
The Boyfriend Pt. 50


The Boyfriend Part L: Thanks, Sis


Partying with her sister made Lexi remember why she didn’t do it that often. She liked to go out and have fun–to just dance and let loose by herself–with friends, maybe with Marie when she got back, or before Marie, in hopes of meeting some people.

In Boston.

New York parties were a bit too much for her. The ones Helen went to at least.

The amount of people dancing to the near-deafening, pulsing music as she and Helen had walked in had made her eyes go wide. Now, after being among them, Lexi felt a little claustrophobic–something she didn’t normally have any issues with.

She and Helen had each consumed a fancy, expensive drink on top of what they pre-gamed with at Helen’s apartment, which had made it a little bit easier to start dancing, but as the alcohol started to wear off, Lexi was feeling a little bit more out of her comfort zone.

Helen’s smile across from her made it easier though.

Lexi knew just how hard her sister worked. Helen had a high stress job, that paid very well, but Lexi didn’t see that as too much of a reward, when Helen rarely got time for herself to actually enjoy anything that her money could buy. Other than food, of course.

Lexi knew that her sister had purposefully saved up vacation days to have more time to spend with her while she was here over break, and even with that, she seemed stressed a lot of the time due to her job.

Seeing her wearing a gorgeous dress, and smiling, eyes closed with her hands up in the air as she danced, made Lexi feel better though, and it made the crowded dance floor a bit easier to enjoy.

They were at a gay club, which meant neither of them had to worry too much about unwanted advances, which let Lexi relax just a little bit more. She’d felt a little bit nervous in the dress at first, but seeing her sister like this made her happy, and with the alcohol still in her system, she was able to focus on her sister’s, close her eyes and start dancing again.

It didn’t hurt when a few men and women hit on her, telling her she looked absolutely gorgeous. Lexie was attracted to both genders, and honestly, anyone who found themselves in between, like her, but tonight, she was glad she didn’t have to go through any motions of clueing anyone in to her own identity.

She danced with a few who seemed like they were just being flirty and wanting to have fun, and declined those who asked if she wanted to get a drink or go somewhere quieter, but that attention in this dress…

Lexi soon found herself really giving over to the music, a smile plastered on her face even as she started to sweat from the body heat of everyone in the club.

At some point, she didn’t know how long it had been, but she opened her eyes to find Helen dancing face to face with an absolutely gorgeous woman with purple hair and skin just too dark to be a tan. She wore a skin tight dress of pink, purple and orange all swirling together, and Lexi found herself admiring the woman’s figure for a moment.

She was exactly Helen’s type.

Lexi just grinned at her sister and kept dancing, having a suspicion of where things might go.

Sure enough, the next time she opened her eyes, she found the two women locking lips with one another, the mystery woman’s leg up and wrapped around Helen’s hip.

Get it, sis.

Lexi was pretty sure that almost all of her confidence–regarding partners and life in general–had come from Helen. Her sister knew what she wanted, and she went after it.

That made Lexi think of Marie, and she stopped dancing for a moment to reach down to where her phone was strapped to her thigh underneath her dress, and took it out to check the time. Watches never really fit her wrist the right way.

If I leave soon, I’ll still be able to make it home in time to call Marie for midnight.

Lexi knew gebze escort that it didn’t really mean anything to their relationship if she didn’t call Marie exactly at midnight, but she hadn’t had anyone to do that with before, and she really wanted to.

It would be better if I could kiss her at midnight, or if we could start fucking at midnight.

But, that could hopefully come later.

Lexie blinked for a moment at that, surprised that she was even entertaining thoughts so far in the future. Not just regarding Marie, but in general. The only thing she really ever did that with, was her career and her transition, since both of those required a lot of thinking far ahead.

Lexi slipped her phone back underneath her dress, and was about to figure out a way to interrupt her sister, when Helen reached over and grabbed her shoulder just as she looked up.

Helen beamed at her as she pulled her in close enough to talk in her ear, the only way to be heard in this club.

“I think I’m going to go home with Sabine,” Helen said, “she is a really fucking good kisser, and I wanna see what else she can do with her mouth.”

Lexi barked a laugh at that and had the urge to flick her sister’s forehead. Instead, she kissed her there.

“You’re such a fucking teenager.”

