
Stranger In El Paso


My wife and I recently had to take another business trip to El Paso. Since she had a meeting to attend we thought it was going to be just another routine run. It had been a busy week and we didn’t even get to pack up many things for the overnight stay. We grabbed a few things, threw them in an over night bag and rushed out the door. El Paso is about a 5 hour drive from where we live and we knew we were getting a late start. Her meeting wasn’t until the next morning so we figured all we had to do was get there around bed time. We got on the interstate as soon as we got to the edge of town and settled in for the drive. As we drove we noticed that the interstate was filled with trucks. I had never thought about how much stuff trucks haul from Mexico into the United States. My wife and I were talking back and forth about what’s not made in the US and got on our typical soap boxes about imports. After a while we tired of that conversation and she started noticing the truckers. She told me that she had seen several cute truck drivers and asked if we were in a hurry. I told her that all we had to do was get to El Paso so she could get a good nights rest before her meeting the next day. When I said that, I noticed her start to unbutton her blouse. I knew that this was not going just another boring drive.

We had done this many times before and I knew exactly what to do. Pacing a truck, watching for traffic behind us, and looking for cops ahead of us as she flashes a trucker is no easy task. All of this multi-tasking may be difficult but my cock has a brain all its own. It knows what to do and had already started getting hard. I don’t know how or even if it was something I learned to do but years ago I found I can have several mini orgasms and never shoot cum. Most people think when a man cums he’s done, rolls over and falls asleep. That’s not the case for me. All I have to do is rub my cock through my pants and bang, it happens. Two minutes later I’m ready to go again and can keep doing this for hours. I usually do this because it is such a turn on for me to watch my wife flash truckers. So, I prepared for what was about to start happening. I shifted my cock in my pants and prepared to start pacing trucks.

My wife is pretty picky about who she flashes. When she does find a guy that she likes, she gives him a really good show. We passed a couple that she liked but they weren’t looking. It seemed like they were either staring at the road or on the cell phone. Pretty soon we came up on one truck and my wife had her blouse completely undone and her 36DD tits were in plain view. We noticed the trucker look in his outside mirror as we were coming up. He did a double take and I heard the tale tell sign of his cruise control being kicked off by the sound of his air brakes being tapped. I checked for traffic and started moving into position. He was already looking out the window as we eased up. My wife turned to face him and started rubbing her nipples. She said his tongue was hanging out and he had a big eve gelen escort grin on his face. While she was describing what was going on I started rubbing my cock through my pants. I paced him for a mile or two and he kept making motions for us to pull over. My wife told me what he wanted us to do. That got me going and in a few seconds my cock was having spasms in my pants. We don’t stop for truckers so my wife waived at him and we sped on down the road.

We hadn’t gone too far when she found another trucker she wanted to flash. I made all the moves to get us into position and again she opened her blouse. I started rubbing my cock through my pants when we noticed him looking in his mirror at her. When I eased up beside him she turned towards him and started rubbing her nipples. She told me he was smiling and his tongue was hanging out. He must have been talking on the CB to the previous trucker because he was prepared. As my wife rubbed her titties he raised up and showed her his cock. I heard my wife say, “Oh my, would you look at that!” I asked her what she was looking at and she told me he raised up and showed her his nice long and hard cock. She turned and smiled at me just as I was cumming again. This show went on for a couple of miles down the road. Traffic was starting to come up so I sped on ahead and moved over in the other lane.

This same thing went on all the way to El Paso and time just flew by. The next thing we knew we were in El Paso. My wife got out the directions to the hotel and we started looking for our exit. We found our hotel and went inside to check in. After we got our room number and key card we went to the room to drop off our things and headed out to get a bite to eat. It was getting pretty late so we went to a little Mexican food place just up the street from our hotel.

My wife loves to dress in sexy revealing clothes and I love for her to do that. She had on a little short skirt and hadn’t put her bra back on from the trip. Her nipples were poking through her little white top like bullets. We went into the little fast food place and placed our order. They had picnic tables outside and the night temperature was very pleasant so we decided to go outside and wait for our food. We set down and were discussing the day’s events and my wife noticed a guy who seemed to be staring at her. It made her feel uncomfortable at first. She asked me if I thought the guy was weird or something. It dawned her about then what he must be staring at. She had forgotten to put her bra back on and was sitting there in a mini skirt with no panties on either. She looked at me and I could see the gleam in her eyes. She smiled and I smiled back because I knew what was fixing to happen. She turned, just a little, on the bench and pointed her knees right at him. My wife was telling me everything she was doing so I reached down and started rubbing my cock through my pants again. She can be very casual or very brazen when she decides to flash mecidiyeköy escort someone and this time she was being brazen. She looked at me and then right at the guy and spread her legs. He damn near dropped his burrito. I knew that, not only could he see her spread legs, he could see all the way up to her shaven pussy lips. He wasn’t sure whether or not he was supposed to be looking so he just kept on eating his burrito and glancing over to look up her skirt.

