from the car and took my picture. The image displayed showed me with my head thrown back, I was mid laugh with the sun setting behind me. It had been one of the best nights of my teenage life.

The other image was of just me again, but this time I was sitting in a chair. It was an old chair that Dad kept in his office and had dubbed his reading chair. I had my legs pulled up again to my chest, and my fluffy white jumper pulled over my knees. My hair was a mess and covered my face, I had poker siteleri even pulled the collar up to hide the lower half of my face beneath the fabric. My eyes were the focus of the picture, and you could see the laughter in my eyes. Jamie had been insistent on taking my photo, I had other ideas and had been trying to tell him I looked awful.

I smiled at the memory and turned to look over at James. He stood with the couple at the reception and was talking while referring to a piece of paper.

George walked over to me and smirked. He asked, “Admiring yourself?”

I grinned. “More like remembering.”

George glanced at the photo of me in the white jumper, he said, “This one is my favourite. You look beautiful.”

My blush returned. “Thank you, but it’s more embarrassing than anything else.”

George hushed me. “Stop it, you are. I think Jamie is more embarrassed when clients admire the photos and ask if you’re his girlfriend.” He laughed.

I bit my lip and glanced over at Jamie. He was still speaking to the couple. I wished that we didn’t have to hide. Finding those who would accept such a relationship would be rare, but at the same time, I liked it being our secret.

“So, why are you in town?” George asked.

I sighed. “I dumped Mark.”

He frowned. “What happened? Did he cheat on you?”

I looked at him, surprised. “Did Jamie tell you?”

“No, I told him nothing.” Jamie appeared behind us. “George seems to have a thing for just knowing things he shouldn’t.”

George shrugged. “Not so much that I know things, I can just read people. Mark was always too good looking with too much charm, I didn’t even meet the guy, but something didn’t seem right.”

I said, “If it didn’t seem right, why didn’t you say something?”

He said, “Because while I have a feeling, I’m not always right. And also, you seemed like you really loved him and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

I gave him a soft smile. “Thanks, but next time tell me. I think the only thing I loved about him was the idea of him being so perfect.”

“He might not say, I told you so, but as your brother, I will.” Jamie nudged me with his hip.

I scrunched up my nose at him and nudged back. “Yeah, you can just can it.”

George chuckled. “Siblings, you two make me glad that I am a lonely child.”

“Excuse me, I know we might not be blood, but I still consider myself your big brother,” said Jamie.

George widened his eyes and covered his mouth with fake shock. “Oh my, I’m so sorry, big brother.” He reached over and grabbed Jamie it a headlock. “Or should I say smaller brother.” The two of them struggled for a minute, I just shook my head at them. They were both still children.

“Honestly,” I said, “grow up.”

George released Jamie, and they both laughed.

“Anyway, I better go. Class starts in ten minutes, and I’m already going to be late,” said George.

“I told you to leave earlier,” said Jamie.

George shook his head. “And I said no, if I had left you alone with that couple I think instead of having some pregnancy shots it would have turned into a crime scene.” He walked over to the desk and picked up a backpack that sat behind it, he slung it over his shoulder. “And I would like to continue to earn a paycheck.”

Jamie just smirked. “Yeah, whatever. Get out of here.”

George smiled. “I’ll see you later, and Amy, no leaving without saying goodbye.”

I nodded. “Promise.”

He headed out the door, finally leaving me alone with Jamie. George was a great guy, but I had come here for one reason and one reason only. Jamie walked over to the door and flipped the lock before turning back to face me. He smiled at me and said, “Do you like the photos?”

I turned back to the photos and nodded. “Yes, even if I didn’t want them taken originally.”

He came up behind me, and his arms slid around my waist. He placed a kiss on my shoulder. “You have always been my favourite subject,” he said.

I leant my body back against him. “How many more do you have?”

He laughed, his whole body shaking against mine. “Many, many more.” He kissed my cheek. “I was thinking that maybe soon, you wouldn’t mind posing for me.”

I smiled. “Is that right?”

He nodded and kissed the corner of my mouth. “But I thought it might be even better if you were naked.”

“Oh,” I said. “For your personal collection.”

“For my eyes only.”

I turned around to face him and cupped his cheeks. “Sounds like fun.” I pulled him in for a kiss. It was deep and full of want. I had waited patiently for him to finish, and now I wanted what he had promised. Fire shot through me as his hands slid over my body before he cupped the back of my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let me move me across the room. My back hit the window, and I gasped as the cold glass touched my skin. His mouth slipped from mine down to my throat. He sucked and nibbled, his crotch rocked up into mine, and I could feel his hardening cock.

I groaned. “Big brother made me a promise,” I said.

He smiled against my skin. “That I did.”

“Are you going to fuck me for everyone to see?”

He kissed the top of my breast.

“Up against the window, or maybe over the desk?”

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