Helen just kept beaming at her, ” I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Lexi shook her head, “Just make sure you’re safe, OK? I’m going to take off and go home.”

Helen’s expression shifted into a smirk, “going to get it on with Marie over the phone?”

Lexi snorted, “I think she’s with a friend tonight, so probably not. But, I am going to call her and wish her a happy new year at midnight.”

Helen grinned, “Aw, you’re such a romantic little lovebird.”

Her sister leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek, and Lexi let her, before playfully pushing her away, “Shut up and go get some.”

Helen gave her a mocking salute, that the purple haired girl–Sabine–saw and laughed at.

“On it.”

Lexi waited for a moment, watching her sister go back to making out with Sabine, then shook her head and made her way back toward the club’s entrance.

She got hit on a few more times, and a few more compliments on how great she looked in the dress. By the time she walked out the door, she was wiggling her hips and almost wanted to laugh at how euphoric she felt.

She hugged herself and the dress, before hailing a cab, and looked over her shoulder toward the club.

Thanks, sis. You’re the best.

When Lexi got home, she didn’t want to take off the dress. She was still a little sweaty–and more than a little smelly from the club–but she didn’t want that part of the night to end. After downing a large glass of cold water, she walked over to the full-length mirror Helen had hung up in the main room, and just looked at herself in the dress, smiling.

The dress her sister had bought was perfect. It was honestly more of a gown than a dress, with the skirt extending down to mid-calf, With a slit all the way up to her hip.

Lexi usually didn’t wear dresses because though she worked tirelessly to keep as trim a waist as she could, and made it look even smaller by working on her shoulders and ass and thighs, she always felt she looked boxy in club dresses. Or that her shoulders were too broad.

This dress, though…

Helen must have gone to some sort of witch to have it made, because it was definitely magic.

Lexi’s shoulders just looks strong, not broad in this dress, the neckline emphasized her collarbone, and dipped just far enough under her breasts to show off a little bit of her abs. It cinched at the narrowest part of her waist, then flared out from there, instead of waiting until her hips to do so. It made her hips look bigger, didn’t constrict her, made her waist look tiny, and made her feel like the gorgeous fucking woman, so gediz escort much so that her throat grew a little tight when she looked at herself.

An idea popped into her head then as she went to get another glass of water–the club had been hot, and she and Helen hadn’t exactly been hydrating before they went out–and Lexi stopped for a moment, biting her lip as she considered.

She took a deep breath, down to the glass of water like it was a glass of wine, then walked back over to the mirror, and took a few pictures of herself. Some from the front, and some from the back.

She had to take another deep breath when she selected the pictures, but she did it, and she sent them to Marie with the added message, “Wish you were here so we could take advantage of how amazing I feel in this dress.”

Lexi checked the clock after she sent the text, then walked into the bathroom and put the phone down.

She had just enough time for a shower before midnight, and as much as she wanted to stay in the dress, she knew she needed a shower, and that it needed to get off of her sweaty body.

Once she stepped into the shower, she was glad she’d done so, as the water felt amazing against her skin. She used her little towel to take off her makeup, went through her usual routine of washing herself, shaving and taking care of her hair and skin–Helen made sure to keep the products she used in stock for whenever she visited–and then just let the water run over her skin for a while.

She ran her hands over her skin, smiling as she felt the curves of her body, and the hard earned muscle, and reveling in the fact that this body wasn’t a dream any more. That this was who she was now.

A chirping timer that she’d set to make sure she didn’t get too lost in the shower snapped her back to reality, and Lexi got out of the shower, toweling herself off and blow drying her hair.

More than once after first growing out her hair, Lexi had considered chopping all of it off again, as short hair was so much easier to deal with, but she liked the way it looked and she liked the way it made her feel when she had long hair like this. Some part of her knew that it was probably anti-feminist in some people’s opinion to conform to traditional expectations of what a woman should look like, but this was how she wanted to look.

Plus, most women don’t have thighs and abs like I do.

Once she was as dry as she needed to be, Lexi hung up the towel and opened up the door, just to check and make sure that Helen and Sabine hadn’t come back here instead of to Sabine’s place, then grinned and walked out into the apartment completely naked.

Helen had actually suggested doing that whenever she had space to herself to make herself more confident and more at home in her body. Lexi had then jokingly asked her sister if this was why she lived alone, and Helen had just cackled at her.

