Our stay in the marina was fairly brief. There were no other boats awaiting fueling so the tanks were topped off in just a few minutes and the water tanks refilled. The young guy helping us seemed to enjoy the opportunity to service the 3 lovely, scantily dressed sailors. I’m sure that contributed to our efficient stop. In less than 30 minutes we were casting off the dock and headed back out the cut on our way to Buck Island.
Shortly after getting back into open ocean and turning for our run to Buck Island, Amanda announced that we could resume our previous dress code. I think all four of us were naked in less than 5 seconds. I gathered up all the discarded swimsuits and stowed them below deck in the main salon.
The wind had picked up enough to allow us to go completely under sail and maintain about 6 knots speed. Amanda had installed me behind the wheel with instructions to maintain our heading while she moved around the sails, perfecting their trim. She then laid down beside Connie and Liz who were reclining at the front of the boat. It was hard to stay focused on the compass and our course with the scenery of these nude women stretched out in front of me.
Buck Island is a National Monument along the northeast corner of St. Croix. It has been under government protection since 1948 and became a National Monument under the administration of JFK in 1961. More recently the park area was expanded to include more of the underwater reef. The island, only a mile and a half long, was straight ahead of us and, at the clip we were going we were closing in to our anchorage point in just over an hour.
It was an invigorating feeling being at the helm of a beautiful yacht plying across the Caribbean Sea with nubile naked nymphs stretched out on the deck in front of me, soaking in the suns rays. I could have enjoyed the trip for hours but in too short a time the boat was nearing the place where we would anchor.
All three girls got up from their lounging mats, Amanda and Liz coming back to the cockpit to take over the helm. I was sent back to the mast with Connie to help with the sails and anchor. There were no other boats at the small beach we were approaching and, given this privacy, it didn’t seem necessary to get dressed. Connie did put on some gloves to handle the lines and handed another pair to me.
“You don’t want any blisters,” she warned, “and you certainly want to watch out for your dangling bits. Getting caught up in a line would spoil the day, no doubt!”
The genoa sail wrapped around its furling roller at the touch of a button. On Amanda’s signal, we worked together to drop the mainsail and gather it against the boom. The boat slowed its approach into the little sandy cove and Amanda mecidiyeköy escort bayan turned until we faced the wind, coming to a stop about 50 yards off shore. Connie then had me pull the pin on the winch and the anchor rode dropped into the water. There was a nice breeze and this pushed against the hull until the anchor caught in the sandy bottom.
“Well guys,” said Amanda, “that was a great little sail. Now, the pool is open!”
The breeze that had propelled us to this island dream helped relieve the sweat I’d worked up during the anchoring maneuver but I was still ready to get wet. Before jumping into the water, Liz and I passed a cooler and basket down to the dingy where Connie was ready to ferry our lunch supplies to the beach. There were no other boats anywhere to be seen so we elected to continue our naked day. Amanda stepped down into the small boat with her sister but Liz and I elected to swim in, not a particularly strenuous distance considering our usual morning swim but a welcome way to cool off. We both stepped of the side and began a leisurely stroke to the beach.
I was glad that Liz had remembered the swim goggles so we could enjoy the sights on the ocean bottom beneath us and it was handy to see the approaching shore line to avoid a couple of small coral heads in the shallow water and find a sandy spot for our exit.
The sisters had already spread out a blanket and set out the towels and some food for our lunch but I needed to dry off a bit before sitting to join them. Leaving Liz there, I turned to walk down the beach around a little point jutting out into the ocean. The white sand strand continued ahead of me for at least another quarter mile before turning around another point. This was a perfect way to stretch my legs out after the brief swim and I happily took off at as fast a pace as the sand allowed.
Rounding the second point the sand continued its uninterrupted ribbon, a bright white against the blue of the small ocean waves. I’d worked up quite a sweat by then and, after downing a fair amount of water during the sail, needed to take a brief break. Since the “solution to pollution is dilution” I waded out into the water to cool off and take a bladder break. I floated happily around watching the distant shore of the main island as boats ran back and forth until I was ready to head back for refreshment and lunch.
Turning back to the beach behind me I saw a group of about 4 people strolling down the beach headed to my left. This had them going the same direction I need to be headed to get back to my girls. I could see that these were all women but it was difficult to tell how old they might be. One was wearing either a one piece bathing suit or escort bayan taksim a tankini but the rest were in two piece suits.
