
Save Some for Me Cheri Ch. 02

Big Tits

When I woke the next morning, the house was empty. I threw on some sweats and made a quick sweep outside and found both my Mother’s and my Sister’s vehicles were still in the driveway. No one was in the shower or on the roof either. I began to doubt that yesterday had even occurred. I hadn’t been dreaming, had I? I grabbed a bagel and a Pepsi and headed back to my room to watch Sports Center. After I finished my breakfast I figured I’d take a shower and get in some beach time. In no time I was sitting on the beach, soaking up some rays.

After a few minutes I looked down the beach and could see Cheri and my Mom walking towards me. They must have gone down the beach for breakfast or to check on the gym. They were wearing their dental floss suits again.

“Hey Jason,” greeted my Sister. “How’d you sleep? After your performance last night we figured we’d let you stay in bed this morning.”

“Hope you’re all rested up,” my Mom teased, “We’ve got plans for you.”

So it hadn’t been a dream. I had really had “porn movie” sex with my Mom, my Sister, and her best friend. I really hadn’t taken the time to think it through before and now it was blowing my mind.

“So last night, you guys are all right with that?” I asked. “Isn’t it a little freaky?”

“First of all, we’re girls not guys, let’s get that straight,” my Mom said. “And yes we’re fine with it if you are. Cheri and I decided a while back that sex should be open and fun not governed by any made up rules. It was silly for us to sneak around on each other, living in the same house and all, so we just started being open about it. One thing led to another and we found ourselves sharing a guy and each other. Now we are open to pretty much anything and anybody. It’s worked out fine so far. What do you think?”

“I guess I’m okay with it.” I agreed. “You’re not going to hear me complain about last night, that’s for sure.”

“Us either,” they both giggled in unison.

And so that was that. The conversation turned to beach gossip, the news and ideas for lunch. We agreed that we would go into town for lunch and should head back to the house to clean up.

I had to gather up my chair and blanket so the girls were already over the dune when I started walking back. By the time I got to the driveway I could see they were already in the shower together. I plunked my stuff down and out of habit sat to wait for the shower to be free. I could see from the direction of their legs that they were facing each other and standing very close. Slowly my Mom began to crouch and I could see her beautiful round ass below the shower sidewall. From the looks of things she was giving my sister a tongue-lashing and from the sound of things a very good one. Cheri was whimpering but loud enough to hear over the shower spray. I was thinking about what Mom had said about “openness” and since my dick was starting to wake up, I pulled my trunks off and started to rub one Escort Yayalar out. I was freaking out. I’m sitting on a bench on my driveway, naked and hard as a rock, tugging on my pole imagining what my Mom is doing to my sister.

“Don’t you dare waste that, Jason,” my Mom yelled from under the shower. “Get your sweet ass in here!”

She didn’t have to ask me twice. I scooted over with my dick leading the way.

Once I was inside, my Mom grabbed some soap and said, “I think this dick needs a good cleaning. What do you think, Cheri?”

“Oooh, it looks really dirty to me,” Cheri squealed, “and that tight butt is going to need cleaning too.”

Before I knew what hit me, I was being soaped up from both ends and loving every minute of it. My Mom really knew how to work a cock and my Sister was starting to get a finger in my ass. No rules, no rules, I kept telling myself. I had to admit it felt pretty awesome.

” I think this pretty boy needs a good ass fucking, what do you think, mom,” Cheri asked.

“I think it’ll make his cock explode, Cheri,” Mom giggled back. “It’ll teach him not to call us “guys” though, wont it?”

They both pushed me under the shower stream to rinse off and then my Mom dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth. I felt something cool touch my asshole and looked over my shoulder. Cheri was wearing a strap-on cock just a little smaller than my hard on and she was rubbing the head on my ass crack. I could only pay so much attention to Cheri because my mom was alternating between deep throating me and squeezing my cock between her tits. I felt gentle pressure on my asshole and then my sphincter must have relaxed because Cheri’s cock just slid right in. She began to pump back and forth a little and that was about all it took. My balls began to tighten and I could feel my load bubbling towards the tip.

Mom demanded, “I want to swallow your load, now!”

“Ahhhhhhhhg,” I grunted. One of the hugest loads I had ever produced began pumping into my Mom’s mouth and dripping out onto her tits.

My Sister continued to pump my asshole in rhythm to my cock spurts. It felt great with the “dick” in my ass. She pulled out with a “plop’ and knelt down to share some cum with Mom. I felt a little awkward. Was I gay? I really enjoyed getting boned in the ass but I enjoyed tit-fucking my Mom more. I think my Mom could tell something was up.

“You liked that didn’t you, Jason,” she asked. “Don’t worry, you’re not gay. It’s just sex, remember. No rules, just pleasure. Besides, look at who was doing the fucking. She’s all girl, right?”

She was right. My Sister is one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen and now that I’m fucking her she seems even hotter. I guess I was okay with it. It did feel good. I began to wonder what the real thing might feel like. I mean, if my Mom and Sister can have sex with each other and other girls, I suppose Yayalar Escort Bayan I could do it with another guy. No kissing though, I’ll draw the line there.

