Kelly And Sylvan Pt. 2: The Skylight Of Love And Deceit
(The second occurrence in the Kelly and Sylvan series)
Its hard to run with an erection, Kelly thought as he ran towards the high school. He couldn’t keep his penis down; his anticipation of future events was too erotic and distracting. He wasn’t even thinking about where he was, just where he was going. It was midday, and the sun’s rays were blocked by the clouds. An entrancing, vibrant heat surrounded Kelly as his heels hit the ground, rushing forward towards his true love. Kelly had spent the whole night getting ready for this moment. He had rubbed lard ointment all over his body and he had applied a special cream to his penile man shaft made from the adrenal glands of an african opossum, that was known throughout the jungle for it’s loud sexual moaning. He could feel his supple flesh quiver tenderly, preserved within thin silk cloth as soft as a meadow’s breeze.
The others were still inside. Cortez was gazing at the bears on the panties of the girl across the room from him. Hoax had his hand down his pants; he felt the leather spiked guarders on his thighs as he admired Sarah’s supple breasts. Though somewhat distracted in mind, by anticipation of what was soon to come, these boys continued on with the daily routine. Sylvan, however, could not. He’d had the chance to stare up Annie’s skirt all class long, but was far too distracted. All he could think about was Kelly’s voluptuous and firm warm womanhood, bathed in the non-dairy, hazelnut-flavored milk imitation product he had concealed in his back escort bayan bayrampaşa pack. How long? Twelve minutes. Sylvan didn’t think he could wait that long. He looked over, and noticed that Cortez no longer had his eyes fixed upon his idol, they seemed glazed over as Cortez looked at the skylight. Sylvan noticed Cortez’s penis filling with a rush of blood and elevating the fly on his pants. Sylvan felt not jealous, but rather was proud of his accomplishment.
Kelly was connected to Sylvan by an impenetrable bond of love. He trusted that Sylvan would understand his problem, after he experienced the extended life of the warm love juices that would flow forth from his opening. Kelly had become multi-orgasmic. Along with this, his perfectly round testicles, shaded with the colors of the midnight sunset, produced enough semen to carry on continuous flow for five minutes. Juniper had offered Kelly a pill to reduce the life of his flow, but he turned to her as he held her breast in his hand and said, “No Juniper, for much is my love for Sylvan’s skill. Why not then, should my plump sensual obelisk of vigor be able to thank Sylvan’s skill as well?” Juniper had then removed her tender breast from Kelly’s hand and resigned to accept her lack of function as a chemist in a sexual society.
Sylvan had seen this interchange take place, but as he went to discuss these erotic matters with Juniper, Kelly caught his eye and they both stared into the infinite orgasmic love enveloping one another. He decided to stay within the confines of this plane of sexual taksim escort bayan energy, and not that of Kelly’s eyes. He went to Juniper and asked her if she might prepare a very special ointment, and ingestable herbal remedy, for his newfound erotic want for that which was lacking.
Kelly reached the school. Each step up the ladder resounded in his own heavily beating heart. As he reached the roof, he heard, with great relief and a rush of excitement, the bell releasing student from the torments of learning. Some onto more tedious learning, others to the production of true sensual love. Kelly checked once again that his moist slippery pleasure shaft was feeling as tender as it was when he had bestowed his heavenly cream upon it. Kelly heard a noise behind him and he turned smiling to find himself face-to-face with Pommer with a dart gun in his hand. Kelly felt a slight sting as the needle released its sedative payload into his veins.
When Kelly awoke he found himself nude, lying on the skylight, bathed in non-dairy creamer. He looked over to find Pommer, tied and gagged, gazing at his now fully erect penis. He felt a shiver of pleasure run through his body with this thought. He saw that erotic rituals involving various stones, roadkill, and herbs were taking place surrounding him. At the center of these rituals sat Sylvan, clothed in his robes of nightly pleasure, a leather glove upon his hand.
Sylvan arose and turned to face Kelly, his eyes darkened by the reflective sunglasses now hiding his eyes. Kelly saw himself in the likeness of mecidiyeköy escort Arnold Schwarzeneggar; the light from the sun, filtered through the clouds and refracted from the surface of his skin reflected in Sylvan’s sunglasses. Sam burst forth in a rapturous melody, produced by the delicate vibrations of his vocal chords. Those unable to hold back this far fell to orgasm, squirming upon the floor. Only Cortez, Sylvan, and Kelly were able to hold back, waiting for the right moment to let the floodgates of erotic orgasm burst open and leave them a pile of ecstasy writhing upon the floor. Sylvan advanced towards Kelly and, as he whipped off his glove, Kelly noticed that the skin on his hands contained more delicate folds and blood vessels. Sylvan was presented with lubricant by Cortez, he spread it on Kelly’s dick.
A break in the clouds sent a single ray of enveloping sunlight, eliminating this scene of love.
Sylvan jacked Kelly off. As he got into it, his strokes became so vigorous that Kelly’s muscular buttocks slapped the skylight with increasing ferocity, producing rich creamy ass-juices that flowed forth like a mighty river. The class in the classroom on which Kelly lay found themselves writhing in absolute pleasure as they orgasmed on the floor just from the pure sight of this erotic scene. Cortez had lost his control as well, and burst forth with a mighty yell of happiness as he writhed in orgasm upon the floor. Holding back until he could no longer bear it, Sylvan let loose with a high-pitched scream of felicity as Kelly’s woman-jucies flowed with a torrent of rushing rapturous elation. Sylvan lay in the juices, content knowing that he had performed and done all he could do to the full extent of his talent. He still held Kelly’s undying love forever. Kelly had, once again, vanquished the forces of darkness to shine a new light upon his people.