Now I had a dilemma since I was wearing a no-piece suit. I hadn’t even brought a hat with me.
My options were to continue to tread water until they turned around and went back the way they came, swim parallel to the shore until I got back to my group, or walk along the beach behind them until they stopped or turned around and then hop back in the water. It didn’t bother be that I might be seen naked but one of the golden rules of naturism is not to offend someone who might be bothered. Since I didn’t have my goggles with me, the swim option didn’t seem very appealing and since I didn’t know how long they might go before turning the treading water option was even less exciting.
I let the group get down the beach a ways before I walked out of the water and began my stroll back. I figured they would either turn around when they got to either of the two points I had passed on my way up. Following at a distance, I stayed close to the waters edge so I could submerge if I needed to. The sun was behind my so I could see them quite well and I was sure that if they were to look back they would see a lone figure walking and I could be back I the water before they realized I was naked.
The group passed the first bend in the beach and were out of my sight. I held up here thinking that if they were to round the curve and see an empty beach they might turn around. I edged into the water, ready to take a dip if they were to reappear but after 5 minutes or so there was no sign so I kept on following. As I made the turn myself I could see the group of four about half way down this stretch of sand before the next bend. I continued, as they did.
The pace was steady and soon the group was going around the next bend. This would put them on the same stretch where Liz, Amanda and Connie were set up. I didn’t recall that any of us had brought swimwear from the boat so likely the walkers would soon discover the nudists. If they were going to be bothered by the nudity then they might turn around soon, so I waded back into the water ready to duck down if I needed to. However, I appeared that they were not put off by the nudists or there were none there if the girls had taken the dingy back to the yacht. After waiting a few minutes I eased around the bend myself.
I could see the spot where we had come ashore about half way down the beach and it looked like my girls were still there, sitting out in the sun. The walking group was about 100 yards away and headed toward them. Figuring there’s safety in numbers, I kept going.
I wondered what the reaction would be when escort bayan beşiktaş the walking women realized that my group was naked. As they approached, it seemed that the walking group slowed down and then stopped…they were stopped and talking to Liz and the sisters.
Now I had a dilemma. I couldn’t hear what the conversation was, whether it was curious or contrary to the unclothed situation. I mean, three of the walkers were wearing bikinis so they certainly weren’t too prudish. But I was trying to get back to my group and I was the only guy…the nude guy. I hoped that Liz would help me out.
Since I’d been following them at some distance I don’t think they even knew I was there. That is until I saw Liz point my direction and they all turned toward me. Liz, Amanda and Connie stood up with the other women and they all waved my direction.
Oh well, there was no hiding now. I closed in, staying about 10 feet or so away from the girls, all seven of them, 3 naked and 4 clothed. Liz stood up as I approached and the others turned toward me. She introduced me and they each told me their names, although to tell you the truth I can’t remember them now. At first I was a bit self conscious being the only guy with 7 women, 4 of whom I’d only just met. Combine that with being nude in front of these still clothed strangers and I was a bit nervous. Since the women were engaged in conversation I decided to take a swim and cool off. I grabbed my goggles and went in.
After about 10 minutes I saw the walkers wave goodbye and continue heading down the beach. I was in need of reapplying my sunscreen so I headed back up to the towels and sat down by Liz, enlisting her help in covering my back. Looking back up the beach we could see the walking group headed back our way.
We cheered as they passed by. All but one had stripped off completely and the other was topless. It looks like we’d made a few new converts.
If you’re thinking that this story will go in to great detail about how Liz and I screwed ourselves silly on that beach bringing the two sisters into the group orgy you’re going to be disappointed. We just had a great day at the beach with new friends. The fact that we were all naked was a nonfactor in our enjoyment. Sure there is a certain eroticism with the nudity but it did not become the center point of our experience. It was just natural and free, and a heck of a lot nicer than having to deal with sand in wet, sticky swimsuits.
After enjoying the beach and lunch we ferried our gear and selves back to the yacht and had a leisurely motor sail to our cove and villa. Since we didn’t have to go back into the harbor we were able to stay unclothed for the entire trip right up to taking the dingy to the beach in front of our house where Karen and Jerry from next door came out (also nude) to welcome us back. We told them how much they had missed out on a great day with offers from Amanda and Connie to take another day sail later on in the week.
I was so looking forward to that…