


Madeline brushed her long black hair away from her face, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her round face, button nose, rose colored lips, and sapphire blue eyes were the envy of many women, half her age. At forty-five, she still considered her five foot five, body voluptuous, with all the curves in the right places. She applied just enough make-up to be alluring. Straighten her blouse; that contained her well endowed breasts, and checked her skirt. After that she donned four inch stilettos that accentuated her long, tanned legs. When she walked she still received many catcalls when she walks. Her husband Jim, who was already dressed for work, was watching her. He licked his lips and complimented her. “Darling you are just plain beautiful. How did I get so fucking lucky?”She would flash him a seductive smile, and purr, “Hey handsome, flattery will get you everywhere.”She loved his five-foot nine muscular body. Not to mention his blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could melt butter. Sexually he was as kinky as her, and loved trying new things. It didn’t seem like they have been married for five years. This year, they wanted to do something special for their vacation. They wanted a place that was warm, with tropical breezes, and sun kissed beaches, far away from the cold winter weather of Illinois. They found a perfect location, the Island of Jamaica. They were scheduled to fly there that coming weekend.  “Well doll, we’d better scoot, or I will Escort bodrum be late for work once more, and the boss will be more than pissed.”“I hear you, let me fill my travel cup with Java, and we can be on our way.”After kissing goodbye, he left in his car, and she left in hers. Each hoping they would miss the morning rush hour, of Peoria, Illinois. She walked into her office building two minutes late, as record time for her. She phoned Jim, told him she had arrived safely, and purred, “Have a great day darling.”“Well I wasn’t late thank god. You have a great day too doll. Just think, at 5 pm our vacation starts.” “Oooh I cannot wait, sandy beaches her I come, or is it cum,” she laughed. He laughed and bade her goodbye. Her day was no busier than most Fridays; it started out hectic but by two, slowed to a boring crawl. She sat at her desk watching the clock, which seemed to move a bit slower than usual. Her mind wandered as she thought about the island. She wondered what they could do while there. The brochure showed restaurants, trail rides, scuba diving, and many other kinds of tourist attractions. However she wanted just the two of them, to do something different. Sure they could stroll on the sun kissed beach, or gazing at the star light sky, while fucking in the sand. She continued fantasizing. A daydream so vivid, it seemed real. She saw the two of them making love in a Jacuzzi, on the porch of their bungalow. A Escort Kuşadası knock on the door jolted her back to reality. There stood Elaine, her secretary.“Oh hi, don’t worry; I was just daydreaming of Jamaica.”Elaine walked toward the desk and spoke. “I wanted to stop in and wish you a safe trip on your vacation. I’d love to go to the islands with you. Can I hide in your luggage? God Madeline, I am going to miss you, who am I going to complain to when you’re gone?”“Elaine, maybe they will let you work for Barry, the sales manager. After all you told me he was cute, but not your type, and a bit of a klutz. I just know he will do something you’ll love to complain about.”“Spare me the thought; he has been eyeing my ass every time I walk by him. He gives me the willies.”“Aww he likes you, just keep wiggling your ass, and you’ll have no problems. By the way, when I get back, you can give me the details, if any, plus the all the office gossip.”“Spoil sport. I just know the two of you will not think of the office for a moment. However, if you have time, will you send me a postcard?”“Well girl, I think I can manage to send you a postcard.”Elaine bid her goodbye and left the room. Madeline glanced at the clock and groaned, it finally was quitting time. She wondered how much rush hour traffic she’d fight this time on the way home.She put everything away, and dialed Jim on her cell. “Hi baby, just calling to tell you I am headed bodrum escort toward home.”“Hiya sexy, I am too. I have and idea; how’s about we meet at Ruby Tuesdays for supper. That way, all we have to do when we get home, is finish any last minute packing.”“Well I already have everything packed and ready to go darling. Ooooh, Ruby Tuesdays sound delicious. See you there around six, if I don’t get held up in traffic. I love you baby, goodbye.”She headed out the door, and said her goodbyes to the rest of the staff. Then headed to her car, and drove to the restaurant. For a while she thought she’d missed the most of the rush hour, until she was halfway there. A traffic accident stalled her commute. She thought about calling Jim, but decided to take a side street around the incident. She arrived at her destination fifteen minutes after six. She parked the car, and headed inside to find Jim. The maître d’ offered to help her to her seat when she informed him she was meeting her husband. He started to guide her to his table. Just then Jim came up to her and offered his arm, “Hi sexy, table for two on your left honey.”“Hi sweetheart, I’m starving, let’s go to the table and order something,” Arm in arm the proceeded to the table, ordered drinks, and began looking at the menu. Once the drinks arrived, they told the waitress what they wanted.The two sat back, sipped their drinks and began discussing their upcoming trip. “Oh I cannot wait to see you, wearing practically nothing as we stroll along our secluded stretch of the private beach.”She winked, blushed and replied, “Ooooh, what would you think if I went commando?”“I wouldn’t think, I’d want to lay you down and make love to you, right then and there, in the sand.”“Mmmm darling, that can be arranged.

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