
Stealing Kisses from Pretty Girls

Big Tits

“Serena, viens ici … dépêche-toi!!”

“J’arrive, j’arrive!!”

That was my first time seeing her. It was in the transport museum near Niort. She was an exchange student staying with her French family. American, unmistakably American. Oh yes, I spot her the first time, quickly, very quickly. Just my type. Attitude, plenty of attitude and those eyes, yes, those eyes and that mouth of hers, chewing gum the way a young girl does and blowing small bubbles with it. She is dark skin and small, very small tits and 18. She arrives in the queue, taking her place with her French family just in front of me. The queue is not long, but it is a tight fit in the small ante-room. So tight that I could stand just behind her and smell her. Once she had gotten her bearings, she turned around, in the middle of blowing a bubble and smiled at me as it burst across her face. I smile back and it is all that I could do to contain myself from slipping my hands around her tiny waist and pulling her close against me. She stands next to a little girl, obviously her “correspondante”, but there is no warmth between them. They merely tolerate each other’s presence. Serena wears a very short skirt with the sort of ease that girls her age do.

The museum itself consists of 4 rows of cars dating from the earliest models to the latest concept designs and proto types. I am there, and not for the first time, to do a report on the museum for an auto magazine I sometimes produce articles for. Once I meet her however, all thoughts of my article are banished from my mind. The cars are arranged in three rows. The museum is a very long and narrow building and most people would start at one end and wander up and down the rows stopping here and there as a particular model caught their attention. I stay not too far from her, following her as she meanders in and out between one row and the other. She is probably mildly aware of my presence. At one stage, she bends down to examine a small label attached to one of the cars. As I pass her, my hand brushes lightly against her bum. She does not notice, or at least pretends not to notice. Further up, I repeat this little exercise. This time, my touch is a little stronger. Her bum feels taut and this time, she does look, but instead of reacting the way I expect, she smiles at me, a bright, welcoming, and inviting smile. She passes by me in the narrow passage and allows her hand to rub against mine. My heart rate increases so quickly. It feels almost ready to explode. Here, in the middle of a public space, I am flirting so outrageously with a young girl. It is trouble, she is trouble and how I love trouble şişli escort bayan so much. Her family “d’accueil” have no idea what is going on, thank God! Madame and monsieur have the stressed out look many parents have. Both would rather be elsewhere but have to tolerate this imposition on their lives as their own daughter will soon be flying back to America for her side of the exchange.

As this is not my first visit here, I was aware of the layout of the building. In the middle of the building there is a small gift shop and at the very top end, there were “les toilettes”. What is unusual about this particular one was the fact that there are only two “cabinets” and two urinals and they are spaced very closely together. There is also a wash hand basin and a mirror. These toilets are unisex.

Madame and monsieur are occupied with their daughter Emilie and soon Serena is separated from them. As she drifts aimlessly from one car to the next, I spot her moving towards the toilets. At this end of the building, there are few if any people about. The coast is clear and I wait until she enters before following discretely. I open the door and see that one of the cubicles is occupied. I go over to the urinals as I hear her flush her toilet and I unzip. My cock is semi-hard. It is large, fat and feels hot as I hold it in my hand. My balls feel very full. I have not come for several days. Sometimes I need a certain stimulus to feel in the mood. Today, it is her. She is it. Today I will come and hopefully, it will be soon. I stand back a little from the urinal as she comes out. She cannot but see my cock as I hold it. Of course, it’s all so perfectly okay! I’m in the toilet, same as her and I can stand there with my cock in my hand and have every right to do so and have a pretty girl stare at it!!

“Oh … excusez-moi monsieur!!” she utters.

“C’est pas grave ma petite!” I answer back, “Ne t’en fais pas pour si peu!”

As Serena starts to wash her hands, I look away and start to finish but I hold it out and boy oh boy, does it feel good with that beautiful beautiful young girl just inches away from it! She is washing her hands so slowly. How long does it take a little girl to wash her hands? Serena is watching me, slyly, in the mirror as I finish up!! She is clearly see at my cock as I whisk it out of sight and replace it, with difficulty and great reluctance, into my pants. What greater feeling can a man experience that have a girl like Serena look at his cock? She finishes washing her hands and looks around for a towel. There isn’t one here.

“Allow me!” I say to her.