We dried off together, helping each other with hard to reach spots. I started to harden up again but was told to save it for later. I calmed myself down and went to my room to get dressed for lunch. I was waiting in the kitchen for Cheri and Mom when they walked in together. Holy Crap! They were both wearing mini skirts and tank tops, obviously without bras. They looked HOT. I whistled my approval, they thanked me, and we were off.

We went to the next beach south of ours, to a place on the water. They had great seafood and I was hungry for crabs. A hot young hostess showed us to our booth and we waited for our menus. Our food came quickly and we ate and talked about nothing. We were nearly done when my mom seemed to drop her napkin.

“Can you reach that Jason,” she asked.

I leaned under the table to get it and just happened to look towards Cheri and mom’s crotches. Bare! Nothing but skin under their skirts. They must have known I was getting an eyeful because just then they reached into each other’s laps. They began to stroke and play with each other.

“You should have some dessert while you’re down there, Jason. I know I wouldn’t mind,” teased Mom.

I looked toward the restaurant and with no one in my line of sight; I tentatively eased my face into my Mom’s cunt. I was licking up and down the slit and searching for the button with tongue. I could tell she was enjoying it because she began to squirm. I figured we were in for a “When Harry Met Sally” moment when I saw the legs of the hostess out of the corner of my eye.

“Is everything okay for you folks this afternoon?” the hostess asked sternly.

“My Son is just licking, I mean looking for his napkin,” Mom replied, “Thanks.”

I bumped my head trying to return to my seat and Mom and Cheri broke out laughing. I sat there with my shorts tenting up and an embarrassed look on my face. Our check had come and we were ready to leave but I wasn’t going anywhere with this flagpole sticking up. My Mom and Sister were giggling uncontrollably.

“If you walk out of here like that, I’ll make it worth your while” said my Mom.

I shrugged. How many people that I knew would see me? It would be embarrassing but I was curious about what was my Mom thinking about. I figured I’d take the chance. I got up hoping to walk out behind Cheri and Mom. No such luck. They pushed me to the lead and there I was, my 10″ horse cock leading the way. The hot hostess from earlier just stared with her mouth open as I walked past. Cheri stopped to whisper something to her but I kept on walking. In the parking lot, I picked up the pace and hopped in the back seat of the Jeep and closed the door. Mom got in the other side and Cheri slid into the drivers seat. My Yayalar Escort dick was really straining at my shorts so for comfort sake I pulled them off.

“Ooooh, I just love that cock” my Mom squealed.

“What did you say to the hostess, Cheri?” I asked.

“Oh, I just said if my brother didn’t hurry out to the truck so my mom could give him a hummer he was probably going to explode in the restaurant,” she said, laughing.

“No way you said that,” I yelled.

“You bet your sweet ass I did” Cheri shot back. “I gave her our address too. I saw the way you were looking at her. You want to fuck her don’t you?”

“Well maybe just those cans. Did you see her tits?” I answered.

“I did,” my Mom mumbled through a mouthful of cock.

God, could she suck cock. She was slurping and licking while she jacked me with one hand and rimmed my ass pucker with the other. Before I knew it we were in our driveway.

“Let’s go, big boy,” my Mom said as she pulled me from the Jeep by my dick. “We’ll finish this inside.”

So there I was, no shorts on, being pulled across my driveway by my dick and into the house. Once inside our clothes flew off in a little clothing hurricane as my sister joined in on the fun. I was getting more stamina it seemed because usually with this much stimulation I would have come already. I sat down on the couch and Mom knelt between my legs and started deep throating me. She was able to get all but about 3″ in her mouth and throat. She stayed like that and worked her tongue around my shaft without bobbing. I was in heaven. Cheri had climbed up on the couch and settled her pussy right in front of my face so I did the natural thing. I remembered a comedian once doing a routine about licking the alphabet so I started in, A…B…C. I thought Cheri was going to faint.

“Where…did…you…learn…THAT”? Cheri screamed as she orgasmed. “Mom, you’ve got to try this”

“I’m kinda busy,” Mom hissed as she pulled off my dick.

“He can wait. You have got to try this,” Cheri screamed.

My Mom hopped up and I started all over again, A…B…C. Same result. Now with two very happy ladies and my dick ready to explode, I was looking for some relief.

“How about me?” I asked.

Cheri reached down and steadied my cock as she lowered her pussy onto me. This was actually a first. I had fucked their tits and mouths, even my Mom’s ass but no pussy action yet. She was tight and wet and I was not going to last long. She humped up and down and set the pace herself. I tried not to cum but my Mom had started sucking on my sac and there was no stopping the launch sequence now.

“I’m…gonna…cum…now,” I grunted.

They both backed away just enough and in what was now a routine act, pushed their tits together to capture the load. I held back one second more and finally let loose a huge rope of cum. It hit my Mom square in the face. I turned to Cheri and gave her more of the same. Back and forth, three loads for Cheri and four for my Mom. “Whew,” I was spent. I sat back and watched as they licked each other clean and fell into a 69. I don’t know where they got their energy. I fell asleep on the couch, naked and watching them. What a day, but it wasn’t over yet.

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