My wife leaned over to get a pen and a piece of paper out of her purse and when she did she spread her legs as far as she could so that the stranger could get a good look. When she straightened back up she slid forward and her skirt was now riding high. She wrote something down on the piece of paper and then ran her finger up her slit. She pulled her fingers out and showed them to me. She said, “Honey, look at how wet my fingers are.” That did it for me. I came again. I told her I wished I could fuck her right here in front of this guy. We looked around and saw some other people setting at the other tables so we decided against it. When we finished our food I got up and took the tray over to the waste can and turned around and saw my wife put the piece of paper, she had been writing on, on the strangers table and walk off. When we got in the car I asked her what she did. She just smiled and said, “You’ll see.”

We drove back over to the hotel and went to our room. It was a nice Holiday Inn and was laid out in a western type theme. After all this was El Paso. Our room faced towards the back and our window overlooked a little court yard with a fountain. As soon as we were in the door my wife turned and kissed me. As we kissed I ran my hand up under her skirt and slid my finger in her pussy. Her pussy flooded my hand with her juices. I rubbed on her clit and she moaned as I slid one finger all of the way inside her. She removed my hand and started walking across the room to the window unbuttoning her blouse at the same time. She pulled open the curtains and stood there looking out the window. I walked over and looked out the window and there was the man that we had seen at the restaurant. He was standing in the court yard looking right at us. My wife started sliding her blouse open and then off of her shoulders. She held it in front of her for a moment then let it fall to the floor. I reached around her and grabbed her tits and started rubbing her nipples. She smiled at the stranger and he smiled back. I reached down and started unzipping her skirt and then let it fall to the floor. Her bare cunt was now exposed to the stranger. I watched as the stranger reached down and started unzipping his pants. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and reached in and pulled his cock out.

As my wife stood there completely naked in front of this man I ran my hand down her body and started rubbing her pussy. The stranger continued to watch and yank on his cock. I kissed my wife on the back of her neck and started evi olan escort rubbing her clit. She told me to rub it harder. I knew, when she said that, she was just about ready to explode. I rubbed harder and she parted her legs and bent her knees a little. A minute later she was cumming on my hand. I could feel her sweet pussy contracting on my finger. After she came I could tell she was weak in the knees so I lead her over to the bed. As we were walking over to the bed I looked out the window and the stranger was gone.

My wife crawled up on the bed and waived her ass at me and giggled. I flipped her over on her back and grabbed her legs. I spread them apart and held them up high. I lowered my face down to her sopping wet pussy and buried my tongue in her. I started licking her clit as her juices ran down my chin. All of a sudden I had the feeling that someone was watching us. I raised up and looked towards the window and there was the stranger standing in the window. His cock was still out and he was now pulling on it right there in the window. My wife raised her head and saw him and smiled at him. I turned back around and started eating my wife’s pussy again. She told me she was enjoying watching this strange man stand there and jerk on his cock. She described in detail every inch of his swollen member as he continued to jack off. My wife grabbed my head and started moaning, “I’m cumming!!!” I kept licking and sucking her swollen clit into my mouth until her orgasm subsided. When her pussy stopped contracting I slowly climbed on top of her and positioned my cock at her entrance. Her pussy was so wet I knew I could sink my cock to my balls in one quick thrust. I slammed my cock into her and she bucked into me trying to get more. She was so fucking turned on that she wrapped her legs around me and started pulling me into her. I grabbed her hips and turned her just a little. I wanted the stranger to be able to see my cock as it pumped in and out of her. My wife had turned her head and was looking right at the stranger in the window. I too looked back and he had undone his pants and let them fall around his ankles. With every jerk of his cock his heavy balls would sway. He reached down with his other hand and cupped them. I turned my attention back to my wife and kept pounding away.

She closed her eyes for a second as she started cumming again. I felt her pussy grab my cock and knew that I was about to spew my cream inside her. As she screamed with another orgasm she raised her head and mouthed, “Fuck me”, to the stranger. My balls were now tingling and I felt the rush of hot cum as it went through my cock and straight into my wife’s pussy. I collapsed on her and suddenly she said, “Oh my god!!!” I turned around and the stranger was gone but his cum was running down the window. He had shot a huge load onto the window when my wife came on my cock. I eased my cock out of my wife’s pussy and rolled over. We watched as his white globs of cum ran down the window. I told my wife that I wondered if the maid service would be able to tell what it was. We both laughed, cuddled, and drifted off to sleep. The next morning when we got ready to leave I opened the door and there on the “Do Not Disturb” sign was a phone number scribbled on it. Maybe next time the stranger won’t be a stranger.

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