I escort bayan fatih pull the ends of my shirt out of my jeans and taking her hands in mine; slowly dry them with the cotton material. Now, she and I are so close. I lean down and steal a kiss from her beautiful young mouth. She tastes of gum. Pulling her close to me, I finally get my hands around her waist for the first time. It is so small that I could almost break it in two. How can someone so small and delicate and innocent looking be strong enough to sustain herself? It is her eyes, however, that allow me to see into her soul. Serena likes danger, lives for it, thrives on it, seeks it out, finds it, uses the nervous energy it produces and consumes it. I did not find her, she found me. It is her hand I feel against my cock. It is her tongue that forces itself into my mouth. It is her arms that force me backwards into one of the tiny cubicles. Now, I am really in danger. If somebody comes in, if she cries out, if, if, if what? The sense of urgency that this produces seems to madden both of us. She pulls her top up exposing her small breasts. My hands cover them, rubbing her nipples between my fingers, enjoying them the way they should be enjoyed, with lust and with the added thrill of consuming a young girl’s flesh. I feel my hand reach behind her and hitch up her skirt. Her bum, oh my God, her little bum, I can almost hold it in one hand. I sit on the toilet seat and put Serena onto my lap. She raises her legs to help me as I take her panties down from her waist down to her ankle. I pocket them, to enjoy later on, to enjoy the smell of her pussy when she is no longer real, but a memory to be lived and relived through her smell. Then, we are ready. She positions herself, hovering over me as she adjusts her weight and begins her descent, that short descent that takes so long, completely enveloping my penis in the tightest of gloves imaginable. As she locks herself into position, we are at eye level momentarily before Serena starts to pump up and down on me. She and I look into each other’s eyes as pleasure, mutual pleasure starts to build. For me, it is difficult to know what exactly what is going on with her. What does a man know at times? Does he go fast, or slow, or does he just hang in there for the ride and let himself get fucked? For me, that option is the best one here. I want her to cum, and to cum strongly. It is hard however to resist, to stop from taking control, to hold back from taking total possession. Her flesh mixes with mine. Her softness and warmth melt into my hardness and fervour. From my mouth in a low merter escort bayan voice come the words which run from me like velvet silk pouring into her ears so that soon there is only for her my eyes, my voice, my cock and then for her the spasms of pleasure as they shoot through her body quickly followed by mine as we both possess one other and time stands still, even then briefly and momentarily, for nothing else matters, nothing else replaces the possession, nothing else replaces the dance and the consummation and for those hurried and brief moments we are in control …

“Let me see you come!!” she whispers into my ear. “Anyway, I don’t want to get pregnant with you so slip your cock out and let me see it!”

She is right. Why come inside her? She that is so young is yet more responsible than me so much older.

“You are such a bad man. You were touching me, teasing me outside and then in here, you took it out and let me see it. I love cocks. Yours is not the first I have touched. Oh you bad man! You are so like all the other men in this world who just want us little girls to stand and stare at their cocks!! You are close to cumming? You are? I can feel it!”

Serena takes him in her hand.

“Here … let me finish him off for you. Let me take him in my hands and jerk him off. You’d like that? I know you would. Where would you like to come? Would you like my mouth? You can jizz over my tits if you want. You like little tits don’t you? You’re just like monsieur out there with his family. Madame has no idea, but I’ve been sucking his cock since the first night I arrived in their house! Does this make me a little slut? I think that it does. Here, come on, I want to see you squirt your load!”

All the while she talked as she ran her right hand up and down my cock. She gently squeezed my balls with her other hand. My cock grows redder and redder as I approach orgasm. Her eyes watch him.

“You’re close … aren’t you? I can tell … look, he’s beginning to leak …your breathing is changing … You’re going to squirt … Come on, let it fly, let the spunk fly … here, you can come on my face, let me have it … I love the feeling of cum splattering across my face, it’s so warm, and sticky … yes, look at it now … Go on, shoot your load, jizz all over me … You know you want to!”

Serena’s words, her hands, her voice, everything combines together and I let fly. My orgasm seems to last forever, just like those when you were a teen age kid. Sperm flies everywhere, landing on Serena’s pretty little face, her neck, her hair and even splashes onto her tiny titties. More the pity that I did not have any more to offer this delightful young lady, but c’est la vie. Both of us dress, compose ourselves and leave the toilet at separate times. Her to Monsieur and Madame and little Emilie, and me, well me to look back, reflect and look for another Serena another day.

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