Lexie walked over to her room–Helen insisted on calling it her room, instead of a spare room, which always made her smile–then realized that Helen would probably text her if she was coming here with Sabine, since she’d specifically said she was going over to the other woman’s place. Plus, who actually would be able to hear the door at the very least.

Instead of going to her bedroom, Lexi turned around and walked back into the main room of the apartment. She lounged completely naked on the big reclining chair Helen had next to the couch, and smile to herself.

Sitting here like this just made her love her sister even more. Ever since Lexi had come out to her sister, Helen had made it a priority to ensure that she had a safe space where she could be herself. She knew that her sister would have paid for her to have a single apartment this year if she hadn’t met Kendra and gotten along with her well enough to want a roommate. Just so that she could feel safe.

Lexie just gölbaşı escort lounged there for a little bit, relaxing and smiling, comfortable in her own skin. Then she looked at her phone, and saw how close it was to midnight. For a moment, she considered calling Marie just like this and teasing her about it.

Then she remembered what she had said to Helen, and figured that if Marie wanted to FaceTime, her friend probably wouldn’t appreciate seeing someone’s tits on the phone.

With a sigh, Lexi pushed herself up out of the recliner and strode over to her room. She almost picked out the little crop top and shorts she usually slept in, but then saw a few more dresses hanging up against the back of her door. Ones Helen must have bought for her.

She’s annoyingly fucking confident sometimes.

But that was part of what Lexi loved about her sister.

Lexi looked through the dresses, and her mouth fell open at the soft bright red maxi dress Helen had bought her. She bit her lip for a moment, then giggled as her face split into a massive grin. She hurriedly put on the dress and went back out into the main room period she had a mirror in here, but the one in the main room was huge.

Lexie’s throat tightened up again at how she looked.

The maxi-dress left her shoulders bare, clung to her chest and her waist and the tops of her hips where they flared out just a bit thanks to her hours in the gym, and from there it was nice and loose while still hugging her body just a bit.

Lexie bit her lip, smiling and did a little dancing twirl in the mirror, jaw-dropping when she saw how amazing it made her ass look.

She ran back over to her phone and texted Helen a very excited thank you, along with a message to make sure she had a fucking amazing New Year and wore Sabine out in bed.

Then–with two minutes left to midnight–she called Marie, wiggling her hips back and forth and smiling as she waited for her girlfriend to pick up.


Lexi smiled at the sound of her girlfriend’s voice, “Hey, sorry if I’m interrupting or if you decided to go to sleep before midnight. I just wanted to call so I could wish you a Happy New Year.”

“Oh, shit. Right, I forgot what time it was. I’m glad you called.”

Lexi frowned then, realizing there was something off about Marie’s tone.

“Hey, you alright?”

“Yeah. It’s fine.”

Lexi frowned, but didn’t say anything. Instead just keeping silent for a moment.

Marie’s sigh almost made her laugh.

“Okay, maybe not everything is fine, but I don’t want that to put a damper on your night.”

Marie sighed a bit more dramatically this time, “I just wish you were here.”

Lexie smiled at that.

“Me, too. Especially if not everything is fine. I wish I could hold you and kiss you and–” she paused as a yawn interrupted her, “–just be with you.”

“That would be nice. Em and I are having a pretty good night though, and I’m assuming you had a good night with Helen, so i don’t want to bring that down. I’ll talk to you about everything tomorrow, okay?”

Lexi thought for a moment, then decided that this was good progress with Marie, and not to press her.


She looked down at her watch and smiled, “Happy New Year, Marie.”

“Happy New Year, Lexi. I miss you.”

Lexi was about to say something else, when she yawned again, and Marie giggled on the other side of the line.

“You should probably get some sleep, Lexi. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Lexi smiled, “talk to you tomorrow Marie.”

She felt like she should say something else, try to articulate her feelings for Marie, but she didn’t know the right word for that just yet.

Lexi hung up the phone, then walked over to the big window at the edge of the room that looked out over the city, and stood there looking at all the lights and the fireworks off in the distance. She stood there for a while, feeling comfortable and happy in her dress, and in her relationship. New as it was.

When she yawned a third time, Lexi shook her head and decided to finally go to bed.

She kept the maxi dress on.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little window into Lexi’s life.

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